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1. What is your study all about?

- Our study is all about investigating the effects of student-centered instructional strategies
on the academic performance of 3rd and 4th year accounting student
Why did you choose this topic?
- Recently, a shift from online classes to face to face classes was done in our school
and the researchers want to find out how the 3rd accountancy students have utilized
their study habits to lead them to their latest GPA.

- We all know that we have different ways on how we do gain our learning some of
this might because of their own and observation which simplify a student centered
instructional or it can be relying for what the teacher have been discuss which also
simplify to a teacher instructional this could be very important especially in our field
that’s why we choose this study
2. What is the significance of your study?
- The study could be of significance to students and teachers as it could help them to
assess and evaluate their selves to be able to improve their study habits and could help
the teachers improve their teaching strategies to fit in where the students need more

- The study aims to provide empirical evidence on the effectiveness of student-

centered instructional strategies in improving the academic performance of
accounting students.
Identify the role of student engagement in mediating the relationship between student-
centered instructional strategies and academic performance.
Determine the contextual factors that can influence the effectiveness of student-
centered instructional strategies, such as institutional support and teacher competence.

3. Why did you choose the 3rd year students as your respondents?
- We chose the 3rd year students because they are the students that experience a
heavier academic workload because of their major subjects that fill up their study
4. Why not the 4th year students?
- Because the 4th year students have already gone through the most of their major
subjects. Moreover, the review 1 & 2 subjects are only a review of the major subjects
that they have already finished in their 3rd year.
5. Why did you choose these three variables and not anything else?
- We chose these three variables because they are the core of what a student needs to
study. We all have to find the best time to study, the most appropriate and effective
study technique or style of studying, and the best place to study where we feel
comfortable and motivated.
6. Why is it the reason for the independent variables?
- The researchers chose age, sex, and latest GPA as the independent variables because
these are all we need to find out the important differences of their study habits. Their
latest GPA will help us find out the results of their individual study habits.]

input is ano need maanswer ng study nyo. While process naman is paano nyo
masasagutan yung study nyo which is basically data gathering process nyo po. Then
output po is ano po yung product ng study nyo

7. Why did you formulate your hypothesis as alternative as to the differences?

- Because we all have different ways to study as we are all unique individuals. It can
be assumed that there is a variance to their profile and their study habits.

- The null hypothesis assumes that there is no relationship or effect between student-
centered instructional strategies and academic performance. By formulating the null
hypothesis, researchers can then gather evidence and conduct statistical analysis to
determine if there is enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis in favor of an
alternative hypothesis.
8. Why did you choose a descriptive approach to gather your data?
- Because the descriptive approach is an appropriate choice when the research aim
is to identify characteristics, frequencies, trends, and categories. 
9. Why did you choose to quasi quantitative and qualitative as your research
- Using a combination of qualitative and quantitative data can improve an evaluation
by ensuring that the limitations of one type of data are balanced by the strengths of

- Quasi-experimental research is a type of research design used in the field of social

sciences to study cause-and-effect relationships between variables.
, researchers select pre-existing groups or naturally occurring conditions and compare
them to assess the effects of an intervention or treatment. Participants are not
randomly assigned but rather assigned based on pre-existing characteristics or
conditions. This lack of randomization makes it more challenging to establish causal
relationships, as there may be pre-existing differences between the groups that could
influence the results.
10. Why did you pick the CBE instructors as your validators for your research
- The CBE professors are in our field of academe and are able to provide us with the
best recommendations for the betterment of our questionnaire.
11. What is the standard of a student that studies well?
- There is no standard as we have different ways of gaining and retaining knowledge
but a student that highly perceives most of our variables is one that knows how to
handle their study habits.
12. Why is it that you do not have a sampling method and used census instead?
- As per advise of Sir Arguelles, our teacher in statistics it would be impractical to use
a sampling method when the population is below 100. To gather the maximum
evidence for the data needed, it is best to utilize the entire population of 3rd year BSA
13. How did you formulate your SOP?
- In line with the objectives and goals of our research study, we identified our focus
and specified them.
14. How is your theory/concept relevant to your study?
- This study is anchored on the framework of Foz, et al (2016) entitled “Study habits
of Academic Performers” which suggests a deep understanding on the same variables
used for the study only difference is the terms used.

-Liu, W. C., Wang, C. K. J., Kee, Y. H., Koh, C., Lim, B. S. C., & Chua, L. (2018).
College students’ motivation and learning strategies profiles and academic
achievement: a self-determination theory approach. Which simplify what will be the
best instructional strategies is it the student centered or teacher
Is your study topic already existing?
- Yes ma’am/sir, it is already existing locally but so far no study in the campus and
same field was conducted. Therefore, the existing study locally which is used for our
conceptual framework will help us develop the research topic in our area.

No, maam that’s why were trying to investigate effect in order to formulate the
possible intervention needed in this study.
15. How will you gather your data?
- The data will be gathered through survey questionnaire that will help us in
formulating the results and discussion as well as provide answers to our Statement of
the problem.
16. What legal basis do you have?
- IT can be gleaned from our RRL the significance of the variables in the formulation
of an effective study habit for students.
17. How will you conduct your study?
- By following the aim of the study to gather data from the respondents, tabulate,
calculate, and interpret the data to reach a result that will answer our SOP and
conclude the research problem.
18. Explain why you need to perform a normality test before performing
- The normality test will be used to determine whether the profile distribution is
normal or not, to indicate whether it should use parametric or non-parametric.

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