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Chapter 5 Diseases like polio and cerebral palsy can be

the primary causes of scoliosis.
Children and Women in Sports
Ans. True
P. 105–108 High level of catecholamine hormone can affect
the oestrogen levels.
A. Objective Type/Multiple-Choice Questions
(1 mark) Ans. True
Bulimia can be prevented by pills and vaccines.
I. Give one word answers.
Ans. False
Give the scientific name of knock knees.
Ans. Genu Valgum IV. Multiple-Choice Questions

Name the first Indian woman who won a medal

2. What are the two types of motor development of
in weightlifting in 2000 Olympics. muscles in the body?
(a) Gross and fine (b) Gross and net
Ans. Karnam Malleswari
(c) Coarse and fine (d) Gross and measured
Which disease is one of the main causes of bow
legs? Ans. (a) Gross and fine
Ans. Rickets In children, motor control of the head comes
before the control of the legs. This head to tail
Name the female athlete who secured a Bronze
sequence is known as the trend.
medal in 2016 Olympics.
Which of these words fills the blank?
Ans. Sakshi Malik
(a) Proximodistal (b) Cephalocaudal
Name one of the major factors of osteoporosis
(c) Cephalopodal (d) Proximoaxial
which can lead to hormonal disturbance in
female athletes. Ans. (b) Cephalocaudal

Ans. Amenorrhoea Which of these asanas is suggested for relief

from Lordosis?
II. Fill in the blanks. (a) Chakrasana (b) Vajrasana
Kyphosis is a postural deformity also known as
1. (c) Halasana (d) Matsyasana
Ans. (c) Halasana
Ans. Humpback or round back
In which postural deformity is there an abnormal
Change in production of hormones like oestrogen
2. lateral curvature of the spine?
and progesterone can lead to
(a) Kyphosis (b) Lordosis
Ans. Amenorrhoea
(c) Fibrosis (d) Scoliosis
A person with a condition of bow legs deformity
Ans. (d) Scoliosis
should try to walk on the edge of the
feet. Who was the first Indian to win a silver medal in
badminton at the Summer Olympics?
Ans. inner
(a) Saina Nehwal (b) P.V. Sindhu
The name of the first indian woman who won
4. Physical Education Companion – 12
a Bronze medal in 2012 London Olympics is (c) Jwala Gutta (d) Sania Mirza
Ans. (b) P.V. Sindhu
Ans. M C Mary Kom Which of these is an eating disorder in which
patients have an obsessive fear of gaining
III. State True or False weight?
The biological factors which affect the motor
1. (a) Bulimia (b) Amenorrhoea
development of a child are linked with the
physical activity and capability of the child. (c) Leukaemia (d) Anorexia
Ans. (d) Anorexia
Ans. False
The condition of osteoporosis is not related to
2. B. Very Short Answer Type Questions
calcium deficiency. What do you mean by motor development?
Ans. False (CBSE SP 2016, 2019)  39
Ans. Motor development is the change in children’s Ans. The causes of scoliosis are diseases in the
ability to control their body movements and joints of bones, polio, rickets, infantile paralysis,
gradually develop a wide range of motor skills, cerebral palsy and juvenile osteoporosis or
such as sitting, walking, jumping and running, other diseases. These conditions are also often
etc. associated with poor posture, partial deafness
2. the motor development stages in and carrying heavy loads on one shoulder.
children. (CBSE 2017) What is ‘an abnormal curvature of spine at front’
Ans. There are three stages of motor development in termed as? (CBSE 2015, 2019)
children like: Ans. An abnormal curvature of spine at front is termed
• Infanthood (0 to 2 years) as lordosis.

• Early Childhood (2 to 6 years) Suggest any two free hand exercises for
correcting round shoulder. (CBSE 2015)
• Middle Childhood (7 to 10 years)
Ans. The two free hand exercises for correcting round
• Late Childhood (11 to 12 years) shoulder are:
When does a child achieve adult style of
3. • Place both tips of fingers on the shoulders
walking? and start encircling the elbows in a clockwise
Ans. A child achieves adult style of walking at the and anticlockwise direction.
early childhood, i.e. at the age of 4 years. At this • Hang on the horizontal bar for some time.
stage a child can walk around obstacles and
walk more erectly. Which type of deformity is kypnosis? (CBSE 2019)

When does puberty set in for females?

4. Ans. Kyphosis is a condition where abnormal
curvature of the spine occurs in the backward
Ans. At the age of 12 years, puberty begins in or posterior curve or reversal of forward curve
females. often causing depression in the chest.
How does obesity impact motor development?
5. Suggest any two exercises for correcting flat
Ans. Obesity adversely affects the motor development foot. (CBSE 2016)
of child. Children who are overweight find it Ans. The two exercises for correcting flat foot are:
difficult and uncomfortable to take up any motor
activity. They lag behind their more active • Walking on the lateral border of the foot.
friends when it comes to development of motor • Heel walking involves walking on the heels
skills. with whole body weight on the heels.
What do you mean by knock knee? (CBSE 2011)
6. Name the deformity for which horse riding can
Ans. Knock knee is a condition of postural deformity be used as corrective measure. (CBSE SP 2016)
where the knees knock or rub together while Ans. The deformity for which horse riding can be
walking or standing and the feet and ankles are used as a corrective measure is knock knee
far apart than normal. deformity. It would help naturally in making a
State the common postural deformities.
7. gap between the knees.
(CBSE 2017) Give one reason why women’s health is a
Ans. The common postural deformities are: serious issue in India.
Physical Education Companion – 12

• Spinal curvature Ans. Women’s health is a serious issue in India

because they do not have a clear understanding
• Flat Foot
of proper exercise, maintaining average body
• Knock Knees weight, a balanced diet, the benefit of sports
• Bow Legs and other aspects of health.
• Round Shoulder. Write the factors that can lead to osteoporosis.
(CBSE 2016)
What is scoliosis?
8. (CBSE 2011)
Ans. The factors that lead to osteoporosis are:
Ans. Scoliosis is the abnormal lateral curvature of the
spine. It can be bending, twisting or rotating of • Osteoporosis is caused by calcium deficiency
the spine. and amenorrhoea.
What is the main cause of scoliosis?
9. • Insufficient calcium in the bones decreases
 40 (CBSE 2012, 2018) density and hardness of bones.
• A
menorrhoea can also cause osteoporosis in more after the last period is called amenorrhoea.
women. Sometimes, it may be absent for years.
List the names of at least three Indian
17. What is osteoporosis?
24. (CBSE SP 2016)
sportswomen who have achieved success in Ans. According to NIH (USA) “A skeletal disorder
the international level. characterised by compromised bone strength
Ans. The names of three sportswomen who have predisposing a person to an increased risk of
achieved success in the international level are: fracture”. It is a condition in which the density
P.V. Sindhu, Sania Mirza, Mary Kom and strength of the bone is reduced, making
18. Explain the term ‘menarche’. (CBSE 2016) it vulnerable to frequent fractures, like stress
fracture and other bone injuries.
Ans. The onset of the first menstrual bleeding or
period in a female is called menarche. The Explain anorexia nervosa.
25. (CBSE 2016)
average age for menarche ranges from 12 to Ans. Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder in which
14 years. Sometimes, menarche may begin at the patients have an obsessive fear of gaining
8 to 9 years of age or at the age of 16 years or weight. It usually begins during the teens and is
more. more common in women than me.
How is menarche advantageous for women
19. Among
26. females, what type of menstrual
gymnasts? dysfunction is called amenorrhoea? (CBSE 2019)
Ans. Delayed menarche can be advantageous to Ans. It is a serious disorder of three interrelated
women in gymnastics. Meanwhile, those whose medical condition energy: deficiency with
menarche comes early get more adipose tissues or without eating disorders; menstrual
and average weight which may give them an disturbances, and reduced bone mineral density
extra edge in swimming or rowing. which is likely to cause osteoporosis.
What do you mean by menstrual dysfunction?
20. What do you mean by bulimia?
27. (CBSE 2019)
Ans. The average menstrual cycle consists of Ans. Bulimia is an eating disorder in which the patient
21–35 days and menstrual bleeding or periods consumes a large quantity of food within a short
occur during the first 2–7 days of the cycle. Each period and ejects it through vomiting or with the
cycle ends on the first day of the next menstrual help of laxatives or diuretics.
bleeding. Any abnormality or irregularity in this
process is termed as menstrual dysfunction. C. Short Answer Type – I Questions 3 marks
What are the types of menstrual dysfunction?
21. Write a brief note on the motor development of:

Ans. The types of menstrual dysfunction are: (a) infants (0 to 2 years)

• Amenorrhoea. (b) early childhood (2 to 6 years) (CBSE SP 2016)

• Dysmenorrhoea. (c) middle childhood (7 to 10 years) (CBSE SP 2016)
• Premenstrual Syndrome. (d) late childhood (11 to 12 years).
• Heavy Periods. Ans. (a) Infanthood is marked by rapid growth and
• Irregular Periods. development of muscles. The child achieves
motor control of the head first, then the arms
• Prolonged Periods.
and legs. Physical Education Companion – 12
• Delay in Menarche.
(b) During early childhood the child starts
What is female athlete triad?
22. (CBSE 2016) climbing and crawling and manages to walk
Ans. Female athlete triad is a serious disorder of like an adult by the age of four years.
three interrelated medical conditions. It consists (c) Middle childhood is characterised by the
of amenorrhoea, osteoporosis and eating child’s ability to focus on the development
disorders. A female is likely to have the other of hand eye coordination and balance. They
two conditions if she is suffering from one also like to compete with their peers during
condition of the triad. this period.
What is ‘amenorrhoea’ in female athletes triad?
23. (d) By late childhood, all individuals have the
(CBSE 2018) fundamental aspects of motor development.
Ans. A case of delayed menarche or a case of Puberty sets in for both male and female
absence of menstrual period for 6 months or children.  41
2. do biological factors affect motor Ans. Sensory impairment and postural deformities
development? affect motor development as under:
Ans. Biological factors are linked with genes and • Sensory impairments: Sensory impairments
are also known as genetic or heredity factors. like visual impairments, hearing impairments
Various types of motor development depend etc. are likely to affect the motor development
on the genes we get from our parents like the of children. Movements are the product of
percentage of fast twitch fibres and slow twitch the coordination between the central nervous
fibers which decide our muscular speed and system, the sensory organs, the muscles and
endurance. These factors influence the rate and joints. Inability to perceive stimuli correctly
ability of motor development and are connected will lead to failure of the appropriate timely
to body weight, size and strength. Another motor response.
important biological factor is the development of • Postural deformities: Postural deformities
nerve cells or neurons. They transmit messages like spinal curvature deformities, flat foot,
to the brain and connect with other nerves knock knee, bow leg, etc. slow down or
and form pathways in the brain during the first obstruct the process of motor development in
months of life. children. Children with no postural deformities
How is motor development in children affected
3. will have a faster rate of motor development.
by the environment factors? Write about the deformities of spinal curvature.
Ans. Motor development of children is affected by (CBSE 2016)
environmental factors such as physical and Ans. The lumber spine is characterised by a
social factors. Motor development takes place moderate anterior hyperextension curve, i.e.
at a quicker rate in children who are encouraged everybody’s spine has some form of curvature.
to discover their surroundings. Climate, Spinal curve helps our backs absorb shock.
housing and culture have a strong impact on A healthy spine should run however straight
the development of motor skills of children. down the centre. Sometimes, abnormal spinal
In many societies, children are encouraged curvatures are formed. They are associated
to explore their surroundings and take part in with the abnormality in the formation, alignment
motor activities. It is support, love and security or shape of the vertebral column or spine. These
of the elders that help a child to take risks, deformities are the result of carrying excessive
explore courageously and enjoy effective motor weight beyond capacity of the body. We have
development. three types of spinal curvatures:
What effects do nutrition and physical activities
4. • Kyphosis
have on motor development?
• Lordosis
Ans. Nutrition and physical activities do have the
effects on motor development as under: • Scoliosis

• Nutrition: Wholesome nutrition is an essential Enlist the spinal postural deformities. Explain
requirement for all round development of the cause of kyphosis and precautions to avoid
a child. Good motor development can be it. (CBSE SP 2016)

derived from nutritious food. On the other Ans. The list of spinal posture deformities are:
hand, children without proper nutrition lose • Kyphosis
Physical Education Companion – 12

their energy and have poorly developed

motor skills. • Lordosis

• Physical activities: Regular physical • Scoliosis

activities help the motor development to be Causes of kyphosis: Kyphosis is caused by
at a faster rate but the physical activities must malnutrition, illness, deficiency of pure air,
correspond to the capabilities and limitations insufficient exercises, rickets, carrying heavy
of a child. Children who do not practice or loads, poorly shaped furniture, weak muscles,
take-up physical activities regularly will have ageing, spinal injury, arthritis and other
a slower rate of motor development and degenerative bone diseases and the habit of
show deficiency in coordinative abilities and doing work by leaning forward.
technical skills. Precautions: It can be prevented by following
Describe briefly how sensory impairments and
5. correct posture while sitting, standing and
 42 postural deformities affect motor development. walking from an early age. Proper exercise and
diet are also important measures. the spine. It can be bending, twisting or rotating
Briefly explain lordosis, its causes and remedial
8. of the spine. People with scoliosis develop
and preventive measures. additional sideways curves on either side of the
body and may be called scoliotic curves. These
Ans. Lordosis is the excessive inward curvature of curves are defined in terms of their convexities
spine resulting in a forward curve in the lumber and identified as right convexities and left
region. The body becomes stiff and painful. convexities.
Causes: It can be caused because of imbalanced Primary causes: The primary causes are
diet, improper environment, improper diseases in the joints of bones, polio, rickets,
development of muscles, obesity and diseases infantile paralysis, cerebral palsy and juvenile
affecting vertebrae and spinal muscles like osteoporosis or other diseases.
spondylitis and osteoporosis. Physical inactivity
and excessive intake of food are also the major Precautionary measures:

causes. • An unhealthy diet and low levels of specific
Precautions: The following are the precautionary minerals can contribute to scoliosis
and remedial measures: progression.
• Good nutrition • Carrying heavy things especially on one side
should be avoided as it adds to natural pull
• By weight control especially at an early age. of gravity and compresses the spine further.
• While carrying a heavy load, the person has • Long distance running on uneven terrain
to lean forward which results in a bad posture. and prolonged running can result spinal
Even if carrying weight one should align her/ compression, may bend or rotate your
his body in straight position. curve and cause greater risk of scoliosis
• Stand straight with the feet and shoulder progression. Thus, running should be limited.
width apart. Remedies:
• Bend your knee and hold your ankle. When • Lie down facing the ground, bend your
you pull your back, tilt your pelvis forward. elbow, and support your body with your toes.
Hold this position for 25–30 seconds. Squeeze your abs in and hold this position for
• Lie down on the floor facing the ceiling and 5 seconds. Repeat technique step 10 times.
put your feet on the floor; tilt your pelvic back • Scoliosis can be cured by breast stroke or
by pushing the lower back into the floor. butterfly technique of swimming.
Lift your torso off the floor to 30° angle by
supporting your neck with your hands. Come • Yoga has been one of the best practices to
back slowly to starting position and repeat cure any ailment and also helps in enhancing
exercises 10 times. overall physical strength. It maintains a
balance for the body in case of scoliosis.
• Lie down your back on the floor facing upward
with the flexion of knees while keeping your • Use a firm quality mattress. Avoid the soft
feet flat on the floor apart from each other. mattresses and use extra pillows for comfort
Squeeze your gluteus and lift up your hip instead.
upward as much as you can. Hold for 20 to • Sitting or standing in one place for prolonged
30 seconds and return to starting position. period stresses the spine. Stretch or take a Physical Education Companion – 12
Repeat this exercise 20 times a day. walk as often as possible. Choose a chair
• Toe touching exercises, sit up and halasana with good support if you sit for extended
should be performed regularly. period.
• For performing head to knee exercises, • For mild scoliosis football is another great
remain seated on the mat with your legs exercise that can strengthen the core muscle.
stretched forward. Slowly, lower your head All positions except goalkeeper are fine.
and try to touch your forehead to your knees. Briefly explain flat foot, its causes and preventive
Hold to count of 10 and repeat it for 10 to 15 and remedial measures.
times. Ans. The appearance of flat foot is natural and
9. explain scoliosis, its causes and common in infants. Flat foot in children usually
preventive and remedial measures. disappears when they attain adolescence and
Ans. Scoliosis is the abnormal lateral curvature of adulthood. Persisting during the later periods  43
of childhood becomes a postural deformity. A Precautions and remedies:
child with a flat foot cannot become an efficient • Daily cycling for 20 to 30 minutes and horse
sportsperson. They feel pain mainly in the heel riding would help naturally in making a gap
area and experience difficulty in standing and between the knees.
• Keep a pillow between the legs while
Causes: It usually develops due to excessive sleeping, walking or sitting daily for 15 to 20
stress on the feet. Weak muscles in feet, minutes.
ankles and lower leg cannot bear body weight.
Conditions related to ageing such as weakness • Knock knees’ special shoes, night braces
of muscles and bones, uncomfortable shoes, and walking calipers may prevent knocking.
foot injuries and carrying heavy loads for longer • Perform the padmasana and gomukhasana
period also cause flat foot. yogic poses daily.
Precautions: • Supplement of vitamins D like cod liver oil
• W
earing comfortable shoes that fully support and minerals like calcium and phosphorus
the arch and help stabilise the heel. should be taken for strengthening the bones.
• Walking bare feet should be avoided. Briefly explain bow legs, its causes and
preventive and remedial measures.
• Losing excess weight can reduce the stress
on feet. Ans. Bow leg is simply a normal variation in leg
appearance. It is a condition of physical deformity
• Infants or toddlers should not be compelled
marked by an outward bowing of the leg, i.e.
to walk at very early stage.
knees are wide apart and ankles are touching.
• Carrying heavy loads should be avoided at There is a distinct space between lower legs
the early stage of development. and knees which is opposite to knock knees.
• High-heeled shoes should be avoided. When standing with feet together, the individual
Remedial measures: legs appear like an archer’s bow. It may be on
either side or both legs curving outward. Bowed
The exercises like walking on the toes, walking legs are most apparent while walking, running
on the lateral border of the foot, making the fist and standing.
with the foot relaxing them and then repeating it
again, skipping on a rope, the vajrasana yogic Causes: Rickets is the main cause of bow legs.
asana and heel walking involves walking on the Children with rickets do not get enough calcium,
heels with the whole body weight on the heels. phosphorus and vitamin D all of which are vital
for healthy growing of bones.
Briefly explain knock knee, its causes and
preventive and remedial measures. Precautions and remedies:
Ans. The scientific name of knock knee is genu • Never force babies to walk at a very tender
valgum. The term originates from the Latin age.
word ‘genu’ which means ‘knee’ and ‘valgus’ • Appropriate body weight with respect to ages
which means ‘bent outside’. It is a condition of should be maintained.
postural deformity where the knees knock or
• A balanced diet is essential for the timely
rub together while walking or standing and the
growth and maintenance.
feet and ankles are fat apart than normal. One
Physical Education Companion – 12

having this problem faces problems in walking • Vitamin D should be taken in a recommended
and running. amount.
Causes: • Intake of well balanced diet is crucial for
overall development and functioning of body.
• Lack of vitamin D and minerals like calcium
and phosphorus. • Some special shoes, casts and leg braces
can be used for correcting bow legs in young
• Problems associated with the development
of bones and joints like rickets, osteoporosis
and arthritis also contribute to knock knee. • Bow-legged person should try to walk for
• Other possible factors include obesity, flat some distance on the inner edge of the feet.
foot, an injury or infection affecting the knees • In-toeing position of walking where feet turn
or leg bones and carrying a heavy load at an inward instead of pointing straight should be
 44 early age. adopted.
What do you mean by round shoulders? Suggest
13. to floor. Extend the same from the starting
any four physical activities for correcting round position.
shoulders. (CBSE 2015)
(b) Round shoulder:
Ans. This postural abnormality is characterised by a • Place the tips of fingers of both hands on
drooping shoulder which appears round and a shoulders and encircle the elbows in a
slight forward bending of the back. clockwise and anticlockwise direction.
Causes: There are many factors which promote • Hang on the horizontal bar for some time.
development of rounded shoulders:
(c) Flat feet:
• Heredity factors led to rounded shoulders.
• Practise jumping on toes for some time.
• Tight clothing and shoes affect posture.
• Rope skipping exercise.
• High-heeled shoes, tight fitting clothes, wide
belt, etc. change the centre of gravity which (d) Scoliosis:
ultimately leads to poor posture. • Lie down in prone position. Raise right arm
• Poor posture of sitting, standing and upward and left arm at the side. After this
walking, improper furniture, excessive weight position, bring right arm towards the left over
training like bench press, bicep curls and the head, by pressing down with left hand
shoulders press exercises result in rounded and then slide the left hip up.
shoulders. • Stand erect with feet few inches apart. Lift
• Complete lack of exercises which are up the left and hip. Extend the right arm and
concerned with shoulders also affects bend the arm towards the left over head while
the shoulders, leaving them vulnerable to pressing the left side of rib by the left hand.
rounded shoulder. (e) Kyphosis:
Precautions and remedies: • Lie down in a prone position with hands on
• Never slouch while sitting and walking and hips. After that raise your head and chest
always stand flat back position. several inches from the ground and tuck your
chin during this exercise. Hold this position
• Those who have rounded shoulders should
for some time and return to previous position.
not wear tight fitting clothes and avoid high
Repeat this exercise at least 10 times.
heeled shoes.
• Sit in a normal position with a stick held in
• Avoid sitting on faulty furniture which is not
horizontal position over the head and trunk,
hands well stretched. After that lower the stick
• Place the tips of fingers of both hands on and then raise it behind head and shoulders.
shoulders and encircle the elbows in a Repeat this exercise 10 to 12 times.
clockwise and anticlockwise direction.
(f) Knock knee:
• Hang on the horizontal bar for some time.
• Daily cycling for 20 to 30 minutes and horse
• Perform yogic techniques especially riding would help naturally in making a gap
chakrasana and dhanurasana on a regular between the knees.
• Perform the padmasana and gomukhasana
Suggest at least two exercise methods for
14. Physical Education Companion – 12
daily that may counteract the effects of knock
treating (a) lordosis, (b) round shoulder, (c) flat knee.
feet, (d) scoliosis, (e) kyphosis, (f) knock knee,
(g) Bow legs:
and (g) bow legs.
Ans. (a) Lordosis:
• Bow-legged persons should try to walk for
some distance on the inner edge of the feet.
• First lie down in a prone position with
hands under abdomen. Then keep hips and • Do yogic exercises like garudasana and
shoulder down and gently press hands upon ardha matsyendrasana regularly.
abdomen and raise the lower back. Give two examples of Indian sportswomen
• Bend knees forward while allowing hips to facing discrimination due to their gender.
bend back behind. Keeping the back straight Ans. 1. World champion boxer Mary Kom’s father
and knees pointed in the same direction as strongly disapproved of her decision to pursue
feet, lower your body until thighs are parallel boxing. The reason he gave was that it would  45
disfigure her appearance and ruin her marriage fitness movement, vital information about their
prospects. More recently, in the 2014 Asian health is not communicated effectively to them
Games, Sarita Devi, a boxer, was banned for a and they fail to see the importance of sports for
year by All India Boxing Association when she the welfare of their health.
refused to accept the Bronze medal because of How does incorrect and insufficient education
the unfair and biased decision by the judges. It affect the prospects of women players in India?
was evident that she was the clear winner. But
the Indian Government did not even support her Ans. The reasons behind the low rate of women’s
and she and her husband had to borrow money participation in sports in India is lack of
to lodge a complaint against the decision. education among women as there are many
Olympian performer and world-class athlete P T women who do not receive a proper education
Usha had to share a room with five other women even now, especially the lower class. The
at the National Open Athletic Championship in literacy rate of the male population surpasses
2009, notwithstanding her rank. that of their female counterparts. Therefore, the
latter are in the dark about many subjects. Our
Briefly discuss how Indian sportswomen are
16. society is full of theories that are not based on
affected by lack of gender equality and the any solid foundation or scientific reasoning. In
culture of masculinity in the country. fact, these theories arise from prejudice, gender
Ans. In ancient Olympics, women were not allowed bias, superstitions, pointless assumptions of a
even to watch the sports competition. It is a male-dominated society and lack of scientific
matter of regret for all of us to know that sports knowledge. For instance, our society claims that
where gender inequality is strongly evident. sports participation alters the psychological,
It is a fact that this problem is more of socio physical and social traits natural to women and
psychological nature than anything else. It is give rise to complications during pregnancy
really a matter of shame that men and women and child delivery. It even asserts that women
are considered so differently especially in compromise their femininity and suffer from
the field of sports. It is also observed that health problems, like: bone weakening,
women are not provided equal opportunities in abnormal psychological changes, etc. due
comparison to their male counterparts. It is a to sports participation. These statements are
reality that men still considered the better. The absurd and far from the truth. Due to lack of
social environment not only makes it easier for proper education and knowledge, women also
men to participate in sports but also makes it entertain the same opinions which is why there
harder for women to do so. All these differences are few sportswomen in India.
can be visiualised in schools, colleges and any Suggest any four ways through which women
other places also. But now the time has started participation in sports across age group can be
to change and we expect the bright future for enhanced. (CBSE 2015)
Ans. The four ways through which women
Boxing gold medallist Rishu Mittal works as participation in spouts across age group can be
a domestic helper to continue her career due enhanced under:
to lack of government funding. Sita Sahu,
two times bronze medallist at Athens Special • Family environment: The support of one’s
Olympics, sells gol appas along with her mother family is important for pursuing a desired
career, especially in a country like India. If
Physical Education Companion – 12

and has discontinued her profession. Nisha

Rani, a Bronze medallist, had to sell her archery girls are motivated to discover and perfect
equipment for her family’s subsistence. their talent and skills, they can excel in sports.

What are the consequences of not having a

17. • Culture: The social climate of the society we
fitness and wellness movement for women? live in is a big factor in cultivating a prosperous
sports culture for girls and women. If the
Ans. Due to lack of movements to create awareness women are not confined in traditional roles,
about fitness and wellness the majority of they will be able to utilise their potential.
women in India have a poor knowledge about
their own health and the role of sports in • Confidence: It is the first and foremost thing
maintaining it. Many of them pay little attention that we should develop the confidence among
to their overall fitness. This lack of concern women folk. The women athlete can be more
arises from ignorance about the necessity competitive and can do better in sports.
 46 of preservation of health. In the absence of a • School: Schools have a big role in instilling
a progressive and confident spark in their anxiety, depression and other addictive or self-
students. When school will help the girl destructive behaviours. It can be either Anorexia
students in realising their potential, then Nervosa or Bulimia Nervosa.
there will be an increase in the participation (a) Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder in
of women in sports. which the patients have an obsessive fear
How does intensive exercise impact menarche?
20. of gaining weight.
Ans. It has been found that intensive exercise and (b) Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder
sports activities can cause abnormalities, like in which the patient consumes a large
delayed menarche and amenorrhoea. Such quantity of food within a short period and
activities create physiological stress which subsequently ejects it from the body through
affects the reproductive process and disrupts vomiting, or with the help of laxatives or
the normal patterns. It is true that menstrual diuretics.
abnormalities or other health issues are frequent Write briefly about menstrual dysfunctions and
among women who are involved in intensive their effect on sports participation of female
exercises and sports activities. athletes. (CBSE 2018)
Briefly describe female athletes triad.
21. Ans. Menstrual Dysfunction
Ans. It is a serious disorder of three interrelated
The average menstrual cycle consists of 21–35

medical conditions; energy deficiency days and menstrual bleeding or periods occur
with or without eating disorders; menstrual during the first 2–7 days of the cycle. Each
disturbances; and reduced bone mineral density cycle ends on the first day of the next menstrual
which is likely to cause osteoporosis. The triad bleeding. Any abnormality or irregularity in this
usually affects teenage girls who consume process is termed as menstrual dysfunction.
less calories and exercise excessively. They It is reported that about 9 – 30% of women
may develop eating disorders and become suffer from menstrual dysfunction of one form
obsessed with exercise to achieve low body or the other. Some common types of menstrual
weight and enhance and performance in sports. dysfunction are listed below:
Therefore, they are at greater risk of suffering
from this syndrome. Energy deficiency leads Amenorrhoea

to menstrual disturbances like amenorrhoea A case of delayed menarche or a case of
which is associated with low oestrogen levels. absence of menstrual period for 6 months or
Low oestrogen levels contribute to a decrease more after the last period is called amenorrhoea.
in bone density and lack of calcium and vitamin Sometimes, it may be absent for years.
D in the body. This is one of the main causes
of osteoporosis. A woman is likely to have the
other two conditions if she is suffering from one A menstrual period accompanied by sharp pain
condition of the triad. or cramps in the lower abdomen and pelvic area
is called dysmenorrhoea or painful menstruation.
How can women participation in sports and
During menstruation, the muscles of the uterus
games be encouraged in India? Explain.
contract due to release of molecular compounds
(CBSE 2017)
called prostaglandins and other inflammatory
Ans. Women in India can be encouraged to participate mediators.
in sports as under: Physical Education Companion – 12
Premenstrual Syndrome

(i) Do not treat them as low profile.
Experiencing symptoms like, pain in the back
(ii) Encourage them at their primary level. legs or abdomen, acne, irritability, mood swings,
(iii) Provide good facilities and infrastructure. water retention, tender breasts, headaches,
constipation, depression or emotional stress,
Briefly explain eating disorders and classify
etc. before the onset of menstrual periods is
called premenstrual syndrome. A female may
Ans. Eating disorders are a range of psychological have one or more symptoms a few days before
disorders in which a person’s eating behaviour her periods.
is abnormal. It may include inadequate or
Menorrhagia or Heavy Periods

excessive food intake which can ultimately
harm an individual’s well-being. It is commonly Normally the menstrual flow is heavy at first and
exhibited along with conditions such as then gradually decreases. But increased and  47
heavy flow at regular intervals or a loss of more Explain briefly about eating disorder bulimia.
than 80 mL of blood during each menstrual (CBSE 2019)
bleeding indicates menorrhagia or heavy OR
periods. Comment on the outlook of Indian society
towards the participation of women in sports.
Irregular Periods

(CBSE 2019)
Mostly, menstrual cycles form a regular pattern Ans. Bulimia nervosa or simply bulimia, is an eating
of every 21–35 days after 1–3 years from the disorder in which the patient consumes a
first bleeding or menarche. For some females, large quantity of food within a short period and
periods might skip altogether for months or subsequently ejects it from the body through
come earlier than expected. vomiting, or with the help of laxatives or diuretics.
Prolonged Periods
The term ‘bulimia’ means ‘the ravenous hunger
of an fox’, a reference to the voracious appetite
On an average, the menstrual bleeding or of the patient. When a person suffers from
periods lasts about 2–7 days. Prolonged bulimia, she/he is under the grip of a hunger
periods are longer than this duration and occur that that is induced by psychological reasons,
at unpredictable intervals. physiological ones.
Delay in Menarche
The average age of menarche in a female ranges The following aspects show the outlook of
from 12–14 years. If it is later than 14 years Indian society towards the participation of
and above, it is a case of delayed menarche, women in sports :
which is also termed as primary amenorrhoea. Gender Role Orientation

At times, it may be as late as in 18 years of age
or more. Many people claimed that women should not
indulge in athletics because it will compromise
Explain the meaning of anorexia nervosa and
25. their gender identity. But nowadays, not only
cite its types. women’s participation in sports has increased,
Ans. It is an eating disorder in which the patients
but also there is a rise in their participation in
have an obsessive fear of gaining weight. They many kinds of sports which were open only to
have an unrealistic fear of gaining weight and men in the past, such as, boxing, wrestling,
they also have an unrealistic perception of body weightlifting, bodybuilding, kabaddi, etc.
image and view themselves as overweight even Competitiveness

when they are clearly underweight. It usually Comparison shows that men are more
begins during the teens and is more common in competitive than women. Generally, women
women than men. focus more on their goals rather than outdoing
It may become a lifelong disease without
each other. They show brilliant artistic skills in
intervention at the initial stage. This disorder can aesthetic sports like gymnastics, figure skating,
have damaging health consequences such as etc.
heart problems, brain damage, multiple organ Confidence

failure, osteoporosis and infertility. It should,
Confidence means self-reliance and a belief
however, be noted that anorexia nervosa does
Physical Education Companion – 12

in one’s abilities, female athletes are usually

not necessarily mean loss of appetite. The
less confident due to lack of support, society’s
patient can retain their appetite and suppress it
views towards them, physical limitations, etc.
systematically. It is of two types:
But women who take part in sports are found to
• Restricting type: In this form, consumption have more confidence when we compare them
of food is severely restricted in various ways with other women.
like maintaining a calorie count that is too Self-image or Body Image

low for the body’s requirement. The patient
reduces her/his weight effectively through Women tend to be more conscious about their
obsessive rules like drastic exercising. self-image than men. They are constantly
concerned about becoming overweight, getting
• Purging / Binge eating type: In this type, the the perfect figure and skin, maintaining physical
restriction of food intake is accompanied by beauty, etc. In their efforts to achieve these,
 48 binge-eating and purging phases. they often develop a negative self-image.
Ans. It can be managed as under:
It is observed that women are more susceptible For proper management and treatment the
to depression than men. In this scenario, sports services of a dietician, doctor as well as
play a vital role. Sports participation not only counselling is required. However, the following
improves physical fitness, but it also helps to points need to be kept in mind:
achieve psychological well-being. It is a proven • It is paramount to accept the reality of the
fact that engaging in sports activities aids to situation. The patient must realize their
cope with depression in men as well as women. own condition and accept that they have to
Explain the meaning of bulimia nervosa and cite
27. recover. The physical aspect of the treatment
its types. can only start after this acceptance.
Ans. Bulimia nervosa or simply bulimia, is an eating • The main goal is to regain the appropriate
disorder in which the patient consumes a weight as per the individual’s height and
large quantity of food within a short period and age. This can be achieved with the help of a
subsequently ejects it from the body through psychologist and a fitness expert.
vomiting, or with the help of laxatives or diuretics. • In some cases, individual psychotherapy is
It has two types like: needed in some cases. Antidepressants are
• Purging Bulimia: In this type of bulimia, the often required to aid the process of recovery.
patient undergoes self-induced vomiting or Discuss causes and symptoms of bulimia
abuses diuretics, laxatives or enemas. The nervosa.
aim is to remove food from the body before it Ans. The causes and symptoms of bulimia are as
gets digested and deposited. under:
• Non-purging Bulimia: In this type of bulimia, Causes:

the individual uses methods like fasting, strict
dieting or excessive exercising to get rid of The factors that cause or contribute to bulimia
the calories and to prevent weight gain. are:

Discuss the causes and symptoms of anorexia

• Genetics
nervosa. • Psychological Factors
Ans. SYMPTOMS OF ANOREXIA NERVOSA: • Performance Pressure in Sports
• P
hysical symptoms: Massive weight loss; • Social Factors
abnormal blood counts; fatigue; insomnia; Symptoms:
bluish discolouration of the fingers;
• The affected individuals visit the bathroom
constipation; dry or yellowish skin; irregular
after every meal to immediately vomit and
heartbeat; low blood pressure; dehydration;
purge themselves.
osteoporosis; swelling of arms or legs;
absence of menstruation; thinning of hair • Eat until they begin to experience abdominal
on the head; becoming brittle and falling out pain and discomfort.
easily; soft, downy hair covering the body are • They undergo extreme exercise routines to
the symptoms of anorexia nervosa. control their weight.
• The individual abuses laxatives, diuretics or Physical Education Companion – 12
Psychological factors: Patients tend to be
enemas after eating a meal, when there is no
perfectionists and lean towards anxiety and medical reason to do so.
depression. • The individual’s enamel of the teeth is
damaged due to overexposure to acid in the
Social factors: The pressure to conform to this

standard comes from the media more vulnerable
to develop anorexia than others. • The individual’s eyes have visible broken
blood vessels.
Biological factors: Sometimes, biological

factors might trigger anorexia nervosa. Genetic • The salivary gland of the individual is swollen.
inheritance for example, might make some • The individual is overcautious about her/his
people vulnerable to developing anorexia than body image.
• The physiological impacts of bulimia also
How can anorexia nervosa be managed?
29. include peptic ulcers, hemorrhoids, blood in  49
vomit, scarred hands, faintness, dry skin, low like an adult by the age of four years.
sex drive, impotency and complications in (c) Middle childhood is characterised by the
childbirth. child’s ability to focus on the development
How can bulimia nervosa be managed?
31. of hand eye coordination and balance. They
Ans. Bulimia combines medication and also like to compete with their peers during
psychological measures. It involves the expert this period.
recommendation of physicians, dieticians and (d) By late childhood, all individuals have the
psychiatrists. Its recover usually takes a long fundamental aspects of motor development.
time, it may run into months or years depending Puberty sets in for both male and female
on the seriousness of the condition. It can be children. (For detail description refer to
managed by giving psychological treatments, pages 80–81)
by providing healthy weight and proper nutrition What are the types of motor development?
and going for exercises correctly. Describe any six factors affecting motor
What are the causes of oestoporosis?
32. development in children. (CBSE 2016, 2018)
(CBSE 2019) Ans. Types of Motor Development:
Ans. Osteoporosis can be caused due to: • Gross motor development – large muscles of
• Calcium Deficiency: Calcium is a key the body- sitting, standing, walking, running,
component is building the density and jumping
strength of bones. The recommended daily • Fine motor development – associated with
requirement of calcium is 1000–1500 mg. small muscles–catching, holding, throwing,
Insufficient calcium in the body can have aerobic exercises, etc.
lifelong consequences for bones. Insufficient
amount of calcium in the body causes other The factors affecting motor development:
organs such as heart, muscles, nerves, etc. to • Biological factors
use up the calcium stored in the bones. This • Environmental factors
results in depletion of calcium in the bones,
decreasing their density and hardness, • Nutrition
therefore, causing osteoporosis. • Physical activities
• Amenorrhoea: Our bones are constantly • Opportunities
braking down and rebuilding again to maintain • Sensory impairments
their structure and strength. Oestrogen is
essential to keep a balance between the • Postural deformities
two and helps absorption of calcium. Since • Obesity
women suffering from amenorrhoea have (Refer pages 82 and 83 of the textbook for the
decreased oestrogen level in the body, it also detailed description for these factors.)
disrupts the remodelling process in bones.
Formation of abnormal bone structure and Explain any five postural deformities. (CBSE 2012)
loss of calcium deposit takes place. Bones Ans. Some of the commonly known postural
become weak, porous and prone to fractures. deformities are:
Therefore, amenorrhoea can also cause (i) Spinal curvature
Physical Education Companion – 12

(ii) Flat foot
D. Short Answer Type-II Questions 5 marks (iii) Knock knees
What are the different motor development
1. (iv) Bow legs
stages in children? Discuss in detail.
(v) Round shoulder
Ans. Different stages of motor development in
children: (For detailed description refer to pages 83 to 88
of the book)
(a) Infanthood is marked by rapid growth and
development of muscles. The child achieves Explain the causes and corrective measures for
motor control of the head first, then the arms knock knee and scoliosis. (CBSE 2019)

and legs. Ans. Causes of Knock Knee:

(b) During early childhood the child starts • L
ack of vitamin D and minerals like calcium
 50 climbing and crawling and manages to walk and phosphorus.
• Problems associated with the development mattresses and use extra pillows for comfort
of bones and joints like rickets, osteoporosis instead.
and arthritis also contribute to knock knee. • Sitting or standing in one place for prolonged
• Other possible factors include obesity, flat period stresses the spine. Stretch or take a
foot, an injury or infection affecting the knees walk as often as possible. Choose a chair
or leg bones and carrying a heavy load at an with good support if you sit for extended
early age. period.
Corrective measures
• For mild scoliosis football is another great
• Daily cycling for 20 to 30 minutes and horse exercise that can strengthen the core muscle.
riding would help naturally in making a gap All positions except goalkeeper are fine.
between the knees. What
5. are some ways in which postural
• Keep a pillow between the legs while deformities can be rectified?
sleeping, walking or sitting daily for 15 to 20 Ans. The ways in which postural deformities can be
minutes. rectified are as under:
• Knock knees’ special shoes, night braces • We have two types of postural deformities
and walking calipers may prevent knocking. like functional and structural. In functional
• Perform the padmasana and gomukhasana deformities only the soft tissues are affected
yogic poses daily. and can be corrected by various types
of physical activities. On the other hand,
• Supplement of vitamins D like cod liver oil structural deformities affect the bony structure
and minerals like calcium and phosphorus of body. In this case physical activities are
should be taken for strengthening the bones. not quite helpful but with the help of surgery
Causes of Scoliosis
desired improvement and correction can be
• The primary causes are diseases in the joints done.
of bones, polio, rickets, infantile paralysis, • In functional deformities, physical activities are
cerebral palsy and juvenile osteoporosis or very effective especially for those elementary
other diseases. school years. Most of the deformities can be
• An unhealthy diet and low levels of specific corrected at this tender age.
minerals can contribute to scoliosis • Corrective exercises and physical activity
progression. should be encouraged and conducted during
• Carrying heavy things especially on one side the physical and health education period.
should be avoided as it adds to natural pull There are numerous physical activities or
of gravity and compresses the spine further. exercises which would be helpful in correcting
postural deformities.
• Long distance running on uneven terrain
and prolonged running can result spinal Discuss in detail why few women in India
compression, may bend or rotate your participate in sports.
curve and cause greater risk of scoliosis Ans. Society differentiates between men and women
progression. Thus, running should be limited. on the basis of a set of characteristic traits
Corrective measures
natural to their gender. These differences are
physical and psychological. For example, men Physical Education Companion – 12
• Lie down facing the ground, bend your tend to be muscular, competitive, self-reliant,
elbow, and support your body with your toes. aggressive and imposing in nature while
Squeeze your abs in and hold this position for women are mostly emotionally and physically
5 seconds. Repeat this technique and steps sensitive, gentle, dependent, cooperative and
10 times. sympathetic. With all such conditions the issue
• Scoliosis can be cured by breast stroke or of gender discrimination arises.
butterfly technique of swimming. Psychological aspects:

• Yoga has been one of the best practices to Woman have as much right as men to take
cure any ailment and also helps in enhancing up any profession they like, including sports.
overall physical strength. It maintains a Women are now coming out of their domestic
balance for the body in case of scoliosis. circles and making their presence felt in sports.
• Use a firm quality mattress. Avoid the soft Due to this, consideration of psychological  51
aspects of women athletes is increasingly termed as menstrual dysfunction. Its types can
finding relevance in recent times. Therefore, be:
the various psychological aspects of women • Amenorrhoea: A case of delayed menarche
athletes can be viewed under the following: or a case of absence of menstrual period
• Gender role orientation. for 6 months or more after the last period is
called amenorrhoea. Sometimes, it may be
• Competitiveness.
absent for years.
• Confidence
• Dysmenorrhoea: A menstrual period
• Self-image or body image accompanied by sharp pain or cramps in
• Depression and the lower abdomen and pelvic area is called
dysmenorrhoea or painful menstruation.
• Aggression.
• Premenstrual syndrome: Experiencing
Sociological aspects of female athletes:
symptoms like, pain in the back legs or
• Family environment: The support of one’s abdomen, acne, irritability, mood swings,
family is important for pursuing a desired water retention, tender breasts, headaches,
career, especially in a country like India, constipation, depression or emotional stress,
where family culture and values are largely etc. before the onset of menstrual periods is
respected. They also have a large number of called premenstrual syndrome.
role models they can look up to. The case • Menorrhagia or heavy periods: Normally
is slightly different for female players and the menstrual flow is heavy at first and then
aspirants, since the pressure to settle down, gradually decreases. But increased and
marriage and have children is one they face heavy flow at regular intervals or a loss
with more seriousness. On the contrary, the of more than 80 mL of blood during each
rising number of female sports stars should menstrual bleeding indicates menorrhagia or
be testament to the fact that there are parents heavy periods.
and families who want their daughters to
achieve their dreams, unconventional though • Irregular periods: Mostly, menstrual cycles
the dreams may be. form a regular pattern of every 21–35 days
after 1–3 years from the first bleeding or
• School environment: School is the second menarche. For some females, periods might
home of children, a place where mentality skip altogether for months or come earlier
and attitude are changed. Here the teachers than expected.
and the classmates leave an impact on the
child’s mind. Apart from the emotional and • Prolonged periods: On an average, the
psychological perspectives, even technical menstrual bleeding or periods lasts about 2–7
considerations like availability of proper days. Prolonged periods are longer than this
facilities such as separate changing rooms duration and occur at unpredictable intervals.
and showers for girls, ample equipment • Delay in menarche: The average age of
and gear, female coaches, etc. are also menarche in a female ranges from 12–14
necessary in increasing the participation of years. If it is later than 14 years and above, it
female students in sports activities. is a case of delayed menarche, which is also
termed as primary amenorrhoea.
Physical Education Companion – 12

• Culture: The social climate of the society we

live in is a big factor in cultivating a prosperous Describe the relationship between menstruation,
sports culture for girls and women. It is women’s health and sports participation.
important and urgent to change old concepts Ans. Relationship between menstruation, women’s
and adjust our collective mind set for the health and sports participation can be discussed
betterment of female sports enthusiasts. as under:
Discuss menstrual dysfunction and its types.
7. • It is commonly believed that taking part
Ans. Menstural dysfunction: The average in exercises and sports activities during
menstrual cycle consists of 21–35 days and menstruation causes serious damage to
menstrual bleeding or periods occur during the health and effects women’s sports
first 2–7 days of the circle. Each cycle ends on performance. There have been a number of
the first day of the next menstrual bleeding. discussions on the subject and, therefore, we
 52 Any abnormality or irregularity in this process is cannot overlook this reproductive process
during training, planning, schedules and without eating disorders; menstrual disturbances;
preparing for competitions, etc. But we cannot and reduced bone mineral density which is likely
take it as final. It is simply a normal cycle to cause osteoporosis.
every healthy woman experiences during The triad usually affects teenage girls who

her reproductive years. A woman has two consume less calories and exercise excessively.
menstrual cycles each of different schedules They may develop eating disorders and become
and it is during the second phase, i.e. luteal obsessed with exercise in their efforts to maintain
phase the oestrogen rises and causes their physique. Female athletes often restrict
changes in body temperature, metabolism calorie intake and perform intensive training and
and recovery time. During the bleeding exercise to achieve low body weight to enhance
period, there is a slight drop in a woman’s sports performance. Therefore, they are at
weight but it has been found that women greater risk of suffering from this syndrome.
perform even better during their periods.
Energy deficiency leads to menstrual
• The fact is effects of menstruation have disturbances like amenorrhoea which is
different mechanism in different women and associated with low oestrogen levels. Low
women do not always respond to it in similar oestrogen levels contribute to a decrease
cases in most cases. Performance can be in bone density and lack of calcium and
poor but better at any time. vitamin D in the body. This is one of the main
• Lastly, exercises and sports activities are causes of osteoporosis. A female is likely to have
essential for every individual to lead a healthy the other two conditions if she is suffering from
life and the overall well-being. one condition of the triad. In this endeavour, the
What are the symptoms of bulimia nervosa?
9. help of coaches, trainers, physicians and fitness
experts is crucial.
Ans. The following symptoms may be indication of
bulimia: Discuss
11. eating disorders, their causes,
symptoms and management.
• The affected individuals visit the bathroom
after every meal to immediately vomit and Ans. Eating disorders are a range of psychological
purge themselves. disorders in which a person’s eating behaviour
is abnormal. Eating disorders may include
• They become dehydrated due to repeated inadequate or excessive food intake which can
vomiting. Another side effect is inflammation ultimately harm an individual’s well-being. It is
of the food pipe. commonly exhibited along with conditions such
• The individual eat until they begin to as anxiety, depression and other addictive or
experience abdomen pain and discomfort. self-destructive behaviours. Patients of eating
• They undergo extreme exercise routines to disorders are often obsessed with food, body
control their weight. image and weight. Eating disorders are serious
emotional and physical problems that can have
• The individual abuses laxatives, diuretics or life-threatening consequences, it is dangerous
enemas after eating a meal when there is no to view them as a lifestyle choice. Any one can
medical reason to do so. fall prey to it at any stage. It severely undermines
• The individual’s enamel of the teeth is growth and development inflicting side effects
damaged due to overexposure to acid in the like malnutrition and electrolyte imbalance. Physical Education Companion – 12
vomit. Major eating disorders include anorexia nervosa
• The salivary gland of the individual is swollen. and bulimia nervosa.
• The individual is overcautious about her/his Anorexia nervosa: Anorexia nervosa is an

body image. eating disorder in which the patients have an
obsessive fear of gaining weight.
• The physiological impacts of bulimia also
include peptic ulcers, hemorrhoids, blood in Causes of anorexia nervosa
vomit, scarred hands, faintness, dry skin, low • Psychological factors
sex drive, impotency and complications in
• Social factors
child birth.
• Biological factors
Discuss female athletes triad in detail. (CBSE 2016)

Ans. It is a serious disorder of three interrelated
medical conditions: energy deficiency with or • Physical symptoms  53
• Emotional symptoms • They become dehydrated due to repeated
vomiting. Another side effect is inflammation
Management of anorexia:

of the food pipe.
• It is paramount to accept the reality of the
• The individuals eat until they begin to
situation. The patients must realise their
experience abdominal pain and discomfort.
own condition and accept that they have to
recover. The physical aspects of the treatment • They undergo extreme exercise routines to
can only start after this acceptance. control their weight.

• The main goal is to regain the appropriate Treatment of bulimia

weight as per the individual’s height and • Psychological treatment
age. This can be achieved with the help of a • Healthy weight and proper nutrition
psychologist and a fitness expert.
• Exercise correctly
Bulimia nervosa:

E. Value-Based Question
Bulimia nervosa, or simply bulimia, is an
eating disorder in which the patient consumes Recently Sarita Devi refused to accept the bronze
a large quantity of food within a short period medal during the ceremony. The international body
and subsequently ejects it from the body (AIBA) which regulates boxing has taken a stringent
through vomiting, or with the help of laxatives action against Sarita Devi and the coaches.
or diuretics. Answer the following questions based on the
Causes of bulimia:
above passage:
Do you agree with the decision of Sarita Devi?
The factors that cause or contribute to bulimia
Justify your answer.
What values do you think Sarita Devi has not
• Genetics
shown by her behaviour during the medal
• Psychological factors distribution ceremony? (CBSE 2015)

• Performance pressure in sports Ans.

• Social factors Yes, I do agree with the decision of Sarita Devi

for not accepting the Bronze medal because of
the unfair and biased decision by the judges.
• The affected individuals visit the bathroom Sarita Devi has not shown the values of
after every meal to immediately vomit and sportsmanship by refusing to accept her Bronze
purge themselves. medal.
Physical Education Companion – 12


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