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4 common ask in to job interview

Haby Serrano Ocampo Serrano

Jose maría no se que

Idasenia no se que

Facultad de filosofía y letras

Ingles integrado a otras carreras

Tania Leitón


Según Jaime altozano en su video “que decir en una entrevista de trabajo para que te

contraten” dice que lo que un entrevistador lo que de verdad quiere es conocerte, y usa las

preguntas solo como medio para que hables, por lo tanto, si no tienes respuesta para alguna

pregunta, habla de ti (Jaime afterdark, 2022)

Tell me about yourself:

In this question, when you prepare it, you will want to tell a great story about yourself,

not too fast, since it commonly serves as an icebreaker. On the indeed website Heine explains

that we can prepare this answer like this:

1. Mention work-related experiences and successes

2. Consider how your current job relates to the job you're applying for (if you're

moving up positions at a company)

3. Focus on strengths and skills supported by data

4. Highlight your personality (hobbies that develop your culture You can also discuss

hobbies that show discipline and personal achievements, such as learning a new

skill. Discussing personal interests is a good way to conclude your answer while

maintaining a professional tone.)

5. Format your answer (To make your answer clear and concise, you can make sure to

organize your answer following a format or formula. There are two common

formulas you can consider: Present, Past, and Future Past, Present, and Future Both

formulas work for your answer, but you can choose one based on the roles in your

experience that are most relevant to the position you're looking for.)

(Heine, 2023)

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

On the same page we can find a good way to format your answer or some aspects to

take into account

It's a good idea to focus on aspects that relate to the type of job you're applying

for. For example, if it's a sales charge, your persuasion skills are probably very relevant.

Pay attention to the job description and try to find clues about what you prioritize for
that specific role. A good way to formulate the answer is to first state the weakness and

then explain its context with an example.

Make use of stories or anecdotes that explain what impact that personality trait

has had on your professional life. This will suggest that you are a person with a high

degree of self-awareness and that you are committed to your growth. Remember that

the recruiter is also evaluating your ability to overcome challenges and difficulties.

(Indeed's Editorial Team, 2023)

Examples I focus a lot on the details. ... I get very involved in projects. ... I have a hard

time turning people away. ... I struggle to manage stress when I'm approaching a deadline. ... It's

hard for me to ask for help. ... There are some personalities that I struggle to work with. ...

Sometimes I lack confidence.


At first glance you might think that talking about your strengths is easier. In reality, it is

difficult to find the right balance between trust and humility. Focus on mentioning the

most important strengths for the job you want and explain how you can contribute to

the company (Indeed's Editorial Team, 2023)

Examples: Competitive (can be weakness or strength, depending on the position)

Conventional / not likely to take risks Structured (may limit prospects) Action-oriented

Committed/dedicated Creative Tenacious/persevering Enthusiastic (can be understood

as impulsive) Flexible / versatile Honest

Why should we hire you?

The motive behind this question may vary from recruiter to recruiter, but in general, its

goal is to assess your skills and qualities. In addition, it also gives them the opportunity to

evaluate the positive and negative aspects of your candidacy. I found the answers on how to

respond on schmitman's page:

It is that to assure your recruiter or future employer that you are ideal for the

role they seek to fill, it will be essential that you know how to explain two things. On the

one hand, why you are interested in work.

On the other, you should think about your qualities, abilities and experiences.

Why you are interested in working with them, and what led you to apply for the

position. You can articulate starting your answer with: "I'm interested in this job, in this

company, because..." and then give at least three reasons why you want to work there.

(Schmitman, 2020)

Where do you see yourself in five years?

Focus your answer on realistic expectations of what your career could offer you in the

future and reflect on whether the job for which you are applying follows the same line

as your career and your professional goals. To answer this question, it is best to stop,

analyse the question, and be honest by keeping your feet on the ground. Think about it.

Life is unpredictable and not even the one who asks you knows where he will be in five
years, so the ideal is to answer by relating the objectives and ambitions in such a way

that the interviewer has no reason to worry during the time you last in the company.

(Cómo contestar a la clásica pregunta: ¿Dónde te ves en 5 años? | Page Personnel, s. f.)

heine. (2023). Interview Question: «Tell Me About Yourself» (With Answers). Indeed

Career Guide.


Equipo editorial de Indeed. (2023). Cómo enfocar fortalezas y debilidades en una

entrevista de trabajo. Guía profesional de Indeed.


Schmitman, M. (2020). Cómo responder a la pregunta “por qué deberíamos

contratarte?” Schmitman HR.


Jaime Afterdark. (2022, 27 octubre). qué decir en una entrevista de trabajo para que te

contraten [Vídeo]. YouTube.

Cómo contestar a la clásica pregunta: ¿Dónde te ves en 5 años? | Page Personnel. (s. f.).

Page Personnel.



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