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Msgr. Lino Gonzaga St., Jaro, Leyte

Subject: Mathematics Grade Level: Grade 7

Unit Topic: Set Quarter: I


Transfer Goal Performance Task

Students will be able to Apply your learning by answering the
independently use their learning to give worksheet.
apply knowledge and skills sets and
sets operations at home, in the school,
and in the community

Performance Standard
The learner is able to formulate challenging situations involving sets
and set operation and solve these in variety of strategies.


At the end of the lesson the student should be EQ: How important are set?
EQ: How can set operations facilitate the
 Describe well-defined set, subset, and solution to real life problem?
the null set and cardinality of set.
 Illustrate union and intersection of set EU: The students will understand that concept
and the difference of two sets. of sets is used in analytical evaluation of sets
of things such as similarities and differences,
comparison and contrast.

The learners demonstrate understanding of the
key concepts of set.

This unit is about sets and set operation. The student will also discover how to
describe sets, cardinality of the sets and subsets.
At the end of the unit the students will be able apply knowledge and skills of sets and set
operations at home, and in the community.

Let us start the lesson by doing the think Pair-share activity. As you go through this part,
keep on thinking about this question: How does the classification of numbers help us solve
our daily life problem?
Activity 1. Group Me!
Using the numbers -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, form 3 different groups of
numbers according to the kind of description you would like to label each group. Complete
the table below and answer the question that below.

The answer may vary.

Process question
1. How many groups did you make?
2. How did you group the numbers? What guided?
3. Is there a right way of classifying numbers? Explain.
4. Where in daily do you find yourself classifying numbers? How often do we do this
5. Is classifying numbers important in computation? Why or why not?

Learning Competency FIRM-UP(ACQUISITION)

LC1: Describe a well-
defined sets, subsets, You just tried doing a simple activity on classifying numbers. Your goal in this section is
universal sets, null set and to learn the different types of classification.
cardinality of sets M7NS- Reflect on the question:
Ia-1 How would you determine the appropriate type of classification needed to solve real-
life problems?

Activity 2. Classifying concepts using appropriate type of classification.

Consider the three types of classification. Classify the given concepts in A, in B, and in C.
A. Squares, Circles, Triangles
B. Integers, whole numbers, Rational numbers
C. Using number 1 to 20: Prime numbers, even numbers, multiples of 12

Create a discrete classification using the concepts in A, overlapping in in B and hierarchal

classification using concepts C.

The teacher will process the answer.

Activity 3. Describing a set

List down the following and make a description for each group:
Group A: Three classroom objects
Group B: Four favorite fruits
Group C: Three favorite flowers

Group description

Follow up question
1. When can we say that a collection of things is well-defined?
Given the two collections below, which of the two collection is a set? Justify your
a. The collection of the three best programs.
b. The collection of cabinet secretaries presently serving in our government.

Activity 4. Defining a null or an empty set

Consider the following sets.
A= set of weeks containing 8 days
B= set of letters in the word door that are also in the word maybe.
C= set of digits in the numeral 584 that are also in the numeral 10,396.

Questions to answer:
What are the elements of set A? Set B? Set C?
What did you notice in your answers?
What do you call this type of set?

Exercise 1. Identify or name the following sets of numbers:

Exercise 2. Mental math

Answer mental math numbers 1 to 10 page 20 of the book Next Century Mathematics 2 nd
LC2: Illustrates the union Edition.
and intersection of sets
and the difference of two Activity 5. Think pair-share
sets. M7NS-Ia-2
Show to the class three different example of Venn Diagram.

In pair ask the class to work on shading the parts of the diagram that will result in a new
set whose elements belong to set A, or to set B or to both sets. What appropriate term can
be used for the process? Then introduce the term union, intersection, and complements and
its notation and formal definition.

Process Question.
a. How can you find the union of two sets?
b. How can you find intersection of two sets?
c. What is the intersection of a set to itself?
d. What is the intersection of the universal set to its subset?
e. Does the concept of associative property work in the intersection of sets?

Learning Competency DEEPEN (MAKE MEANING)

LC3: Uses Venn diagrams Activity 6. Journal writing- Recording one’s thought/feelings
to represent sets, subset, Write a brief description of how to create or make a discrete, overlapping and hierarchical
and set operation M7NS- classification of concepts/objects.
Values Integration
Reflect on this:
” Great mind thinks forward and backward- occasionally, one
must drive brain in reverse to be able to see things clearer”

Worksheet TRANSFER
Transfer Activity
Check how students can use the idea of union and/or intersection of sets in expressing
similarities and differences.
Develop a Venn Diagram that will show a comparison and contrast to each pair:
a. Turtle and Tortoise
b. South Korea and North Korea
c. Leader and Manager
d. Islam and Hinduism
e. Rights and Privileges



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