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Individual Program Plan

Westbrook 2017-2018

Student Name: Yusuf Mohamed

Grade: 5 EPSB Number: 15429601
Birthdate: Aug 23, 2007 ASN: 304138662
Special Ed/District Codes: Gifted and Talented
Program: Challenge
Language Spoken At Home: English

The purpose of this plan is to provide a description of the instructional strategies and supports that will
increase this student's engagement in learning and academic success related to the program of studies.
This template is recommended for use with any student who has been identified as meeting criteria
for Gifted and Talented programming. How well these instructional strategies and supports are working for
the student will be reviewed mid and end-of-year. Student growth and progress will be documented and
communicated separately through regular reporting procedures (i.e., report cards).

Strengths and Interests

- Strong in Math and Language Arts
- Enjoys reading
- Strong writer
- A lot of perseverance
Learning Preferences
- Enjoys taking risks and challenging work
- Sometimes enjoys working in partners or groups
- Prefers challenging projects
- Likes to have time to work and learn independently
- Enjoys writing
- Likes to participate in active learning activities

Transition Planning
November 2017: There are no plans for transition at this time.
March 2018: There are no plans for transition at this time.
June 2018: Yusuf is transitioning to grade 6 at Westbrook

Instructional Strategies and Supports

Consider the following three categories for changes to content, process, and product. Select one to three
strategies in each category that will benefit this student. Include relevant details such as when, where, and
how these strategies will happen. Record any additional instructional strategies and/or required supports in the
text box within each of the three categories.
Changes to Content
Strategy Subject Area

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Make activities more complex (e.g., comparative studies, more Learning Groups and Core Subject Areas
Accelerate activities from concrete to abstract. Learning Groups and Core Subject Areas

Increase range and variety of topics for exploration and study Learning Groups and Core Subject Areas

Increase range and variety of information for exploration and Learning Groups and Core Subject Areas
Investigate related themes or ideas from various disciplines, Learning Groups and Core Subject Areas
including related ethical issues.
Do an in-depth study of a related self-selected topic. Learning Groups and Core Subject Areas

Develop expanded research skills using a variety of tools Learning Groups and Core Subject Areas

Additional instructional strategies

Yusuf has participated in a Math enrichment program through Learning Groups once a week. He also has
participated in Math enrichment projects in the regular classroom. Many projects in the core subject areas are
designed to explore a variety of in-depth topics that extend and enrich the curriculum.
Review of effectiveness of changes to content:
Effective Promising Not Effective Not Evaluated Not Used

Review Date:Nov 14, 2017

Yusuf is experiencing success with the curriculum extensions being provided both in the classroom and in
learning groups.
Review Date: Mar 11, 2018
The digital CYOA story project allowed students to develop and apply digital technology skills. The code-a-
picture book focused on developing problem solving skills and creativity.

Year End Summary: Jun 21, 2018

This term students developed expanded research skills using a variety of digital tools, while focused on an in-
depth study of a related self-selected topic. The strategies identified above have been deemed successful. It is
recommended that these strategies be used again next year.

Changes to Learning Process

Strategy Subject Area

Use pretesting to determine appropriate starting points of

instruction and decrease the amount of review and repetition.
Increase opportunities for demonstrating mastery early.

Organize mini-tutorials. Learning Groups

Create opportunities for browsing, exploring, and questioning Learning Groups

by increasing the time span for assignments.
Increase opportunities for primary research and data Learning Groups and Core Subject Areas

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Increase opportunities for in-depth discussion and reflection Learning Groups and Core Subject Areas
for deeper learning.
Make learning activities more open-ended with expanded Learning Groups and Core Subject Areas
opportunities for critical thinking, evaluating, and decision
Increase access to diverse learning materials and resources Learning Groups and Core Subject Areas

Increase the diversity of problem-solving opportunities. Learning Groups and Core Subject Areas

Increase opportunities for inductive thinking (e.g., working Learning Groups and Core Subject Areas
from specific to general).
Increase opportunities for deductive thinking (e.g., working Learning Groups and Core Subject Areas
from general to specific).
Increase the use of evidence of reasoning (e.g., supporting, Learning Groups and Core Subject Areas
opinions, debates).
Create opportunities to use creativity (e.g., fluency, flexibility, Learning Groups and Core Subject Areas
originality, elaboration).
Organize opportunities for online partnerships (e.g., email,
conference boards, e-mentorship, video conferencing).
Create opportunities to teach and mentor others.

Increase access to community resources (e.g., post-secondary,

Explore mentorship opportunities in the students area(s) of interest.

Share examples of excellence and exceptional processes and Learning Groups

Organize self-directed learning that incorporates pursuit of Learning Groups and Core Subject Areas
Explore opportunities for leadership. Learning Groups and Core Subject Areas

Arrange for expert review of student work.

Increase opportunities for application to real-world situations. Learning Groups and Core Subject Areas

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Additional instructional strategies

Review of effectiveness of changes to content:

Effective Promising Not Effective Not Evaluated Not Used

Review Date:Nov 14, 2017

The first inquiry project in Learning Groups has provided a rich context for browsing, exploring and questioning.
The activities and projects in the classroom have been designed to create opportunities for creativity, in-depth
discussion and reflection as well as application to real-world situations.
Review Date: Mar 11, 2018
Projects this term provided rich contexts for critical thinking, evaluating & decision-making.

Year End Summary: Jun 21, 2018

The research project in Learning Groups provided opportunities for in-depth discussion and reflection for
deeper learning, as well as exploring deductive thinking. The use of project based learning in core subject
areas has enabled Yusuf to effectively incorporate the strategies identified above.

Changes to Learning Products

Strategy Subject Area

Provide opportunities for choice of product. Learning Groups and Core Subject Areas

Incorporate service learning. Learning Groups and Core Subject Areas

Apply to real-life problems and situations. Learning Groups and Core Subject Areas

Challenge student to incorporate higher-order thinking skills Learning Groups and Core Subject Areas
(e.g., analysis, evaluation, synthesis).
Create opportunities to reflect and record process. Learning Groups and Core Subject Areas

Create opportunities to design and present products to varied Learning Groups and Core Subject Areas
and authentic audiences.

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Additional instructional strategies

Review of effectiveness of changes to content:

Effective Promising Not Effective Not Evaluated Not Used

Review Date:Nov 14, 2017

An inquiry project model has been an effective tool for Yusuf to plan and produce examples of his learning. He
has also benefited from researching a variety of in-depth topics that extend and enrich topics from the
Review Date: Mar 11, 2018
The learning products created this term developed higher order thinking and were opportunities to share work
with real-world audiences.

Year End Summary: Jun 21, 2018

Projects this term in both Learning Groups and core subject areas in the classroom were focused on real-life
problems and situations and challenged students to incorporate higher-order thinking skills (e.g., analysis,
evaluation, synthesis).

Additional Information To Inform Programming

Potential junior high courses, options, or extra-curricular opportunities that could offer optimal
challenge for this student:

Social Participation Strategies Required or X Not Required

Medical Management Plan Required or X Not Required

Additional Targeted Supports

Notes and Additional Information

Although many accommodations are used in teaching situations, not all of those accommodations are
appropriate in a testing situation. The list below is of permitted accommodations for Provincial Achievement
Tests (PATs) and/or Diploma Exams.

1)CD version (for visual impairment) 2)CD version (for learning or physical disability)
3)Extra writing time 4)Frequent breaks

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5)Scribe 6)Large-print version
7)Braille version 8)Reader
9)Sign-language interpreter 10)Recorded response
11)Franklin Language Master 12)Coloured Paper
13)Text-to-speech software 14)Speech-to-text software
15)Ambient Noise Audio Unique Accommodations**

Request for accommodations for Provincial Achievement Tests (PATs) and/or Diploma Exams:
Required or X Not Required
The above requested accommodations for Provincial Achievement Tests (PATs) and/or Diploma Exams are
regularly used in learning and testing situations. Yes X No

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