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Assignment: Philips India

A report submitted to
Prof. Prakash Satyavagees

In partial fulfilment of the requirements of the course

B2B Marketing

Abhinav Anand (Roll No. 2211006)

'This submission is my work and my work alone. I have not taken any help from any
internet or other sources (other than my notes, course pack, and textbook) or from any
other person to arrive at the answer.'

1. What kind of market offering is lighting? How can Philips differentiate its offering in
this market? (300 words)


Lighting is commoditised markets as the lowest offering given to CAB is of Rs. 1.5
crore. The type of price offering given by Philips is value based. It takes into account
cost saved for CAB like:

• Lower Power Consumption: The energy-efficient 2KW lamps used in the Philips
floodlights result in measurable electricity savings, reducing the power bill for Eden
• Reduced Maintenance and Replacement Costs: The durable steel trusses with special
alloy coatings have a minimum lifespan of thirty years, requiring minimal maintenance
and avoiding frequent repairs or replacements.
• Cost Savings: The optimized power usage, lower radiation and heat generation, and
reduced repair and replacement costs contribute to overall cost savings for CAB.
• Energy Efficiency: The lighting system's design and luminance control maximize
energy efficiency, resulting in long-term electricity cost savings for CAB.
• Labor Cost Savings: The auto cleaning feature eliminates the need for manual cleaning
and maintenance, saving labor costs equivalent to 100 person-days per year.

Along with cost savings mentioned above, few points which adds additional value to
Philips offering(placeholders) that would differentiate it from its competitors are:

• Improved Playing Conditions: The lighting system's high-quality illumination ensures

better visibility and playing conditions for cricket players, enhancing their performance
and overall experience.
• Enhanced Television Broadcasting: The lighting system optimized for television
broadcasting provides superior picture quality, enabling high-quality action replays and
enhancing the viewing experience for audiences.
• Brand Reputation: Philips' established reputation as a leader in global outdoor lighting
systems adds prestige and reliability to the lighting solution, enhancing the overall
image of Eden Gardens.
• Player Comfort: The reduced glare and comfortable lighting conditions contribute to a
better playing experience, reducing eye strain and irritation for cricket players.
• Aesthetics: The design of the lighting towers, blending with the daytime sky, creates a
visually appealing environment and avoids distractions for players during high catches.
• Fast Restoration of Lighting: The instant re-start feature ensures uninterrupted lighting
during power supply disruptions, minimizing delays and downtime during matches.

2. Who are the different stakeholders in the upcoming series and what are their interests?
(300 words)


The stakeholders in the upcoming series and their interests at Eden Gardens Cricket
Ground include:

• Cricket Association of Bengal (CAB): As the governing body for cricket in West
Bengal, CAB's interest lies in organizing a successful cricket series and providing a
memorable experience for cricket fans. They seek high-quality floodlighting solutions
that meet their requirements in terms of cost-effectiveness, reliability, energy
efficiency, and adherence to specifications.

• Sponsors: The sponsors of the cricket series are interested in promoting their brands
and maximizing their visibility. They would value lighting solutions that offer
opportunities for advertising and enhance the overall broadcast quality of the matches.
• Players and Officials: The cricket players, umpires, and other officials involved in the
matches have an interest in playing under well-illuminated conditions that allow for
accurate decision-making and safe gameplay. They would expect the lighting system
to minimize shadows, glare, and any visual hindrances on the field.

• Cricket Fans: The spectators attending the matches have an interest in clear visibility
of the game, ensuring an enjoyable and immersive experience. They would expect the
lighting to create an engaging ambiance and allow for proper viewing of the matches.

• Broadcasters and Media: Television broadcasters and media companies have an interest
in high-quality lighting that enables excellent visual coverage of the matches. They seek
lighting solutions that provide optimal lighting conditions for TV broadcasting,
ensuring clear visuals and capturing the excitement of the game.

• Contesting Nations: The participating cricket teams have an interest in playing under
well-lit conditions that ensure visibility and fair gameplay. They would expect the
lighting system to be reliable, provide optimal illumination, and minimize glare or other
issues that could affect the quality of the game.

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