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Let’s begin

Organization behavior is concerned with

study of human behavior at work. It is the
study and application of knowledge about
how people as individuals and as a group
behave or act in an organization. It
provides a useful set of tools at many
levels of analysis. For instance, it helps
Concept of managers to look at the behavior of
individuals and groups (both formal and
organizational informal) within an organization. It is a
human tool for human benefits and seeks
to know the behavior of people in all types
behavior of organizations.
To sum up, OB is concerned with the study
of how and what people act in
organizations and explain how their
behavior affects the performance of the
organization. It applies knowledge gained
about individuals and groups to make the
organization work more effectively.
• a. Individual differences: People have much
in common (they become excited, or they
are grieved by the loss of loved ones) but
each person in the world is also individually
different. The idea of individual differences
comes from psychology. From the day of
birth each person is unique and individual
experiences after birth make people even
more different. Individual differences mean
management can get motivation among the
employees by treating them differently. It
requires that justice and rightness with
employees should be individual not
• c. Motivated behavior: According to
b. A whole person: Although
the psychologists, human behavior
some organizations may wish
is caused, motivated and goal
they could employ only one
directed. It is the situation that
person’s skill, all that they can
stimulates a person to behave in
employ is a whole person rather
given manner. People’s behavior is
than certain separate
caused by needs which can be
characteristics. Different human
directed and controlled to get
traits may be separately studied.
desired results. Therefore,
Skill does not exist apart from
managers need to motivate
background or knowledge.
employees, and determine what
Home life is not totally
managerial actions satisfy human
separable from work life and
needs and what actions threaten
emotional conditions are not
their need fulfilment.
separate from physical
conditions. People function as
total human beings.
• b. Mutual interest: Mutual
The nature of Organization interest is represented by the
About organization, the key assumptions statement “Organizations
are that they are social systems and that need people, and people also
they are formed based on mutual need organizations. People
interest. see organizations to help
a. social systems: From sociology, we them reach their goals while
learn that organizations are social at the sametime
systems; consequently, activities therein organizations need people to
are governed by social laws as well as help reach organizational
psychological laws. Just as people have objectives. Mutual interest
psychological needs, they also have provides a super-ordinate
social roles and status; their behavior is goal that unites the variety of
influenced by their group as well as by needs that people bring to
their individual drives. IN fact, two types organizations. The result is
of social system exist side by side in that people are encouraged
organizations. One is the formal social to attack organizational
system and the other is the informal problems rather than each
social system. other.
The end

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