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/ Vim /

arkapg211002 2 weeks ago

Name Name Last commit date


Colorschemes Rename Operating Systems Lab (PCC-CS… last month

Shell Scripts Update NoPluginVimrc.vim 3 weeks ago

fonts Delete last month

screenshots Add files via upload last month Update 2 weeks ago

Learn Vim

To upgrade vim to version 9.0

A simple .vimrc

set number
set autoindent
set smartindent
set smarttab
set history=1000
set mouse=a
set ttymouse=xterm2
set t_Co=256
set path+=**
set wildmenu
set showtabline=2
set laststatus=2
set cursorline
set cursorlineopt=number
colorscheme torte
hi CursorLineNr cterm=NONE ctermbg=235 ctermfg=DarkRed
hi LineNr ctermbg=235 ctermfg=LightGrey
Add any external colorscheme

To add sublimemonokai follow Step 4

Terminal in Vim (version above and from 8.0)

" open terminal on the right

:bel vert term

" to scroll in the terminal

" place the cursor in the terminal then press the following keys
" Ctrl + w , Shift + n

" to use mouse in the terminal

:set mouse=a

" to come out of the scroll mode

" place the cursor in the terminal at the end and type

" to exit terminal type and enter


"in vim version 8.0

" to exit terminal type and enter

PaperColor light and dark colorscheme
Vim setup without plugins

NERDTree file structure

git clone ~/.vim/pack/vendor/start/nerdtree

vim -u NONE -c "helptags ~/.vim/pack/vendor/start/nerdtree/doc" -c q

Additions in .vimrc

" Start NERDTree and leave the cursor in it.

autocmd VimEnter * NERDTree
" Exit Vim if NERDTree is the only window remaining in the only tab.
autocmd BufEnter * if tabpagenr('$') == 1 && winnr('$') == 1 && exists('b:NERDTree') &&
b:NERDTree.isTabTree() | quit | endif
" If another buffer tries to replace NERDTree, put it in the other window, and bring back NERDTree.
autocmd BufEnter * if bufname('#') =~ 'NERD_tree_\d\+' && bufname('%') !~ 'NERD_tree_\d\+' &&
winnr('$') > 1 |
\ let buf=bufnr() | buffer# | execute "normal! \<C-W>w" | execute 'buffer'.buf | endif
" Open the existing NERDTree on each new tab.
autocmd BufWinEnter * if getcmdwintype() == '' | silent NERDTreeMirror | endif

To open/refresh NERDTree file structure :NERDTree

To close :q

Vim devicons and NERDFont

Vim devicons

How to get vim devicons
Some helpful plugins

Other plugins:

Vim setup with plugins

Useful Vim commands

Commands Definition

1 vim Start vim

2 i Insert mode for inserting text

3 Esc key To go to command mode (default mode when vim opens)

4 :edit filename.txt To create new file

:w ( : refers to
5 command line mode in To save the file

6 :q To get out of the current window

7 :qa! To get out of vim directly

vim -R filename.txt
8 To open the file in read only mode
(write in terminal)
Commands Definition

vim filename.txt
9 To open file in normal mode
(write in terminal)

10 :wq To save and close

11 :colorscheme ctrl+d List the available themes in vim

12 :help To open help window in vim

13 :help topic name To open help for particular topic if the topic name is known

14 :helpgrep name To open help if topic name is not known

15 a To open append mode, enter text after the cursor

16 A To append at the end of the line and enter insert mode

17 o To open new line after the current line

18 s Substitute -> Delete the current character under the cursor and enter insert mode

19 cc Similar to substitute. Deletes the entire line and enters the insert mode

20 r Replace the character under the cursor , doesnt enter into insert mode

21 R Enter into REPLACE mode

22 J To join two text lines. Place the cursor after line 1 of the 2 lines and type J

23 h To move cursor left

24 l To move cursor right

25 k To move cursor up

26 j To move cursor down

27 nj n represents any line number. nj moves directly down to that n th line

28 nk move to n th line upwards

29 0 move to beginning of current line

30 $ move to the end of the current line

31 ctrl f scroll down to end

32 ctrl b scroll up to beginning

33 :$ move to the end of the file

34 :0 move to the beginning of the file

35 w move to beginning of the next word

36 b move to beginning of the previous word

37 e move to end of the current word

38 x delete character from the cursor position

39 X delete previous character from the cursor psoition

40 y copy character from the cursor position

copy entire line. To copy multiple lines place the cursor from where you want to
copy and then press nyy where n is the number of lines you want to copy. To copy
41 yy
in a range go to command line mode and type :a,by where a is the starting line
number and b is the ending line number
Commands Definition

42 p paste character at the current cursor position

43 P paste character before the cursor position

44 dw delete the current word where cursor is

45 dd delete entire line

46 D delete entire line from the cursor position

47 u undo

48 :red redo

50 / type expression searches the expression in the current file

51 n searches the next occurences of the searched expression

51 N searches the previous occurences of the searched expression

place the cursor under a word and type * . All the occurences of the word gets
52 *

:vimgrep expression
53 finds all the occurrences of the expression in all the files

54 :cn go to next expression

55 :cN go to previous expression

56 :badd filename to add a file to the buffer of current vim session

To switch files that are in the buffer. N represnts the Nth file in the buffer. The first
57 :bN file that you open using vim filename or :edit filename is assigned number 1
in the buffer

58 :bnext move to next file in the buffer list

59 :bprevious move to previous file in the buffer list

60 :buffers list all the buffers

61 :ball load all the buffers

62 :tabnew file name Open new tab in the existing vim session

63 :tabnext move to the next tab

63 :tabprevious move to previous tab

64 :tabclose close current tab

65 :tabfirst move to first tab

66 :tablast move to last tab

67 :new filename open file in new window in the same vim sessoin

Useful when there are multiple long functions. :set foldenable and :set
Folding functions in
68 foldmethod=indent to enable folding in the current file. zo to open folding. zc
to close folding. zR to open all foldings

vim -d file1.txt
69 to show the difference between two files (terminal command)

(vim command line) to show horizontally the differnce of file1 (already open)
70 :diffsplit file2.txt
with file 2
Commands Definition

:vert diffsplit
71 (vim command line) to show differences vertically

to open terminal in vim (default version of vim that is installed along with ubuntu
72 :term
has unscrollable terminal)

73 :below terminal To open terminal below

74 :below vertical terminal to open terminal on the right side of the window

75 :colorscheme ctrl d To get list of available inbuilt colorschemes for vim

:hi CursorLine
76 To set current cursor line as grey highlight

77 :print To print file from vim

78 :hardcopy Convert whole file in current vim window to postscript file

79 :sp Horizontal split

80 :vsp vertical split

81 :set ttymouse=xterm2 to resize split screens using mouse

82 :set termguicolors Set terminal to express colors like gVim

83 Shift + → To scroll right relatively faster

84 Shift + ← To scroll left relatively faster

85 :bd filename To delete any file from the buffer

Ctrl + w any arrow

86 To move between the split screens

87 :set laststatus =2 To see the status line

88 :Explore To see the file tree structure

89 :Sexplore To open file tree structure horizontally

90 :Vexplore To open file tree structure vertically

91 :Rexplore To go back to file tree structure from the file that was opened from the tree

92 :Lexplore To open file tree on the left

93 :Lexplore! To open the file tree on the right

To change the tree top to the directory under the cursor. Go to the .. at the top
94 :Ntree directory name
and press enter to change the current directory to the parent

Copy paste in vim

Within vim
Go to command line mode :a,by where a and b are the starting and ending line numbers p to paste

Paste the text in vim that is copied from outside vim

Shift + Insert

Copy in vim and paste outside vim

:bel term
gedit filename.extension

Gedit opens copy and paste outside vim where you want

To print source code file as pdf from vim and terminal

In terminal

sudo apt install ghostscript

In vim convert the source code file to postscript file

:hardcopy >

In terminal

ps2pdf filename.pdf

To open pdf file from terminal

sudo apt install xdg-utils

xdg-open filename.pdf

Customize bash shell

Adding zsh and customizing

To know and change default shell

# To see the current shell

echo $SHELL

# To list the shells

cat /etc/shells

# To change default shells

# Then give the path of the shell you want

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