The 4th Industrial Revolution

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The 4th Industrial Revolution; Paving the way for a greater Philippines

From sticks with rocks, to fire, to cars with powerful engines, humanity truly has
come a long way. In retrospect, humanity’s rate of progress is almost exponential;
achieving more in the past 300 years than those that came prior. With no signs of ever
stopping, The Philippines is now experiencing the 4 th industrial revolution. Influencing
the growth, and transformation of the Philippines for the development of a new and
better generation.
The late 1700s have brought us the first of the four industrial revolutions. Coal
was used to power steam engines making production move from on-hand to machinery.
The early 1900s has given us more advancements to communication, telegraph and
telephones, and also provided us a pivotal factor in today’s society, electricity. These
momentous pivot points will shape generations that long precede them
The third industrial revolution, the digital revolution came about in the late 20 th
century. Bringing more to the table when it comes to communications technology. The
formation of the electronics and information passageways was significantly influential
to the coming of the 4th revolution. In relation, the 4th industrial revolution is built
around the premises of the 3 rd revolution. The speed of current breakthroughs in
research and science has no historical precedent.
The 4th industrial revolution is amalgamation of all the sectors of technology. It
erases distinctions between the physical, digital, and biological aspects into further
advanced creations. Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Genetic Engineering, these
are few of the many products of the fourth industrial revolution. It proposes a new era in
the Philippines, greater than the prophesized flying cars back in the early 2000s. The
coming of this revolution entices an opportunity for the country, an opportunity for
change, progress, and development of a new generation.
The availability of information in this generation is key to the creation of this new
generation. Education, Entrepreneurship, Agriculture, all sectors will be affected.
Imagine the Filipinos all technologically literate, with enough resources to nurture their
talents, with the drive to pursue greatness. The younger generation armed with these
skills will lead our country to greatness. Quoting the words of our national hero Dr. Jose
Rizal, “Kabataan ang Pag-asa ng Bayan” (The youth are the hope of the country).

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