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Mail merge is a powerful feature in many word processors, including Microsoft Word, that allows you to

create customized documents, such as invoices, by merging a data source (e.g., Excel spreadsheet) with
a template. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use mail merge to create an invoice:

Step 1: Prepare the Data Source (Excel Spreadsheet)

Create an Excel spreadsheet with the necessary details for your invoice. It should include columns for
the customer name, address, invoice number, date, item description, quantity, unit price, and any other
relevant information.


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| Customer Name | Address | Invoice Number | Date | Item Description | Quantity | Unit Price | Total
Amount | |-------------- | -------------- | -------------- | ---------- | ---------------- | -------- | ---------- | ------------ | |
John Doe | 123 Main St. | INV-001 | 2023-07-01 | Product A | 2 | 50.00 | 100.00 | | Jane Smith | 456
Elm St. | INV-002 | 2023-07-02 | Product B | 3 | 25.00 | 75.00 |

Step 2: Create the Invoice Template (Microsoft Word)

Open Microsoft Word and create a new document. Design the invoice template with placeholders for
the data fields from the Excel spreadsheet. For example, you can use the following placeholders:

mathematicaCopy code

Customer Name: <<Customer Name>> Address: <<Address>> Invoice Number: <<Invoice Number>>
Date: <<Date>> | Item Description | Quantity | Unit Price | Total Amount | | <<Item Description>> |
<<Quantity>> | <<Unit Price>> | <<Total Amount>> |

Step 3: Connect to the Data Source

In Microsoft Word, go to the "Mailings" tab and click on "Select Recipients." Choose "Use an Existing
List" and select your prepared Excel spreadsheet as the data source.

Step 4: Insert Merge Fields

Place the cursor in the appropriate location in your invoice template and click on "Insert Merge Field."
Select the fields from the Excel spreadsheet that you want to include in your invoice template, such as
<<Customer Name>>, <<Address>>, <<Invoice Number>>, etc.

Step 5: Preview the Merge

Click on "Preview Results" to see how your merged invoice will look like with actual data from the Excel

Step 6: Complete the Merge

Click on "Finish & Merge" and choose "Print Documents" to print the invoices directly or "Edit Individual
Documents" to create a new document with all the merged invoices.

Step 7: Save and Print

Save the merged document, and now you have a set of customized invoices based on your data source.

By following these steps, you can efficiently generate multiple invoices with different customer details,
invoice numbers, dates, and other information without manually entering them one by one.

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