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Initiative Charter – Cover Page
Initiative #: CC-INI3

Initiative Name:
Review and optimize the team mix / capabilities at the Cost Control team
Initiative Owner: Assigned Initiative Team Leader:
SVP (Mr. Mustapha El-Hajjar) Cost Control Manager (Mr. Khalid Mohiuddin)
Start Date: End Date:
15th January 2014 20th February 2014
Ensure that the Cost Control organization structure is properly staffed, in terms of number of staff
and their qualifications.

Measure of success: New Cost Control organization implemented by 28th February 2014
Dependencies (where applicable):
1. Staff assessment report.
2. Training requirements for employees whose skills need upgrading to match the expectations
from their positions.
3. Recruitment plan for vacant positions that cannot be filled internally.
4. Reallocation plan for employees whose positions / work locations need to be changed
5. Action plan for employees who do not fit in the new organization.
6. Updated Cost Control organization charts and job descriptions communicated.
Out of scope:
Key Assumptions:
Project organization charts and performance evaluations are readily available (at Operations /
Key Risks:
Other ESEC functions to be involved: Potential vendors (as applicable):
• Operations: organization charts + feedback None
• HR: performance evaluations + recruitment
+ training plan + action plan for staff who do
not fit
Estimated Budget:
A. Description of methodology / key tasks to be followed
B. Detailed schedule
C. Budget spreadsheet
D. Initiative Team organization
E. Communication plan
F. Initiative Acceptance Sheet

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Initiative Owner Date

PMO Date

Board Date

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A. Description of methodology / key tasks to be followed

1. Collect Cost Control approved organization charts for Projects / BUs / Corporate and
identify vacant positions.
2. Establish a list of all Cost Control staff currently in the company.
3. Produce assessment of each Cost Control employee with the action required, i.e.:
a. Fits requirements, keep in current position.
b. Fits requirements, but reallocate to another position / location.
c. Requires development to match requirements of the job.
d. Does not fit, phase out progressively.
e. Does not fit, phase out immediately.
4. Identify vacant positions that cannot be filled internally and establish a recruitment
5. Based on steps 3 and 4 produce an updated organization structure and job
descriptions for the Cost Control function (Corporate / BUs / Projects).
6. Communicate the new Cost Control organization to the Cost Control staff individually
and explain the new job descriptions.
7. Communicate the new Cost Control organization to all concerned stakeholders (group

B. Detailed schedule

[See attached]

C. Budget spreadsheet

Not applicable

D. Initiative Team organization

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Initiative Owner
(Mr. Mustapha El Hajjar)

Initiative Team Leader

Cost Control Manager
(Mr. Khalid Mohiuddin)

Initiative team
Nawab Zada Azam Ali
Mehmood Anwar

E. Communication plan

[see attached]

F. Initiative Acceptance Sheet

[see attached]

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