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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the award of the degree of



(With the specialization in System and Control Engineering)

Submitted by





JUL 19, 2023

Candidate’s Declaration

I hereby declare that the work reported in this seminar report entitled “Lower Limb
Exokeleton For Sit To Stand”, is presented for credit seminar as part of completion of course
work award of degree of “Master in Technology” in System and Control Engineering at
Electrical Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee, is an
authentic record of my own work carried out under the supervision of Prof. M. Felix Orlando,
IIT Roorkee. I have not submitted the record embodied in this seminar report for the award of
any other degree or diploma in any institute.

Date: 19th Jul, 2023 YE

Place: Roorkee 21530019
M. Tech (S&C)


This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is correct to best of my

Date: 19/07 /2023

Place: Roorkee

(Assistant Prof. M. Felix Orlando)

Department of Electrical Engineering,

Indian Institute of Technology

Roorkee-247667, India


Studying at Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee was a great privilege for me, and it
was a new challenge with a bundle of opportunities. I came across many outstanding
professionals and people in here during stay as Master’s, I am thankful to Dr. M. Felix
Orlando, Assistance Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of
Technology, Roorkee whose role as a supervisor has been very helpful in growth and progress
of this work. I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude and indebtedness him for
allowing me to undertake this work and all the necessary guidance and support throughout this
   I especially thank all the faculty members of Electrical Engineering and all other research
scholars of IITR for their help and support in completing this work.
       I would like to thank my parents, God and my friends, who in any manner, have supported
and helped me during the course of this project. 



Musculoskeletal diseases, which impede sit-to-stand (STS) movement or during

locomotion in a considerable proportion of people, are common. Providing standing assistance
to people with disabilities can lessen secondary problems, lengthen their lives, and cut
healthcare expenses. These issues can be resolved by using exoskeletons to support human
Exoskeletons are becoming into a very potent tool for therapists to assist patients
recovering from neurological diseases, particularly stroke or spinal cord injury. An essential
everyday chore, STS movement is typically challenging to do, especially for people recovering
from a stroke or spinal cord injury. The mechanical design is centered on exploiting the user's
upper body mobility to transition the center of mass. The center of mass transition is
implemented via a passive mechanism powered by gas springs. By adjusting the gas springs'
fixing position, the device's supporting torque can be modified according to the user's remaining
The purpose of this paper is to analyze complete kinematics and dynamics, along with
the joint position analysis of a 3 DOF lower-limb robotic exoskeleton.


Candidate’s Declaration i

Acknowledgement ii

Abstract iii

Contents iv

1 Introduction 5

1.1 General ……..………………………………………………………… 5

1.2 Kinematic Analysis ………………………………………………… 6

1.3 Forward Kinematic Analysis of 3-dof lower-limb exoskeleton .…… 6

1.4 Inverse Kinematic Analysis of 3-dof lower-limb exoskeleton .…… 9

2 Dynamic Analysis of Human – Exoskeleton System 12

2.1 Modeling of Human Body For Sit To Stand ……………………. 12

2.2 Derivation …………………………………………………………….. 13

2.3 Trajectory Planning …………………………………………………. 18

2.4 Proposed Design of the Lower Limb Exoskeleton…………………… 19

2.5 Locating the Center-of Mass Using Auxiliary Parallelograms……… 20

2.6 Springs Selection ………………………………………….……… 21

3 Simulation And results 23

3.1 Proposed Design Calculation . ……………………………………. 23

4 Conclusion 31




The population aged 60 and over is growing at an unprecedented rate in all countries.
Aging causes a decrease in joint function. Joints area important for activities of daily living
(ADL). An important part of ADLs is sitting up standing (STS) [10] The ankle, knee and hip
joints are responsible for bringing the whole body from a sitting to a standing position. As we
age, joints lose their ability to provide sufficient strength to move the body and therefore need
support to do their job. There are many studies of low exoskeletons for walking, but when it
comes to STS, the problem is exacerbated by the inherently unstable transition [10].
An important limitation of the active exoskeleton is that it is electrically powered and
requires an assistant for safe operation. Functional electrical stimulation (FES) has been used in
both paralyzed knee extensors to help a paraplegic patient stand up from a wheelchair [2]. In this
paper, a mathematical model and the relevant properties of the muscles involved were presented
to build the inverse dynamic model of the human body. Most of these researches used FES or an
active (powered) system to improve the standing up ability of impaired people. The main goal of
this system is to design a passive gravity-balanced assistive device to improve the ability of
elderly and disabled people to stand up.A machine is said to be gravity balanced if the torques of
the joint actuators are not required to keep the system in balance in any configuration of the
machine [2]. Gravity balancing is often used in industrial machines to decrease the required
actuator efforts during motion. The organization of the paper is as follows: First, we present a 3
DOF model for the human body in sagittal plane during sit to stand task. In such an activity the
required joint torques are due to gravity passive muscle forces, and inertia. Since STS
movement is relatively slow, the joint torque due to gravity is the most dominant. Next, we
predict the joint moments in the hip, knee and ankle using the inverse dynamic model. We use a
hybrid method to identify the center-of-mass of the system using auxiliary parallelograms and
then attaches appropriate springs to make the total potential energy of the system invariant
during the entire motion [2].


Kinematic analysis includes forward and inverse kinematics of the exoskeleton system.
Advanced kinematics gives the coordinates of points in space up to the end effector of the
system given known coordinates [6]. Calculate the joint position of the knee, hip, and ankle
from inverse kinematics.



The main purpose of focusing on kinematics is to find the position and orientation of the
robot's last link relative to the joint of the main point [3]. The direct kinematic equation is
defined as:

Articular Position &

coordinates Orientation of
(q 1 , q 2 ,……,q n) the robot
(x, y, z, α , β , γ )

The exoskeleton has six DOFs( degree of freedom).

Each joint is rotated as follows, taking into account the distribution of degrees of freedom of
exoskeleton displacement in the sagittal plane:

(1) . Two degrees of freedom on either side of the waist

(2) . The knee has two degrees of freedom, one for each joint.
(3) . The ankle has two degrees of freedom, one for each joint.

After calculating the dh parameters of the proposed robotic exoskeleton device,

advanced kinematics is obtained [3]. The design is similar to the human lower body. The
kinematic model of the design is shown in Figure 1.

Fig . 1 Kinematic model of the lower limb exoskeleton [3]

Right ai αi di θi Left ai αi di θi
Limb Limb

1 l1 0 0 θ1 4 l1 0 0 θ4

2 l2 0 0 θ2 5 l2 0 0 θ5

3 l3 0 0 θ3 6 l3 0 0 θ6

Table . 1 DH parameters for six degree of freedom (DOF) links [3]

DH parameter Representation is

Ai = Rot z ,θ * Trans z , d * Trans x , a * Rot x ,α
i i i i (1)

a 1 = link length, distance between z i−1 and z i ( along x i)
d i = link offset, distance between o i−1 and intersection of z i−1 and x i
(along z i−1)
α i = link twist , angle between z i−1 and z i (measured around x i)
θi = joint angle, between x i−1 and x i (measured around z i−1)

[ ][ ]
cos θi −sinθ i 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
Ai = sin θi cos θi 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 1 di
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1

[ ][ ]
1 0 0 ai 1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 cos α i −sin α i 0
0 0 1 0 0 sin α i cos α i 0
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1

[ ]
cos θi −sinθ i∗cos α i sin θi∗sin α i ai∗cos θi
sin θi cos θi∗cos α i −cos θi∗sin α i ai∗sinθ i
= (2)
0 sin α i cos α i di
0 0 0 1

The Transformation matrix of each link is as follows:

[ ]
cos θ1 −sinθ 1 0 l1∗cos θ1
A1 = sin θ1 cos θ1 0 l 1∗sin θ1
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1

[ ]
cos θ2 −sin θ 2 0 l 2∗cos θ 2
A2 = sin θ2 cos θ2 0 l 2∗sin θ2
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1

[ ]
cos θ3 −sin θ3 0 l 3∗cos θ 3
A3 = sin θ3 cos θ3 0 l 3∗sin θ 3
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1

= A1 * A2 * A3
T 3

= (6)

The forth column of matrix T 03 in Eq. (6) represents the position of the third link of the

right limb. The analysis for obtaining Eq. (6) is performed in the plane x y (sagittal plane).
Therefore, the forward kinematic equations of the right limb are:

x d = l 1∗cos θ 1+ l2∗cos ( θ 1+θ 2) + l3∗cos (¿ θ1 +θ2 +θ3 )¿

y d = l 1∗sin θ1 +l 2∗sin ( θ1+ θ2 ) +l 3∗sin (¿ θ1+ θ2 +θ3 )¿
zd = - d



Inverse kinematics ( q = [q1 , q2 , … .. , qn ] ¿ gives the value of ( x , y , z , α , β , γ ¿ ¿T
coordinates for a given position in the last link of the robot kinematic chain.

The kinematic equation of the lower exoskeleton is obtained by the geometric method
[3]. Observing in the sagittal plane is easy as shown in Figure 2.

Considering Figure 2, the following variables are defined

Final link position = [x, y]

Third link angle = δ

Links lengths = l 1 ,l 2 , l 3

Figure 2. Geometry used to analyze differential kinematics [3]

Using the law of triangles and proportion, we get:

LA = y - l 3 cos ⁡(δ)

LB = x - l 3 sin(δ )

c = √ LA2 + LB2

α = tan
( ) LA

θ1 = α + β (8)

γ = cos
( l12 +l 22−c
2 l1 l2 )
θ2 = γ - π (9)

θ3 = δ - θ1 - θ 2 (10)

Finally, through the transformation process, we obtain




−π π
The joint are θ1= 0 , θ2= and θ3 = .
2 2

X1 X1 Theta1d Theta 1d Theta 1 Theta1 X1

Y1 Y1 Theta2d Theta 2d Theta 2 Theta2 Y1

Z1 Z1 Theta3d Theta 3d Theta 3 Theta3 Z1

Trajectory Planning Mechanical Model Sitting Position

Figure 3. Simulink block diagram for sitting position




The human body can be modeled as a sit-stand (STS) competition based on a tandem
robotic arm with 3 degrees of freedom, as shown Figure 3. The human body moves in the
sagittal plane, that is, the movement of the legs is the same and there is no deviation from the
plane of the leg [4]. Links L1, L2 and L3 represent the calf, hip and torso of the human body,
respectively. The head, arms, and trunk of the body can be considered a HAT trunk, whose
center of mass (COM) remains constant during movement.

Figure 5. A 3-dof planar model of the human body [4]

For successful completion of STS, human needs to actuate three joints: Hip, Ankle and
Knee. The appropriate torque provided at each joint allows human to stand up [4]. The joint
torque requirement at each joint varies from joint to joint primarily because each joint
contributes to the STS for a unique reason and carries different amount of load. Also, the load is
not uniform since humans have flexible joints and more than one degrees of freedom at each
joint. For example, in case of back, spinal cord is actually a linkage formed by small joints
which allows the spinal cord to bend. This makes hard to model the body above waist joint since
it is not stiff and each joint need to be considered as a separate entity during modelling. For the
purpose of this study, human body is considered as a 3 rigid link system.


To derive dynamics for the 3 link system, Euler-Lagrange’s equation is used [4]. Torque
calculation using Euler-Lagrange’s equation is done using following formula for torque:

τ = ( )
d ∂ L ∂L
dt ∂ θ̇ ∂θ

Where, L is algebraic difference between kinetic energy and potential energy.

L = K.E. − P.E. (15)

Where, K.E. is Kinetic Energy and P.E. is Potential Energy. Potential Energy (P.E.) of the
system is calculated based on mass of each link and height of the center of mass from datum.

P.E = m 1 g h1 + m2 g h2 + m3 g h 3 (16)

Where, h1 , h2 and h3 distance of center of mass of link 1,2 and 3 respectively with respective to

h1 = l 1 sin (θ¿¿ 1)¿

h2 = L1 sin (θ¿¿ 1)¿ + l 2 sin (θ¿¿ 2)¿
h3 = L1 sin (θ¿¿ 1)¿ + L2 sin(θ¿¿ 2)¿ + l 3 sin(θ¿¿ 3) ¿
P.E = m1 g l 1 sin (θ¿¿ 1)¿ + m2 g ¿ ¿ + l 2 sin (θ¿¿ 2)¿ + m2 g ¿ + L2 sin(θ¿¿ 2)¿ + l 3 sin(θ¿¿ 3) ¿]

After simplifying , we get

P.E = ¿ + m2 L1 + m3 L1 ¿gsin(θ ¿¿ 1)¿ + ¿ + m3 L2 ) gsin(θ ¿¿ 2) ¿ (17)

+ m3 l 3 g sin(θ¿¿ 3)¿

The K.E. of the system is sum of linear and rotational kinetic energy of each link. The equation
for system’s K.E is
K.E = 1/2 (m 1 v 12 + m 2 v 22 + m2 v 22 + m2 v 22 + I 1 θ̇12 + I 2 θ̇22 + I 3 θ̇32 ) (18)

Where, v1 , v 2 and v3 are linear velocities of center of mass of link 1, 2 and 3 respectively. To
find the equation of velocity for each link, we first need to find velocity of each link along x and
y axis. Square root of sum of squares of velocities along x and y axis will give linear velocity of
each link.
y 1 = l 1 sin (θ¿¿ 1)¿
y 2 = L1 sin (θ¿¿ 1)¿ + l 2 sin (θ¿¿ 2)¿
y 3 = L1 sin (θ¿¿ 1)¿ + L2 sin(θ¿¿ 2)¿ + l 3 sin(θ¿¿ 3)¿
x 1 = l 1 cos (θ¿¿ 1)¿
x 2 = L1 cos(θ¿¿ 1) ¿ + l 2 cos(θ¿¿ 2)¿
x 3 = L1 cos(θ¿¿ 1)¿ + L2 cos(θ¿ ¿2) ¿ + l 3 cos(θ¿ ¿3) ¿

Differentiating all six displacements with respect to time ,

ẏ 1 = l 1 cos (θ¿¿ 1) θ̇ 1 ¿
ẏ 2 = L1 cos(θ¿¿ 1) θ̇ 1 ¿ + l 2 cos(θ¿¿ 2) θ̇ 2 ¿
ẏ 3 = L1 cos(θ¿¿ 1) θ̇ 1 ¿ + L2 cos(θ¿ ¿2) θ̇2 ¿ + l 3 cos(θ¿ ¿3) θ̇3 ¿
x˙1 = −l 1 sin (θ¿¿ 1) θ̇1 ¿
x˙2 = −¿ ¿ + l 2 sin (θ¿¿ 2) θ̇2 ¿]
x˙3 = −¿ ¿ + L2 sin(θ¿¿ 2) θ̇ 2 ¿ + l 3 sin(θ¿¿ 3) θ̇ 3 ¿ ]

By squaring and adding linear velocities along x and y axis we get,

v = x˙2 + ẏ 2

v12 = l 21 θ˙21

v 2 = L21 θ˙21 + l 22 θ˙22 + 2 L1 l 2 θ̇1 θ̇ 2cos (θ1 - θ2 )

v3 = L21 θ˙21 + L22 θ˙22 +l 23 θ˙23 2 L1 L2 θ̇1 θ̇ 2cos (θ1 - θ2 )


+ 2 L1 l 3 θ̇2 θ̇ 3 cos (θ2 - θ3 )

Substituting values of v12 , v 22 , v32 in Eq (18) , we get

K.E = 1/2 ( m 12 l 12 + m22 L12 + m32 L12 + I 1)θ̇21 + 1/2( m22 l 22 + m22 L22 + I 2)θ̇22

+ 1/2 ( m32 l 32 + I 3)θ̇23 + L1(m2 l 2 + m3 L2 )θ̇1 θ̇2 cos (θ1 - θ2)

+ m3 L1 l 3 θ̇1 θ̇3 cos (θ1 - θ3 ) + m3 L2 l 3 θ̇ 2 θ̇3 cos (θ2 - θ3 )

Substituting Eq (17) and (19) in Eq (15), we get

L = 1/2 (m1 l 12 + m 2 L12 + m3 L32 + I 1 )θ̇21 + 1/2 (m2 l 22 + m2 L22 + I 2 )θ̇22

+ 1/2 (m3 l 32 + I 3 )θ̇23 + L1(m 2 l 2 + m3 L2 )θ̇1 θ̇2 cos (θ1 - θ2 )

+ m3 L1 l 3 θ̇1 θ̇3 cos (θ1 - θ3 ) + m3 L2 l 3 θ̇ 2 θ̇3 cos (θ2 - θ3 )

−¿ (m1 l 1 + m 2 L2 + m3 L1 )g sin(θ ¿¿ 1) ¿ −¿ (m 2 l 2 + m3 L2 ) g sin(θ ¿¿ 2)¿

−¿ m3 L3 g cos(θ ¿¿ 3) ¿

Calculating all partial and total derivatives with respect to variables as required by Eq (14)

( )
∂ θ1
= −¿ L1(m 2 l 2 + m3 L2 )θ̇1 θ̇2 sin ¿ ¿ - θ2 ¿−¿ m3 L1 l 3 θ̇1 θ̇3 sin (θ1 - θ3 )

−¿ (m1 l 1 + m 2 L2 + m3 L1 )g cos (θ¿¿ 1)¿

( ∂∂θL ) = −¿ L (m l + m L )θ̇ θ̇ cos ¿ ¿ - θ ¿−¿ m L l θ̇ θ̇ sin (θ - θ )

1 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3

−¿ (m 2 l 2 + m3 L2 )g cos (θ¿¿ 2)¿

( )
∂ θ3
= m3 L1 l 3 θ̇1 θ̇3 sin (θ1 - θ3 ) + m3 L2 l 3 θ̇ 2 θ̇3 cos (θ2 - θ3 ) −m3 l 3 g sin(θ¿¿ 3)¿

( ∂∂θ̇L ) = (m l
1 +m2 L22 +m3 L21 + I 1)θ̇2 + L1(m 2 l 2 + m3 L2 )θ̇2 cos (θ1 - θ2 )

+ m3 L1 l 3 θ̇3 cos (θ1 - θ3 )

( )
∂ θ̇2
= (m2 l 22 +m 2 L22 + I 2)θ̇2 + L1(m 2 l 2 + m3 L2 )θ̇1 cos (θ1 - θ2 )

+ m3 L2 l 3 θ̇ 3 cos (θ2 - θ3 )

( )
∂ θ̇3
= (m3 l 3 + I 3)θ̇3 + m3 L1 l 3 θ̇1 cos (θ1 - θ3 ) + m3 L2 l 3 θ̇ 2 cos (θ2 - θ3 )

( )
d ∂L 2 2 2
I θ̈ L m l m L θ̈ θ θ
dt ∂ θ̇1 = (m1 l 1 + m2 L 1 + m3 L 1 + 1) 1 + 1( 2 2 + 3 2 ) 2 cos ( 1 - 2 )

− L1(m2 l 2 + m3 L2 )θ̇2 sin (θ1 - θ2 ) (θ̇1 - θ̇2 )

+ m3 L1 l 3 θ¨3 cos (θ1 - θ3 ) −¿ m3 L1 l 3 θ̇3 sin (θ1 - θ3 ) (θ̇1 - θ̇3 )

( )
d ∂L
dt ∂ θ̇2
= (m2 l 22 + m 2 L22 + I 1)θ̈2 + L1(m2 l 2 + m3 L2 )θ̈1 cos (θ1 - θ2 )

+ m 3 L2 l 3 θ¨3 cos (θ2 - θ3 ) −¿ m3 L2 l 3 θ̇ 3 sin (θ2 - θ3 ) (θ̇2 - θ̇3 )

−L1(m2 l 2 + m3 L2 )θ̇1 sin (θ1 - θ2 ) (θ̇1 - θ̇2 )

( )
d ∂L
dt ∂ θ̇3
= (m 2 l 23 + I 3)θ̈3 + m3 L1 l 3 θ¨1 cos (θ1 - θ3 ) −¿ m3 L2 l 3 θ̇ 3 sin (θ2 - θ3 ) (θ̇2 - θ̇3 )

+ m3 L2 l 3 θ¨2 cos (θ2 - θ3 ) −¿ m3 L2 l 3 θ̇ 2 sin (θ2 - θ3 ) (θ̇2 - θ̇3 )

Substituting the values in Eq (14) we get,




These torque equations

can be rewritten in
terms of matrix as follows:


Bθ [θ̈ ¿3∗1
= Inertia Matrix ,
C θ ¿ = Coriolis, centrifugal forces C (q i , q̇ i) terms,
[Gθ ¿3∗1 = gravitational ,conservative forces g (q i ¿ terms,

The equation for center of mass for human body and exoskeleton together is calculated using
following two equations.



Figure 7. Standing Position Figure 7. Standing Position


Trajectory is the arrangement of movements of the joint with regard to time. The
trajectory of the exoskeleton depends both on the elements and kinematics of the exoskeleton
The time history of the joint angles for the STS motion of human body are approximated by the
following polynomials. Assume L0 = 7 m , L1 = 5 m , L2 = 6m.

θ1 = 1.1444t 4 −¿ 2.8833t 3 + 2.67522t 2 −¿ 1.03983t + 1.428

θ2 = −¿ 8.862t 5 + 22.155t 4 −¿ 14.77t 3 + 3.14

θ3 = −¿ 6.81944t 4 + 9.0556t 3 + 2.08069t 2 – 4.24181t + 1.495

The result of center of mass trajectory obtained from joint angles is shown in Fig.6.

Figure 8. Actual center of mass (COM) trajectory obtained from

joint angles


Our gravity adjusting applies to three degrees of flexibility movement of the body at the
hip, knee and lower leg. In our proposed plan, the device is to be worn as an orthosis with straps
to tie the comparing moving fragments of the machine and the leg. In this plan, the taking after
are made: (i) The movement of the body is within the sagittal plane and both legs have the same
movement amid the Sit-to-Stand movement; (ii) the device links are light-weight and don't
include critical mass to the moving appendages, once strapped to the subject’s body ; (iii) the
c.m of each interface is accepted to lie on the line interfacing the two joints.
To form a gravity-balanced assistive device for the human body, the taking after method
is utilized: (i) Decide the c.m of the framework , i.e., device and the human body utilizing
auxiliary parallelograms: (ii) select springs to put through to the framework c.m such that the
whole potential vitality of the framework is invariant with setup. This half breed strategy
permits one to physically decide the framework c.m. and interface this point to the inertial
settled outline through springs.

Figure 9. Human body with three degrees of freedom and a device

with an exoskeleton for determining body centimeters. [2]

The COM position of the three connected human body from the point O shown in
Figure 8 is defined by r oc .Its expression is given by

r oc = d s b s +d t b t + d H b H (26)
ds = (mt l s + mH l s + ms l cs ) (27)

dt = ( mH l t + ms l cs ) (28)

dH = m l (29)
M H cH

M = ms + mt + mH (30)

Of these, b j is the unit vector along the connecting rod l j , m s , mt and mH are the length of
shank, thigh , and HAT , respectively , M is total mass of the whole body half. Note that d j is
the main geometry and size distribution of the tie rods, often defined by the term “scaled
lengths”. As shown in Figure 8, three dimensions can be used to form a parallelogram to define

Figure 10. Three degrees of freedom spring attached to the human body [2]

By connecting four springs to the fuselage, as shown in Figure 8, the human body and
equipment can balance gravity. The total force of the body includes gravity and the elastic force
produced by the spring.It’s expression is given by

V = Vs + V g (31)

1 2 1 1 1
= k x + k 1 x 12 + k 2 x 22 + k 3 x 32 – Mg *r oc
2 2 2 2

Replace x 2 = ‖⃗
PC‖ . ‖⃗
PC‖ , x 1 =
O S ‖ * ‖⃗
1 1O S‖ , x 1 1 2
= ‖⃗
C S ‖ * ‖⃗
3 CS‖ 3 and x 22 =

O S ‖ * ‖⃗
2 2 O S‖ 2 2 into Eq. (31) We can enter the resulting joint angles.

– Mg *r oc = Mg ( d s sa + d t sak + d H sakh ¿ (32)

2 2
x 2 = ( d s c a +d t cak +d H cakh ¿ ¿ + ( d s sa + dt s ak + d H s akh−d ¿ ¿ (33)

x 1 = d t + (l s −l d ¿ ¿ – 2 (l s −d s ¿ d t c k
2 2 2

2 2 2
x 2 = d H + (l s −l d ¿ ¿ – 2d H (l s −d s ¿ c kh (35)

x 3 = d H + (l t −l t ¿ ¿ – 2d H (l t −d t ¿ c h
2 2 2

Here c i , si , c ij , sij ,c ijk and sijk represent cos θi , sin θi , cos ( θi +θ j ¿,sin ( θi +θ j ¿,
cos ( θi +θ j +θk ¿ and sin ( θi +θ j +θk ¿ respectively. d = ‖OP‖ is the distance from the gravity
vector as shown in Fig. 8. x and x i are deformation and k and k i , i = 1 , 2 , 3 , are spring
stiffness. In this analysis the un-deformed length of the spring is assumed to be zero. In other
words, if the length of the spring is considered to be zero, the force of the spring is zero. In the
use of a zero length body, a non-zero free spring can be used behind the pulley where the spring
force will be transmitted by the spring. After changing Eqs. (32 – 36) can be obtained by
substituting Eq (31),
1 2 2 2
V= k (d s + d t + d H + 2d s d t c k + 2d s d H c kH + ¿2d t d H ch −¿2d s ds a−2 d t ds ak

−¿ 2d s ds ak −¿ 2 d h dsakh ) + k (d 2 + (l s −d s ¿ ¿2−¿2(l s −d s ¿ d t c k )
2 1 t
1 1
+ k 2(d H 2 + (l s −d s ¿ ¿2−¿2d H (l s −d s ¿ c kh ¿ + k 3 ((l t −d t ¿ ¿2 + d H 2
2 2

−¿ 2d H (l t −d t ¿ c h ¿ + Mg (d s sa + d t sak + d H sakh ¿

Eq (37) can be rearranged in terms of configuration variables as

V = C v + [kd s −k 1(l s −d s ¿]d 1 c k + [kd s −k 2(l s −d s ¿ d H c kh (38)

+ [kd t −k 3 (l t −d t ) ] d H c h + (Mg – kd )(d s sa + d t sak + d H sakh ¿


1 1 1 (39)
Cv = k(d s2 + d t 2+ d H 2) + k 1(d t 2 + (l t −d t ¿ ¿2) + k 2 ¿
2 2 2

1 2 2
+ k 3 ¿(l t −d t ¿ ¿ + d H ¿

By setting the configuration variable coefficients in Eq (38) to zero, the spring stiffness
required to stabilize the system with gravity is given as:


k ds
k1 =
l s−d s (40)

k ds
k2 =
l s−d s

k dt
k3 =
l t−dt
The connection points of the k 1 and k 2 arcs are chosen so that k 1 = k 2.However, usually k 1 and
k 2 are different. The force of each spring can be obtained by multiplying the stiffness of each
spring by its elongation as follows,

f PC = k x

f O S = k 1 x1
1 1


f C S = k 2 x3

f O S = k 3 x3
2 2




Consider a 1.75m height and 73 kg human body, whose geometry and inertia are shown
in Table 2. All measured are for average users derived from Anthropometric Table. The moment
of inertia of each part is relative to its center of mass. Here l cj represents the center position
(c.m) of the link l j from its source.

Link Dimension(m) Mass(kg) c.m(m) Moment of

inertia (kgm2)

OO1,shank l s = 0.421 3.1 l cs = 0.55l s l s = 0.0458

O1 O2 ,thigh l t = 0.432 7.39 l ct =0.59 l t l t = 0.1150

O2 O3 ,HAT l H = 0.8 24.13 l cH = 0.41l H l H = 1.2869

Table 2 . Geometric and inertial parameters of the human body

The time history of joint STS movement in paraplegic patients was estimated by the
following polynomial.

θ a = −¿ 0.0080t 7 +¿ 0.1424t 6 – 0.9914t 5 +¿ 3.3 – 5.6326t 3 +¿ 4.1683t 2 (42)

−¿ 1.0681t − 0.1195

θ k = −¿ 8.862t 5 + 22.155t 4 −¿ 14.77t 3 + 3.14


θh = −¿ 6.81944t 4 + 9.0556t 3 + 2.08069t 2 – 4.24181t + 1.495 (44)

Polynomials and experimentally integrated angles are shown in Fig.10. All angles are in
radians. Using Eq. (42) - (44) their time derivatives, inertia and gravitational joint torques are
derived using the inverse dynamic model.

Figure 11. A 3 dof human body for calculation [2]

The joint torque of the ankle joint, knee joint and hip joint consists of inertial torque,
passive elastic torque and gravitational torque, which can be written as

τ a = τ ad +τ ag + τ ae (45)

τ k = τ kd + τ kg + τ ke (46)

τ h = τ hd+ τ hg +τ he (47)

Among them τ ag , τ kg , and τ hg are the gravitation torques of ankle, knee, and hip , and
τ ad , τ kd , and τ hd are the inertial torques of the ankle, knee, and hip, respectively, while τ ae, τ ke ,
and τ he are ankle, knee, and hip passive elastic torques, respectively.
Derive the inertial and gravitational torques using the inverse dynamic model

τ ag = ms gl cs c a+ m1 g ( l s c a+l ct c ak ) +mH g (l s c a +l ct c ak +l cH c akh) (48)

τ kg = mt g l ct c ak +mH g (l t c ak + l cH c akh) (49)

τ hg = mH g l cH c akh (50)

τ ad = I 11 θ̈a + I 12 θ̈k + I 13 θ¨h+ f 1 (51)

τ kd = I 12 θ̈a + I 22 θ¨k + I 23 θ¨h+ f 2− (52)

τ hd = I 13 θ¨a + I 22 θ¨k + I 33 θ¨h +f 3 − (53)

where I ij , the inertia matrix element , are

I 11 = I s + I t + I H +ms l cs2+ mt ( l s2 +l ct 2+l s l t c k ) + m H ¿

+2 l s l t c k + l s l H ckh + l t l H c h ¿

I 12 = I t + I H +¿2l cH 2 +2 l s l t c k +l s l H c kh

+2 l t l H c h ¿ ¿ /2

I 13 = I H + mH (2 l cH 2+ l s l H ckh + l t l H c h ¿ /2

I 22= I t + I H +mt l ct 2+ mH (l ct2 +l cH 2 +l t l H c h )

I 23 = I H +m H (l H 2 /2+l t l H ch )/2 \

I 33=I H +mH l cH

and f i and γ i are centrifugal and Coriolis terms as

γ 2=−( mt l s l t s k + mH ( 2l s l t s k +l s l H s kh ) ) θ˙2a−¿

+l s l H s kh ¿ ¿ θ̇a θ̇k −m H l s l H skh θ˙a θ˙h

γ 3 = −m H ( l s l H s kh +l t l H sh ) θ̇2a−mH (l s l H s kh +2 l t l H s h) θ̇a θ̇k

−m H ( l s l H s kh +l t l H sh ) θ̇a θh −¿ mH l t l H s k θ̇2h−mH l t l H sh θ̇a θ̇h ¿

f 1 = −( mt l s l t s k +mH l s (2 l t s k +l H s kh )) θ̇a θ̇k −m H l H (l s s kh +l t s h ) θ˙a θ˙h

−(mt l s l t sk + mH l s ( 2 l t s k +l H s kh ) ) −mH l H (l s s kh +l t s h ) θ˙k θ̇h


θ̇a θ̇k θ˙a θ˙h

f 2 = −( mt l s l t sk +m H l s ( 2 l t s k + l H s kh ) ) −m H l H (l s skh + l t s h)
2 2

−m H l t l H s h θ˙k θ˙h−m H l t l H s h

θ˙a θ˙h θ˙ θ˙ θ̇ θ̇
f 3 = −m H l s l H s kh −mH l H ( l s s kh+ l t s h ) a h −m H l t l H k h
2 2 2

The passive elastic joint torque produced by the muscle can be determined using the
following relationship.

τ ae = exp( 2.011 – 0.0833(θ a – 90) – 0.0090θ k ¿ – exp( – 9.9250 + 0.2132(θ a−¿ 90)) –2.970

τ ke = exp( 1.0372 + 0.0040(θ a – 90) – 0.0494θ k −0.025 θh ¿ – exp(−¿ 1.1561−¿ 0.0020

(θ a−90 ¿+0.0254 θ k +0.0030 θh ¿

τ he = exp( 2.1080 −¿ 0.0160θ k – 0.0195θh ¿−¿ exp(−¿ 2.1784+¿ 0.070θ k

+0.1349 θh ¿−15.24

Joint angles are expressed as degrees.

Figure 13. Ankle joint torques

Figure 14. Knee joint torques

Figure 15. Hip joint torques

In these three figure, the gravitational joint torques are the foremost overwhelming, so
we need to build a exoskeleton so that the gravitational torque of the human body is almost
zero when the sitting and standing.

Figure 16. Spring extensions for proposed design

Figure 17. Spring forces for proposed design

In these two figures, the springs have large expansions and exhibit high stiffness.
This causes large forces to act on the device. To mitigate these problems, the design is
modified to make the springs less stiff and the auxiliary linkages larger. This is achieved by
using the following three steps:

(a) . Use an ankle weight that results in a larger size for the parallelograms.

(b) . Use a body weight support (harness) to partially reduce the weight of the body.

(c) . Alter the location of the center-of-mass to reduce stiffness of the springs.

The stiffness of the springs is a function of the total weight of the system and the scaled
lengths d s , d t , d H . The total weight of the system can be reduced by the body weight
support W. Also the scaled lengths increased by adding ankle weight me at each leg.

Figure 18. Joint angle trajectory

Figure 19. Joint angles for sitting Position,θ a (Ankle),θ k (Knee),

θh (Hip),



The aim of this project is to propose a lower extremity exoskeleton that can be used by
people with paraplegia. It lowers the metabolic rate of the body's daily life, and the movement
of the lower exoskeleton adapts to different times, such as the transition from sitting to standing.
Calculate hip, knee, and ankle joint moments when a paraplegic patient moves from sitting to
standing, using a dynamic displacement model and modeling he human body as a 3-degrees-of-
freedom mechanism. Based on this study, we propose to lower the exoskeleton to help patients
stand. In the hybrid approach, the center of mass of the system is positioned, then appropriate
springs are used to remove all the potential energy of the system. he user uses a change in the
center of mass to make the change between the force of gravity and the spring. That is, when the
user is seated, user's gravitational force can be stored in the spring and vice versa. This action
allows the device to increase its power output to compensate for the lack of power produced by
the user's other tasks.


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