Kelompok 1 - A 2020 1 - SL Patient Assesment

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Name of Group :

1. Syafah Amirah Rizka (2011110466)

2. Yuliani Gusfita (2011110467)
3. Ziva Eriza Salsabila (2011110465)
Group and Class : 1 (A 2020 1)

Patient Assesment
Scenario :

Ms. B (22 years old) came to As-Shifah Hospital with his mother. Ms. B had a single accident
1 month ago and injured his legs and arms. Although the injuries were not too severe, Ms. B
must do therapy and medical treatment. Now the state of Ms. B is getting better, today is his
schedule for another check-up. Nurse A is on duty today in the examination room and it is Ners
A who will conduct an examination of Ms. B. What assessment action should be taken by
Nurse A towards Ms. B?

Conversation :

Nurse : Assalamu'alaikum, good morning Miss and Mother. Introducing my name is Ners. A.
I am on duty today in the examination room of this hospital. May I know whose mother?

Mother : My name is D and this is my daughter B, ners.

Nurse : Okay, Mrs. D and Ms. B is there anything I can help you with, ma'am?

Mother : Well, ners, my daughter had a single accident 1 month ago which resulted in injuries
to his hands and feet. My daughter has been doing therapy and medical treatment in this
hospital for 1 month. Today, the schedule for control is back, ners.

Nurse : Oh, yeah okay. Then I'll look at the medical record book first, yes, ma'am.

(After a few minutes the nurse reads the patient's medical record book..)

Nurse : Okay, with Ms. B who is 22 years old is it true?

Ms. B : That's right, ners.

Nurse : Okay, today's check-up schedule Ms. B yeah. Well, later I will conduct an assessment
examination on the upper extremities, namely the hands and the lower extremities of Ms. B is
feet. Where the goal is to find out how the development is getting better or not. Is Ms. B ready?

Ms. B : Ready, ners.

Nurse : Okay, then I'll ask for about 10 to 15 minutes, Ms. B. Is Ms. B ready?

Ms. B: Ready, ners.

Nurse : Okay then let's go up to the bed for us to do the examination.

Ms. B : Okay, ners.

Nurse : Previously I would close the curtain to maintain patient privacy and wash my hands
and use a handscoond.

Ms. B : Okay, fine, ners.

Nurse : Ok Ms. B permission yes here we start by looking at the color of the skin. Then the left
and right shoulders are symmetrical then the fingers are the same left and right

Ms. B : Ok, ners.

Nurse : Next, then pay attention to the CRT. Here I will press the nail Ms. B for a few seconds.
Then we'll see if the CRT is good or not.

Ms. B : What is my hand normal as usual, ners?

Nurse : Now your hand condition is quite good. That's good, Ms. B.

Ms. B : Alhamdulillah. Thank you, ners.

Nurse : Then the lower extremities we pay attention to the left and right legs are the same
length, then do the patellar reflex on the knee don't forget to pay attention to the toes is complete
and the CRT.

Ms. B : What about the condition of my feet? Has it improved too?

Nurse : The condition of your feet has also improved. Ok, Ms. B the action has been completed,
how do we feel now, does anyone feel uncomfortable?

Ms. B : No nurses.

Nurse : Ok, the assessment action on the hands and feet of Ms. B is done. All the results are
good. This is a very good development, Ms. B. You're great.

Ms. B : Woahh.. Thank you so much, ners. I am happy to hear it.

Nurse : Alright, since the action is over, is there anything else you'd like to ask?

Ms. B : No, ners. It’s enough.

Nurse : Now Mrs. D and Ms. B can leave this room. Don't forget to come back for the next
check-up. Keep it up, Ms. B and get well soon.

Mother : Thank you, ners. We say goodbye and Assalamu’alaikum, ners.

Nurse : Ok, ma’am. Good bye and see you. Wa’alaikumussalam ma’am and Ms. B.

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