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The Death Penalty Debate: How to

write an essay on the subject.

The death penalty is a controversial topic that has been debated
for centuries. Some people support it as a form of justice and
deterrence, while others oppose it as a violation of human rights
and morality. Here is a possible essay outline on the death
penalty, based on some of the sources I found:
• Hook: Start with a statistic, a quote, or a question that
captures the reader’s attention and introduces the topic.
• Thesis: State your position on the death penalty and the
main reasons for it.
• Preview: Brie y mention the main points you will discuss in
the body paragraphs.
Body Paragraph 1: Pro-death penalty argument 1
• Topic sentence: State the rst argument in favor of the death
penalty, such as its legality or its deterrent effect.
• Evidence: Provide facts, examples, or quotes from credible
sources that support your argument. Cite your sources using
the appropriate format.
• Analysis: Explain how your evidence supports your
argument and connects to your thesis.
• Transition: Use a word or phrase that links to the next
Body Paragraph 2: Pro-death penalty argument 2
• Topic sentence: State the second argument in favor of the
death penalty, such as its retribution or its closure for victims’
• Evidence: Provide facts, examples, or quotes from credible
sources that support your argument. Cite your sources using
the appropriate format.
• Analysis: Explain how your evidence supports your
argument and connects to your thesis.
• Transition: Use a word or phrase that links to the next
Body Paragraph 3: Con-death penalty argument 1
• Topic sentence: State the rst argument against the death
penalty, such as its cruelty or its violation of human rights.
• Evidence: Provide facts, examples, or quotes from credible
sources that counter or challenge the pro-death penalty
arguments. Cite your sources using the appropriate format.
• Analysis: Explain how your evidence refutes or weakens the
pro-death penalty arguments and connects to your thesis.
• Transition: Use a word or phrase that links to the next
Body Paragraph 4: Con-death penalty argument 2
• Topic sentence: State the second argument against the
death penalty, such as its risk of executing innocent people
or its discrimination against minorities and poor people.
• Evidence: Provide facts, examples, or quotes from credible
sources that counter or challenge the pro-death penalty
arguments. Cite your sources using the appropriate format.
• Analysis: Explain how your evidence refutes or weakens the
pro-death penalty arguments and connects to your thesis.
• Transition: Use a word or phrase that links to the conclusion.
• Restate your thesis in different words and summarize your
main points.
• Provide a call to action, a recommendation, a prediction, or a
question that leaves an impact on the reader.

I hope this outline helps you write your essay on the death
penalty. You can nd more information and sources on this topic
at these links:
1: Top 10 Pro & Con Arguments - Death Penalty - 2: Death Penalty - Pros & Cons - 3: Death Penalty Pros And Cons - Scoopify 4: 16
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Death Penalty and Capital

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