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Friends! (pause) Colleagues! (pause) Mentors! (pause) and Advocates! Hear me!

Let me borrow a
minute or two of your precious time! For I am dying in awe to share this piece of “ME” about wisdom!

As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said “The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the
common” so… Wisdom is a quality that we often associate with age and experience. We think of wise
elders who have lived through many years and have learned valuable lessons along the way. But wisdom
is not just a quality that comes with age. It is a quality that we can cultivate at any stage of life, including
as(us), (pause) grade 9 students in high school.

Are you an epitome of wisdom? So what does it mean to be an epitome of wisdom? Hmmmmm… It
means being thoughtful and reflective in our words and actions (thoughts and deeds). It means making
good choices that benefit ourselves (us) and those around us. It means being able to see the big picture
and understand how our actions fit into the larger context of our lives and the world.

Being a role model(exemplar) of wisdom also means being willing to learn and grow. It means being
open to new experiences and ideas, and being willing to admit when we are wrong. It means seeking out
advice and guidance from those who have more experience and being willing to share our own
knowledge and insights with others is also tantamount to what Zen Proverb has said “Knowledge is
learning something every day. Wisdom is letting go of something everyday”.

Fellows, as grade 9 students, we have a special opportunity to be role models of wisdom in our school
community. We are at the beginning of our high school journey, and we have many challenges and
opportunities ahead of us. By being thoughtful and reflective in our choices, by seeking out advice and
guidance, and by being willing to learn and grow, we can set a positive example for others to follow.

To add a few, Being a role model of wisdom also means being a positive influence on others. We can
inspire our peers to make good choices, to be thoughtful and reflective, and to seek out knowledge and
wisdom. By doing so, we can create a culture of wisdom in our school community, where everyone is
encouraged to learn and grow and to make a positive impact on (to)the world.

So, my dear fellow students, now in this very moment I encourage you to (be an advocate of wisdom
and be a role model for others to follow. Whether it’s by making good choices, seeking out advice and
guidance, or sharing your own knowledge and insights, you have the power to make a positive impact
on the world. Let’s make our school community a place of wisdom and growth, where everyone is
encouraged to learn and thrive. So I leave this stage with the wits of Ron Wild “Seek the wisdom of ages,
but look at the world through the eyes of a child”. I thank you!

Thank you.

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