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(2½ Hours) [Total Marks: 75

N. B.: (1) All questions are compulsory.

(2) Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary and state the assumptions made.
(3) Answers to the same question must be written together.
(4) Numbers to the right indicate marks.
(5) Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary.
(6) Use of Non-programmable calculators is allowed.
Text book referred- Business Communication- Meenakshi Raman, Prakash Singh
1. Attempt any three of the following: 15
a. Explain how concreteness and clarity helps in effective communication.
Ans: Explanation of concreteness with example-2.5 mark
Explanation of clarity with example-2.5 mark

b. Explain the process of communication through a diagram depicting the essential

components of the process.
Ans: Diagram- 1 mark
Components with their functions -4 mark ( Refer pg 12 & pg. 13)

c. State the advantages and disadvantages of grapevine communication.

Ans: Advantages – 2.5 mark Disadvantages-2.5 mark ( Refer pg.20 )

d. What are the two major forms of non-verbal communication? Explain any one.
Ans Conscious and Subconscious (1 mark) Explain- 4 mark

e. List and explain the steps needed for managing cross-cultural communication.
Ans 1. Cultural Sensitivity 2. Careful encoding 3. Selective transmission 4.Careful
decoding 5. Follow-up actions ( 5 points- 5 mark)

f. Discuss the need for using technology in business communication.

5 points explaining the need for technology in business communication -5 marks

2. Attempt any three of the following: 15

a. Briefly explain the five major stages involved in writing effective business messages.
Ans 1. Prewriting 2. Drafting 3.Revising 4.Formatting 5.Proofreading (1 mark each)(Refer
pg no.139)

b. Explain the various types of business proposal based on target audience.

Ans Internal and External proposals- explanation of both 2.5 mark each(Refer pg.206)

c. What are the main components of an effective introduction?

Ans 1.Attention-getters 2.Audience adaptation 3.Preview 4.Thesis statement 5.Credibility
statement ( 5 points -1 mark each) (Refer pg 320)

d. Discuss the role of non-verbal cues in conversations.

Ans They are more important than words expressed. Non-verbal cues indicate the
relationship among the people participating in a conversation. Three dimensions-
immediacy, power and responsiveness ( 5 marks ) (Refer pg no. 346,347)

e. Explain the two types of interviewing techniques used by companies.

Ans Any two types (2.5 marks each) (Refer pg.365)
f. Write instructions for a new student on how to get from one part of your university to
another department

3. Attempt any three of the following: 15

a. Mention any five advantages of teleconferences.
Ans Refer pg no 398(any five points- 1 mark each)

b. State the various purposes of team presentations.

Ans Project proposals, Progress reports, Orientation and training programmes, Contact
proposals, Venture capital requests and Public agency request/regulatory review
(Refer pg no 423)

c. “Briefing and public speaking differ in their style of presentation”-Justify.

Ans Proper justification in their respective style of presentation (5 marks)

d. What is the role of human resource communication in an organization?

Ans Refer pg no 470

e. What are the main contents of the minutes of a meeting?

Ans Refer pg no 392

f. Enlist the non-functional roles in group discussion.

Ans Being aggressive, Blocking, Self-confessing, Competing, seeking sympathy, Special
pleading, Horsing around, Seeking recognition and withdrawing.
(Refer pg no.413,414)

4. Attempt any three of the following: 15

a Write a note on basic communication model.
Ans Refer pg no 515,516

b Distinguish between the collaborating and accommodating strategies of conflict

Ans Collaborating(win-win) and Accommodating (lose-win) (5 points )5 marks
Refer pg no. 525,526

c What is the role of a professional communicator?

Ans Refer pg no 559,560

d Briefly explain any two ethical perspectives.

Ans Refer pg no 555,556,557
Any two 2.5 mark each
Religious, Universalistic, Economic, Humanistic, Legal and Utilitarian perspective.

e What are the different benefits of advertising?

Ans Economic, Cultural ,Moral and Religious benefits of Advertising(Refer pg no.578)

f Discuss any one referencing style.

Ans Modern Language Association, American Psychological Association and Chicago
Manual style (Any one 5 marks) Refer pg no 612
5. Attempt any three of the following:(Refer vcskills pdf) 15
a. Explain the plan stage in detail.
b. Write a short note on concept map.
c. State the importance of creating outline in executing stage
d. Explain how graphics help in presentation.
e. Give the guidelines for typography.
f. Elaborate the use of templates in visual communication.


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