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Subject: Imperative Programming

1. Classification of programming languages.
2. Explain features and application of C programming.
3. Explain program development life cycle with help of neat diagram.
4. What is flow chart? Explain different symbol used in it.
5. Flowchart based on Factorial, to check Even or Odd etc.
6. Explain structure of C program with help of example.
7. What is meaning of compilation and execution of program? How to achieve in C programming.
8. List and explain any three tokens in C programming.
9. Short note on identifier and keywords.
10. Explain various types of data types available in C Programming.
11.How to create / use variable and creation rules related to it.
12.What is constant? Explain various ways to create constant.
13.Difference between Variable and Constant

1. What is operator? List and explain any 3 in detail.
2. What is relational or comparison operator? Explain with example.
3. What is logical operator? Explain with example
4. What is different between a++ and ++a?
5. What is conditional or ternary operator? Explain with example.
6. Write a short note on
i) getchar() ii) putchar() iii) gets() iv) puts()
7. Explain the purpose of printf() and scanf() function with example
8. What is comment? Its types
9. What is casting? Explain its types

1. What is conditional statement? Its types
2. Explain various types of if statement with syntax and example.
3. Explain nested if statement with example.
4. Explain switch statement with example.
5. What is fallthrough? How to achieve in switch statement.
6. “Switch statement is better than ladder form of if statement”-comment.
7. What is loop? It types and explains any one in detail.
8. What is for loop? Explain its syntax with example.
9. Difference between while and do-while loop.
10.Explain nested for loop with example.
11. What is function? Explain its various parts and types.
12.Explain following with respect to function:
 Function without argument without return type
 Function with argument without return type
 Function without argument with return type
 Function with argument with return type
13.What is recursion function? Example.
14.Explain call by value with example.
15.Explain call by reference with example.

1. What is storage class specifier? It types
2. With respect to storage class specifiers explain following
a) auto b) extern c) static d) register
3. What are pre-processor directives? List and explain their purpose.
4. Explain the purpose of #define directive in C programming.
5. Explain any five function available in <math.h> header file.
6. What is Array? How to create and use it.
7. What is One Dimensional Array? Explain with example
8. What is Two Dimensional Array? Explain with example
9. Explain array to function with example.
10. Explain array as string with example.

1. Explain the concept of pointer.
2. How to create and use single and double pointer with example.
3. Explain passing pointer to function with example.
4. Explain pointer to array with example.
5. What is structure? How to create and use it
6. Explain array of structure with example.
7. Explain nested structure with example.
8. What is union? How to create and use it.
9. Difference between structure and class.

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