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Paragraph A
-It was July 21, 1969, and Neil Armstrong awoke with a start. It was the day he would become the first
human being to ever walk on the moon. The journey had begun several days earlier, when on July 16th, the Apollo
11 launched from Earth headed into outer space. On board with Neil Armstrong were Michael Collins and Buzz
Aldrin. The crew landed on the moon in the Sea of Tranquility a day before the actual valk. Upon Neil's first step onto
the moon's surface, he declared, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." It sure was!
Paragraph B
-Sunset is the time of day when our sky meets the outer space solar winds There are blue, pink, and purple
swirls, spinning and twisting, like clouds of balloon: caught in a whirlwind. The sun moves slowly to hide behind the
line of horizon, while the moon races to take its place in prominence atop the night sky. People slow to crawl,
entranced, fully forgetting the deeds that must still be done. There is a coolness, a calmness, when the sun does set.
1. What is the pattern of development used in paragraphs A and B?
A. narration; description B. definition; description
C. classification; persuasion D. problem-solution; cause and effect
2. How are paragraphs A and B similar in terms of the purpose of writing? Both paragraphs are about______
A. writing important events
B. writing a story or relate an event
C. detailed account of some memorable experience
D. recreating or visually presenting a person, place, event, or action
3. How are the two paragraphs different in the way details/information are written? Paragraph A _________ while
Paragraph B details what something looks like and its characteristics.
A tells a story or relates an event
B. describes an issue and a position or opinion on a subject
C. explains what something is in comparison to other members of its class, along with any limitations
D. details why something happens, what causes it, what are the effects and how it is related to something else

Paragraph A
-Pulala is a type of Philippine bamboo flute which is the largest one used by the guindanaon. It is considered
the toughest of the three bamboo flutes (the others ng the tumpong and the suling) to use because of the way one
must shape one's against its tip to make a sound. The construction of the mouthpiece is such that lower end is cut
diagonally to accommodate the lower lip and the second diagonal is make for the blowing edge.

Paragraph B
-Two of the most popular types of movies are action adventure movies and romantic comedies. An action
adventure movie is exciting and has a story that focuses on a hero that has to do something difficult or dangerous.
Some action adventure movies are about superheroes, while others tell stories based on real experiences from
history. Romantic comedy movies are another type of movie. These movies tell a story about love and introduce us
to interesting characters. These movies make the problems in a relationship look funny instead of dramatic. Both
action adventure and romantic comedy movies are popular because they are entertaining and interesting for the
4. What is the pattern of development used in paragraphs A and B?
A narration; problem-solution B. persuasion; cause & effect
C. description; comparison & contrast D. description; exemplification/classification
5. How are the two paragraphs different in terms of the purpose of writing? Paragraph A's purpose is to_____
while Paragraph B explains what something is in comparison to other members of its class, along with any
A. tells a story or relates an event
B. group items into their parts or types
C. give the details what something looks like and its characteristics
D. clarify the topic statement by illustrating, supporting, and clarifying the main point
Paragraph A
-Oceans and lakes have much in common, but they are also quite different. Both are bodies of water, but
oceans are very large bodies of salt water, while lakes are much smaller bodies of fresh water. Lakes are usually
surrounded by land, while oceans are what surround continents. Both have plants and animals living in them. The
ocean is home to the largest animals on the planet, whereas lakes support much smaller forms of life. When it is
time for a vacation, both will make a great place to visit and enjoy.
Paragraph B
-The school raffle draw is right around the corner, and tickets have just gone or sale. We are selling a limited
number of tickets at a discount, so move fast and get yours while they are still available. This is going to be an event
you will not want to miss! Every ticket you purchase enters you in a drawing to win fabulous prizes Also. your ticket
purchase will help our school, and when you help the school, it helps the entire community. Buy your tickets now!
6. How are the two paragraphs similar in the way details/information are written? Both paragraphs_____
A. put items in categories
B. tell a story to make a point
C. draw distinction between items
D. give reasons to expound the topics
7. How are the two paragraphs different in the way details/information are written? Paragraph A________while
Paragraph B convinces or moves readers toward a certain point of view, or opinion.
A. tells a story or relates an event
B. details what causes something and what are the effects
C. shows the similarities and/or differences between two subjects
D. clarifies the topic statement by illustrating, supporting, and clarifying the main point
Paragraph A
-It's time for the courts to crack down on drunk drivers. Often even repeat offenders get small fines when
caught driving with alcohol levels above the legal limit. But drunk driving is a serious crime and should be treated as
such. Drunk drivers cause most serious accidents, but all situations involving drunk drivers have the potential for
serious consequences. People should be responsible for their actions, and if they choose to drink and drive then they
should pay the price. Often the victims of accidents caused by drunk drivers suffer long after these drivers have "paid
their debt to society". The law should be changed so that all cases of drinking and driving would result in jail time
and vehicles would be confiscated. Then perhaps more people would think twice about drinking and driving.
Paragraph B
-There are many theories about why the dinosaurs vanished from the planet One theory that many people
believe is that a gigantic meteorite smashed into the Earth Scientists believe that the meteorite was very big and
that the impact may have produced a large dust cloud that covered the Earth for many years. The dust cloud may
have caused plants to not receive sunlight and the large plant eaters, o herbivores, may have died off, followed by
the large meat eaters, or carnivores. This theory may or may not be true, but it is one explanation as to why these
giant reptile: no longer inhabit the Earth.
8. How are the two paragraphs similar in the way details/information are written? Both paragraphs_____
A. divide information into two main sections
B. itemize or list a set of topics or a series of some kind
C. establish a series of events that tells the reader what happened
D. examine the similarities or dissimilarities to another thing, process, or state
9. How are the two paragraphs different in terms of the purpose of writing? Paragraph A______ and what are the
effects while Paragraph B details why something happens
A. tells a story or relates an event
B. describes a difficulty and a way to solving the difficulty
C. tells how something is like other things or how something is different from other things
D. explains what something is in comparison to other members of its class, along with any limitations
-A first date marks the first meeting or outing of two people who are hoping to form a romantic relationship.
First dates can be categorized as successful, clingy, boastful, or awkward. Successful first dates include both parties
expressing information about what they like, who they are and what they are looking for. Usually, these dates will
end in tentative plans for a second one. Clingy dates end up with one of the parties practically begging for
information about the other or to begin a relationship with them. In this case, the non-clinger is not interested. On
boastful dates, one member of the duo talks about all of his or her skills, talents and abilities while the listening end
of the pair is never asked about his or her life. Awkward first dates generally involve lots of silence or one or both of
the partners not knowing how to act appropriately. First dates occur every day and generally fall into one of these
-American English is the form of English used in the United States. It includes all English dialects used within
the United States of America. British English is the form of English used in the United Kingdom. It includes all English
dialects used within the United Kingdom. Differences between American and British English include pronunciation,
grammar, vocabulary (lexis), spelling, punctuation, idioms, and formatting of dates and numbers.
10. What is the pattern of development used in paragraphs A and B?
A. narration; description B. definition; description
C problem-solution; cause and effect D. exemplification/classification; comparison & contrast
11.How are paragraphs A and B similar in terms of the purpose of writing? Both paragraphs are about
A. writing important events B. writing a story or relate an event
C. detailed account of some memorable experience D. clarifying subtle and sometimes difficult concepts.
12. How are the two paragraphs different in the way details/information are written? Paragraph A____while
Paragraph B shows the similarities and/or differences between two subjects
A. tells a story or relates an event
B. groups items into their parts or types
C. describes an issue and a position or opinion on a subject
D. recreating or visually presenting a person, place, event, or action
-Image is a very important factor in politics because once the reputation of a person is smeared by accusations, the
people's perception of the person is forever tainted, and it may cause him to lose credibility and trust even when the
truth behind allegations is not yet verified.
13. What has to be done to this paragraph to make it a well-written text?
A. The language used should be revised.
B. Ideas should be coherent and cohesive.
C. The organization of ideas should be improved.
D. There is an error with the mechanics.
14. What particular correction must be done to improve the paragraph?
A. Use clear and concise sentences.
B. Avoid exclamation marks unless part of a quotation
C. Use a conjunction to link sentences with particular logical relationships.
D. If direct repetition is too obvious, use a synonym of the word you wish to repeat.
-They might start out by joking, but calling someone a name with the intent of hurting you is not okay. Be sure your
child understands calling someone a name, even if he feel the person deserves it, is not okay and is a form of
15. What has to be done to this paragraph to make it a well-written text?
A. The language used should be revised. B. Ideas should be coherent and cohesive.
C. The organization of ideas should be improved. D. There is an error with the mechanics.
16. What particular correction must be done to improve the paragraph?
A. Contraction should be avoided. B. Parallelism should be observed.
C. The pronoun point of view must be consistent.
D. Ideas should be arranged according to its importance.
-My favorite color is blue. Blue sports cars go very fast. Driving in this way is dangerous and can cause many
car crashes. I had a car accident once and broke my leg. I was very sad because I had to miss a holiday in Europe
because of the injury.
17. What has to be done to this paragraph to make it a well-written text?
A. The language used should be revised. It should be specific, concise, familiar, correct, and appropriate.
B. Ideas should be coherent and cohesive. They should have a sense of unity in a passage and they should be logical.
C. The organization of ideas should be improved. The arrangement of ideas should be logically and accurately
D. There is an error with the mechanics. A correction should be done in any of these technicalities: subject-verb
agreement, prepositions, tenses, the grammar, spelling, capitalization, abbreviations and acronyms, and the
punctuation marks.
Hand-Rolled Flat Bread
-If you like fresh-baked bread, but do not want to bake too much at one time, you should try making my
"hand-rolled flat bread". Mix and kneed one cup of water to two cups of whole wheat flour in a bread maker-or by
hand, if you want the exercise, and have the time. Break off a ping-pong-ball-sized lump of the dough and roll and
squeeze it between the palms of your hands until it is about the size of your palm. Pinch the center of the disc
between thumbs and fingers of both hands, working around and outward until the disc is the size of a saucer-or use
a rolling pin if you do not mind using extra flour to keep the dough from sticking to the pin and the rolling surface.
Place the dough in a pre-heated 250° C oven and bake to taste. Keep the rest of the dough in your refrigerator until
the next time you want fresh-baked unleavened bread, follow all but the first set of steps for a tasty, wholesome
18. What has to be done to this paragraph to make it a well-written text?
A. The language used should be revised. It should be specific, concise, familiar, correct, and appropriate
B. Ideas should be coherent and cohesive. They should have a sense of unity in a passage and they should be logical.
C. The organization of ideas should be improved. The arrangement of ideas should be logically and accurately
D. There is an error with the mechanics. A correction should be done in any of these technicalities: subject-verb
agreement, prepositions, tenses, the grammar, spelling, capitalization, abbreviations and acronyms, and the
punctuation marks.
-At the start of school Dora was afraid of her new Teacher. Mrs. Davis seamed nice, but she had so many
rules for the class to follow. Scare someone to pieces, As the school year continued, Dora begun to understand how
the Teacher come up with the rules The rules were their so students would be respectful of themselves and each
other. By the end of the year, Dora though Mrs. Davis was the best Teacher she ever had!
19. What has to be done to this paragraph to make it a well-written text?
A. The language used should be revised. It should be specific, concise, familiar, correct, and appropriate.
B. Ideas should be coherent and cohesive. They should have a sense of unity in a passage and they should be logical.
C. The organization of ideas should be improved. The arrangement of ideas should be logically and accurately
D. There is an error with the mechanics. A correction should be done in any of these technicalities: subject-verb
agreement, prepositions, tenses, the grammar, spelling, capitalization, abbreviations and acronyms, and the
punctuation marks.
-Plagiarism is a recurrent problem, which is considered an important matter in university education. Chalmers is no
exception to that and therefore has a strict policy regarding how it should be dealt with.
20. What has to be done to this paragraph to make it a well-written text?
A. The language used should be revised. It should be specific, concise, familiar, correct, and appropriate.
B. Ideas should be coherent and cohesive. They should have a sense of unity in a passage and they should be logical.
C. The organization of ideas should be improved. The arrangement of ideas should be logically and accurately
D. There is an error with the mechanics. A correction should be done in any of these technicalities: subject-verb
agreement, prepositions, tenses, the grammar, spelling, capitalization, abbreviations and acronyms, and the
punctuation marks.
21. What type of claim can be identified in the statement below?
Claim: Probably, aliens exist.
A. Claim of fact B. Claim of Policy C. Claim of Value D. All of the above
22. What type of claim can be identified in the statement below? Claim: The government should legalize medicinal
A. Claim of fact B. Claim of Policy C. Claim of Value D. All of the above
23. What type of claim can be identified in the statement below?
Claim: Local Malls should provide more parking spaces.
A. Claim of fact B. Claim of Policy C. Claim of Value D. All of the above
24. What type of claim can be identified in the statement below?
Claim: It is better to be feared than loved.
A. Claim of fact B. Claim of Policy C. Claim of Value D. All of the above
25/ What type of claim can be identified in the statement below?
Claim: Buying a house is a lot better than building it
A. Claim of fact B. Claim of Policy C. Claim of Value D. All of the above
26. What context in which the text below was developed?
He's asking her to the prom. It's like a happy version of Romeo and Juliet
A. Hypertext B. Intertext C. All of the above D. None of the above
27. What context in which the text below was developed?
When the name Patricia Taylor in blue is clicked, this site will open.(NAA NI PIC)
A. Hypertext B. Intertext C. All of the above D. None of the above
28. What questions do you ask as a critical reader?
A. What is the topic sentence? B. What is the author implying?
C. What is the plot of the story? D. Who is the author of the article?
29. How can you perform critical reading as a form of reasoning to a particular text?
A. Evaluate how the ideas are connected
B. Check the font style and size for editing
C. Use textual evidence to support analysis of the implicit and explicit information presented by the writer
D. Identify errors with grammar, spelling, capitalization, abbreviations and acronyms, and the punctuation marks
-In our small town, Papa's soda shop was the most popular place for high school students to meet. Unlike his
brother, our military-minded, sullen principal, Papa was always relaxed, kind, interested, always ready to add extra
whipped cream and cherries to our sodas. He was tolerant of the noisy, boisterous students who came to his shop
after school. Everyone I knew in town, except our principal, loved Papa.
30. Which is an assertion based on the paragraph above? The principal_____
A. loved Papa B. is Papa's best friend
C. has similar traits with Papa D. is strict, unkind, and always busy with work
31. Which is a counterclaim based on the paragraph above?
A. The principal and Papa are brothers.
B. The principal and Papa are the exact opposite.
C. Papa was understanding to the attitude of the students.
D. The principal needs to show authority so students respect him.
-Eric often gets wet on Saturdays. He wakes up at 6 o'clock in the morning and goes straight to the faucet. He
prepares a basin, a soap, shampoo, and a stool. One by one, he calls out his fur friends for the Saturday mornings
32. Which sentence is the textual evidence to the claim, Eric has many fur pets?
A. Sentence 1 B. Sentence 2 C. Sentence 3 D. All of the above
33. Which sentence is the textual evidence to the counterclaim, Eric should be
bathing his fur pets twice a week?
A Sentence 1 and 2 B. Sentence 1 and 3
C. Sentence 2 and 3 D. All of the above
-Technology is an effective tool for learners. Learners must use technology as a significant part of their
learning process. Teachers should model the use of technology to support the curriculum so that learners can
increase the true use of technology in learning their language skills (Costley, 2014; Murphy, DePasquale, & cNamara,
2003). Learners' cooperation can be increased through technology. ooperation is one of the important tools for
learning. Learners cooperatively work together to create tasks and learn from each other through reading their
peers' work Keser, Huseyin, & Ozdamli, 2011). Bennett, Culp, Honey, Tally, and Spielvogel 2000) asserted that the
use of computer technology lead to the improvement of teachers teaching and learners' learning in the classes. The
use of computer technology helps teachers meet their learners' educational needs. According to Bransford, Brown,
and Cocking (2000), the application of computer technology enables teachers and learners to make local and global
societies that connect them with the people and expand opportunities for their learning. They continued that the
positive effect of computer technology does not come automatically; it depends on how teachers use it in their
language classrooms.
34. What excerpt of an academic writing is presented above?
35. A. Position Paper B. Project Proposal C. Research Report D. Literature Review
-Limerick, Patricia Nelson. The Legacy of Conquest: The Unbroken Past of the American West. New York:
W.W. Norton, 1987. $17.05
-In Patricia Nelson Limerick's book The Legacy of Conquest The Unbroken Past of the American West,
Limerick disproves many misconceptions about America's Western history by demystifying some of the myths of the
West and connecting them with sources from multiple different areas of American history. Limerick methodically
strips away the nostalgia and alleged innocence to show the complicated nature of western history and the ignored
legacy. As she says, "The history of the West is the study of a place undergoing conquest and never fully escaping its
consequences" (26). Limerick points out that every issue that started in the 'frontier' era has appeared in the courts
or in Congress recently, though not only in the 1980s when the book was written but still today in the 21st century.
35. What excerpt of an academic writing is presented above?
A Book Review B. Project Proposal C. Research Report D. Literature Review
35. What excerpt of an academic writing is presented above?
A. Book Review B. Project Proposal C. Research Report D. Literature Review
-Is capital punishment just? The death penalty is a controversial issue for most people. Supporter's claim that
it eliminates repeat offenders, deters potential murderers and is the ultimate retribution. Opponents denounce it as
murder, say that it does not cause deterrence but rather promotes violence and claim that it introduces the chance
of an innocent person being executed. Due to the arguments presented by both sides and because of my own
personal beliefs, the argument against legal execution is most compelling. The idea of putting another human to
death is hard to completely unfathomable. The physical mechanics involved in carrying out a death sentence on
another person, regardless of how much they deserve it, is beyond human understanding.
36. What excerpt of an academic writing is presented above?
A. Position Paper B. Project Proposal C. Research Report D. Literature Review
-This document discusses the changes that have occurred in the Australian workforce since the end of World
War II (1945-2000) A review of some of the available literature provides insights into the changing role of women
and migrants in the workforce, and the influence of new technologies and changing levels of unemployment have
also been considered.

Key findings include:

-There has been a marked increase in women's participation in the workforce, particularly that of married women.
-While immigration was encouraged in post-war Australia as a way of providing labour for new industries and major
projects, the migrant population continues to experience a high rate of unemployment in low- skilled jobs.
-During the period 1945-2000, the nature of work in Australia has changed with a shift from labour-intensive rural
and manufacturing industries to white collar' industries like tourism and entertainment.
-The number and proportion of unemployed people in Australia has risen dramatically, and factors that influence a
person's likelihood of experiencing unemployment include age, proficiency in speaking English, and geographic
The information presented in this paper has been gathered from secondary sources, and from Australian
Bureau of Statistics' data.
The document has been prepared for submission as Unit 4 of the Tertiary Studies Course at Victoria
37. What excerpt of an academic writing is presented above?
A. Position Paper B. Project Proposal C. Research Report D. Literature Review
1. Title: Making Healthy Connections: Mentoring, Monitoring and Measurement
2. Description/Goals:
a. To assess the impact of a group and individual mentoring health promotion intervention on the health and quality
of life of adolescents with intellectual and motor disabilities;
b. Conduct a pilot study to assess the impact of an inpatient advocacy program (Here-to- Help) on the reduction of
health disparities for hospitalized patients who cannot understand or express their health care needs and desires.
38. What excerpt of an academic writing is presented above?
A. Position Paper B. Project Proposal C. Research Report D. Literature Review
39. Which academic writing presents an arguable opinion about an issue. Its goal is to convince the audience that
the opinion presented is valid and worth listening to?
A. Position Paper B. Project Proposal C. Research Report D. Literature Review
40. Which academic writing is the summary, analysis, and critique of a book written by scholars for scholars?
A. Book Review B. Project Proposal C. Research Report D. Literature Review
41. Which academic writing is a written document outlining everything stakeholders should know about a project,
including the timeline, budget, objectives, and goals?
A. Book Review B. Project Proposal C. Research Report D. Literature Review
42. Which academic writing is a recorded data prepared by researchers or statisticians after analyzing the
information gathered by conducting organized research, typically in the form of surveys or qualitative methods?
A. Book Review B. Project Proposal C. Research Report D. Literature Review
43. Which academic writing demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the academic literature on a specific
topic placed in context?
A. Book Review B. Project Proposal C. Research Report D. Literature Review
44. Which professional correspondence is a formal document that serves to show a person's career background
and skills?
A. Memo B. Resume C. Application for Employment D. Application for College Admission
45. Which professional correspondence gives admissions officers a different perspective on applicants beyond
their academic achievements, test scores, and extracurriculars?
A. Memo B. Resume C. Application for Employment D. Application for College Admission
46. Which professional correspondence refers to an application which includes a letter addressing the selection
A. Memo B. Resume C. Application for Employment D. Application for College Admission
47. Which professional correspondence is informing a group or organization in an email or letter of a specific
problem and/or solution?
A. Fax B. Memo C. Business Letter D. Business Email
48. Which professional correspondence is a letter which is used by organizations to communicate in a professional
way with customers, other companies, clients, shareholders, investors, etc?
A. Business Email B. Business Letter C. Business Proposal D. Business Prospect
49. Which computer-assisted online communication tool is a method of business communication, which plays an
essential role in establishing relationships with colleagues, partners, and sponsors?
A. Fax B. Memo C. Business Letter D. Business Email
50. Which professional correspondence is the telephonic transmission of scanned- in printed material (text or
images), usually to a telephone number associated with a printer or other output device?
A. Fax B. Memo C. Business Letter D. Business Email

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