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Problem Statement of the Case:

The case at hand involves a pressing issue of growing dissatisfaction and conflict
within the team, specifically centered around Pravin's interactions with the rest of the
team members. Additionally, Shekhar has repeatedly expressed concerns regarding
the deteriorating dynamics between Pravin and the team. This problematic situation
arises from a lack of effective communication, collaboration, and mutual
understanding among team members, which, in turn, is negatively impacting the
team's overall performance and cohesion.

Cause of the Problem:

The causes contributing to this problem can be identified as follows:

a. Communication and Collaboration Issues: Pravin demonstrates a condescending

attitude towards his teammates, undermining their capabilities and dismissing
their input. His ineffective communication skills fail to provide clear explanations
for his decisions and instructions, leading to frustration and a lack of trust among
team members.

b. Leadership and Management Style: Lakshmi, the program manager, has failed to
proactively address conflicts and issues within the team. Her passive approach,
hoping for self-resolution of problems, has allowed the situation to escalate. Lack
of intervention and failure to establish clear expectations and guidelines for
communication and collaboration are key factors in the issue's exacerbation.

Actions Needed to Rectify the Problem:

To resolve the problem promptly, the following steps should be implemented:

 Address Communication and Collaboration Issues: Facilitate a meeting between

Pravin and the rest of the team members to openly discuss and address concerns.
Establish clear communication guidelines, emphasizing the importance of
respectful and effective communication. Encourage Pravin to share his expertise
and domain knowledge without diminishing the abilities of others.

 Provide Leadership and Guidance: Assert Lakshmi's leadership role by setting

clear expectations for the team. Conduct regular team meetings to foster unity and
collaboration. Additionally, offer guidance and support to Shekhar in effectively
managing the team, providing advice on conflict resolution and ensuring all team
members have their voices heard.
 Foster a Collaborative Culture: Organize team-building activities and workshops
that focus on enhancing collaboration and teamwork. These initiatives will help
team members develop a deeper understanding of each other's strengths and
cultivate a supportive and cooperative work environment.

 Strengthen Project Management Practices: Implement robust project management

practices, such as regular progress reviews and well-defined task allocation.
Address the issue of arbitrary work assignments to ensure alignment with project

 Encourage Skill Development: Invest in training and development opportunities

for team members to enhance their skills and domain knowledge. This proactive
approach will bridge competency gaps and contribute to overall performance

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