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Advanced Engineering Informatics

A research on level of awareness and implementation of building information modelling

in construction industry in Afghanistan
--Manuscript Draft--

Manuscript Number:

Article Type: Full Length Article

Keywords: Building Information Modelling; construction industry; Technology

Corresponding Author: Jamshid Yosufi

Chandigarh University
chandigarh, Punjab AFGHANISTAN

First Author: Jamshid Yosufi

Order of Authors: Jamshid Yosufi

Sahil Arora

Abstract: The new tools, methods and workflows by digital media is reshaping architectural
design, there are many various AEC tools but Building Information Modelling (BIM) has
attained more popularity because of its platform which collaborate and enable the
teamwork cross-disciplinary during a building’s entire life cycle.[1]
In developing countries like Afghanistan due to need for allocating funds in technology,
using traditional tools and method BIM implementation is facing many barriers and
In construction industry and especially in infrastructure sector worldwide, Building
Information Modelling (BIM) is acting as a common language role nowadays [2]
This research is intended to review the history of construction industry in Afghanistan
since 2002, through literature review analysis. And to indicate the need for adopting
and implementing the modern technology specially the building information modelling
software which is a common and new tool in construction industry with unique abilities
and features, which is currently in use by some construction organizations in
Afghanistan but not in a complete and comprehensive manner
Therefore this research paper intent to review the case of BIM awareness and
implementation in Afghanistan by investigating the current BIM usage as well as the
state of adoption in construction industry.

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Cover Letter

This research is intended to review the history of construction industry in Afghanistan since 2002, through literature
review analysis. And to indicate the need for adopting and implementing the modern technology specially the building
information modelling software which is a common and new tool in construction industry with unique abilities and
features, which is currently in use by some construction organizations in Afghanistan but not in a complete and
comprehensive manner
Therefore this research paper intent to review the case of BIM awareness and implementation in Afghanistan by
investigating the current BIM usage as well as the state of adoption in construction industry.
Manuscript File Click here to view linked References

IOP Publishing Journal Title


A research on level of awareness and implementation of building

information modelling in construction industry in Afghanistan

Jamshid Yosufi1, Sahil Arora2

1 Department of civil engineering, Chandigarh University, Gharun, Mohali, India
2 Assistant professor, department of civil engineering, Chandigarh University, Gharun, Mohali, India


Received xxxxxx
Accepted for publication xxxxxx
Published xxxxxx

The new tools, methods and workflows by digital media is reshaping architectural design, there are many various AEC tools
but Building Information Modelling (BIM) has attained more popularity because of its platform which collaborate and enable
the teamwork cross-disciplinary during a building’s entire life cycle.[1]
In developing countries like Afghanistan due to need for allocating funds in technology, using traditional tools and method
BIM implementation is facing many barriers and obstacles.
In construction industry and especially in infrastructure sector worldwide, Building Information Modelling (BIM) is acting as
a common language role nowadays [2]
This research is intended to review the history of construction industry in Afghanistan since 2002, through literature review
analysis. And to indicate the need for adopting and implementing the modern technology specially the building information
modelling software which is a common and new tool in construction industry with unique abilities and features, which is
currently in use by some construction organizations in Afghanistan but not in a complete and comprehensive manner
Therefore this research paper intent to review the case of BIM awareness and implementation in Afghanistan by investigating
the current BIM usage as well as the state of adoption in construction industry.

Keywords: Building Information Modelling, construction industry, Technology

1. Introduction In construction industry the basic reason for poor

performance is the shortage of standard information flow
Construction industry and infrastructure sector are one of between project’s stakeholders and improve in providing a
the biggest and important sectors in Afghanistan which standard basic quality information will ensure the enhance
directly can effect on national economy of the country. and forcible performance of the construction sector
Although this importance this industry is facing many major stakeholders.[3]
challenges and these challenges result in increase of
BIM, as a new information providing technology tool has
construction time, low quality, overhead of project cost and
this ability to deliver a complete virtual representation of
budget. The basic reasons of these problems are using
buildings to support a variety of activities and can bring an
traditional method of construction instead of modern method
extensive number of advantages over the life cycle of
which is benefited by modern technology of the day.

xxxx-xxxx/xx/xxxxxx 1 © xxxx IOP Publishing Ltd

Journal XX (XXXX) XXXXXX Author et al

Acceptance and implementation of BIM has increased as a technologies. It uses a shared digital representation of an
result of advantages it has attached and provides during the asset to facilitate design, construction and operation
design, execution and operation phase of construction processes to form a reliable basis for decisions.[7]
projects. Some of these advantage are, documenting and data
management of project lifecycle, enhancing the quality of While a variety of definitions of the term BIM have been
work, more productivity, saving in duration and cost of suggested, the definition put forward by the ‘father of BIM’
projects, and team work collaboration improvement.[5] as a benchmark when defining the philosophy of BIM. “BIM
is a digital representation of the building process to facilitate
2. BIM definition and concept exchange and interoperability of information in digital
When we hear the BIM word we usually imagine a 3D format”[8]
modelling software in our mind but I am going to say that
this is a wrong prospective about BIM because BIM is not
just building modelling it is building information modelling, 3. Construction Industry in Afghanistan
it means that it can model and visualize any information of After a long conflict with the Soviet Union and passing
the building and this information can be something such as internal insecurities Afghans started a new season of their
seismic resistance, structural behaviour under different loads, life in 2002, by the existence of international forces from
building electrical and water supply plan or any other deferent countries in Afghanistan a huge amount of
characteristic that you imagine about the building it can be investment began in deferent sectors and the construction
visualized by BIM before the construction of the building in industry was one of the main beneficiaries.
reality. After agriculture and mining construction industry is
BIM provide a number of tools for designing, archiving, counted as the most important sectors of the country and by
digital visualization, and reporting, which embrace the data having an estimated market value of $15.2B construction
processing and software.[2]
industry stands amongst the most capital intensive industries
Due to several features and application of BIM it is really of Afghanistan.
hard to adopt a specific definition for it. Every sector and Afghanistan with a GDP of estimated 19.6 billion dollars in
organization according their relation which depends to BIM 2018 had a consumption distribution of agriculture: 20.5%,
has their own definition. industry: 22.1%, and services: 52.7% to GDP as per 2018
According to the National Building Model Standards statistics. Moreover, inside the industry category, the
(NBIMS), BIM is the figurative formation of functional, and construction sector acts as a backbone to the industry[9]
operational modules that use a collective resource of Approximately fifty billions dollars were poured in
information [6] construction of roads, schools, health centres, rural
infrastructure, military bases, etc.[10]
The International Standard Organization, defines the BIM
In spite of this huge investment in construction industry in
as the as a balanced acceptance of the digital display of
assets under construction which is not just limited in Afghanistan due to corruption and traditional method of
buildings, roads and bridges to improve the value of design, construction and in lack of modern methods for managing
executive and operation’s phases which are in existence these investments, most of these projects had been failed or
decision making term by risk management and reliability.[6] have a very poor quality and the infrastructures in country
has a very weak status right now. Even there are many
But the handbook for the introduction of building people who have the shortage of homes in cities and villages
information modelling by the European public sector defines and they are deprived from having schools, hospitals and
the BIM as follows: other vital infrastructures.
BIM is a digital form of construction and asset operations. Since 2012 by decreasing of international donors activity in
It brings together technology, process improvements and country the situation has gone to its worst status and people
digital information to radically improve client and project are suffering more and more from this side.
outcomes and asset operations. BIM is a strategic enabler for The estimations from World Bank and Da Afghanistan Bank
improving decision making for both buildings and public put the overall shortage of 1.5M homes in Afghanistan. This
infrastructure assets across the whole lifecycle. number is increased by a shortfall of 35K housing units
Also the little book of BIM defines the BIM as a A report from office of senior economic advisor on
collaborative way of working underpinned by digital February of 2017 shows that the total number of employment

Journal XX (XXXX) XXXXXX Author et al

in the construction Industry has dramatically declined by The collected data were analysed quantitatively using
61% from 274K to 106K during the past 7 years. In 2007 the Microsoft Excel and IBM (SPSS) version including
industry employed 274K employees. This number has Descriptive and Inferential statistical tools.
decreased to 106K by 2014.[11]
With discussions underway about Afghanistan’s inclusion
in a number of regional connectivity initiatives such as the
China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), the next decade
5. Findings
could see a significant amount of investment coming to 5.1 BIM level of awareness among construction
Afghanistan, particularly for infrastructure development.[12] profession in Afghanistan
By having two decade of bad experience from not using
properly from these investment especially in infrastructure The results indicate that only 57% of construction industry
sector there are many other golden chances for Afghans to professions are aware about BIM approach as shown in
improve their country and establish many new and good jobs figure 1.
for the people and to develop the economic situation in
country. Are you aware of the BIM
The only way which can really help us for reaching this
goal is adoption and implementation of modern technologies
and management techniques. 60%
It is time to leave the past and traditional methods especially 41%
in construction industry 40%
Adopting and implementation of BIM as a new tool in
construction industry will open a new way for utilizing
properly from the investments and by benefiting from 0%
fantastic features of this software we can plan and execute Yes No No answer
projects successfully and the goals will be achieved properly.
Deferent dimensions of BIM give us this ability to model all
Figure 1. Awareness of BIM approach
aspects of projects accurately and exactly before the
construction of them. Next there is a table which include six statements to evaluate
It can help in avoiding projects cost overruns, delays, poor the knowledge and awareness level of BIM by the
quality, low productivity etc. practitioner in the construction industry in Afghanistan. The
outcomes from the statement’s survey analysis according to
4. Research methodology and data analysis the views of the respondents are shown Table 1.

As the Figure 9 shows the statements has ranked according

To explore the research questions, aim and objectives about
the highest mean, relative importance index RII and the
level of knowledge and implementation of BIM technology
lowest standard deviation SD values.
by the professionals in the AEC industry in Afghanistan, a
quantitative survey approach has been implemented. A
questionnaire form was designed to fulfil the research

In this purpose four objectives had been outlined

 To study the level of knowledge and awareness

about BIM in construction industry in Afghanistan
 Readiness of adopting and implementing BIM
 Barriers in adopting and implementing the BIM
 To explain the new features of BIM and its usage in
construction industry for Afghans

Journal XX (XXXX) XXXXXX Author et al

Table 1. The awareness level of BIM by the professionals in the AEC

5.2 Current usage of BIM technology and the cultural

RII (%)
readiness of Afghans construction industry stakeholders


BIM level of

awareness statements
The figure 2, indicates that 55% of the professions are using
I am familiar with BIM
2.5 1.242 51.84% 3 or intending to use the BIM technology in their companies
I have studied some
Q15(b) research papers and 2.38 1.172 47.50% 4
books about BIM No Does your company right now utilize BIM, or is
My company have it expects to utilize BIM within the close future?
Q15(c) trained me for BIM 2.07 1.262 41.43% 6 answer
technology usage 9%
I am an expert in using
BIM technology for
Q15(d) project management 2.32 1.246 45.63% 5
I am aware that Archi Yes
CAD and Revit
Q15(e) programs are part of 2.85 1.421 57.08% 1 55%
BIM technology

I know that BIM is

Q15(f) more than a 3D 2.86 1.389 56.63% 2
modelling software
Figure 2. Currently usage of BIM

And 71% of the respondents believe that if they do not

implement the BIM quickly enough their firms will left
Q15(a) behind and/ or their survival will be hard

40.00% Do you predict firms will be left behind and/or

Q15(f) Q15(b)
47.50% thier survival will be hard if they do not
20.00% implement BIM technology quickly enough?
0.00% answer,
Q15(e) 41.43%
57.08% No,
45.63% Yes,
Q15(d) 71%

Figure 3. RII of (Q15a to Q15f) statements used to evaluate the

level of awareness about BIM
Figure 4. Companies’ survival without BIM adoption
For the field of “level of awareness and knowledge about
BIM by professionals in construction industry in And also the survey results indicate that 29% have a “very
Afghanistan” by evaluating the overall results the Mean for likely” believe that BIM expertise have influenced their
all statements equals to 2.51 and the relative importance company`s success in performing different projects.
index RII is showing 50.01% and the value for RII by
considering the average of the five-point scale is (3) which
was used for rating each item (1+2+3+4+5)/5=3 and by this
the neutral value of RII is (3/5)*100 = 60%, and comparison
of two value shows that the total RII of all statements
50.01% is less than the value of neutral RII which is 60%
According the above result the level of knowledge and
awareness of BIM by construction industry professionals in

Journal XX (XXXX) XXXXXX Author et al

How likely is it that the level of your Q24 (a)

company’s BIM expertise influences 75.00%
company's success in performing different 70.00%
projects? Q24 (g) Q24 (b)
23% 22% 55.00%
7% 9% 10%
Q24 (f) Q24 (c)

Q24 (e) Q24 (d)

Figure 5. Level of companies BIM expertise and the success

Figure 6. RII of statements (Q24a to Q24g) used to indicate
In the survey form there was a field contains seven different BIM beneficially aspects
statements to rate the business benefit that
The above result indicates that “Better quality of project”
companies/organization has experienced due to
with (RII=71.91%) has ranked 1 as the most beneficial
implementing BIM technology and techniques
aspect of using BIM technology in the construction industry
The outcomes from the statement’s survey analysis in Afghanistan.
according to the views of the respondents are shown Table 2 Increased accuracy of the cost estimate, Increased project
profitability, Faster regulatory approval and other statement
Table 2. The different beneficially aspects of BIM has took the second, third and other ranking positions.

5.3 Barriers in adopting and implementing of BIM


RII (%)



beneficially aspects As the figure 7, shows 49% of the respondents believe that
using BIM doesn’t make the projects complicated but 41%
believe that “yes” using BIM make the project complicated
Q2 and this is a huge amount
Decreased project 3.0
4 1.143 60.22% 7
cost 1
Decreased project 3.0
4 1.232 60.45% 6
duration 2
(b) No
Q2 Increased 49%
4 productivity/efficienc 1.195 68.31% 5
(c) y Other No answer
Q2 10% 10%
Better quality of
4 3.6 1.135 71.91% 1
Q2 Yes
Increased project 3.4 41%
4 1.179 69.89% 3
profitability 9
Increased accuracy of 3.5
4 1.244 70.79% 2
the cost estimate 4 Yes No No answer
Faster regulatory 3.4
4 1.165 69.77% 4
approval 9 Figure 7. BIM and projects creativity

Journal XX (XXXX) XXXXXX Author et al

And also 57% of the respondents believe that the initial cost Lack of skilled experts
of adopting BIM is too high and unnecessary. for implementing BIM 3.31 1.271 66.15% 4
Educational and
No answer training shortage in the
10% university or any
No Q25
governmental or 3.33 1.254 66.67% 2
33% (h)
Other private training centres
57% Unwillingness for
training employees
Q25 due to high training 3.29 1.167 65.71% 5
(i) cost and time
Yes No No answer

Figure 8. Initial cost of BIM adoption Less demand and

reluctance for using
Next for ranking the most important and bold barriers in the BIM technology from 3.1 1.2 62.00% 9
client’s side
way of BIM adoption by consideration of literature review
10 statements were subjected to the views of the respondents,
and the outcomes of the analysis were shown in Table 3
As the Figure 9 shows the statements has ranked according
Table 3. Barriers in the way of BIM adoption the highest mean, relative importance index RII and the
lowest standard deviation SD values
Barriers in the way

RII (%)


of adopting and

implementing Q25 (a)

BIM technology 70.00%
High initial cost to Q25 (j) 60.00% Q25 (b)
implement the BIM 50.00%
Q25 technology and cost of 40.00%
2.77 1.149 55.43% 10
(a) regularly hardware 30.00%
updates Q25 (i) 20.00% Q25 (c)
Lack of the awareness
Q25 0.00%
of BIM by 3.22 1.181 64.40% 7
Absence of knowledge Q25 (h) Q25 (d)
of how to utilize BIM 3.36 1.197 67.25% 1
Primary level of
awareness about Q25 (g) Q25 (e)
advantage that BIM
Q25 Q25 f
can apply to 3.24 1.168 64.84% 6
companies, and
Figure 9. RII of statements (Q25a to Q25j) used to rank
Financial disability for barriers in BIM adoption
the small construction
firms to begin a new According to the table (1.6) “Absence of knowledge of how
workflow that is 3.2 1.118 63.96% 8 to utilize BIM software” has ranked first as the barrier in
needed for adopting and implementing BIM approach in construction
implementing BIM
industry in Afghanistan
Lack of the The statement such as “Educational and training shortage in
governmental the university or any governmental or private training centres
Q25 regulations for full ”, “Lack of the governmental regulations for full support the
3.31 1.322 66.15% 3
f support the implementation of BIM” and “Lack of skilled experts for
implementation of implementing BIM software” has been ranked two, three and

Journal XX (XXXX) XXXXXX Author et al

fourth position as the barriers in adopting and implementing References

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in construction industry in Afghanistan.

Declaration of Interest Statement

Declaration of interests

☒The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships
that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

☐The authors declare the following financial interests/personal relationships which may be considered
as potential competing interests:

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