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Read all the questions carefully before attempting them. Write using only blue/black ink.
Duration: 2 HOURS. Avoid writing anything/ticking answers in the question paper. SU BJ E C T: SO C. S CIE NCE
Attach graph paper/map etc. (if any) in between the main answer booklet.
Wednesday. July 18. 2018

SESSION: 2018-19 MAX. MARKS: 40

333333MARKS:222370 77760
Choose the correct answer: [1x5=5]
1. Match Column A with Column B and choose the correct option.
Column A Column B
A. Rani Channamma I. The ruler of Punjab
B. Bahadur shah Zafar II. Led an anti-British movement in Kitoor
C. Maharaja Ranjit Singh III. Mughal emperor
D. Tipu Sultan IV. Battle of Seringapatam

a. A - IV, B - III, C - I, D - II b. A - III, B - IV, C - II, D - I

c. A - II, B - IV, C - III, D - I d. A - II, B - III, C - I, D – IV

2. Alivardi Khan was followed by __________ as the Nawab of Bengal.

a. Murshid Quli Khan b. Tipu Sultan
c. Sirajuddaulah d. Mir Qasim

3. The Indian state has a __________ form of government.

a. Democratic b. Dictator c. Monarchy d. None of these

4. Coal and petroleum are examples of ______________ resources.

a. renewable b. non-renewable c. biotic d. abiotic

5. A substance becomes resource if it has_______________.

a. time b. technology c. utility d. terrain

1. “However, not all Company officials succeeded in making money
like Clive. Many of them came from humble backgrounds and their
uppermost desire was to earn enough in India, return to Britain and
lead a comfortable life.” What was the name given to those who
managed to return with wealth led flashy lives and flaunted their
riches? [½]

2. Who was the ruler of England in 1600? [½]

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3. What was the name of the village which later became famous as ‘Calcutta’? [½]

4. What was Company’s new policy of ‘Paramountcy’? [½]

5. ‘Right to move freely throughout the territory of India’ comes under which Fundamental
Right? [½]

6. Define the term ‘Constitution’. [½]

7. Which level of Government can legislate on issues and subjects of national

concern? [½]

8. “According to the Constitution there are three organs of the State.” What does the word
‘State’ refer to? [½]

9. Mention two ways to conserve resources. [½]

10. Define the term ‘Human resource development’. [½]

11. List one renewable resource whose stock may get affected by overuse. [½]

12. Define the term ‘technology’. [½]


13. Discuss the reasons for including the Directive Principles of State Policy in the Indian
Constitution. [1]

14. “Warren Hastings was one of the many important figures who
played a significant role in the expansion of Company power.
By his time the company had acquired power not only in
Bengal, but also in Bombay and Madras”. Discuss the new
administrative set up of the Presidencies. [1x2=2]

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15. How did warfare technology affect the company’s army? [1x2=2]

16. Differentiate between Actual resources and Potential resources with an example. [1x2=2]

17. “Rahiman paani raakhiye, Bin paani sab soon. Paani gaye na ubere Moti, manus,
i. Which type of natural resource is being discussed here? Explain.
ii. How can we convert it into a human made resource? [1x2=2]

18. Explain the consequences of the battle of Buxar. [1x3=3]

19. Discuss ‘Parliamentary form of Government’. [1x3=3]

20. Explain Human resources with suitable example. What makes the people a valuable
resources? [2+1=3]

21. Why did the company want a puppet ruler? [1]

22. Read the passage given below and answer the following questions. [½x2=1]
The Company tried continuously to press for more
concessions and manipulate existing privileges. Aurangzeb’s
farman, for instance, had granted only the Company the right
to trade duty free. But officials of the Company, who were
carrying on private trade on the side, were expected to pay

i. Why do you think there was enormous loss of revenue for Bengal?
ii. What is Farman?

23. Read the passage given below and answer the following questions. [1x2=2]
In 1934, the Indian National Congress made the demand for a Constituent Assembly.
During the second world war, this assertion for an independent Constituent Assembly
formed only of Indians gained momentum and this was convened in December 1946.
Between December 1946 and November 1949, the Constituent Assembly drafted a
constitution for independent India.

Page 3 of 4

i. Why does a democratic country need a Constitution?

ii. Who is known as the Father of the Indian constitution? What was the reason behind
his participation in the Constituent Assembly?

24. Read the passage given below and answer the following questions. [1x2=2]

Some resources have economic value, some do not. For example, metals may
have an economic value, a beautiful landscape may not. But both are important
and satisfy human needs. Some resources can become economically valuable
with time.

i. What does the term “value” refers from the above passage? How a resource can
become economically valuable with time? Give example.
ii. How can a beautiful landscape satisfy human needs?

25. Locate the following places on the political map of India. [½x4=2]
i. Plassey ii. Buxar iii. Bombay iv. Fort. St.George

26. Design a poster with a caption to illustrate the Right against Exploitation. [½x2=1]

27. Observe the picture below and answer the questions. [1x2=2]

i. Name the natural resources shown here and specify its use.
ii. Where do we find them in India?

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Read all the questions carefully before attempting them. Write using only blue/black
ink. Duration: 3 HOURS. Avoid writing anything/ticking answers in the question SUB JE CT: SOC. SC IE NCE
paper. Attach graph paper/map etc. (if any) in between the main answer booklet.
Saturday. September 22. 2018

NAME OF THE STUDENT: ____________________________________CLASS/SEC.__________

NAME OF THE INVIGILATOR: ________________________________SIGNATURE: ________

SESSION: 2018-19 MAX. MARKS: 80

MCQ [1x16=16]
1. The sepoys refused to follow the order in 1824, when they were told to go to Burma to fight
for the Company because-
a. They were told to go to Burma by the sea route.
b. They were asked to follow the land route.
c. They believed that they would lose their religion and caste.
d. Both a and c are true.
2. Eighty-five sepoys were dismissed from service and sentenced to ten years in jail. As a
a. The other Indian soldiers marched to the jail in Meerut and released the imprisoned
b. Mangal Pandey attacked his officers in Barrackpore.
c. Bahadur Shah Zafar came to Meerut and declared war on the firangis.
d. All of the above.
3. Match Column A with Column B and choose the correct option.
I. Patola A. Dacca and Lucknow
II. Chintz B. Masulipatnam, Andhra Pradesh
III. Jamdani C. Rajasthan and Gujarat
IV. Bandanna D. Surat, Ahmedabad and Patan
a. I - A, II - B, III - C, IV - D b. I - D, II - B, III – A, IV- C
c. I - B, II - D, III - A, IV - C d. I - C, II - D, III - A, IV- B

4. Indian Wootz steel fascinated European scientists, ______________ who

spent four years studying the properties of Indian Wootz.
a. Richard Arkwright b. Michael Faraday
c. John Kaye d. Charles Weld

5. The following statement is incorrect about Awadh.

a. Peshwa Baji Rao ruled over Awadh.
b. Awadh was annexed by the Company to free people from the
misgovernment of the Nawab.
c. Subsidiary alliance was imposed on Awadh.
d. People of Awadh joined the great revolt that broke out in 1857.

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6. The British wanted to secure their control over the north-west India because…..
a. The East India Company feared that Russia might enter India from the north-west.
b. The British wanted to expand their territory and enter Russia.
c. Both a and b are true.
d. None of the above.
7. The section on _______ has often been referred to as the “conscience” of the Indian
a. Directive Principles of State Policy b. Fundamental Duties
c. Fundamental rights d. All of the above
8. Every citizen of India can approach the Supreme Court or the High Court if they believe
that their Fundamental Rights have been violated. This is also known as __________.
a. Right to Equality b. Right to Freedom
c. Right to Constitutional Remedies d. Right against Exploitation
9. The parliament consists of_______________.
a. The president
b. The Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha
c. Both a and b
d. None of these

10. The Supreme Court in the early 1980s devised a mechanism of Public Interest Litigation
a. Public had great interest in litigation
b. People can give the judgement in various cases
c. To increase access to justice
d. None of these
11. The distribution of resources is unequal because___________.
a. The physical factors like terrain, climate and altitude differ so much over the earth.
b. Human population is unequal in distribution.
c. Drying up of natural water sources is a major problem in many parts of the world.
d. The level of technology differs from place to place.
12. ____________do not shed their leaves simultaneously in any season of the year.
a. Deciduous forests b. Coniferous forests
c. Evergreen forests d. Mangrove forests
13. Today there are many more people in the world than there were two centuries back. As a
result of increase in population ___________.
a. Vultures are increasing in number.
b. There is no scarcity of water.
c. Forest cover all over the world is vanishing rapidly.
d. The rate of soil formation has increased.
14. The bare ground between plants is covered with a layer of organic matter like straw. It
helps retain soil moisture and is called ______________.
a. Terrace farming b. Contour barriers c. Mulching d. Contour ploughing
15. It is a popular eco-friendly automobile fuel.
a. Petroleum b. Coal
c. Uranium d. Compressed natural gas

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16. A lot of tropical countries are blessed with this non-conventional sources of energy.
a. Solar energy b. Wind energy c. Hydel power d. Nuclear power

1. Mention one reason for the defeat of Nawab Sirajuddaulah in the Battle of Plassey. [1]
2. What was ‘Calico act’? [1]
3. What happened to Tantia Tope, after the revolt of 1857? [½x2=1]

4. Who were weavers? Name any two weavers communities. [½x2=1]

5. Explain ‘Separation of Powers’. [½x2=1]
6. What do you mean by the term ‘coalition’? [1]
7. “The nationalists began to openly criticise the British government and make demands”.
What were the demands of Indian National Congress after its formation in 1885? [½x2=1]
8. What do you understand about the appellate system? [1]
9. Write two reasons for land degradation today. [½x2=1]
10. Define Resource Conservation. [1]
11. What is an ore? Give one example. [½x2=1]
12. List any two advantages of using coal. [½x2=1]


13. “The Parliament, while in session, begins with a question hour”. How is the question hour
important? [1x2=2]
14. Enumerate any two disadvantages of using nuclear energy. [1x2=2]
15. Describe the different occupations taken by the weavers and spinners who had lost their
livelihood. [1x3=3]
16. i. Explain the problems faced by the Indian textile industry in the first few decades of
its existence.
ii. When did the situation become favourable for the development of cotton factory
production in India? Give reason. [2+1=3]
17. ‘The British believed that Indian society had to be reformed’. Enumerate the social and
religious causes of 1857 revolt. [1x3=3]
18. i. Discuss the reforms introduced by Warren Hastings in the sphere of justice.
ii. Explain the term ‘Dharmashastras’. [2+1=3]
19. i. Discuss any two functions that a Constitution plays in democracy. [2+1=3]
ii. Explain the reason why Nepal wanted a new Constitution?
20. Enumerate the functions of Rajya Sabha. [1x3=3]

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21. Indian Constitution provides for the independence of the judiciary. Justify [1x3=3]
22. Explain the resources categorised on the basis of their distribution, with examples. [3]
23. Discuss the major factors leading to shortages in supply of fresh water. [1x3=3]
24. How are different forms of wildlife useful for us? Explain giving examples. [1x3=3]


25. Why some seats are reserved in the Parliament for SCs and STs? [1]
26. The rich deposits of coal in Ruhr region of Germany and petroleum in the West Asia are
actual resources. Give reasons. [1]
27. How do the names of different textiles tell us about their histories? [1x2=2]
28. Why access to courts has always been difficult for a vast majority of the poor in India?
29. Read the passage given below and answer the following questions. [1+2=3]

The Sepoys of Meerut rode all night of 10 May to reach Delhi

in the early hours next morning. As news of their arrival
spread, the regiments stationed in Delhi also rose up in
rebellion….. Triumphant soldiers gathered around the walls of
the Red Fort…..
i. Why did soldiers gather around the Red Fort?
ii. What impact did Bahadur Shah Zafar’s support to the rebellion have on the people
and the ruling families?

30. Read the passage given below and answer the following questions. [1x3=3]

Sunny’s mother begins her day by switching on the geyser. She irons Sunny’s school
uniform …….. She then rushes to the kitchen to prepare a glass of orange juice ……. in
the blender. While going to school Sunny forgets to switch off lights and fans. When
mother switches them off she thinks that life in the cities may be more comfortable, but
its dependency on more ……. gadgets all of which consume energy has led to a wide
gap between the demand and the supply. Power or energy plays a vital role in our life.

i. Which kind of energy is used by Sunny’s mother?

ii. Why do we need to use non-conventional sources of energy?
iii. How will you save and conserve energy at home or school?

31. Locate the following places on the political map of India. [½x4=2]
i. Mysore ii. Calicut iii. Delhi iv. Kanpur
32. Make a poster with a slogan to show the different aspects of Right to Life. [1x2=2]
33. Observe the picture given below and answer the following questions.
i. Identify and name the picture. [½]
ii. State its use. [½]
iii. “Nature gives us so many things”. What is
your contribution to the nature? [1]

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Read all the questions carefully before attempting them. Write using only blue/black ink.
Duration: 2 HOURS. Avoid writing anything/ticking answers in the question paper. SUB JE CT: SOC. SC IE NCE
Attach graph paper/map etc. (if any) in between the main answer booklet.
Friday. December 14. 2018

SESSION: 2018-19 MAX. MARKS: 40

MCQ333333MARKS:222370 77760
Choose the correct answer: [1x5=5]
1. Raja Rammohun Roy founded a reform association known as _______________.
a. Arya Samaj b. Prarthana Samaj c. Brahmo Samaj d. Satyashodhak Samaj

2. __________________ founded a widows’ home at Poona to provide

shelter to widows who had been treated badly by their husbands’
a. Pandita Ramabai b. Tarabi Shinde
c. Rokeya Sakhawat d. None of these

3. Rathnam sought the support of law, filing his complaint under the
_______________________________________ to protest against the domination and violence
of the powerful castes in his village.
a. Employment of Manual Scavengers and Construction of Dry Latrines (Prohibition)
b. Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights)
Act, 2006
c. The Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989
d. None of These

4. Commercial rearing of silk worms is known as ______________.

a. Viticulture b. Horticulture c. Agriculture d. Sericulture

5 The narrow zone of contact between the land, water and air is known as ___________.
a. atmosphere b. biosphere c. lithosphere d. hydrosphere

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1. Name the reformer who inspired the untouchables to fight for their dignity by initiating the
Self Respect Movement? [½]

2. Who wrote the book ‘Gulamgiri’? [½]

3. What social ideas did Sri Narayan Guru proclaim? [½]

4. What did Ambedkar want to achieve through the temple entry movement? [½]

5. Who was Kabir? [½]

6. What do you understand by the term ‘morally reprehensible’? [½]

7. What did Safai Karamchari Andolan complain about in their petition? [½]

8. What do you mean by ‘Dalit’? [½]

9. What is organic farming? [½]

10. Name a coarse grain. [½]

11. What is plantation agriculture? [½]

12. Name any two processes or operations involved in the farm system. [½]


13. List any two provisions of the 1989 Act meant for marginalised groups. [½x2=1]

14. Why Raja Ram Mohan Roy is described as a great reformer? [1x2=2]

15. Explain secondary activity with example. [1x2=2]

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16. Discuss the role of women as reformers and their contribution in the society. [1x2=2]

17. Explain food security. Give an example of developed country which is more suitable for
commercial agriculture. [1x2=2]

18. Discuss different reasons people had for not sending girls to school. [1x3=3]

19. How is reservation policy implemented? [1x3=3]

20. Distinguish between the Subsistence farming and the Commercial farming. [1x3=3]

21. Read the passage given below and answer the following questions. [1x2=2]

Tarabai Shinde wrote: Isn’t a woman’s life as dear to her as yours is to you? It’s as if
women are meant to be made of something different from men altogether, made from dust
from earth or rock or rusted iron whereas you and your lives are made from the purest
gold ……I mean once a women’s husband has died ,…….. what’s in store for her? ……..
And why all these restrictions? Because her husband has died.

i. Name the book from which this literary evidence of Tarabai Shinde has been taken.
ii. Do you think there were some restrictions on widow? Justify

22. Read the passage given below and answer the following questions. [1x2=2]

A body is unclean, they say Only the soul is untainted But the impurity of the body Is
born within the body …By which ritual does the body become pure? Not a creature has
been born except in a bloody womb.This is the glory of God, Defilement exists within.
The body is polluted from within, Be sure of it says the Mahari Chokha.

i. What was the argument of the poet, against the concept of purity?
ii. Can you think of any other social issue that leads to injustice in the society? Explain.

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23. Read the passage given below and answer the following questions. [1x2=2]

There are different versions about the discovery of coffee. In about AD 850,…………. was
puzzled by the queer antics of his flock, tasted the berries of the …… on which the goats
were feeding.On experiencing a sense of exhilaration, he proclaimed……….discovery to the
i. Who discovered the coffee plant?
ii. What are the climatic conditions required for coffee cultivation?

24. Observe the picture of a child bride and answer the following questions.
i. Which Act was passed to prevent child marriage? [1]
ii. What is the provision of the Act? [1]

25. Design a poster and write a slogan to show the need for dignity and equal rights for the
marginalized groups. [1]

26. Name and label any leading producer country for the following crops on the world political
map. [½x4=2]
i. Jute ii. Rice iii. Cotton iv. wheat

Page 4 of 4
Read all the questions carefully before attempting them. Write using only blue/black
ink. Duration: 3 HOURS. Avoid writing anything/ticking answers in the question SUB JE CT: SOC. SC IE NCE
paper. Attach graph paper/map etc. (if any) in between the main answer booklet.
Friday. March 08. 2019

NAME OF THE STUDENT: ____________________________________CLASS/SEC.__________

NAME OF THE INVIGILATOR: ________________________________SIGNATURE: ________

SESSION: 2018-19 MAX. MARKS: 80

MCQ [1x16=16]
1. In 1856, Governor General_______________decided that Bahadur Shah Zafar would be the
last Mughal king and after his death none of his descendants would be recognised as kings.
a. Dalhousie b. Canning c. Wellesley d. Ripon
2. Read the following statements given below and choose the correct option.
I. Swami Dayanand Saraswati founded the Brahmo Sabha in Calcutta.
II.Pandita Ramabai published a book named Stripurushtulna, criticizing the social
differences between men and women.
a. I is true II is false b. I is false and II is true
c. Both I and II are false d. Both I and II are true
3. Kesari, a Marathi newspaper edited by__________, became one of the strongest critics
of British rule.
a. Bal Gangadhar Tilak b. Lala Lajpat Rai
c. Bipin Chandra Pal d. Gopalkrishna Gokhale
4. _______________was the founder of the Khudai Khidmatgars, a powerful non violent
movement among the Pathans of North West Frontier Province.
a. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad b. Muhammad Ali Jinnah
c. Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan d. None of these
5. Economic planning by which both the State and the private sector played a role in
development was called a ______ ________model.
a. Traditional economy b. Mixed economy
c. Command economy d. None of these
6. In 1956, the Parliament of Sri Lanka introduced an Act recognising _____________as the
sole official language of the country.
a. Tamil b. Hindi c. Sinhala d. Telugu
7. Choose the incorrect statement.
a. Judiciary can resolve disputes between citizens and governments in the country.
b. Judiciary is the final interpreter of the Constitution.
c. Judiciary protects the Fundamental Rights of the citizens.
d. Judiciary makes law for the country.

8. __________________ of the Indian constitution states that no citizen shall be discriminated

on the basis of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth.
a. Article 17 b. Article 15 c. Article 16 d. None of these

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9. The Indian Constitution guarantees the Right to Education for all children between the ages
of _______________years.
a. 7 to 15 b. 6 to 14 c. 6 to 15 d. 7 to 16
10. The……………………………………states that no one can be forced to work for low wages
or under bondage.
a. Right against Exploitation b. Right to Equality
c. Right to Freedom d. Right to life
11. _________________ was the first country in the world to develop hydroelectricity.
a. USA b. Norway c. Denmark d. Canada
12. Which of the following is an example of Tertiary activity?
a. Baking of bread b. Advertising c. Fishing d. Pottery making
13. The first textile mill in the country was established at Fort Gloster near 1818.
a. Ahmedabad b. Kanpur c. Kolkata d. Chennai
14. Maruti Udyog Limited is an example of……………………..sector industry.
a. Private b. Public c. Joint d. Cooperative
15. The Ministry of ……………was created in 1985 with an aim to improve people’s skills.
a. Education b. Skill Development
c. Human Resource Development d. None of these
16. Sudan is an example of a country that has experienced a loss in population due to…………
a. High death rates b. High birth rates
c. Immigration d. Emigration

1. Name the leaders from Bihar and Jhansi respectively who joined the revolt of 1857. [1/2x2=1]
2. Who wrote the book “Gulamgiri”? [1]
3. What did the Muslim League resolution of 1940 ask for? [1]
4. Who is popularly known as the ‘father of the Indian Constitution’? [1]
5. What is PIL? [1]
6. State the argument Rathnam gave, when he refused to perform the ritual of washing the
feet of priests in Jakmalgur. [1]
7. What do you understand by Universal Access? Give example. [1/2x2=1]
8. Why do we need law on minimum wages? [1]
9. Name any two states rich in mica deposits in India. [½x2=1]
10. What is organic farming? [1]
11. Explain Marine based industries with an example. [1/2x2=1]
12. What is population density? [1]


13. Write any two points of difference between Criminal Law and Civil Law. [1+1=2]

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14. Why is petroleum and its derivatives called Black Gold? State any two advantages of using
oil as a source of energy. [1+1=2]

15. State the changes introduced by the British Government after the revolt of 1857. [1x3=3]

16. In the British period, what new opportunities opened up for people who came from castes
that were regarded as “low”? [1x3=3]

17. “The First World War altered the economic and political situation in India.” Justify.
18. Describe the three lists of subjects that the constitution has provided to balance the different
views on power sharing between the centre and the state. [1x3=3]

19. Why was the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of atrocities) Act, 1989
formulated? List one provision of this act. [2+1=3]

20. “The shortage of water has opened up opportunities for private companies in a big way.”
Justify the statement with the example of Chennai. [1x3=3]

21. i. Why do you think foreign companies like Union carbide set up its plant in India?
ii. How do you think the UC plant ignored safety standards in India?

22. Differentiate between shifting cultivation and nomadic herding with examples. [1x3=3]

23. Give reasons, Why Sakchi was chosen to set up the first steel plant in India? [1x3=3]

24. Why do you think the world population grew steadily but slowly till the 1800s? [1x3=3]


25. “It’s really cruel burdening kids like this. I had to hire that boy to help my son!” [1/2x2=1]

i. What do you think the famous cartoonist R.K.

Laxman is trying to convey in this cartoon?

ii. How does it relate to the latest amendment act

made for children?

26. “People are a nation’s greatest resource”. Justify. [½x2=1]

27. What did Dr. Ambedkar mean when he said that “In politics we will have equality, and in
social and economic life we will have inequality”? [1x2=2]

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28. Read the passage given below and answer the following questions. [1x2=2]
Siva lives on rent on the first floor of a house in Madipakkam and gets water once in four
days. Shortage of water is one major reason why Siva can’t bring his family to Chennai.
For drinking, Siva buys bottled water.
“There is a general shortage of water for everyone in Chennai.”Can you think of two
reasons why different people get varying amounts of water?

29. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: [2+1=3]
A newspaper, The Indian Mirror, wrote in January 1886
The First National Congress at Bombay … is the nucleus of a future Parliament for our
country and will lead to the good of inconceivable magnitude for our countrymen.
i. What were the aims and objectives of the Congress in the first twenty years?
ii. How did the Moderates in Congress develop public awareness about the unjust
nature of the British rule?

30. Read the passage given below and answer the following questions. [1+2=3]
Imagine how much could be accomplished if companies could operate on a twenty -four
hour workday. Some software companies in the USA and in Bengaluru, India have
joined hands to achieve this. There are many ways in which this form of shift work
across oceans.

i. Explain with an example how two professionals of USA and India work on a shift
ii. State any two reasons for the location of the IT industry in Bengaluru.

31. Observe the picture and answer the questions. [1x2=2]
i. Identify and name this steel plant which was set up with the help of the former
Soviet Union in 1959.
ii. How this steel plant came to be seen as?

32. Design a poster with a slogan to spread awareness regarding the need to reduce air
pollution in your city. [1x2=2]

33. Name and locate the following places on the political map of world. [½x4=2]
i. An important centre for textile industry in Japan.
ii. The centre for Information technology industry in USA.
iii. Germany
iv. The place known as the Manchester of India.
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