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15 DE TRAC NGHIEM ( DESO B CHOOSE THE WORD WHOSE UNDERLINED PART IS PRONOUNCED DIFFERENTLY FROM THAT OF THE OTHERS. ‘Question 1. A. Cave B. Have €. Behave: D. Pave Question 2. A. Receipt B. Recall C. Recollect D. Recover Question 3. A. Card B. Heard ‘C. Hearth ‘D. Heart Question 4. A. Abuse B. Refyse ©. Fuss D. Future ‘Question 5. A. Adventure 8. Future: ¢. Mature ®. Figure CHOOSE THE WORD WHOSE MAIN STRESSED SYLLABLE tS PLACED DIFFERENTLY FROM THAT OF THE OTHERS. Question 6. A. Admirable B. Accessible C. Compatible D Respiratory Question 7. A. Humane B. Unite €. Colleague D. Canteen Question 8. A. Descent B, Dissent C. Discontent D. Content (adj) Question 9. A. Eradicate B. Kilometer C. Characterize ®. Communism Question 10, Technical B, Origin ©. Agriculture D, Cathedral Tazeis LEXICO AND GRAMMAR & ‘CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER TO COMPLETE EACH OF THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES. Question 11. A number of oil tankers have been laid .. recently. Aon B. down Cup in ‘Question 12. The inscription on the tombstone had been worn ..... scarcely be read, .. by the weather and could Acaway B. off out Dion Question 13. .. .second thoughts, fd rather not go out tonight. A.With B.In c.0n D. Under Question 14. The new hairdryer does not comply .. British safety standard. B. with C. against Bon ‘Question 15. Many books were not available to the public because of government .... Avomission B. inhibi n compensation —_—_D. censorship Question 16, The woman accused of shoplifting was found not guilty and was A.excused B. liberated acquitted D. interned Question 17, He is a(n) .. ...authority on the subject. A. prominence eminent D. quality ‘Question 18, My car was so old that | could only sell it for .. see A. rubbish, B. scrap C.debris D. waste Question 19. Not only the project, but he also wanted to become the leader. A. did Jack involve B. had Jack been involved C.was Jack involved D. Jack was involved Question 20.1 felt a bit . ..and seemed to have more aches and pains than usual. A. out of sorts, B.on the mend Cover the worst D. under the fevers Question 21. The school was closed for a month because of a serious .. of fever. A.outcome B. outburst C.outset D. outbreak Question 22.1 dor’t think he’s ever been there, A.dol B. has he ¢.havel D. hasn't he Question 23. They had a four-day holiday, then began work .. A.onend B. out of bounds . in proportions D.ineamest uestion 24, He is a tough politician — he knows how to . _the storm, A.tun down B. keep up C.ride out D. push back Question 25. On entering thenursery | stumbled on the wooden blocks..........allover the carpet. A. plunged B. scattered C. settled D. tossed o& FILL IN THE BLANK WITH A SUITABLE NOUN TO FORM THE IDIOMATIC EXPRESSION. ‘Question 26. dl like to take of this opportunity to explain the difficulty I've met. Question 27. She decided to set____ to these letters because they weren't necessary. Question 28. Don't have in what he says. He is a liar. ‘Question29, For generations our people got ‘over many enemies and drove them away. Question 30. He left home without taking of anybody. B Ill, GIVE THE CORRECT FORM OF THE WORD GIVEN IN PARENTHESES. ‘Question 31. The attack in the city center last night (example) the kind of behavior amongst young people that many object to. ‘Question 32. This matter is very (confidence), Don't discuss it outside the office. ‘Question 33. You shouldn't interrupt someone in (sentence). Question 34. | want to make sure all my (depend) will be financially secure if Im incapacitated in any way. Question 35. There was a heavy (pout) yesterday afternoon which completely ruined the church Garden Party. ‘Question 36. There is a risk factor with all medication, but honestly the risk with this particular drug is (neglect), ‘Question 37. A (dominate) friend is one who likes power. ‘Question 38, Suddenly without (provoke), the dog sank its teeth into my leg. Question 39. Street-fights are an everyday (occur) in this area of the city. Question 49. | really believe that it would be a major mistake to (crime} any drugs that are currently illegal. BR MATCH THE VERB IN BOX A WITH THE WORD(S) IN BOX BTO FORM A PHRASAL VERB, AND THEN FILL IT IN EACH BLANK TO COMPLETE THE SENTENCE. BE SURETO USE THE CORRECT VERB TENSE AND FORM. Question 41. The problem the government's lack of action. Question 42, The argument is. whether or not to lower the age limit, ‘Question 43. Don’twastetime = = sour past failures. Question 44. I'm afraid there is no milk left; we have to ried milk for our tea. Question 45. Tom got by the music and wouldn't stop singing. Question 46. I'm going to stay at university and try to getting a job for a few years, Question 47. Her husband has been the good news about his son, ‘Question 48, She swims so well that she really should the competition. Question 49.1 almost when [heard Tim was going to be playing Romeo in the school play. Question 50.He isinacriticalcondition inhospital,sowe'reall prayinghell READING ao READ THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE CAREFULLY AND THEN CHOOSE THE BEST OPTION TO FIT EACH SPACE, Keeping your distance Persoral spaceisaterm that refers (51)...,......the distance we like to keep between ourselves and other people. When (52) .........:+» We do not know well gets too close we usually begin to feel uncomfortable. Ifa business colleague comes close than 1.2 meters, the (53) .. response is to Move (54) ....+..+. Some interesting (55) .. have been done in libraries. If strangers come too close, many people getup and leave the building; others use different methods such as tuming their back on the intruder. Living In cities haS (56) ....0lm People develop new skills for dealing with situations (57).......they are very dose to strangers. (58) ..........peopleon crowded trains try not to look at strangers; they avoid skin contact, and apologize if hands touch by mistake. People use newspapers (59) ........a barrier between themselves and other people, and if they do not have one, they stare into the distance, (60) sure they are not looking into anyone's eyes. common Question 5%: A. about B.from D. for Question 52:A.nobody 8. anyone ¢. someone D. people Question £3:A. more B. most best D. first Question 54:8. away B.up Con Dein Question 55:4, studies B. questionnaires CG. research D. survey Question 56: caused B.allowed C.made B.done Question 57: A. that B, where how B.which Question 58:A. Almost B. The most Most D. Most of ‘Question 59:A. alike B like Gas D. such as Question 60:A.making -B. made make Dube READ THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE CAREFULLY AND THEN CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER TO EACH QUESTION. In most discussions of cultural diversity, attention has focused on visible, explicit aspects of culture,suchaslanguage, dress, food, religion, music, and social rituals. Although theyareimportant, these visible expressions of culture, which are taught deliberately and learned consciously, are only the tip of the iceberg of culture, Much of culture is taught and learned implicitly, or outside awareness, Thus, neither cultural insiders nor cultural outsiders are aware that certain “invisible” aspects of their culture exist. Invisible elements of culture are important to us. For example, how long we can be late before being impolite, what topics we should avoid in a conversation, how we show interest or attention through listening behaviour, what we consider beautiful or ugly - these are all aspects of culture that we learn and use without being aware of it. When we meet other people whose invisible cultural assumptions differ from those we have learned implicitly, we usually do not recognize their behaviour as cultural in origin. Differences in invisible culture can cause problems in cross-cultural relations. Conflicts may arise when we are unable to recognize others’ behavioural differences as cultural rather than personal. We tend to misinterpret other people’s behaviour, blame them, orjudge theirintentions or competence without realizing that we are experiencing cultural rather than individual differences. Formal organizations and institutions, such as schools, hospitals, workplaces, governments, and the egal system are collection sites for invisible cultural differences. If the differences were more visibl2, we might have less misunderstanding. For example, if we met a man ina courthouse who was wearing exotic clothes, speaking a language other than ours, and carrying food that looked strange, we would not assume that we understood his thoughts and feelings or that he understood ours, Yet when such a man is dressed similarly to us, speaks our language, and does not differ from us in other obvious ways, we may fail to recognize the invisible cultura! differences between us. As a result, mutual misunderstanding may arise. Question 61: What is the main purpose of the passage? A.To point out that much of culture is leaned consciously. B. To describe cultural diversity. €.To explain the importance of invisible aspects of culture. ©.Tc explain why cross-cultural conflict occurs. Question 62: The word “rituals” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to . A.assumptions B. formalities C.aspects B.cultures ‘Question 63: The phrase "the tip of the iceberg” in paragraph 1 means that A. most aspects of culture cannot be seen B.we usually focus on the highest forms of culture C. other cultures seem cold to us D. visble aspects of culture are learned in formal institutions Question 64: Which of the following was NOT mentioned as an example of invisible culture? ‘A. How people express interest in what others are saying B. How late is considered impolite C,What topics to avoid in conversation D. What food to eat ina courthouse Question 65: The word “those” in paragraph 2 refers to, A. invisible cultural assumptions B. people from a different culture €. topics that should be avoided in conversation D. people who speak a different language ‘Question 66: It can be inferred from paragraph 3 that conflict results when A. one culture is more invisible than another culture B. people compete with those from other cultures C.some people recognize more cultural differences than others D. people think cultural differences are personal ‘Question 67: The author implies that institutions such as schools and workplaces A. reinforce invisible cultural differences B. are aware of cultural differences G, share a common culture ©. tecch their employees about cultural differences Question 68: Which of the following would most likely result in misunderstanding? A. Strange behaviour from someone speaking a foreign language B. Learning about our own culture in school €. Strange behaviour from someone speaking our janguage D, Unusual food being cooked by foreign visitors Question 69: The word “exotic’ in paragraph 4 could best be replaced by. A. formal B. expensive C.foreign D. informal Question 70: The following sentence can be added to paragraph 2 of the passage. Rather, we see them as rude or uncooperative, and we may apply labels to them, such as “passive aggressive” Where would it best fit in the paragraph? Choose A, B,C or D ‘A. ssn Invisible elements of culture are important to us. B. ...... For example, how long we can be late before being impolite, what topics we should avoid in a conversation, how we show interest of attention through listening behaviour, what we consider beautiful or ugly- these are all aspects of culture that we learn and use without being aware of it. C. .......When we meet other people whose invisible cultural assumptions differ from those we have learned implicitly, we usually do not recognize their behaviour as cultural in origin. D. warm o REWRITE THE SENTENCE, USING THE WORD IN THE BRACKET SO THAT THE SECOND SEN ‘TENCE HAS EXACTLY THE SAME MEANING. Question 71..1f there is an accident phone the emergency servi ss. (OF) — Phone the emergency services an accident, Question 72.1 couldn’thave bought that motorbike unless my father had agreed to pay the monthly repayments. (BUT) = agreeing to pay the monthly repayments, I could never have bought that motorbike. Question 73. | have a lot of respect for her writing style although | do not agree with the opinions she expresses, (MUCH) Much her writing style, ido not agree with her opinions. Question 74. Even though her B grade in English wasn't quite as high as she had expected, it was still a good result. (IF) —+ Her grade B in English, , was still a good result. ‘Question 75. Purchases may be refunded within seven days. (MIND) — Should your purchase you have up to seven days to bring it back for a refund. Question 76, Providing that you make up the time later in the week you can take Monday off. (CONDITION) — You can have the day off on Monday ‘time later in the week. make up the Question 77. The mistake in the accounts was not noticed until the figures were re-checked.(LIGHT) >The mistakein the accounts only the figures werere-checked. Question 78, | had no problems at all during my trip to New York. (PLAN) — Everything during my trip to New York. Question 79, The reforms will not succeed unless they are carefully planned. (CRUCIAL) Careful of the reforms. Question 80. They think that Henry's brother stole the money. (SUSPECTED) Henvy'sbrothe. thermoney. ANSWER KEY @ Question ~cave /kerv/ (n): hang, dong -have /hav/ (vi: ding, an ~behave /brhew/(v):cuxth ~ pave /perv/ {v): lat (dung, sin...) > Dépan B @ Question2: sreceipt /1 (n}: bién lai, bién nhan, cong thuic (ndu an...) ~recall /r1'ko:l/ (v): gol vé, triéu héi, oi lai ~ recollect /,reka'lekt/ (v): nh¢ Iai, héi tudng lai ~recover’/r1'kava(r)/ (v): phuc héi, binh phyc © Bapén A ®& Questions: ~ card /ka:d/ (n): thé, quan bai -hearc /hard/ (v-pp}:nghe ~ hearth /ha:6/ (n):nén lo sudi ~ heart /ha:t/ (n): trai tim = DipanB Questions: - abuse /a'bjurs/ (n,v): lam dung, king ma » refuse /rt'fuzz/ (v): tit choi fuss /fas/ (n): su om s6m, sy 6n ao, su nhang xi - future /‘fjustfa(n/ (n}: tuong lai S Dip inc @ Questions © adventure /ad'vent{a(n/ (n): chuyén phiéu iuu = future /‘fustfa(e/(n):tuong lai “mature /ma'tfua(r}/(ad):trugng thanh = Figure /*frga(t)/ (n) hinh déng, con s6 <> Dip an © doestions ~ Admirable /‘zedmerabi/ (adi): déng kham phuc, dng nguéng md Accessible /ak'sesabl/ (adj): dé tigp cin, c6 thé i gan duge Compatible /kam'paetabl/ (adj): thich hop, tuang hop. - Respiratory /ra'sprratri/ (adj): (thude) hd hap - Humane /hju:'mern/ (adj): nhan dao, nhan dic - Unite /ju'nart/ (v): hop nhat, doan két - Colleague /‘koli:g/ (hn): déng nghiép ~ Canteen /kzen'tizn/ (a): cng tin > Dip én C © Guestions - Descent /dr'sent (n}: sy ha xudng, su xuéng, nguén géc = Dissent /di'sent/ (n): su bat déng quan diém - Discontent /,drskan'tent/ (n): sy khéng hai long, sy bit man ~ Content /kan'tent/ (adj): hai long @ duestion’ ~Eradicate /r'rzedzkert/ (v):logi bd hoan toan, trirtiat - Kilometer /kalamizta(n)/ (n):ki 16 mét ~ Characterize /kaeraktararz/ (v): biéu thi dic diém, mé ta dic diém - Communism /komjunizamy (A): chi nghia cong san © Dap an A. © Question ‘19 “Technical /'teknikl/ (ach): (thude) kj thust + Origin “oradgmny/ (n): nguén géc ~ Agriculture /‘zegrikaltfa(ry (n): néng nghigp - Cathedral /ko'Gisdral/ (n}: nha the én, = Dip inD © duestion: ~lay on: cung cp c4i gl cho al (Ade biét thuic &n hod gidi tri) Eg: to lay on food and drink -lay down: 48 xuéng, dé ra, tuyén bd Eg: She laid the book down on the table. - lay up: mat khd nang hoat dong, ngiing hoat dong layin: du tri, aé danh = Dip an C - wear away: lam mon dan, mon di, ci dan > Dip dn A (Cau khc trén tém bia m6 da bi mdn divi thoi tiét va khé cé thé doc dutgc.) - On second thoughts: suy nght ai, sau khi suy tinh lai Eg: I'l wait here. No, on second thoughts, Hil come with you. => Dip anc - comply with: tuan theo (luat Ia, ménh lénh, Eg: When requested to leave, they refused to comply. © Dap an B -omssion (n}: subd ai, sy bd sot inhibition (n): su ngan chan = compensation (n}: su dén bu, sy béi thuong = censorship (n): quyén kiém duyét, cng tac kiém duyét (sch, bao, mang,. © Dip nD ~ excuse (v); tha tht, mién cho - liberate + sb (from sb/sth) (v): gidi phong, tha cho ai dé tudo (khdi sy kiém soat cba ai/ cAi gi) ~ acquit + sb (v):tuyén bé ai dé tring én, tha béng cho ai d6 -intern (v):giam git © Bap an C (Naud phy nti bi budc t6i an cp 6 céc clla hang duge chting minh v6 ti va duge thabéng.) an eminent authority on sth: mét chuyén gia néi tiéng vé linh vye gi = Dépan€ - sell ..for scrap: ban cai gi lam phé tiéu, kim loai vun E.g; We sold the car for scrap (= so that any good parts can be used again). © pap anB - to be involved in sth: tham gia, dinh liu, ign quan dén cai gi Dao ngit véi not only: Not only + aux +S+V..t but + + also + V..(Khéng con...) © Dip én C (Kh6ng nhiing Jack tham gia vao dy an ma anh dy con tré thanh ngudi lanh dao.) - out of sorts ~ under the weather: illsick or upset: khong duoc khde, thay khé chiu, khé & Eg: Are you feeling ail right? You looka bit out of sorts. - on the mend: dang binh phuc (sau mét cdn bénh/ chan thugng); dang dan cdi thién, phuc h6i (sau mét tinh hudng khé khan) Eg: My leg is definitely on the mend now. - to be over the worst of sth: duige ding 48 néi ring ngudi nao dé a4 vut qua dugc mét tinh trang téit& nhat nao dé. © Dip an A - outcome: két qua, thanh qua Eg: We are waiting to hear the final outcome of the negotiations, ~ outburst: con (gidn, .., sy bling né (khi ndi vé cém xiéc nhu hanh phir, tuic gian, ..} £.g: an outburst of anger - outset: sy bat déu ~~ at/ from the outset (of sth) Eg: You should have made that clear right at the outset. - outbreak: sif biing phat, sy bing né (mt digu gi dé tiéu cuc thuding la chign tranh hod dich bénh; Exg: the outbreak of war © Dap an D Question 22 Tag questions (Cau hei dudil: Cau diu cb 1+ cée dong titsau: think, believe, suppose, figure, assume, fancy, imagine, reckon, expect, seem, feel + ménh dé phu: Lay manh dé phu 1am cau hdi dud. Eg: ! don’t think he will come here, will he? > Dap an B © Guestion 23. - onend: lién, lién tuc Eg: for hours on end (trong may gi lién) = out of bounds: 1.6 ngoai bién (thé thao); 2. vugt qua gidi han, qua muc His shot went out of bounds. - in eamest: more seriously and with more force or effort than before: véi muic dé nghiém trong, cng thang hon, hoc manh mé hon, nhiéu né lc han so vdi trurdc 46 Eg: The work on the house will begin in earnest on Monday. (Céng viée xay dying toa nha sé bt dau cng thang hon vao thi Hai} © Pipa D Question 24. = tun down: ngting hoat déng, kiét suc ~ keep up: duy ti = ide out: vugt qua diéu gi a6 khé khan, khong méy dé chi E.g: Do you think we can ride out the recession? push back: dy nguigc, lui that gian so vdi dy dinh ban déu > Dip anc Question 25: - scatter (v): tung, gieo, rai, rac + scatter sth on/over/around sth Ey: Scatter the grass seed over the lawn. © Dap anB @ Questiog 26: advantage - take advantage of ~ make use of : tan dung, loi dung Question 27 fire - set fire to sth ~ set sth on fire: dét chay cai gi Eg: Several youths had set fire to the police car. &@ Question 26 faith ~ have faith in sb/ sth; tin nhiém, tin tuéng ai/ diéu gi @ Question29 victory get victory over sb/ sth: chién thang ai/ cai gi @ Cuestion30: leave - take leave of sb ~ say goodbye: ndi fai tam bist E.g: With a nod and a smile, she took leave of her friends. © Guestion’31_ exempiified/exemplifies + exemplify (v}: minh hoa bang vi du, lam vi du cho @ Guestion'32. confidential - confidential /,konfr'denfl/ (adj): bi mat, kin E.g: confidential infarmation/documents (théng tin/ tai liu mat) 4g Question 33 mid-sentence (Ban khong nén ngat loi mat ai dang néi chua hét cau) ~ mid- sentence ~ in the middle of a sentence - mid-sentence: B-Question 34° dependants/ dependents - dependant ~ dependent {n}: ngudi phu thudc, nguéi duge bao hé @ Question 35 downpour = downpour (n): 480 mua to, tran mua nhu trdt nude xudng © Question 36 negligible -negligible / negltdsabl/ (adi) ~ insignificant: khéng dang ké ®-.uestion 37, domineering - domineering {adj): ddc doan, ap bec £.g: a cold and domineering father @ Question 38° provocation ~ provocation /,prove'ker[in/ (n): su xii giuc, su tréu choc @ Question 39° occurrence - occurrence (n): syxay ra, sy c6, chuyén xay ra, su kién @ duestion4d: decriminalize - dectiminalize /di:'krmmnalaiz/ (v): hop phap héa @ Guestion’44:'sterns/ stemmed from xuat phat tir Eg: Most people's insecurities stem from something that happened in their childhood. @ Ouestionad ‘centered on - center on: tap trung vao, xoay quanh @ Quest - brood over: nghién nglm, suy nghi nhiéu vé ning digu lam minh tie gién, lo fang, that vong, .. Eg: Youre not still brooding over what he said, are you? ~ stem frot esti carried away - be/ cet carried away: bi loi cuén, say mé, mat ty ch got carried away and started shouting at the television. @ dhestion - put off ~ delay, postpone: tri hoan @ Question 42’ apprised of - apprise sb of sth: bdo cho ai biét diéu gi d6 go in for ~ go in for: tham gia (mét ky thi/ cud thi au) iiestion 49°: creased up - crease up: bat déu cui/ lam al dé bat déu cust Eg: Her jokes really creased me up. @ Suestion 56" pull through ~ pull through: héi phuc, binh phuc (sau cudc phdu thudt/ mot can bénh nghiém trong, ..) @ uestion: +10 refer to: nhéc dén, néi dén, dé cap dén + nobody: [noubedil khong ai Eg: Isaw nobody. + anyone: feniwan] bat ki ai (diing trong cau pha dinh va nghi van) + someoner['samwan] mot ai dé £.g: Scmeone is knocking at the door. + peoole: ngudi ta, con nguéi nél chung Dé y phia trudc ta thy dong tila “gets” chia 6 6's6 it, va khong mang nghia phi dinh. “When someone we do not know well gets too close we usually begin to feel uncomfortable” {Khimétaidé ma chung ta khéng biét lm dén gan thi chiing ta bt dau cam thay khong thoai mdi) The most + adj dai +(N) > Dap an B + to move away: r&i di di khdi, di ché khac + move up: dilén .g: We are moving the table up to the 5" floor. move in: chuyén vio Eg: She is moving in this apartment to live with me. ‘Dé tranh ngudi khéc, ta phai“res ai” © Dip an A + study:['stadil] (n/v): nghién ctu => néu ia danh ti’ thi chuyén sang sé nhiéula studies + questionnaire: bé cau héi (48 digu tra, thim do y kién) + research: (danh tiv khong dém duge) cudc nghién cu dé tim ra théng tin/ thuc té mdi+V (chia 36 it) Eg: "ve done some research to find out the cheapest way of travelling there. + survey:{'sarvei] cudc khéo sit > Dip an A + caused: gay ra Cause sb to do sth: sai ai lam gi + allow (v): cho phép (allow sb to do sth: cho phép ai lam gi Eg: His parents allowed him to go out. + make => made: lm cho (make sb do sth: lam cho/ khién ai lam gi) Eg: This piece of workis hard to make. @ +do: lam © Dap in © Questions? Where: trang tir quan hé thay thé cho tu cum ti chi nal chén trong ménh a@ quan hé “Living in cities has made people develop new skills for dealing with situations where they are very close to strangers. (S6ng 3 thanh phé lam cho con ngudi phat trién nhiing Ki nang mdi dé gid quyét nhiing tinh huéng noi ma ho rat gan véi ngudi xa la) => Dip in B @ Question se + Almost : gan nhu+V/ adj Eg: Dinner’s almost ready. +the most +adj + Most+ N:hauhét + Most of + the/ tinh tirsé hitu + N: hau hét. Eg: Most of my students are from Hanoi. © Dapan C Question s9 + alike (ad)): ging nhau + like: ging nhu (vdi diéu kién hai vat dugc dem ra so sanh phai déng digu vé moi tinh chat) + as-+ménh dé/ Ni nhu, giéng nhu + suchas: nhu (dung dé liét ké sau mét danh tis) Eg: [ike visiting other countries such as the UK and the Us. © Dipan C G Question 60° Vica vé cau sau dau phdy la mot ménh dé ndi vao voi phan true da cb di chi ngif va vi ngit chinh, dé vé nay lam vi ngit phy, ta phai ding Ving lam danh ngi. > Dapan A @ Question6t Muc dich chinh ctia dogn van nay la gi? A. Dé chi ra nhigu nén van héa dugc hgc mot cach 6 y thuic. B. Dé mé tA syda dang van héa €..88 giai thich tam quan trong cla nhiing khia canh khéng nhin thay duge cla van hoa B, Dé giai thich tai sao lai xay ra su xung dét giao thoa van héa © Dapan € (vi A, B va D chi néu [én mét phan trong bai van trén) ‘trong so sénh nhat + assumption‘{a'samp{n] sy gia 6, gia dinh + formality:{f>:madlitil: nghi é ++ aspect: ['zespekt]: khfe canh, mat + cultureckalt{a] nén van héa © Dip anB sce Cum t"phan ni cia tang bang chim" trong doan 1 c6 nghia la... ‘A. héu hét cac khia canh cia van héa la khéng thé nhin thy duoc B, chiing ta thuéng chi t§p trung vae hinh thitc cao nhat cia van héa G.nhiing nén van héa khac cé vé khé lanh nhat val chung ta 1. nhaing khia canh van héa nhin thay duge thung dugc hoc qua nhitng vién han lam, “Although they are important, these visible expressions of culture, which are taught deliberately and learned consciously, are only the tip of the iceberg of culture’ & Dipdn A © duestionss: Trong nhiing diéu dudi day, diéu nao khong dugc dua ra la mot vi du cla van hoa chim (khéng thay duoc)? A, cach con ngudi thé hién niém thich tht vai nhtng gi nguéi khac néi 8, mu6n bao nhiéu thi dugc xem la bat lich suf €. can trénh chi dé nao khi noi chuyén D. can n mén gi d courthouse Theo dong thu nhat va hai ctla doan tht hai, ta cé: “For example, how long we can be late before being impolite, what topics we should avoid in a conversation, how we show interest or attention through listening behaviour, what we consider beautiful or ugly- these are all aspects of culture that we learn and use without being aware of it?” ® DipanD @ Questionss “When we meet other people whose invisible cultural assumptions differ from those we have learned implicitly, we usually do not recognize their behaviour as culturat in origin Chit y, v6i dong tir'differ from’ (khac biét vdi) thi hai tu dugc dem ra so sénh sé giéng véi nhau vé mét 6 Enh chat. © Dipan A & duestionte: Tacé thé suy ra due tir doan 3 rang hau qua xung dot xy ra khi.... nén van héa khong thé thay dugc han nén van héa khac B, ngLdi ta canh tranh voi ngudi tirnén van héa khac. ¢. Vai ngudi thifa nhan nhiing sy khdc nhau vé van héa hon nhing ngudi khac D. Ngudi ta nghi su khdc biét vé van héa lai la thude vé cd nhan Vi"Conflicts may arise when we are unable to recognize others’ behavioural differences as cultural rather than personal.” (Xung dét ¢6 thé xdy ra khi chung ta khong thé thife nhan nhiing su khac biét vé hanh vi cla nguéi khdcnhu vén héa hon fa c4 nhan) © Dap an D @ diestion Tac gid da ngu y rang nhiing vién nhu truéng hoc hay céng $6. A. tng cutong/ cing ¢é nhiing su khéc nhau vé van héa vé hinh B. cn y thiic vé sy khdc biét vin hoa €.c6 chung nén van héa D. day nhdn vién vé sukhac biét van hoa “Gormal organizations and institutions, such as schools, hospitals, workplaces, governments, and the legal system are collection sites for invisible cultural differences” @ Questions Trong nhiing diéu dudi day, diéu nao sé a6 kha nang dan dén vic hiéu nham nhat? A. Hanh vila tir m6t ngudi néi tigng nude ngoai B. Hoc vé van héa cita chinh ching ta trong truéng hoc €. Hanh vila thudng tirnguéi néingon ngit cla ching ta D. Mon an Ia duoc néu bai du khach nuée ngoai "Yet when sucha manis dressed similarly to us, speaks our language, and does not differ from us in other obvious ways, we may fail to recognize the invisible cultural differences between us. As aresult, mutual misunderstanding may arise: > DépanC + exotic (adi): 8 nude ngoai, Ki cuc, Kila Déng nghia véi tir“foreign’:6 nudc ngoai - formal (adi): trang trong ~ expensive (adj): dat - informal (adi): khéng trang trong, khéng theo nghi thiic > Dépanc Giai nghia cau thém vao: Hon n(ia, chting ta sé nhin nhan ho la thé [6 hoc khéng cé tinh hop tac, ching ta sé gan nhiing cai mac cho ho, nhu“ndng néi, bang bat? Khi lap vao ta thay chi ddp an D la hgp ly. case of ~ in casa of + N:if something happens: phéng khi, trong tru@ng hep ~ but for + N ~ without + N; néu khéng c6- $ Qaestia 7S? Much as | respect / Much though | respect ~ Much as/ Much though +5 +V:mae dis .nhung... (@ uition 74 “if a little lower than expected Dich nghia:Biém B trong mon tiéng anh cia 6 ay, dit c6 thép hon mat chat se vii mong di, thi vin la mot két qua tét. ~ change one’s mind: change a decision or an opinion: thay déi quyét dinh Eg: Nothing will make me change my mind. you change your mind about 876 ‘on condition that you on condition you ~ on condition (that): mign la sti ‘came to light when/ after/ once -come to ight: become known to people: I6 ra, ra énh sang E.g: New evidence has recently come to light. f° went according to plan - go.according to plan: di theo ké hoach Ex: Let's hope everything will go according to plan. @ Question 29% planning is crucial to/ for the success/ plans are crucial to/ for the success ~ to be crucial to/ for sth: quan trong déi véi/ cho cai gt Eg: Winning this contract is crucial to the success of our company. suspect sb of doing sth: nghi ng@, heai nghi ai dé lam gi suspected of having stolen/ is suspected of stealing @ CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER FROM A, B, C OR DTO COMPLETE FOLLOWING SENTENCES. Question 1. As a citizen, itis normal to, tothe laws and rules made by the society. A.conform B. resist C. hinder D. obey Question 2. 4e attempted to the painting from the galiery but he was caught. Asrob B. steal .thief D. kidnap Question 3, Once the computer virus was removed, a lot of information Ais disappearing 8. will have disappeared €. disappears D. disappeared Question 4. Telecommuter boosters will often mention convenient it is for people wishing to cut down on their work hours. B. therefore only B. most ‘Question $. A: "Will the Jackson be inwited?"— B:“L : A. expect so not 8, so expect C. expect so D. don't expect Question 6.1 read the contract again and again avoiding making spelling mistakes. A. with a view to B, on account of, <, by means of D, in terms of Question 7. In a report submitted to the government yesterday, scientists that the building of the bridge be stopped. A. banned B. complained C.said B. recommended ‘Question 8. Anyone ordering a new MP3 piayer. the end of the month will receive a free extra set of headphones. Avat Bin upon D, before Question 9.1 enjoyed reading that story. It was rather sad, . A.also 8. though but Question 12. My job is so that | don't think I'l be able to take a summer break. A. persisting B.hard €.demanding B, tough & CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER FROM A, B, C OR D 70 COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE, SOUND ADVICE FOR LANGUAGE LEARNERS Arecent survey of a language learning magazine has consulted a number of experts in the (11) ___ ofa second language acquisition, Their advice may prove invaluable for those (12) alanguage course. One suggestion is that you (13) whether you ate likely to be successful at learning a language? Did you enjoy studying languages at school, for example? The major (14) will be your own time and effort. Therefore, you must be sure that the course on offer leads toa (15) qualification. Also, be realistic in your (16) Ifyou don't set achievable aims, you are mote likely to give up, Do not be deceived (17) thinking that the most expensive courses are the best. (18)___ around to get the best possible value for money, You should also bear in mind that the faster you learn a language, the more quickly you forget it. Sandra Miller, French teacher, tried to teach herself German by rolling ona(19) course. Already fluent in four languages and with a sound knowledge of teaching methodology her chances of (20) progress were high. Three years on she remembers very little, She feels her biggest mistake was not to follow up her first experience. “I should have consolidated what Id leamt by continuing to study, even ifit were by myself Question 11.A. branch B.field C.area D.domain Question 12.4. considering B. wondering €. thinking B. looking Question 13.A. survey C.balance D. assess Question 14.A. price B.charge C.cost D. valuation Question 15.A. valued B. regarded C.understood D. recognised Question 16.8, ends B, sights S.goals D. objects ‘Question 17.4. into B, about by Din Question 18.4. Nose 8, Shop €.Push D. Run Question 19. A, rapid B. quick Dycrash Question 20.A. achieving making C.doing D. gaining & Fi IN EACH NUMBERED SPACE WITH A SUITABLE WORD, SAFE CAMPING Camping in the country is usually great fun, but sometimes things can go wrong. Accidents can happen, so itis essential to think about safety (21) before you go and while you are there. This will prevent your fun camping trip tuming into (22)___less pleasant. Firstly, you need to plan ahead. Check out the weather forecast a few days in (23) and watch out for any reports of fires in the area you are thinking of going to. (24) an emergency kit in case you or anyone with you has an accident or iliness while you are there, Choose your camp site carefully, avoiding any places {25)__ there is tisk of flooding before you put up your tent, make (26) there are no sharp objects on the ground, or ants’ or wasps nests nearby. In order to keep insects cut of the tent, close it whenever you go in or out. Ifyou need a camp fire for cooking, be (27) not to build it anywhere near your tent, and before you go to bed, remember to putt out completely, preferably (28) lots of water. After meals, pick up any bits of food that (29) be left on the ground, as these can attractinsects - oF larger creatures. It also makes senses, for the same reason, to keep unused food in closed containers away from the camp. You dontt want a hungry bear or another (30) suddenly appearing in your tent! & ‘COMPLETE THE PASSAGE BELOW USING THE CORRECT FORMS OF THE WORDS IN BRACKETS. SECURITY People are becoming more security conscious these days. Crimes like burglary and (31.THIEF) are definitely on the increase. One of the most (32. PAIN). experiencesa home (33. OWN) ___can have is to arrive home and find that his or her (34. VALUE) have disapeared, because a window had (35. ACCIDENT) been left open. What can we do to protect ourselves? The most important piece of (36. ADVISORY). is to make sure that your (37. INSURE) coverage is up to date. Another (38, SENSE) thing to do is to go along to your local police station, where they will be more than willing to make (39. SUGGEST} __on (40, RELY) ____ ways of safeguarding your property. READING @ READ THE PASSAGE BELOW AND CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER FROM A,B, CORD. AWALK iN THE MIDDAY SUN When the heat is on, walkers need to be on their guard. ‘The heat can create serious heath problems for walkers. Hot weather makes your heart pump harder, and if youre not very fit, you start to understand why the majority of mountain rescue statistics are made up from summer walkers suffering heat attacks. Heat exhaustion is quite easy to get when you're making great physical effort. It happens when your body can't get enough sweat to keep you cool. Take enough water and drink it sensibly. The arswer is to keep up your water intake. It's a good idea to drink a pint of water for every 10 degrees Fahrenheit every 24 hours. So, if the temperature is in the 70s, and you are doing a five- hour walk, you'll need a minimum of around one and a haif pints of water. It’s vital that you don't wait until you develop a raging thirst before you stop for a drink- keep taking regular swigs from yous water bottle. ‘There are several alternatives to just water. Manywalkers flavor their water with fruit juice, which makes ita lot more palatable. You could even use one of the isotonic drinks made for athletics, which replace the body's salts lost through sweating. Powders such as Dioralyte, which you may have in the house asa treatment for diarrhea, will do the job just as well, as its main aims also effective rehydration. Getting wet is one way of keeping temperatures down. Given that evaporation is your body's cooling mechanism, you can help things along with an external appication of water. Soaking your hat with water is a great way to cool the head, though if the sun is beating down, it will probably dry off almost immediately. Better still then if you can plunge into a river or the sea fully-clothed.And if that's not possible, then at least take off your boots and sacks and paddle in a cool stream. ‘One part of your body which can suffer is your feet. Walking in the heat increases the rate at which your feet swell, which can lead to them feeling tight in your boots. Cool water from a stream reduces any swelling and helps general foot comfort. At the same time, you can check out your feet for signs of blisters. Extra sweating makes the skin softer and increases the chance of blisters forming, in the same way as when water leaks into your boots and gets to your feet. The wrong clothing can cause problems. As for what clothing you can wear, this should be lightweight and reasonably loose-fitting. Tight clothing will feel uncomfortable and may even lead to the formation of an irritating rash as “quickly heat” on your skin. The answer, if it does develop, Is to try and stay cool as much as possible. Do this by either keeping in the shade, or washing the affected area with cold water, but without soap. But prevention is by far the best approach, so keep your clothing light. Your clothing acts as an important defense against the sun. It’s understandable to want to remove any extraneous clothing when it’s extremely hot, but it doesnt really make much sense to take off T-shirts. The sun’s rays can be quite strong, and shoulders are always very sensitive to sunburn. This is the worst place to be red and sore when you. are wearing a heavy rucksack on your back. Wearing shorts can also create problems for walkers, as the backs of the legs can catch the sun very easily. Always protect those parts of your body which are not covered by clothing. 1n fact, those days when an apparently harmless breeze is blowing can be the most deceptive, Itmight notfeel so hot, so you probably won'tnotice the damage being done so soon. As on every other day then, a good strong sun cream should therefore be appliec to any skin which is exposed. Make the most use of the summer, but the sun with the respect it deserves. Question 41. What does the writer say about ‘Dioralyte"? Avithelps to reduce sweating. B. It prevents the loss of body salts. works in the same way as an isotonic drink. D.|t will help you get diarrhea. Question 42. The word “it "in line 3, paragraph 4, refers to, . A.thesun B, water &.thehead D.your hat Question 43, According to the text, when might your feet suffer? A. when they cool down. B.when they are wet C.if you are wearing tight-fitting boots D. if you have to walk through water Question 44, According to the writer itis better to wear loose fitting clothing because A. itis less likely to create problems for your skin. B.itis very light C.itkeeps you cool. D. itlasts longer than tight-fitting clothing. Question 45, What does the writer mean by extraneous clothing" in paragraph 7? A, clothing which is too tight. B. clothing which is too heavy to wear. ©. clothing which is no longer needed to keep you warm D, clothing which most people would consider unusual in hot weather, Question 48. According to the writer, when are watkers particularly at risk from the effects of the sun? A. ifthey have suffered an injury. 8. if their sun cream is not strong enough C,when there is a strong wind D, when they are unaware of the heat ‘Question 47. Who has the text been written for? A, people who go walking in the mountains B, people who go walking in hot weather €.walkers who are unfit, B. people who only go walking in summer. & READ THE FOLLOWING MAGAZINE ARTICLE ABOUT WAYS OF REDUCING THE ENVIRON- MENTAL HARM WE DO. CHOOSE FROMTHE PEOPLE A, B, CORD. A. Carla School student Carla Ruiz lives in a hot country and has become very aware of the need to. save water.“spring and autumn used to be quite wet, but these days it hardly rains at all’, she says. "Nearly all the rivers have dried up, destroying all the wildlife in and around them, and no matter what we do they'll never be the same again. At least, though, we can use what little water there is more sensibly. That's why at home I recently decided to do simple things like making sure there are no dripping taps, or taps left on while Im brushing my teeth or washing food; also having showers instead of baths and not overwatering the plants. Within a few days | was regularly doing these things without even thinking, and | know they made a difference because the water bills went. down quite a bit. My parents noticed that so they started doing the same, and our bills are now a lot tower” B. Vincent. Trainee manager, Vincent Owen, is doing his bit to save the planet by using less electricity around the home." was talking to this guy at work and he told me that we waste a huge amount of energy every year by leaving things like the TV, DVD and computer on standby all the time, so nowadays | try to remember - not always successfully - to switch them off at night. Something | always do now, though, is keep the air-conditioning off, even if get a bit too sweaty here in summer. Incidentally, ve now got solar panels on the roof'so that all the hot water is poweted by the sun. That was a bg investment, and it ended up well over budget, but 'm sureit'll pay for itself in the end. | was hoping the neighbors might go for solar energy too, but as yet there's no sign they will” Lin While Lin Chen is on a gap year, she Is traveling round Europe with friends. "We had intended to fly everywhere,’ she says, "but when we worked out just how much extra pollution that would cause, we decided to do it by train instead. itwas cheaper, too" They began their tourin Greece:"We all felt the obvious place to start was where European civilization began, so our fisst rail journey began in Athens. We traveled to Patras on the west coast, taking the ferry across to Bariin southern Italy. Unfortunately, it was very windy and | had a bad case of sea-sickness, though, by the time we were on the train to Bologna, Id recovered.From there we took the overnight train to Paris, and a few days later we went on the Eurostar to London. We saw far more of the countryside than we would havedone by plane, and it was much more relaxing, too” D. Tanya ‘Tanya Petrov works in a restaurant with an extensive menu, but at home she will only eat local or seasonal food: “t strongly believe that transporting food thousands of kilometels, or storing it under refrigeration for months on end, ultimately has a highly negative impact on the climate. | always try to buy food that is produced locally and | have a special calendar to show me which kinds. of food are in season so that | know what Im buying is really fresh. And | always check the “best- before” dates of fresh fruit and vegetables before I choose them so I don't end up having to throw any out. Apart from the environmental considerations, I'm convinced the food | eat, which has far fewer chemicals in it, helps me avoid the kind of illness that seems to be so common these days” Which person Question 48. Avoids waste by selecting items carefully? ‘Question 49, Says other people have followed their example? ‘Question 50. Was ill for a short time? ‘Question 51. Sometimes forgets to do something that they feel should do? Question 52. Found it quite easy to change their daily habits? Question 53. Has followed the advice of a colleague? Question 54. Changed their original ptans for environmental reasons? Question 55, Sometimes foels physically uncomfortable because of a change they made? Question 56. Says the damage to the environment is a permanent? ‘Question 57. Makes different choices according to the time of year? ‘eek WRITING B COMPLETE THE SECOND SENTENCE SO THAT IT HAS THE SAME MEANING AS THE FIRST ONE, USING THE WORD GIVEN IN EACH BRACKET. DO NOT CHANGE THE WORDGIVEN. YOU. MUST USE TWO AND FIVE WORDS INCLUDING THE WORD GIVEN. Question 58, Joe isn't feeling very well today. (weather) > Joe is feeling a bit. Question 59. That apartment is furnished (some) There ... in that apartment. Question 60, He had a very traditional upbringing, didn't he? (traditionally) HE WAS... eee - wasn't he? ‘Question 61. It was wrong of you to allow a 4 year-old child to walk home alone. (shouldn't) YOU... «4 year-old child to walk home alone. Question 62. Success depends on hard work. (more) —> The harder .... you are, Op were ‘APARAGRAPH ABOUT 150- 180 WORDS ABOUT THE BENEFITS OF STUDYING AT A GIFTED SCHOOL, ANSWER KEY @ Ouestion’ - conform/kan‘fo:m/ + to sth (v): lam theo, tuan theo, Eg: He refused to conform to the local customs. resist /rr'zist/ + sth (vj: khang cu, chéng lai £.g: They are determined to resist pressure to change the law, - hinder /*hindatr) + sb/ sth (vizcan td, gay tr ngai Eg: An injury was hindering him from playing his best. - obey /e'ber/ + sb/ sth (v) :nghe Idi, tuan theo Eg: obey a command/an order/rules/the law ~ steal (v): An cp, an trom + steal sth (irom sb/ sth): lay trém cai Eg: Hestole my watch. ~-1ob (v): cudp, cudp Goat, ldy trom + rob sb/ sth (of sth}: cudp doat cla aif cai gi (cia cai gi) Eg: Men robbed the bank. - thief (n): tén trom - kicinap (v}: bat céc (thuéng dé téng tién) E,g: The terrorists were planning to kidnap one of the president's sons. * Dap 4nB G cnestion: Ménh dé phia truéc, dong tw duge chia & thi qua khif don — Déng tif 6 ménh dé phia sau fing éuge chia 6 thi qua khif don: dign t& mét chudi hanh d6ng da xay ra trong qua khct => Bip an D (Mét khi vi eat 8 may tinh dugc quét thi nhiéu théng tin bién mét) = therefore (adv): i vay, do dé Eg: He’s only 17 and therefore not eligible to vote. ~ only (adv): chi = most + N: hau hét, da phan -how-+adj/adv +S +V.. © Bip an A (Nhéing ngudi ing hé lam viéc xa nha thudng sé néi én tinh thuan toi nhu thé nao déi véi nhéing ngu’i mong mud cit gidm gid lam vie) é Ta 6 thé ding “so” thay cho mot ménh dé sau céc déng tit dign t8 y kién, quan diém nhu expect, suppose, think, be afraid, believe, guess, hope, imagine, .. Ea: A: Will be got a good mark? B: | expect/ hope so. © Dap dn C - with a view to +Ving: nhim muc dich/ véi ¥ dink/ véi hi vong lam gi dé E.g: He’s painting the house with a view to selling it. -on account of sb/ sth: do ai diéu gl 85 £,g: She retired early on account of ill health. - by means of sth ~ with the help of sth: vai sy gilp d6/ tro giup ctla cai gi dé Eg: The load was lifted by means ofa crane. -in terms of sth: vé, xét vé mat Eg: The job is great in terms of salary, but it has its disadvantages. ©? Dip an A (Toi da doc di doc lai ban hop déng dé trénh pham I8i chinh t8) © tuestion7 ~ ban tv): ngan cam ~ complain (v): phan nan ~ say (ve Ndi =recommend (v): khuyén Cu tnic:S + recommend + (that) +S +V nguyén thé khong chia +.. Eg: {recommend (that) he see a lawyer. ‘> Dap an D (Trong mot ban bao céo dé trinh véi chinh phui vao ngay hom qua, cde nha khoa hoc da khuyén rang vie xay dung cay céu nén dugc dimg lai.) estion 8 ~ at the end of sth: cudi ciia cdi gh Eg: at the end of the month: cud thang ~ by the end of sth: trudc thai diém két thiic cai gi dd. Eg: by the end of the month: truéc thai diém cudi thing © Dap an D (Bat ky ai dat mot may nghe nhac MP3 méi trudc thai diém cui thang s8 nhgn duigc thémmét bé tai nghe mign phi.) ® Ouestions ~ though ~ although: mac du. E.g: Anne was fond of fim, though he often annoyed her. - though ~ however: tuy nhién (though thudng nam cuéi c4u) Eg: She told me she was very sick. She still came to the party, though, © Dépén A © Question. ~ persisting (adj): khang khang, c6 chép + demanding (adj): needing a jot of skill, patience, effort, etc (of a piece of work): adi héi cao, doi hoi khac khe, dai hdi nhidu nd le E.g: The work is physically demanding. = tough (adj): khé khan Eg: it was a tough decision to make. ~ hard (adj/adv}: kho khan, cham cht => Dap an C (Céng viéc ctia toi thi ddi hdi rét cao nén tdi khong cho rang tdi co thé co ky nghi ha) © Question ~ branch (n): nganh (san xust,..), chinhanh Eg: The bank has branches all over the country. field (n): a particular subject or activity that somebody works in or is interested in: linh vuc E.g: He is famous in the field of music. ~ area (n}: dién tich, khu vue, pham vi £.g: wide area of knowledge (tém hiéu biét rong) ~ domain (n}: tén mién, lanh dia, pham vi “A recent survey of 2 language learning magazine has consulted a number of experts in the field of a second language acquisition. (Mot cuéc khdo sét gan day ctia tap chi hoc ngoai ngii da tham khdo rat nhiéu chuyén gia trong linh vyc thu dac ngoai ngit thi 2.) > DipanB @ Question 12 consider (v):can nhac, xem xét hoi - think (v):nghi, suy nght wonder ( - look (¥); nhin, “Their advice may prove invaluable for those considering a language course” (Loi khuyén cla ho c6 thé v6 gid cho nhiing ngudi dang xem xét mét khéa hoc ngoai ngit) © Bapan A duestions3 = survey + sth (v): quan sét, nghién cuu Eg: She opened her eyes and surveyed her surroundings. ~ review (v): xem xét fai, xét lai Ea: The government wilf review the situation later in the year. ~ balance (v): lam cho thang bing, can bang Eg: She tries to balance home fife and career. ~ assess (v); dénh gid + assess + whether/ how/... Eg: The committee assesses whether a building is worth preserving. (Uy ban dang danh gla xem toa nha c6 dang bao tén khong.) We are trying to assess how well the system works. © Dipda D @ weston = prize (n): gid 8, gid tri - charge (ni:tién phai ted E.g: We have to make a small charge for refreshments. - cost (n}: chi phi, phitén, su phi (thi gid, suc lye) E.g: the cost of living (chi phi sinh hoat) i felt aneed to please people, whatever the costin time and energy. -valuation (nisy danh gié E.g: Experts set a high valuation on the painting. “The major cost will be your own time and effort” (Chi phi to Ion sé ia théi gian va né luc cla chinh ban) uy, dugc quy trong ~ regarded: duge xem nhu Eg: She is widely regarded as the current leader's natural successor, - understood: dugc hiéu recognized: dugc céng nhén, dug thia nhan, duge ghi nhgn Eg: the recognized term {thust ngi dé duac chip nhén} ~ end (n): diém két thuic, muc dich ~ aim, purpose Eg: He joined the society for political ends. ~ sight (n): tm nhin -goal (n): muc tiéu - object ~ aim/ purpose (n): muc dich Danh tir“ainn” chi muc dich cts vigc fam gi 46 hay muc dich minh dang cé ging a dat:“goal” ‘chi muc dich minh hy vong sé dat duge “Also, be realistic in your goals: (Hay hién the myc tiéu cla minh) @ West - deceive sb into doing sth: danh lita, lia gat ai lam gi dé Eg: She deceived him into handing over alf his savings. “Do not be deceived into thinking that the most expensive courses are the best” (Dimng bi nh Itia v6i sy nght rng nhéing khéa hoc dat nhat la tét hat” © Bip an A - shop around: Gi dé gid, di khdo gid (aé Iya chon duge cai tét nhét) Eg: Shop around for the best deal. © Dip in B ~a crash course: mot khéa hoc cp tec = DipanD ~ make progress: tién bo = Dip in B Baidich CAMTRAI AN TOAN Gam trai 6 viing qué thi thuéng rét vui, nhung thinh thong cé mét sé vin dé cé thé khéng On. Tai nan c6 thé xay ra, cho nén cén thiét dé nghi vE suran todn cd truéc khi ban di va trong hic ban dang & 6, Biéu nay sé gitip ngan can chuyén cm trai vui vé cla ban bién thanh mot viéc gi 6 khong vui Truc tién, ban cin Ién ké hoach trudc, Xem du bdo that tiét mot vai ngay truéc va cén than v6i bat ct! bai bao cdo vé héa hoan trong khu vyc ma ban dang nghi dén viée dén a6, Hay chudn bi/ mang theo dung cu cau hé khdn cp phéng khi ban hoac ai 06 di cing ban xéy ra tai nan hose bj 6m trong khi ban dang 446. Hay kva chon khu vuc cém trai cin than, trénh nhiing noi ma cé nguy co'vé IG lut trutic khi ban dung léu, chdc chan rang khéng 6 vat thé sdc nhon trén mat dit, cdc t6 kin hoac t6 ong gan dé. BE khéng cho cén triing vao léu thi hay khép Iéu lai bat cu khi nao ban vao hodc ra ngoai. Néu ban can lita trai dé nu dn thi hay can than khéng dét ia bat cif noi nao gan léu ciia ban, va truéc khi ban di ngd, hay nhé ding nhiu nude dé dip t&t Ida hoan toan. Sau bifa &n, hay nhat hét bat cif mau thiic dn nao ma cé thé cén sét lai trén mat dat, vi nbuing cdi nay cé thé thu hut con tring hoc nhiing sinh vat to hon. Cling phai hiéu vi twang ty, hay giifthiéc én chua strdung trong cic hop d6ng lai dé céch xa trang tral ra, Ban khong mudn mot con g4u d6i hay mét con dng vat khac dét ngét xudt hién trong Iu cia ban! © uestion Question 22° something J both @ Question23 advance (in advance: trudc) ® Question24 Prepare/ Bring @ Question25° where Question 6. Sure (rrake sure + a clause: chic chan) © duestion 27° careful sure ® Question 28 with @ Question 29° might/ could & Question30- animal @ Question31: theft ~ thief (n): t@n tram -> theft (n): su an trdm, toi dn trom .g: Police are investigating the theft of computers from the company’s offices. - burglary (n):t6i n trom dém (a6t nhap vao nha va an trom i) ® Question 32° painful ~ pain (n): ch dau, sy dau khd ~ painful /"pernfV/(ad)): dau dén, dau khé Question 33. owner ~ own (vir s6 itu, co ~ owner (n): chil nhan, ngudi cho @ Question34 valuables = value (a): gtr - valuables (nl: 46 quy gid, d6 c6 gid tr E.g: Never leave cash or other valuables lying around. & Question35. accidentally ~ accident (n}: tal nan ~ accidentally (adv): tinh c& ngau nhién £g: As| tured around, ! accidentally hit him in the face. ® Question36 -advice - advisory (adji: 6 van, tu vn, cho y kién £g: an advisory committee (h6i déng tu van) - advice (n- uncountable); lai khuyén @ Question 37: insurance - insure (v}: bao hiém ~ insurance (n): sy béo hig — insurance coverage: pham wi bao hiém @ Question 38: sensible ~ sensible (adj): hop ly, khén ngoan Question 39 suggestions ~ make suggestions: agi, dé nghi © Question 40° reliable = reliable (adj): dang tin cay @ duéstion at Tac gid ndi give" A.N6 gitip giim dé mé héi joralyte"? B. N6 ngan can viéc mat mudi cho co thé €.N6.cé tac dung tuang ty nhu loai nude uéng isotonic (ang truong) . NO sé lam cho ban bi tidu chay Theo dan ching trong bai:"You could even use one of the isotonic drinks made for athletics, which replace the body's salts lost through sweating. Powders such as Dioralyte, which you may have in the house as a treatment for diarthea, will do the job just as well, as its main aim is also effective rehydration” (Ban tham chi cé thé sti dung mét trong nhiing logi nudc ung dang truong ge san xudt cho cac van dong vién, ogi nuiéc u6ng ma but cho viéc mat mudi cia co'thé quia viée 6 mé hd, Nhting loai thud nhu Dioralyte ma ban c6 thé c6 trong nha co thé digu tri chung tiéu chdy, $8 c6 téc dung gidng nhu'vdy, vi muc dich chinh ca nd cting fa bd nue hiéu qua) © Dip an C @ duestion a2: “Soaking your hat with water is a great way to cool the head, though if the sun is beating down, it will probably dry off almost immediately" (Nhung mi ctia ban vao nudcla mot cach tuyét vai dé lar mat dau, mac di néu mét trdi chigu xu6ng thi né sé cé thé kh6 ngay lép tic) © it= yourhat © Dip an D @ Question 43. Theo bai doc, khi ndo chan ban bi dau? A. hi ching duige lam mat B.khi chting bi uét C.néu ban di giay chat qua D. néu ban phai l6i nude Theo dan chting trong Extra sweating makes the skin softer and increases the chance of blisters forming, in the same way as when water leaks into your boots and geis to your feet’ D6 mé hai them lam cho da min hon va tang kha nang phéng da, tuong ty nhu khi nude F ri vao gidy va toi chan cla ban.) > Dap anB => Theo tac gia, tét han nén mac quan Ao rng vi... A. né ft c6 kha nang gay ra cac van dé cho da cia ban B, no thi rét nhe €.n6 gitt cho ban mat D.né bén hon quan éo chat Theo din chung trong bai doc: “Tight clothing will feel uncomfortable and may even lead to the formation of an irritating rash as“quickly heat” on your skin’ (Quan o chat sé cam thay khong +thodi mal va tham chi cé thé dan dén viée phat ban trén da cla ban? > Dép in A Tac gldcé y gi khi ndi dén cym ti”extraneous clothing” trong doan 7? A. quan do qua chat B, quan 4o qué nang dé mac C.quan do khong con cin thiét 4é lam am D. quan do ma da s6 moi ngudi sé xem bat thudng trong thdi tiét nang néng Theo dan ching trong bai doc: “It’s understandable to want to remove any extraneous clothing when it’s extremely hot, but it doesn’t really make much sense to take off T-shirts” (That dé hidu khi chting ta muén loai bé hét cac loai quan do khéng phi hop khi trdi cucky nang néng, hung khéng thuc sy hap ly khi cdi bé do so mi” = DipanC @ Cuastionse: Theo tic gid, khi nao nhiing ngudi di bd dic biét gap nguy hiém tu sy'téc dong cha mat tre? A.néaho bi chan thuong B. néu kem chéng ndng khéng dil manh Cu khic6 gid to ©. khi ho khéng thay duoc sic néng Theo din ching trong bai: in fact, those days when an apparently harmless breeze is blowing can be the most deceptive, It might not feel so hot, so you probably won't notice the damage being done so soon. (Thue té thi nhiing ngay nay khi mgt con gid nhe cé ve vé hai thdi vao c6 thé dé dan lia ngudi ta nhdt. N6 cé thé khdng cdm thy qué néng, nén ban co thé khong chu ¥ dén tac hai gay ra rt som a) Dip inD Bai doc nay dugc viét cho ai? di leo nai B, nguidi di b6 trong thai tiét nang néng C.ngudi di bd khéng khée manh D. ngudi chi di bé trong miahe © Dip an B Theo din chiing trong bai: “I always try to buy food that is produced locally and | have a special calendar to show me which kinds of food are in season so that | know what I'm buying is really fresh. And I always check the“best-before" dates of fresh fruit and vegetables before | choose them so | don't end up having to throw any out” (Toi luén cé gang mua thtic an duigc san xudt dia phuong va tdi cé cud lich dc biét cho ban than minh biét dugc loai thyc phém ndo theo mia dé biét nhiing thi t6i dang mua thuc su tual ngon. Va 61 iudn kiém tra han sty dung cia céc foal rau qué tuoi sach truéc khi chon chiing, do 6 t6i khéng phai vit bé ching” = Dépén D Theo dfn chiing trong b3i:“Within a few days | was regularly doing these things without even thinking, and | know they made a difference because the water bills went down quite a bit. My parents noticed that so they started doing the same, and our bills are now a lot lower” © Dapan A Theo din chting trong bai: “Unfortunately, it was very windy and | had a bad case of sea- sickness, though, by the time we were on the train to Bologna, Id recovered” anc Theo dn chuing trong bai:"l was talking to this guy at work and he told me that we waste a huge amount of energy every year by leaving things like the TV, DVD and computer on standby all the time, so nowadays | try to remember - not always successfully - to switch them off at night” > Dip an B o Theo dan chung trong bat doc: “At least, though, we can use what little water there is more sensibly, That's why at home ! recently decided to do simple things like making sure there are no ripping taps, or taps left on while Im brushing my teeth or washing food; also having showers instead of baths and not overwatering the plants’ = DipinA © Question 53 Theo dan ching trong bai doc:"Lwas talking to this guy at work and he told me that we waste a huge amount of energy every year by leaving things like the TV, DVD and computer on standby allthetime..” = DapanB © Questions4 Theo dan ching trong bai doc: “We had intended to fly everywhere” she says, “but when we worked out just how much extra pollution that would cause, we decided to do it by train instead. Itwas cheaper, too” © Dapan © Questions Theo dan chting trong bai doc: “Something | always do now, though, is keep the air conditioning off, even if Laet.a bit too sweaty here in summer” © apn B @ Questionsé Theo dan ching trong bai:“Spring and autumn used to be quite wet, but these days it hardly rains at all. Nearly all the rivers have dried up, destroying all the wildlife in and around them, and no matter what we do they'll never be the same again” © Dépin A § Questions? Theo din chiing trong bai doc:"! always try to buy food that is produced locally and | have a special calendar to show me which kinds of food are in season so that | know what I'm buying is really fresh? ©? Bap én D # Question s8 Joe is feeling a bit under the weather today. - under the weather: feel slightly ll/sick and not as well as usual: bi dm, kh6ng duge khde (co le do thai tiét gay ra) @ Question 59 There is some furniture/ are some pieces of furniture in that apartment. = furnished (adj): dugc trang bi dé dac, duigc trang bi noi that - furniture (n- uncountable): 66 dac % Question 60 He was very traditionally brought up, wasn't he? = bring up (v): nudi duéng, day dé - upbringing (n): suday 46, sugido duc @ Question 61”: ‘You shouldn't have allowed 4 year-old child to walk home alone. = shoutdn’t have PP; Ié ra khong nén lam gi do. © Question sz: The harder you work, the more successful you are. ~So snh kép: The + hinh thtic so sénh hon + $ +¥, the + hinh thuc so sah han + S+Vicang Benefits: increase knowledge (good teachers + courses) - many scholarships for students - different facilities for students to relax SAMPLE WRITING A gifted school is a good environment to study because studying at a gifted school can bring us a variety of substantial benefits. Firstly, if you are a student at a gifted school, you will have many opportunities to broaden your knowledge about your favorite subjects, which can help you build a good career in the future and make your dream come true, Obviously, most teachers at a gifted school are often experts in thelr fields, so students can learn many useful things from them. Not only do gifted schools provide professional teachers who have a wide knowledge of thelr subjects but they also offer good courses. Secondly, there are many valuable scholarships for good students, especially, or students that have difficult circumstances. This encourages students to study hard to have good academic performances. Finally, students have various ways to relax or refresh after school because these gifted schools always supply many different facilities. in short, there are many advantages of studying at a gifted schoo! that students should take into consideration to make a right decision for their own future. (181 words) ep & CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWERTO FILL INTHE BLANK Question 1."1'™m sure the Whitleys wereinvolved:"They__have since they knownothing about the business" A.can't B, wouldn't G.shouldn't D. mustn't Question 2. "Candy's an excellent pianist, isn't she ?“She__to win the prize if she plays this well during the competitions, Avis cue B. is ound about Diisset Question 3. the balcony chairs will be ruined in this weather, A. Leaving uncovered B. Having left uncovered C.Left uncovered D. Been left uncovered Question 4. His friends offered to. the next time he was in town, so that he wouldn't have to pay for a hotel. A. place him in B. put him up €.back him up ©.turn him out Question 5. Suasn became so tired of city life that she decided to buy a piece of land A. out of the ordinary the crow flies €. far and away D. in the middle of nowhere ‘Question 6. The. of our cruise includes stops at six ports in three different countries, A. timetable. B. intention Gitinerary D. itemization Question 7. My mind went when the official asked me my phone number couldn't remember it at all. A.empty B.clear «. blank D. vacant Question 8. che life_______of individuals in developed countries increases dramatically every decade, A. expectation B. exception exertion D.expectancy ‘Question 9.5e believes thatall countries should, the death penaltyasit isinhumane. A. putdown to B. catch up on €.get down to D. do away with Question 70. Although the journey was, with danger, it turned out to be a rewarding experience for everyone. A. fraught B. filled full Da littered Question 11. One way to let off. after a stressful day is to take some vigorous exercise, B. tension steam D. sweat ‘Question 12. In amazed that this game ever -itisso silly! A.tookin B.caught on ©. took up D. caught by ‘Question 13. They avoid the usual tourist attractions in favor of places that are off the, track. A.gone B, worn ©. beaten D ridden Question 14, Their research into the causes of cancer promises to break new, in the field and possibly lead to a cure. Aearty B, ground C.soil Question 15,-“he. of the building of the new shopping centre are doing everything they can to prevent the project from starting. A. advocates B. opponents C.independents _—_D. opposites Question 16. After three days in the desert, his mind began to play. on hima, B. jokes tricks Question 17. Finding the gorillas alive had been his wildest dreams. A. past 8. beneath beyond B. without ‘Question 18. 4e has been to supporting his nephews. A, determined B. allowed €. compromised B. committed Question 19. She worried about her exam and couldn't focus on her revision. A. constantly B. practically decidedly D.effectively Question 20. Different measures have been__tohelp the homeless. A.make B.taken €.done D.conducted Question 21. The noisy music the students from their test. A. distracted B. disrupted G.dissolved D. disqualified ‘Question 22. Health food is now. in popularity. A. growing B.raising €. getting Defying Question 23 fire, please break the glass and ring the bell. A. in case of B.during C. because of B.with a view to Question 24, Left-handed children are said to be, toaccidents in the kitchen. A. prone B. clear C.aware 8. bound Question 25. t was. of Harry to artive late and then try to dominate the meeting, A.common B.usual G.ordinary D.typical Question 26. During their frst date, Jane had nervously peppered the conversation with __ talk. A. unimportant B.tiny €.small D. trivial Question 27. The match will be screened on ITV with, commentary by Andy Gray. A.lively Blive Galive Daliving Question 28. The job creation scheme is stl! in its, A. childhood B, babyhood C. opening D. infancy Question 29. | am subjected to, smoking in the office and at home. A. passive B. inactive C.involuntary D,reluctant Question 30. Dr Chen advised me to use this remedy in, asit is extremely potent, A.restraint B. moderation €. control D. regulation Question 31. I'm, my brotheris. A. nowhere like so ambitious B. nothing near as ambitious as ‘C.nothing as ambitious than D. nowhere near as ambitious as Question 32. Reports are coming in that a flood has hit a heavily area in the south of India A.cowed B. personalized €. peopled D. populated ‘Question 33. It was, a victory that even Smiths fans couldn't believe it. A.such surprising 8B, so surprising €.too surprising D. surprising Question 34. | always clean the flat before my mom comes round, but she always finds at least one. of dust. A.scrap B. gust C. speck D. blade Question 35. Everyone. around the old woman cn the floor, but no one offered her any help. A.crowded B. spread put D.hung Question 36. | do agree there, simple solution to this problem. A.isno 8. be not C.not tobe D.not being Question 37. | know you didn't want to upset me but I'd sooner you, me the whole truth yesterday. A.could havetold —_—B. told €. have told D. had told Question38. As the drug took, the patient became quieter. A.cffect B.force influence D.action Question39, The dawn redwood appears some 100 million years ago in northem forests around the world, A.wes flourished B.havingtoflourish_€. to have flourished —_D. have flourished Question 49. His comments, little or no relation to the facts and the figures of the case. Avreflect 8. bear Cgive BD. possess rw CHOSETHE WORD OF PHRASE THAT BEST FITS EACH SPACE IN THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE We often assume the best way to. (41) to a decision is to spend ages taking into account a lot of information before we arrive at our conclusion, We. -(42) the evidence in the belief that instant decisions are unreliable. However, there are arguments for a reassessment of that.........(43). It may be that.........(44) our subconscious mind does a better job in a moment than our conscious mind does. When Evelyn Harrison, a(n)........-(45) on sculpture, was shown a statue that the J, Paul Getty Museum had purchased for $10 million, she.........(46) out that it was a fake. It came......... (47)a shockto the museum. Harrison was...(48) to explain why she had formed that impression, but it was enough to..........49) doubt on the statue, Now most experts have come round to her ++ss+1101(50), but how did she. ........(51) the difference between that and the......... (52) article so quickly ? Itsis probable that her subconscious mind sorted through information that escaped the s++++++:(53) of her conscious mind. Aithough we are rarely, .........(54) aware of our subconscious mind, it canbe surprisingly.........{55) Question 41, a, come B.go reach B.make Question 42, A.measure —_B. observe C. weigh D.give ‘Question 43. A, outlook. B.view . proof B, support ‘Question 44. A. the time of the live 8. from time to time C.all the time D.manya time Question 45. A, scholar B. specialist C.artist Question 46. A. put B. figured mumbled D. blurted Question 47.4, as B.with Cin Question 48. A. incapable B. difficult ‘C.unable Di hard Question 49.8. put Belay . cast D. place Question 50.A. place 8. position argument D. point Question 51. A. made 8.tell realize D. seek Question 52.A. inimitable 8. true actual D.real Question 53.A. notice B. procession C.realization D, guard ‘Question 54.A. let alone fact G.even then. . ifever Question 55.A. influential B.dependent G effective D, productive & IDENTIFY THE MISTAKE IN EACH SENTENCE Question 56. Asteroids may be fragments (A) of a planet shattered {B) long ago (C} or from material (D) the nuclei of old comets. Question 57. Beside (A) the ages of nine and fifteen, almost (B) all young (C) people undergo a rapid {D) series of physiological changes. ‘Question 58. Ponds are noted (A) for their rich and varied types of (B) plant and animal life, which all maintain (C) in a delicate ecological balance (D). Question 59. The explorers said that (A) they could make (B) the round trip shorter if(C) the weather hadnot been that.bad (D) Question 60. The Pinebrook Inn has (A) a courtesy bus which (B) runs every thirty minute (C) both to and from (D} the downtown area, ‘Question 61. Most authorities consider both (A) dreaming while {B) sleep and daydreaming to be {C) forms of fantasy (D). Question 62. Antique auctions (A) are getting more and more (B) popular in the United States because of increasingly (C) public awareness of the value of (D) investing in antiques. ‘Question 63. An X-ray microscope enables (A) a person to see on {B) solid materials suchas (C) metal and bone (D). ‘Question64. The growth rate (A) of the Pacific Rim countriesis twice faster than (B) others comparable (C) areas during (D) the Industrial Revolution. ‘Question 65. Computers have (A) made access (8) to information instantly available (C) just by push {Dj a few buttons. @ READ THE PASSAGE AND CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS In the early days of the United States, postal charges were paid by the recipients and charges varied with the distance carried In 1825. The United States Congress permitted local postmasters to give letters to mail carriers for home delivery, but these carriers received no government salary and their entire compensation depended on what they were paid by the recipients of individual letters. In 1847 the United States Post Office Department adopted the idea of a postage stamp, which of course simplified the payment for postal service but caused grumbling by those who did not like to prepay. Besides, the stamp covered only delivery to the post office and did not include carrying t to a private address. In Philadelphia, for example, with a population of 150,000 people still had to go to the post office to get there mail. The confusion and congestion of individual citizens looking for their letters was itself enough to discourage use of the mail. It is no wonder ‘that, during the years of these cumbersome arrangements, private letter-carrying and express businesses developed.Although their activities were only semi-legal, they thrived, and actually advertised that between Boston and Philadelphia they were a half -day speedier than the government mail. The government postal service lost volume to private competition and was not able to handle efficiently even the business it had. Finally, in 1863, Congress provided that the mail carriers who delivered the mail from the post offices to private adelresses should receive a government salary, and that there should be no extra charge for that delivery. But this delivery service was at first confined to cities, and free home delivery became a mark of urbanism, As late as 1887, a town had to have 10,000 people to be eligible for free home delivery. In 1890, of the 75 million people in the United States, fewer than 20 million had mail delivered free to their doors. The rest, nearly three-quarters of the population, still received no mail unless they went to their post office. Question 66, What does the passage mainly discuss? A. The increased use of private mail services. B, The development of a government postal system. C. comparison of urban and rural postal services. D. The history of postage stamps. canbe inferred from the firstparagraph thatin the USAintheearly 19" century. . ‘A. the recipient had to pay to receive the letters. B. the recipient paid the same for all kinds of letters, €. postage stamps for letters came into use. D. the mail carriers earned a lot of money from the government. Question 68, Which of the following was seen as a disadvantage of the postage stamp? A. Ithad to be purchased by the sender in advance. B. It increased the cost of mail delivery. C.itwas difficult to affix to letters, D. Itwas easy to counterfeit. Question 69, Why does the author mention the city of Philadelphia? AA. Its postal service was inadequate for its population B, It was the site of the first post office in the United States, C. It was the largest city in the United States in 1847. D. Itwas commemorated by the first United States postage stamp. Question 79. In the 1950s, ‘A. American people were happy with every postal service B. people in Philadelphia had their letters delivered free of charge by the government . there was a preference among Americans for private mail services D. the American government managed their mail businesses satisfactorily Question 71, The word “they” refers to. A. Boston and Philadelphia B. businesses C.anangements D. letters Question 72, The private postal services of the 19" century claimed that they could do which of the following better than the government? A. Deliver higher volume of mail B. Deliver mail more cheaply €. Deliver mail faster D. Deliver mail to rural areas Question 73. In 1863 the United States government began providing which of the following to mail carriers? A. Asalary B. Housing €. Transportation D.Free postage stamps Question 74. All of the following statements are true of the American postal service in the second half of the 19" century EXCEPT. A. Delivery service distinguishes cities from the countryside B. People paid more to get their letters detivered to their home €. Smalll towns did not provide delivery service D. About 55 milion people had to get to the post office to receive their mail Question 75. The word “confined'is closet in meaning to A. Granted B. Scheduled ¢.Limited D. Recommended |v THE APPROPRIATE FORMS OF WORDS IN THE BRACKETS Question 76. The students were. hear that the class had been cancelled. JOY) Question 77. A sports club has just been established and aims to havea ... two years. (MEMBER) -..0f 500 in the next Question 78. The spectators booed when the second goal was.. Question 79, . Question 80. A fatal, ALLOW) _.,we didn’t buy better quality goods from the beginning. (REGRET) was made by air traffic control.(CALCULATE) Question 81. Despite having tb, she has difficulty making ends meet.(PAY) Question 82. When thelab findings and the research results were. came to light (RELATE) .,an amazing discovery Question 83. | really believe that it should be a major mistake to .. currently illegal. (CRIME) Question 84, The attack in the city centre last night is said to. behavior amongst young people that many people object to. (EXAMPLE) any drugs that are the kind of Question 85. Theo and his twin brother are always together. They are.. (SEPARATE) ‘Question 86, Reading is an effective way to... ...your vocabulary. (RICH) Question 87. John considers reading others’ diaries an. wasion of privacy, (PERMIT) ‘Question 88. His failure in the exam was a real.. Question 89. There is ..... for his parents. (LET) a great demand for organic vegetables. (DENY) Question 90. Having a deep..............f strangers, he felt reluctant to talk to the newcomer. (TRUST) & SUPPLY EACH BLANK WITH ONE SUITABLE WORD. The development of the sport of skateboarding can be (91). ..back to the early 1890s, when children in California usect wooden boards to “surf” the streets, During the 1950s, the (92)... of the sport increased and manufactures began producing the first factory- made hoards. By the 1960s, the sport had (93)... impressive following, not just in the USA, but (94)... eee However, by 1965,(95}... about safety resulted in regulations being (96). to ban skateboarding in most public places in the USA. This effectively killed the sport there for the next decade. Companies that had been making 2 (97) .............selling skateboards suddenly faced huge losses and many (98)... ..out of business. Over the next eight years a few enthusiasts continued practising the sport but, although they tried hard to raise its profile, they were (99)... in their efforts. Then in 1973, some technological breakthroughs revolutionized the sport. The invention of new materials (100). that manufacturers (191). .. strengthen the boards but at the (102). time make them lighter and more manoeuvrable, Such improvements also made the boards (193). ..angerous and pressure from an increasing number of users (104) to the installation of special skateboarding parks, Despite the various setbacks it has suffered over the years, the sport is now stronger than (908)... ANSWER KEY Question 1 -can't: khéng thé - wouldn't: sé khong ~ shouldn't: khong nén + mustn't: khéng duge phép © Dip én A ("Toi chic chdn gia dinh Whitleys cé lién quan:!”Ho khéng thé vi ho khéng bigt gi vé viéc kinh doanh,) @ cueition2: ~ be about + to V: sp lam gi dé Di&n ta méthanh dong s4p xéy ra. £9: They are about to start. (Ho sép sta khoi hanh,) ~be due to + Vi ndi vé 1 sy kién/ sy vie mong dgi xay ra tai thoi diém cy thé nao 46 trong tucing jai (co kém thai gian) Eg: The train is due to leave at Sam. ~be set to + V:néi vé nhiing thi sp xay ra theo dy kién E.g: Prices are set to rise once more. ~be bound/sure/certain to + infinitive: khéng dinh diéu gi dé chdc chan sé xy ra trong tuong lai E.g: The president is certain to resign. {Chit tich chac chan sé tirchiic,) > Dép in B ("Candy la mot nghé si choi piano gidi, phai khéng?"“Cé dy chac chan sé gidnh gidi néu cé dy chai tét trong suét cude thi) @ Cau cchua rit gon: Ifthe balcony chairs are left uncovered, they will be ruined in this weather. ~ Leftuncovered, the balcony chairs will be ruined in this weather. {bi déng: dung PP} © Dapan C - place sb in: dat ai dé vao, dva ai dé vo... E.g: His resignation placed us in a difficult position. put sb up: cho ai & tro E.g: We can put you up for the night. - back sb up ~ support sb: ling hd ai do Eg: Ill back you up if they don't believe you. - turn sb out: dudi ai sa thai ai, b&t ai rdi khéi nai no 4 © Dapan B % - out of the ordinary ~ unusual or different: khac thuéng Eg: His behaviour was nothing out of the ordinary (= not unusual) ~as the crow flies ~ in a straight line: thang tép, theo dung chim bay Ex: The villages are no more than a mile apart as the crow flies. ~ far and away: by a very great amount (dung trong so sénh nhét) E.g: She’ far and away the best player. in the middle of nowhere: a place that is a long way from other buildings, towns, etc: mot noi cach xa toa nha, thanh phé ..; mt nai xa x6i hée tanh Eg: She fives on a small farm in the middle of nowhere, timetable; théi gian biéu Eg: a bus/train timetable -intention /m'tenfn/: dy dink Eg: He left England with the intention of travelling in Africa. - itinerary /ar'tinarari/: 16 trinh Eg: Visits to four different countries are included in your itinerary. u ghi thanh ting khoan > Dip an C (L6 trinh cudc di chai bang duéng bién cia ching téi bao gém cdc dim ding & 6 cang cla 3 dat nude} © Westin: - Ones mind goes blank: du 6c tréing rng, khong thé nhé gi Eg: Suddenly my mind went blank, = Dip anC Re ~expectation /,ekspek'ter/n/: sy mong dgi, sy mong cho; kha nang (c6 thé xdy ra mét viée gi) Eg: She went to college with great expectations, -itemizatior - exception /tk’sepfn/: su ngoai Ié, sirloal ra Eg: With very few exceptions, private schools get the best exam results, ~exertion /1g'23zfn/ (n): suné luc, su 6 géng; sy str dung (stic manh,...) E.g: He needed to relax after the exertions of a busy day at work. - life expectancy /1k'spektansi/ (n):tudi tho diy tinh, tuéi the trung binh ~put down to ~ attribute: quy cho, cho la do Eg: What do you put her success down to? ~catch up on: danh thai gian thém lam gi dé Eg: |have a lot of work to.catch up on. ~ get down to: bat dlu nghiém tic lim gi dé. Eg: Let’s get down to business. - do away with ~ abolish: triy kh, thd tiéu, bai bo Eg: He thinks it's time we did away with the monarchy, = Dap an D (Cé ta tin rang tat cd cdc nude nén bé hinh phat ti hinh vino vo nhan dao.) @ westionw: - fraught with danger: day nguy hiém Eg: a situation fraught with danger. © Dap in A (Mac du chuyén hanh trinh day nguy hiém nhung né laitré thanh mét tral nghiém dang quy cho moi ngudi.) let off steam (idiom): to get rid of your energy, anger or strong emotions by doing something active or noisy: lam gi dé dé gitip ban hét néng gidn, xa hot fg: ! went for a long walk to let off steam. © Bap én C (MOt céch dé xa hoi sau mét ngay cing thing la tap thé duc.) @ Question’ ~ take in: dénh lif; hiéu, ndm duge Eg: Don't be taken in by his charm—he's ruthless. - catch on: ni tiéng, phé bién, duge mot ngudi va chudng f.g: He invented a new game, but it never really caught on. - take up: bat dau lam gi dé vi yéu thich E,g: They've taken up golf. © Dépin B ® Question 3: - off the beaten track: far away from other people, houses, etc: 6 noi ft ai dén, xa xdi héo lénh. Eg: They live miles off the beaten track. > Dap anc @ Question ss. - break new ground (idiom): to make a new discovery or do something that has not been done before: lam diéu gi ma chufa ting ¢6 ai dé lam, khdm pha mdi > Dap in B (Nghién ctu vé nguyén nhan ca ung thy hua hen tao ra buéc d6t pha mdi trong linh vuc a6 va cd thé dan dén cach chifa tri) GF Cuestion -advocate /‘zedvakat/: ngudi dng hé, ngudi tan thanh Eg: an advocate for hospital workers = opponent /a'paunant/ (n): déi thd, nguai khéng ding hé, déi phugng Ex: a political opponent - independent (n): ngutsi dc lap, nguai khéng theo dang phéi n3o Eg; She's standing as an independent at the next election. opposite (n): 6iéu trai lai digu ngugc lai = Dap an B (Nhéing ngudi khéng Ung hé viée xay dung trung tam mua sm mdi dang lam moi iu c6 thé dé ngan cin dan khdi céng) ~ play tricks on sb: danb lisa ai d6, choi x6, choi kam ai 46 Eg: ne of the problems of old age is that your memory can start to play tricks on you. (Mot trong nhting van dé cia tdi gia dé fa tri nhé luén danh ttra ban) © Dip anc ~ beyond one’s wildest dreams: far more, better, etc. than you could ever have imagined or hoped for: {t6t han, tuyét vat han tat cd nhiing gi ban da ting hi veng/ tuéng tugng, vugt xa suc tudng tugng va su mong di cia ban Eg: My new phone is the coolest thing | ever had, itis really beyond my wildest dreams (Chiée dign thoai mdi cua té la the tuyét vai nhat ma to ting c6, that fa vuot xa su tuéng tong cia té). = Dip én C & duesion 18: ~to be determined to do sth: quyét tam/ kién quyét lam gi dé Eg: Im determined to succeed. ~to be allowed to do sth: dugc cho phép lam gi Eg: We are allowed to go out tonight. ~ compromise (v): théa higp ~to be committed to doing sth: cam két / hua im gi dé © Dip nD estion 19) ~ constantly (adv): lién tuc, ludn fuén £4: Fashion is constantly changing. ~ practically (adv); hdu nhu, gan nhu; thyc té, thiétthuc Eg: The theatre was practically empty. It sounds like a good idea, but | don't think it will work practically. - decidedly (adv): kién quyét, duit khoat Eg: Twon't go’ she said decidedly. - effectively (adv): higu qua Eg: You dealt with the situation very effectively. © Dap in A = take measures to do sth: tién hanh cdc bién phap dé lam gi do Eg: We must take preventive measures to reduce crime in the area. = DipénB distract sb from sth: lam ai sao nhang khéng chu ¥ vao cai gi E.g: Youre distracting me from my work. - disrupt + sth (vi: phd vé, Iam anh huéng Eg: Demonstrators succeeded in disrupting the meeting. -dissolve /dr'zplv/ (v): iam tan ra, giai tan, phan hay Eg: When the ambulance had gone, the crowd dissolved. -disqualify /dts'kwolrfar/ (v): loai ra khéng cho lam gi dé, tuyén bé khéng a tucach + disqualify sb from sth/ doing sth: loai ai ra khoi cal gi/ ngn chan ai d6 fam gl vi he pham luat hoc khong phi hop Eg: He was disqualified from the competition for using drugs. <> Bap én A (Tiéng nhac dn da lam hgc sinh sao nhang vao bai kiém tra cua minh.) @ Question ~ grow iv): phat trién, tang trudng, len lén + growin sth Eg: The family has grown in size recently. - raise (v): tang lén (phai c6 tan ngit di kem phia sau; raise sth) Eg: Weneed to raise public awareness of the issue. © Dépan A - In cave of +N ~ If there is/ are sth; If sth happens: néu cé, trong trudng hop Eg: In case of fire, ring the alarm bell. - during: trong suét Eg: Please remain seated during the performance. ~ because of +N: bai vi Eg: He walked slowly because of his bad leg. with a view to + sth/ doing sth: nh&m muc dich/ véi hi vong/ y dinh lam gi dé Eg: She’ painting the house with a view to selling it. * Dip én A (Trong truéng hop cé héa hoan thi hay dap vé kinh va bém chuérg nhé) ~to beprone to sth/ do sth: cé kha nang bi/ chiu gi 6; 6 khuynh huding lam gi d6 xdu Eg) Tired drivers were found to be particularly prone to ignore warning signs. ~ to be bound to do sth: chac chan sé lam gi dé Eg: You've done so much work—you're bound to pass the exam. ~ to be aware of sth: ¥ thie, biét, nhn thie thay digu gi dé Eg: He was well aware of the problem. ‘= Dap in A (Nguoi ta nétrang nhiing dia tré thuan tay trdiicé thé dé bi tai nan trong nha bép.) ~ It+ be + typical of sb to do sth: That la binh huang d6i vdi ai dé dé lam gi E Trong 4 phuong dirchi c6 D la phi hgp vé cau tric © Dip in D was typical of her to forget her keys. ~small talk: chuyén phiém Eg: They made small talk for half an hour. ~ unimportant # important (adi): khéng quan trong # quan trong ~ tiny (adj): nhé xiu, bé ti ~ trivial (adj): tim thudng, khong quan trong © Dap in G G2 -lively (adi): sng ang, soi ndi ~ live (ad): truc tiép, dang quay, dang phat séng - alive (adi): cn séng, cén tén tai Eg: ls your mother still alive? = Iving (ad): sng, tén tai Eg all living things (moi sinh vat) © Dap an B (Trin dau sé duigc chiu trén kénh ITV véi sy binh luan truc tiép ca Andy Gray} $ Question 28 - childhood (n): théi the au. - babyhood (n): tuéi tho = to be in its infancy: vao théi ky dau Eg: a time when the cinema was stil in its infancy = Dip in D § Question 29 - passive smoking: the act of breathing in smoke from other people's cigarettes: hitkhéithudc thu déng (hit phai khdi thudc do ngudi khac hut) - inactive /an'zektrv/ (adj): thiéu nang déng, bi Gong Involuntary /an'volantri/ (adi): khdng 6 y, v6 tinh E.g: an involuntary cry of pain -reluctant /rr'laktant/ (adj): mién cudng Eg: She was reluctant to admit she was wrong. © Dip in A @ duestion30. -in moderation: diéu 66, hgp ti £.g: Alcoho! should only ever be taken in moderation (= in small quantities i). Moderation in eating and drinking is the way to stay healthy. restraint /ra'streint/ (n): syvhan ché fg: The government has imposed export restraints on some products. = control (n): sy kiém soat - regulation /egju'lexfn/ (n): quy dinh, diéu le Eg: to comply with the regulations (tuan theo cdc quy dinh) © Dip an B @ Question 37 - not anywhere near/nowhere near: far from; not at all: chac la khng, con leu mét is rhe job doesn’t pay anywhere near enough for me. = Bap an D (Toi che la khéng nhiéu tham vong nhu anh to.) Question 32 - heavily- populated ~ densely- populatediad| Eg:a heavily/ densely populated country © DapénD : dng dan @ Question33” - $0 + adj + a/ an +N (countable, singular} + that + a clause; qua ... dén néi ma... E.g: ft is so big a house that all of us can stay in it. a speck of dust: mét hat byi © Dipén C jestion 35° ~crowd around: vay quanh, xtim quanh, ty tap quanh ai Eg: We alf crowded around the stove to keep warm, - spread (v): lan truyén, truyén ba ~ put (v): dat, dé ~ hang around: ché 4g ai, lam nhéng viée khéng dau vao dau, khéng cé higu qua gi hét Eg: You hang around here in case he comes, and Ill go on ahead. + hang around with sb: danh nhigu thai gian cling véi ai © Dap dn A (Moi ngudi vay quanh ba lao trén téng, nhung khéng mét ai gitip do ba dy) agree (that) + a clause: déng y (rang) Eg: We agreed (that) the proposal was a good one. ‘Thém’do” truéc déng tiv trong thé khang dinh dé nhén manh > Dapan A (T6i déng y rang khéng c6 céc giai quyét don gian cho vin dé nay.) © Guestions, ~ Cu trdc:S + would sooner/ would rather +S + had + PP (mong muén ai dé da lam gittrong qua kh) Eg: She would rather that Nam had goneto class yesterday. (Nam did not goto class yesterday) © Dap dn D (T6i biét cng ban khéng muén lam tdi that vong nhuing ti mudn hém qua ban 3 ké cho tdi toan bé sy that.) @ Question: - take effect: trésnén co higu luc, cO téc dung Eg: The aspirins soon take effect. - take action: hanh dong Eg: Firefighters took action immediately to stop the blaze spreading. © Dap dn A (Khi thudc bat du c6 thc dung thi bénh nhan da tr nén yén tinh hon.) © Queition39 ~ appear to do sth: dustng nhu lam gi dé > appear to have PP: duéing nhu da lam gi dé (qua khe} E.g: They appeared not to know what was happening. E.g: The title of the essay bore little relation to (= was not much connected with) the contents. > Bipin B @ Question > Dap in a ~ come to a conclusion/ reach a conclusion: dua ra két luan, két luan E.g: I've come to the conclusion that he’s not the right person for the job. @ tue - weigh the evidence: cn nhac ching cif xem cé loi cé hal nhu thé nao, xem xét ching ctt @ Qilestion’3? > Dip an B - outleok (on sth): cach nhin (vé cai gl) - outlook (for sth): vién canh (vé cai gi) Eg: He had a practical outlook on life. The outlook for jobs is bleak. - view: quan diém, ¥ kién 4 nhan E - proof ~ evidence: bing ching E.g: There is no proof that the knife belonged to her. ~ support: sy ting hé, bing ching dng hé digu gi dé dung Dip nC : This evidence supports the view that there is too much violence on television. £,g: The statistics offer further support for our theory. @ Questionda: = Dap an B ~ manya time: biét bao lén, nhiéu lén, thudng xuyén - from time to time: thinh thoang E.g: She has to work at weekends from time to time. ~all the time: suét, luén ludn, lic nao cong E.g: She leaves the lights on alll the time, @ Question 45° > Dap and ~ scholar /'skpla(ty/(n): nha hoc gid - specialist /'spefalzst/ (n); chuyén gia, chuyén vién Eg: specialist in Japanese history ~artist in): nghé sy ~ expert /‘ekspa:t/ (n): chuy8n gia + expert on/at/ in sth: chuy€n gia vé cai gi Eg: an expert on modern literature jestion 46° = Dap an D - put out: tat, dap tat - figure out: tinh toan ra E.g: Have you figured out how much the trip will cost? ~ mumble (v}:néi lm bam Eg: ‘Sorry’she mumbled. ~ blurt out: thét ra, néi buét ra Eg: “She's pregnant’ Jack blurted. -comeas sth: xay ra, xay dén nur Eg: Her death came as a terrible shock to us. @ Muestonss— Dap inc - to be unable to do sth: khong thé lam gi dé. E.g: She was unable to hide her excitement. -apable of doing sth: khong thé, khong 6 kha nang lam gi dd Eg: The children seem to be totally incapable of working by themselves. ~ cast doubt on sth; gieo nghi ngd vao_ Eg: This latest evidence casts serious doubt on his version of events. jestion5 0 > Dip sn B - come round to: thay d6i kién Eg: Hell never come round to our way of thinking. ~ position (n):y kién, quan diém, lp trudging Eg: change your position © Dip in B - tell the difference between: phan biét gia Eg: It was hard to tell the difference between the two versions, @ question'52. > Dap an D - inimitable /r'ntmatabl (adj): khong thé bat chuéc dugc Eg: the inimitable Frank Sinatra = true ‘adj):xac thyc, chan that, ding, chan chinh Eg: The novel is based on a true story. - actual (adi): that sy, thyc té Eg: The actual cost was higher than we expected. - real (adj): that (khong phai gié/ nhan tao} Eg: real gold (vang that) article (n): hang @ Question 53> Dipin a - escape notice: bi bd sét, khong dugc dé y toi E.g: It will not have escaped your notice that there have been some major changes in the company. - let alone: chua ndi dén, hudng chi E.g: There isn't enough room for us, iet alone any guests. ~ in fact: thu té la, trén thyc té ~even then/ now: mac dir thé, mac dil vay Eg: Even then she would not admit her mistake. -seldem/ rarely if ever: hiém khi lam gi He selclom if ever travels abroad. @ Question ss - influential /,rnflu'enfl/ (ad): ¢6 anh hudng, c6 uy thé E.g: She is one of the most influential figures in local politics, = Dap anC - dependent (adj): phy thudc, Ié thude Eg: You can't be dependent on your parents all your life. effective /r'fektrv/ (adj): higu qua 8g: Some people believe that violence is an effective way of protesting. - procuctive (adj): sinh sn nhiéu, néng suét cao £9: highly productive farming land @ Question 56: © Dip an D (from material 5 from materials) - material (n- countable): chat ligu @ Questions7” > Dap an A (Beside — Between) Between A and B: Gitia hai déi tugng asa © Dap an C (maintain — are maintained) ng ti’ maintain trong cdu nay phai duoc chia & dang bi dong © Dap in B (could make — could have made) Cau diéu kién loai 3: If +S +had + PP, S +could/ would/ might + have PP (trai vdi thyc té 6 qua khu} ‘© Dap an C (every thirty minute — every thirty minutes) ~ every thirty minutes: 30 phut mét ldn/ chuyén, © Pap an B (while — during) = during+ N phrase - while + a clause (while: conjunction); while + Ving while: prep) ~ consider sb/ sth to be sth © Bap in C (increasingly — increasing) ~ because of + N/Ving: bdi vi © Dépén B {on = through) ~see through: nhin théy, nhan ra * Bapin B (faster than — as fast as} Au tric so sanh gp nhiéu lan: $+V +multiple numbers (half, twice, three times...) + as + much/many/adj/adv + (N) + as + N/pronoun @ uestion ss: = Dap in D (by push > by pusing) - by +Ving: bang cach lam gi dé @ Question: Bai doc chu yéu thao budn vé digu gi? A. Vic sttdung dich vu thu tin riéng tu ting Ién B. Suphat trign cila hé théng btu chinh cila chinh phit C. Mét si so sanh gidia dich vu buu chinh 6 néng thén va thanh thi D. Lich sttcdia tem ther <> Dap dn B (CA bal doc néi vé su phat trign cua hé thdng buu dign ca nude My tt dau thé ky 19 dén cuéi thé ky 20) G iastions?, Chung ta c6 thé suy ra tirdoan van ddu tién rang 6 nude My vao dau thé ky 19 A. khach hang phi tra tién dé nhan thu B. khich hang i tra tién nhu nhau cho tat cd cdc loai thy .tem thu da dua vao ser dung D. nguéi dua thu kiém dugc nhiéu tién ti chinh pha Theo dan chting trong bai doc: "In the early days of the United States, postal charges were paid by the recipient and charges varied with the distance carried ” (Vao nhiing ngay dau 6 nude My, cud phi buu dién duoc khach hang chi tra va chi phi thay 4éi kde nhau phy thudc vao khoang cach.) = DépanA Digu nao sau day dug xem nhu 13 mot bét lei ciza tem thu? A.Tem thy phai dugc ngudi gti mua tude, —_B, Tern thu'lam tang chi phi giao thu. €.Khd khan dé dan tem vao thu. D. Dé dang dé gia mao. Theo dan chiing trong bai doc:“In 1847 the United States Post Office Department adopted the idea of a postage stamp, which of course simplified the payment for postal service but caused grumbling by those who did not like to prepay’ (Vao nam 184,7 Cuc Buu dién Mg da Iya chon ¥ ‘tung vé tem thu dé dan gién héa viée thanh todn cho dich vy buu chinh nhunng lai gay ra sy’cn han tirnhémg ngudi khéng muén tra tién trudc) © Dip in A Tai sao tc gid dé c&p dén thanh phé Philadelphia? A, Dich vy but chinh cua né khéng tuong xiing voi dan $6. B.N6 Ia dia diém buu dign déu tien & nude Mj. C.N6 [a thanh phé lan nhit & nude My. D.N6 1a noi dé ky nigm tem thu My dau tien, “Theo dan chiing trong bai dgc: "Besides, the stamp covered only delivery to the post office and did not include carrying it to a private address. In Philadelphia, for example, with a population ‘of 150,000 people still had to go to the post office to get their mail. The confusion and congestion of individual citizens looking for their letters was itself enough to discourage use of the mail” (Bén canh dé, tem thu dugc dan chi phan phét dén buu dign va khéng cé vide dua né dén dia chi riéng. Vi dy nhu & Philadelphia véi dan s6 la 150,000 ngudi vin phai dén buu dign dé nhan thu. Chinh sy hén loan va déng nghit ning céng dan dang tim kiém thu cla minh dit dé ngan can viee sit dung thu tt.) > Dapan A GS aietion Vao thap nign 1950, A. ngudi My hanh phic véi moi dich vu buu dién. B, ngwfoi dan Philadelphia da dugc chinh phi phat thu mién phi. C.nguési My yeu thich dich vy thurriéng D. chinh phi My da quan ly viée giao dich thu tu rat tot Theo dn ching trong bai dec: It is no wonder that, during the years of these cumbersome arrangements, private letter-carrying and express businesses developed” (Khéng c6 gi lg Khi ma ‘trong suét ahiing nam én x6n nay, dich vu thueng mai chuyén phat thu riéng dé phat trién,) © Dapan C “It is no wonder that, during the years of these cumbersome arrangements, private letter- carrying and express businesses developed.Although their activities were only semi-legal, they thrived, and actually advertised that between Boston and Philadelphia they were a half -day speedier than the government mail” > “they” = businesses > Dap in B Dich vu buu chinh riéng vao thé ky 19 da cho rang cé thé lam diéu nao sau day tét hon chinh pha? A.Phan phét s6 lyvgng thu nhiéu hon B.Phan phat thuré hon ¢.Phan phat thunhanh hon D. Phan phat thy téi céc ving néng thon Theo dn chting trong bai doc: “Although their activities were only semi-legal, they thrived, and actually advertised that between Boston and Philadelphia they were a half-day speedier than the government mail” > Dip anc Gestion 73 Vao nam 1863, chinh phé Mj da bat déu cung cSp cdi nao sau day cho nguéi chuyén phat thu? A. Luong B.Nhad C. Phuong tign van chuyén D. Tem thu mign phi Theo dn ching trong bai doc: "Finally, in 1863, Congress provided that the mail carriers who Tat cd nheing phat biéu sau day thi dung vé dich vy buu chinh My vao ntfa sau thé ky th 19 NGOAITRU A, Dich vu phan phat phan biét thinh phé véi néng thon 8. Con ngudi dé tra nhiéu tién hon dé dugc phat thu tdi tan nha €.Céc thi trdn nho khong cung cp dich vy chuyén phat D. Khoang 55 trigu ngudi phat dén buu dién dé nhan thu A. ding theo din chuing trong bai doc "But this delivery service was at first confined to cities, and free home delivery became a mark of urbanism!" €. dling theo dn chiing trong bai doc “As late as 1887, a town had to have 10,000 people to be eligible for free home delivery” D. ding theo dén chuing trong bai doc“In 1890, of the 75 million people in the United States, fewer than 20 million had mail delivered free to their doors. The rest (about 55 million peopie) thre irters of the population, stil i less heir post office” B. sai theo dan chung trong bai doc“Congress provided that the mail carriers who delivered the mail from the post offices to private addresses should receive a government salary, and that there should he no extra charge for that delivery” > Dépdn B - granted: duge cho, duige c6ng nhan la E = scheduled: dugc lén lich trinh Eg: was granted permission to visit the palace. }¢ meeting is scheduled for Friday afternoon = limited ~ confined: bi han ché, gidi han E.g: The work will not be confined to the Glasgow area. recommended: dugc gidi thigu, dugc khuyén bao Eg: She was recommended for the post by a colleague. “But this delivery service was at first confined to cities, and free home delivery became a mark of urbanism’ (Nhung dich vy phan phat nay luc dau bl han ché é cdc thanh phé, va dich vu chuyén phat mién phi tai nha da tré thanh mot dau méc cua vie dé thi héa) © Dapan C overjoyed (Hoc sinh rat vui khi nghe tin duge nghi hoc.) - overjoyed (adj) ~ delighted: vui ming Eg: We were overjoyed to hear their good news, G Question? membership (Mét cu lac bé thé thao vila méi duge thanh ip va nham muc dich c6 500 hdi vién trong 2 nam tdi.) - membership (n): s6 h6i vién Eg: The club has a membership of more than 500. G uestion 7s: disallowed (Khan gid da la én phan déi khi ban thang tht hai khéng dugc cong nhan.) ~ disallow (v): khong céng nhan, khéng thir nhan. @ Question79" regrettably (Dang tiéc la ching tai da khong mua dug hang chat luong tét hon ngay ti dau.) - regrettably /rr'gretabli/ (adv): That dang tiéc Eg: Regrettably, crime has been increasing in this area, @ cwsitions miscalculation (Hé thdng kiém sodt khong luu da gay ra mot sy’ tinh todn sai lim tai hai.) - miscalculation : su tinh toan sai, su tinh toan sai lam Eg: to make a miscalculation @ Wuestionst: well-paid (Mac di cé mét céng viéc Kuang cao nhung cé dy lai gap kho khan trong viée trang trai chi ti@ucudc séng,) + well -paid (ad): duge tra luong cao E.g: a well- paid job @& Question82 interrelated interrelated /,ntartlertad (adj):cé quan hé qua lai, fién quan téi nhau a number of interrelated problems @ Questions3: decriminalize = decrininalize /dis'krtmmalarz/ (v): hgp phap héa (tuc [a thay déi luat 48 cho cai gi dé fa bat hop phap sé trd thanh quy pham phép luat) E.g: There are moves to decriminalize some soft drugs. @ duestion 84: exemplify = exemplify /1g'zemplifat/ (v): la mot vi dy dién hinh ciia cai gi dé, minh haa bang vidu E,g: She exemplified each of the points she was making with an amusing anecdote. Oliestion 85. inseparable - inseparable /an'seprabl/(ad)): khong thé tach ri duge, khéng thé chia lia duge E.g: The two brothers are almost inseparable. G Guests = enrich (v): lam giau, lam phong phi thém, Eg: The study of science has enriched all our lives. oo ~ impermissible /,ampa:'mrsabl/ (adj): cm, khéng thé cho phép £.g: impermissible goods (hang cm) @ Westio# 88 letdown letdown (ni: sy that veng Ey: The London exhibition was a bit of a fet-down. @ Question 89> undeniably - undeniably /,andz'narabli/ {adv):khong thé phi nhan duge, khong thé chéi cai duoc £.g: He is, undeniably, an excellent player. @ Wuestiong ~ mistrust (n, v): nghi ng@, khong tin, hoai nghi mistrust Eg: She has a deep mistrust of strangers, traced (trace sth back to: truy nguyén, tim thay nguén géc ctia cai gi) @ duestion popularity (popularity: tinh phé bién) @ Questions gained/ had (gain/ have an impressive following: dat dutgc/ c6 6uige s6 Ivang ngudi ting ho &n tugng) worldwide (worldwide ~ all over the world: trén khap thé gici) concerns (concern about: méi quan tam vé) Introduced (introduce: gidi thigu, dua ra) forture (make a fortune: kiém duoc nhiéu tién) @ Quast went/ were (go/ to be out of business: va no, phd san) unsuccessful (to be unsuccessful in sth: khong thanh cong) meant (mean that: c6 nghia la) led (lead to: dan dn, ua dén) Gueston 05: ever (chan ever: hon trudc day} ( DESO QD 74-497. PHONETICS: CHOOSE THE WORD WHOSE UNDERLINED PART IS PRONOUNCED DIFFERENTLY FROM THAT OF THE OTHERS. ‘Question 1, A. informed. B. impressed C. installed D. admired Question 2. A. planet B. fashion C travel D. nature CHOOSE THE WORD WHOSE PRIMARY STRESS IS PLACED DIFFERENTLY FROM THAT OF ‘THEOTHERS. Question 3. A. cover B.control C.provide D. remote Question 4. A. happy B. hobby C.tegion D.agree QuestionS.A.decorate ——_B. tradition C. family B. festival GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY & CHOOSE THE BEST ANSWER TO COMPLETE EACH OF THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES. Question 6.This is the man ____will help us with the project. A. whose B.who C.which D.whom Question 7. Tim:"Would you mind lending me your dictionary?”- Paul” ’ A.Yes, let's B.Great C.No, ofcoursenot —_B. Yes. Here you are ‘Question 8. Ithink that he danced than his friend. A.more beautiful B.most beautiful C. more beautifully. most beautifully tuestion 9.Tet is a___ which occurs in late January or early February. A. festival 8.meeting party D. activity ‘Question 19. The children have never read that book before, 2 A. haven't they B. have they C.hasn'the D.hashe ‘Question 11. It is reported that the severe. in April, 2015 in Nepal caused a lot of damage. A. typhoon B. snowstorm C. tidal wave D, earthquake Question 12 She was sick yesterday, she was absent from school. B. since €. because Dy but

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