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Indian Culture:

Perspective for




Soma Sengupta Abhishek Kundlia

Enrolment No: 177189746
Course Code: PTS 4
pta Study Center: 28151
Regional Centre: Kolkata

Programme Code: BTS

Course Code: PTS 4
Enrolment No.: 177189746
Study Centre Code: 28151
Regional Centre: Kolkata

TOPIC: Indian Culture: Perspecti ve of Tourism

Project Report submitted to the Indira Gandhi National Open University in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Diploma n Tourism Studies/Bachelors
Degree in Tourism Studies. I hereby declare that this is my original work and has not been
submitted elsewhere.

Signature of the Candidate: Abhishek Kundlia

Name of the Candidate: Abhishek Kundlia

Institutional Address: Salt lake electronics

complex, X-1, 8/3, EP block, Sector V
Bidhannagar, Kolkata-70009, West Bengal

Year: 2017-2020

(By the supervisor)

Certified that the Project Report entitled (Topic of the Project) Indian Culture:
Perspecti ve of Tourism submitted by (Name of the Candidate) Abhishek Kundlia is his
own work and has been done under my supervision.
It is recommended that this Project be placed before the examiner for evaluation.

(Signature the supervisor)

Name: Soma Sengupta

Designation: Academic Councilor
Address: IIHM

With candour and pleasure, I take the opportunity to express my sincere thanks and
obligation to my esteem guide, Miss Soma Sengupta. It is only because of her able
and mature guidance and co-operation without which it would not have been
possible for me to complete my project.

Finally, I gratefully acknowledge the support, encouragement and patience of my

family, and as always, nothing in my life would be possible without self-motivation.

Abhishek Kundlia

Date: 16th April, 2023.

Place: Kolkata, West Bengal.

Indian Culture : Perspective for Tourism
When studying cults or groups in a region, it is important to consider their rituals, socio-
religious practices, and customs. This can include examining the beliefs and practices of
these groups, as well as their impact on the wider community. It may also be helpful to
compare and contrast the practices of different groups, in order to better understand the
similarities and differences between them.

One area of focus for such a study could be specific rituals or customs practised among
several groups or cults. For example, one might look at the various forms of worship,
prayer, or meditation that are common among these groups, as well as the role of specific
symbols, icons, or artefacts in their practices.

Another potential focus for this kind of research is the economic transactions that take
place at fairs connected with local traditions, religion, and/or social festivals. This might
include examining the goods and services that are traded at these fairs, as well as the social
and economic relationships that are forged between different individuals and groups
through these transactions.

Overall, a study of cults or groups in a region can provide valuable insights into the ways in
which religion, culture, and social identity are intertwined, as well as the role that
economic exchange plays in shaping these relationships. By examining the beliefs,
practices, and traditions of different groups, researchers can gain a deeper understanding
of the complexities of human experience and the ways in which these experiences are
shaped by cultural, social, and economic factors.

2.Fine arts of a region especially various dance forms, music (both vocal and instrumental)
and traditions of painting. The project may contain the documentary details pertaining to
the practice of the fine arts as also the development and dispersal of these fine arts. You
may also study the individual artists who have contributed at national or state level to the
development of these art forms.
When studying the fine arts of a region, there are several areas that can be explored,
including various dance forms, music (both vocal and instrumental), and traditions of
painting. By examining these different art forms, researchers can gain a deeper
understanding of the cultural and historical context in which they developed, as well as the
various social, political, and economic factors that have influenced their evolution over
One area of focus for such a study could be the documentary details pertaining to the
practice of the fine arts, as well as the development and dispersal of these art forms. This
might include examining the historical roots of these art forms, as well as their evolution
over time and the ways in which they have been adapted and transformed to suit different
contexts and audiences. It may also be helpful to look at the various cultural, social, and
economic factors that have influenced the practice of these art forms, as well as the role
that individual artists and communities have played in preserving and developing these

Another potential area of focus for this kind of research is the individual artists who have
contributed at the national or state level to the development of these art forms. This might
include examining the life and work of prominent artists, as well as their contributions to
the development of specific art forms and their impact on the wider cultural landscape.
Researchers might also explore the ways in which these artists have been celebrated and
recognized within their communities, as well as the broader cultural and social significance
of their work.

Overall, a study of the fine arts of a region can provide valuable insights into the ways in
which cultural identity is expressed and preserved through various artistic practices. By
examining the historical roots and evolution of these art forms, as well as the individual
artists and communities that have contributed to their development, researchers can gain a
deeper understanding of the complex interplay between culture, history, and artistic

Theatre and cinema are important cultural expressions that have the ability to reflect and
shape the values, beliefs, and identities of a region. A study of regional forms of theatre,
including folk forms, and cinema can provide valuable insights into the ways in which these
cultural expressions are shaped by social, political, and economic factors, as well as the
ways in which they reflect and respond to broader cultural trends and movements.

When studying regional forms of theatre, researchers might explore the various styles,
themes, and techniques that are characteristic of different regions, as well as the social and
cultural context in which these forms of theatre developed. This might include examining
the historical roots of these forms of theatre, as well as their evolution over time and the
ways in which they have been adapted and transformed to suit different audiences and
contexts. Additionally, a study of folk forms of theatre can shed light on the role that
performance plays in preserving and transmitting cultural traditions and values from one
generation to the next.
Similarly, a study of cinema in a region can reveal how cultural identity is expressed and
preserved through visual media. This might include examining the various genres, themes,
and styles that are characteristic of a particular region, as well as the ways in which these
films reflect and respond to broader cultural and social trends. Researchers might also
explore the role that cinema plays in shaping public opinion and social discourse, as well as
the ways in which it is influenced by economic, political, and technological factors.

A comparative study of theatre or cinema can be especially illuminating, as it allows

researchers to explore the similarities and differences between different cultural
expressions and the ways in which they reflect and respond to the broader cultural
landscape. For example, a comparative study of regional forms of theatre might examine
how different forms of theatre respond to similar social and political issues, or how they
express different cultural values and identities. Similarly, a comparative study of cinema
might explore the ways in which different regional cinemas respond to global trends and
movements, or the ways in which they express unique cultural identities and values.

1. Architectural styles are an important reflection of a region's cultural and historical

identity. They can reveal much about the social, economic, and political conditions of the
time and place in which they were built, as well as the aesthetic and artistic values of the
society that produced them. A study of architectural styles can thus provide valuable
insights into the ways in which a region's culture and history are reflected in its built

One area of focus for such a study might be the origin, development, and present form of
different architectural styles. This might include examining the historical roots of different
architectural styles, as well as their evolution over time and the ways in which they have
been adapted and transformed to suit different contexts and audiences. It may also be
helpful to look at the various cultural, social, and economic factors that have influenced the
development of different architectural styles, as well as the role that individual architects
and communities have played in preserving and developing these traditions.

Another potential area of focus for this kind of research is the study of individual
monuments. This might involve examining the history of specific buildings or structures, as
well as their current state of conservation and management. Researchers might also
explore the ways in which these monuments have been used and interpreted over time, as
well as the role they have played in shaping the cultural and social identity of the region in
which they are located. Additionally, a study of tourist flow can provide insights into the
ways in which these monuments are perceived and valued by different audiences.

A comparative study of architectural styles and individual monuments can also be valuable.
This might involve examining the similarities and differences between different
architectural styles and the ways in which they reflect and respond to broader cultural
trends and movements. Similarly, a comparative study of individual monuments might
explore the ways in which different structures have been used and interpreted over time,
as well as the social, political, and economic factors that have influenced their development
and conservation.

Overall, a study of architectural styles and individual monuments can provide valuable
insights into the ways in which cultural identity is expressed and preserved through the
built environment. By examining the historical roots and evolution of different architectural
styles, as well as the individual monuments and communities that have contributed to their
development, researchers can gain a deeper understanding of the complex interplay
between culture, history, and built environment.

5. Sculpture is an art form that has been a part of human culture for thousands of years. It
reflects the artistic, cultural, and historical identity of a region and has played a significant
role in shaping the visual landscape of many societies. A study of sculpture in a region can
provide insights into the artistic and cultural values of a society, as well as the social,
political, and economic factors that have influenced the development of this art form over

One area of focus for this kind of research might be the comparative study of various styles
and forms of sculpture in a region. This might involve examining the historical roots and
evolution of different styles, as well as the similarities and differences between them.
Researchers might also explore the ways in which these different styles have been used and
interpreted over time, as well as the social and cultural contexts in which they emerged and

Another potential area of focus for this kind of research is the development of a particular
style or form of sculpture over a period of time. This might involve examining the historical
and cultural factors that influenced the development of a particular style or form, as well as
the ways in which it has been adapted and transformed over time. Researchers might also
explore the social, political, and economic factors that contributed to the popularity of a
particular style or form, as well as the role that individual sculptors and communities have
played in preserving and developing these traditions.

Overall, a study of sculpture in a region can provide valuable insights into the ways in which
cultural identity is expressed and preserved through the visual arts. By examining the
historical roots and evolution of different styles and forms, as well as the individual
sculptors and communities that have contributed to their development, researchers can
gain a deeper understanding of the complex interplay between culture, history, and visual

6.  Archaeological sites are significant sources of information about the history and culture
of a region. They offer insights into the social, economic, and cultural practices of past
civilizations, and their study can help us better understand the evolution of human society
over time. A study of archaeological sites in a region can help researchers uncover the
relationships between different sites and understand the wider historical and cultural
context in which they existed.
One possible approach to studying archaeological sites in a region is to conduct a
comparative study of different sites. This might involve examining the similarities and
differences between different sites, as well as the ways in which they have been preserved
and interpreted over time. Researchers might also explore the ways in which different sites
have been used and interpreted by local communities, as well as the tourist flow at these
sites and the ancillary attractions that draw visitors to them.

Another possible approach to studying archaeological sites in a region is to explore the

relationships between different sites. This might involve examining the ways in which
different sites were connected in the past, as well as the ways in which they have
influenced each other over time. Researchers might also explore the ways in which
different sites have been used and interpreted by local communities, as well as the social
and cultural factors that have influenced the development and preservation of these sites
over time.

Overall, a study of archaeological sites in a region can provide valuable insights into the
history and culture of a society. By examining the similarities and differences between
different sites, as well as the relationships between them, researchers can gain a deeper
understanding of the complex interplay between culture, history, and the built
environment. They can also help to inform the management and conservation of these
sites, ensuring that they remain a valuable source of information and inspiration for future

7. Museums are an important source of information about the history and culture of a
region or locality. They offer visitors a chance to learn about the local heritage, and to
explore the artefacts and objects that reflect the unique cultural identity of the community.
A study of a museum in a region or locality can provide valuable insights into the history
and culture of that area, as well as the ways in which the local community values and
preserves its cultural heritage. One of the most visible areas of study in a museum is the
collection of artefacts it contains. Researchers might explore the origins of the artefacts,
their historical significance, and the ways in which they reflect the cultural identity of the
community. They might also examine the ways in which the museum has acquired, curated,
and preserved its collection, and the challenges it faces in maintaining and updating its
exhibits over time.

Another important area of study in a museum is the interest of the local population and
tourists in the museum. Researchers might explore the ways in which the museum engages
with the local community, as well as the ways in which it attracts and educates visitors from
outside the area.

They might also examine the ways in which the museum adapts to changing social and
cultural trends, and the ways in which it remains relevant and engaging to new generations
of visitors.
Finally, a study of a museum in a region or locality might focus on a specific category of
artefacts in the museum. This might involve exploring the history and cultural significance
of a particular type of artefact, such as ceramics or textiles, as well as the ways in which the
museum has collected, curated, and displayed these objects over time. Researchers might
also examine the ways in which the local community values and preserves this particular
aspect of its cultural heritage, and the ways in which the museum contributes to public
understanding and appreciation of this heritage.

Overall, a study of a museum in a region or locality can provide valuable insights into the
history and culture of the community it serves. By examining the collection of artefacts, the
interest of the local population and tourists, and the specific categories of artefacts on
display, researchers can gain a deeper understanding of the unique cultural identity of the
region or locality, as well as the ways in which this identity is valued and preserved over

8. Crafts and craftsmen play an important role in the cultural and economic landscape of a
region. They reflect the unique artistic traditions and skills of the local community, and are
often closely tied to the history and identity of the region. A study of crafts and craftsmen
specific to a region can provide valuable insights into the ways in which local communities
value and preserve their cultural heritage, as well as the challenges and opportunities they
face in promoting and commercialising their crafts.

One of the key challenges facing crafts and craftsmen in a region is the issue of
authenticity. Authenticity is often closely tied to the historical and cultural significance of a
craft form, and it is important for craftsmen and craft producers to maintain the integrity of
their craft in order to preserve its cultural value. However, authenticity can also be a
double-edged sword when it comes to commercialization. In order to meet the demands of
the market, craftsmen and craft producers may be tempted to compromise the authenticity
of their craft, which can lead to a loss of cultural value over time.

Another important area of study in a region's crafts and craftsmen is their commercial
potential. Crafts can play an important role in the overall commercial production of a
region, contributing to local economies and providing employment opportunities for local
communities. However, in order to fully realise their commercial potential, craftsmen and
craft producers must be able to adapt to changing market trends and consumer
preferences, while also maintaining the authenticity and cultural value of their craft.

Finally, a study of crafts and craftsmen in a region might focus on specific craft forms and
their historical and cultural significance. This might involve exploring the unique artistic
traditions and techniques associated with a particular craft, as well as the ways in which the
craft has evolved over time. Researchers might also examine the ways in which local
communities value and preserve their craft heritage, and the ways in which craft producers
are working to promote and commercialise their craft.

Overall, a study of crafts and craftsmen in a region can provide valuable insights into the
unique cultural and economic landscape of the area. By exploring issues of authenticity,
commercial potential, and historical and cultural significance, researchers can gain a deeper
understanding of the ways in which crafts and craftsmen contribute to the overall cultural
identity and economic vitality of the region.

9. Textiles play an important role in the cultural and economic life of many regions. From
the production of small-scale textiles to the development of regional styles and special
costumes, there are many different aspects of textiles that can be studied.

One area of focus in the study of textiles is the production of small-scale textiles, including
the materials used, the designs, and the production process itself. Researchers might
explore the unique techniques and skills involved in the production of specific types of
textiles, as well as the ways in which these textiles are marketed and sold. By examining the
development of small-scale textile production over time, researchers can gain insights into
the economic and cultural factors that have shaped this industry.

Another area of focus in the study of textiles is the development of regional styles and
special costumes. Textiles often reflect the unique artistic traditions and skills of a
particular region, and the development of regional styles and special costumes can provide
valuable insights into the cultural history and identity of the area. Researchers might
explore the ways in which specific styles and designs have evolved over time, as well as the
ways in which these styles and designs have been influenced by external factors such as
trade and migration.

A third area of focus in the study of textiles is the role of specialist craftsmen in the
production and organisation of production. Textile production often requires a high degree
of specialised skill and knowledge, and there may be particular craftsmen or groups of
craftsmen who play a key role in the production process. Researchers might examine the
ways in which these specialists are organised and trained, as well as the role they play in
maintaining the authenticity and cultural value of the textiles they produce.

Overall, the study of textiles can provide valuable insights into the cultural and economic
history of a region. By examining the production of small-scale textiles, the development of
regional styles and special costumes, and the role of specialist craftsmen in production,
researchers can gain a deeper understanding of the ways in which textiles contribute to the
overall cultural identity and economic vitality of the region.
10. Tribal cultures in a region offer a fascinating insight into the diversity and richness of a
country's cultural heritage. The study of tribal cultures can cover a wide range of topics,
including social, economic, and religious institutions or practices, as well as their interaction
with urban cultures and government policies that impact their communities.
One area of focus in the study of tribal cultures is their social, economic, and religious
institutions and practices. Researchers might explore the unique customs and traditions of
different tribes, including their family structures, marriage practices, and religious rituals.
They might also investigate the economic activities of tribal communities, including
agriculture, hunting, and trade, and the ways in which these activities have evolved over

A comparative study of tribes in the above areas can also provide valuable insights into the
similarities and differences between different communities. By examining the social,
economic, and religious practices of different tribes, researchers can gain a deeper
understanding of the ways in which cultural traditions are shaped by geography, history,
and other factors.

Another area of focus in the study of tribal cultures is the interaction between urban and
tribal cultures. As more and more tribal communities come into contact with urban
cultures, there is a risk of cultural homogenization and the loss of unique cultural
traditions. Researchers might investigate the ways in which tribal communities are adapting
to urban life, and the impact of this adaptation on their social, economic, and religious

Finally, the study of government policies regarding tribes and their impact on tribal
communities is also an important area of focus. Researchers might examine the ways in
which government policies have historically impacted tribal communities, including the
forced relocation of tribes, the erosion of tribal land rights, and the impact of development
projects on tribal communities. They might also investigate the ways in which non-
governmental organisations are working to support tribal communities and promote their
cultural heritage.

Overall, the study of tribal cultures in a region is a rich and complex field of inquiry, offering
valuable insights into the diversity and richness of a country's cultural heritage. By
examining the social, economic, and religious institutions and practices of different tribes,
as well as their interaction with urban cultures and government policies that impact their
communities, researchers can gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and
opportunities facing tribal communities today.
11. Government policies play a significant role in shaping and promoting the culture of a
country. A critical study of these policies can help understand their impact on the
preservation and promotion of culture, as well as the tourism industry.

The government policies on culture can be studied in various areas, such as funding and
support for cultural programs and events, cultural heritage conservation, protection of
indigenous cultural practices, and promotion of cultural tourism. The policies can vary
depending on the political, economic, and social contexts of a country.

For example, in India, the government has implemented various policies to promote and
preserve the country's rich cultural heritage, such as the National Culture Fund, the
National Mission on Monuments and Antiquities, and the National Mission for Manuscripts.
These policies provide financial support for conservation and restoration of monuments,
artefacts, and manuscripts, as well as for promoting cultural events and festivals.

However, the implementation of these policies can face challenges, such as lack of proper
planning, corruption, and bureaucratic hurdles. Moreover, some policies may have
unintended consequences, such as the impact on local communities and the environment.
The effect of government policies on tourism can also be studied. For instance, the
promotion of cultural tourism can attract foreign visitors and generate revenue for the
country. However, it can also lead to the commodification of culture and the loss of

In conclusion, a critical study of government policies on culture is essential to understand

their impact on the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage and the tourism
industry. Such studies can also help identify areas of improvement and suggest policy
1. "Museums in a Global Context: National Identity, International Understanding" by D.
J. Sherman and I. Rogoff (Smithsonian Institution Press, 1994)

2. "Craft and Community: Traditional Arts in Contemporary Society" edited by T. K.

Herschberger and L. T. Nicholls (University Press of Mississippi, 2003)

3. "Textiles of Southeast Asia: Tradition, Trade, and Transformation" edited by R.

Barnes and T. Barnes (Tuttle Publishing, 2012)

4. "Tribes, Government, and History in Yemen" by P. Dresch (Oxford University Press,


5. "The Indigenous World 2021" edited by C. James and H. J. Gilmore (International

Work Group for Indigenous Affairs, 2021)

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