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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí


Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.

1. A. injure B. shelter C. erupt

2. A. property B. tsunami C. hurricane
3. A. medication B. emergency C. economy
4. A. evacuate B. temporary C. technology
5. A. evacuation B. documentary C. archaeology

Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences

1. If the factory _________ dumping poison into the lake, all the aquatic animals will die.

A. continues

B. continued

C. will continue

D. continue

2. When the policeman came to the scene, the driver of the car __________.

A. have left

B. had left

C. leaves

D. was left

3. The Maori in New Zealand greet each other by __________ their noses.

A. touching

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

B. touch

C. to touch

D. touched

4. The air in Hanoi __________, so we should use facemask.

A. pollute

B. polluting

C. is polluted

D. is polluting

Fill each gap with the correct form of the verb in brackets, using the passive voice.

1. Hundreds of people ________ in last night’s earthquake. (kill)

2. ________ the whole city ________ by the storm? That was terrible! (destroy)

3. Three people ________ here. We need to help them now. (trap)

4. All the victims ________ to an evacuation centre in the early morning. (take)

5. Five people ________ missing after the flood swept through the town last week. (report)

Read the passage and choose the correct answer. 

Ha Tinh is a disaster-prone province in the central of Viet Nam. Since the beginning of 2015,
this province has experienced three massive floods, causing devastating property damage. The
floods razed thousands of homes, damaged numerous irrigation works, roads, schools and
healthcare centres. Ms. Nga Tran, a local resident, recalled the last flood, “The flood in June
was normal, but the one in September was awful. Water from Ngan Pho River began to
submerge the floor, while outside it was still raining heavily. After a while the water was about
one meter. I had no choice but to climb up to the attic and stay there for two days.” Like many
other residents, all of Ms Nga’s furniture was covered in mud, some was completely damaged
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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

for having been soaked in the water for too long. But what worried her most was the loss of her
rice crop. Three months after the flood, lots of farmers still struggled with finding enough food
to eat. If there is no aid from the government, the situation in this province will get worse.

1. What does disaster-prone mean?

A. having no disasters

B. likely to have disasters

C. have very few disasters

2. What is NOT mentioned as consequences from the floods?

A. loss of life

B. loss of property

C. loss of crop

3. When was the flood as recalled by Ms. Nga Tran?

A. January

B. June

C. September

4. How long did Ms. Nga Tran stay in her attic?

A. for the whole week

B. two days

C. three months

5. What is the biggest worry of Ms. Nga and other residents?

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

A. lack of food

B. lack of accommodation

C. lack of aid

Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning with the first one

1. People use a lot of vehicles. The air is polluted.

If ____________________________________________________________

2. He hasn’t got his hair cut for two months.

It has been ______________________________________________________

3. Although Singapore is a developed country, it is not polluted by industry.

Despite ________________________________________________________

4. New Zealand and Australia are both surrounded by the sea.

Both __________________________________________________________

Choose the letter A, B, C or D to complete the passage below

Water pollution happens __________ (1) toxic substances enter water bodies such as lakes,
rivers, oceans and so on, getting dissolved in them, lying suspended in the water or depositing
on the bed. This degrades the quality of water. Not __________ (2) does this spell disaster for
aquatic ecosystems, the pollutants also seep through and reach the groundwater, which might
end up in our households as contaminated water we use in our daily activities, including

Water pollution can be __________ (3) in a number of ways, one of the most polluting being
city sewage and industrial waste discharge. Indirect sources __________ (4) water pollution
include contaminants that enter the water supply from soils or groundwater systems and from

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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

the atmosphere via rain. Soils and groundwater contain __________ (5) residue of human
agricultural practices and also improperly disposed of industrial wastes.

Pollutants can be of varying kinds: organic, inorganic, radioactive and so on. In fact, the list of
possible water contaminants is just too vast to be listed here.

1: A. what B. when C. why D. while

2: A. both B. only C. well D. either

3: A. cause B. caused C. causing D. causes

4: A. of B. in C. at D. for

5: A. a B. an C. the D. x

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