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6/17/22, 4:00 PM Quiz 2 - Finals (Summer 2022): Economic Development

Quiz 2 - Finals (Summer 2022)

No due date
Jun 17 at 2:55pm - Jun 17 at 4pm
about 1 hour
Time Limit
60 Minutes

Dear Students,

This quiz will be taken for 60 minutes for 26 items or a total of 50 points.  Questions will come one at a
time.  After which, your answer will be locked. HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY!

There are 3 types of tests:

1.  Multiple Choice.  Choose the correct answer. 

2.  Fill in the blank where you will type the correct answer. 

3.  Analytical Essay where you have to provide your in-depth analysis of a situation or question given to
you. (15 points)

God bless!


The coverage is more on Political Economy of Development in Asia.  But, there are
some questions that might be from topics on Modules 1 to 5.

Attempt History
Attempt Time Score
LATEST Attempt 1
60 minutes 16 out of 50

* Some questions not yet graded

Correct answers are hidden.

Score for this quiz:

16 out of 50
Submitted Jun 17 at 3:59pm
This attempt took 60 minutes. 1/11
6/17/22, 4:00 PM Quiz 2 - Finals (Summer 2022): Economic Development

Question 1 1
/ 1 pts

A gift you receive for having done something especially well. 





Question 2 1
/ 1 pts

What type of economic system exists when the ruler/government has total
control of the economy?





Question 3 0
/ 1 pts

Laura is an employee of a company that is very keen to win the business

of a large electronics company.  The 'decision maker' for that company is
Derek.  Derek is not yet sure as to which supplier to work with.  Laura and
Derek have several meetings.  Laura then invites Derek to one of the 2/11
6/17/22, 4:00 PM Quiz 2 - Finals (Summer 2022): Economic Development

company's golf days, followed by dinner, and then presents Derek with a
set of expensive golf clubs which he can keep.  Which offense, if any, has
been committed by Laura? 

no offense has been committed by Laura

Failing to prevent bribery

being bribed

bribing another person

Incorrect Question 4 0
/ 1 pts

Biological altruism is when an organism puts itself at risk to help another

organism. What of the following is true about altruistic behavior?  Altruistic

can be explained by kin selection

contradicts the theory of evolution

can be explained by theory of evolution

contradicts the theory of kin selection

Question 5 1
/ 1 pts

A gift that is given to secure dishonest help or favoritism.  Example: Buy

your teacher a pair of shoes in exchange for good grades.

presents 3/11
6/17/22, 4:00 PM Quiz 2 - Finals (Summer 2022): Economic Development

Christmas time



Question 6 1
/ 1 pts

An example of altruism is ____________.

An employee who drives her colleague to work when his car has broken
down, while not expecting money or favor in compensation

Unmindful of others' predicament.

No correct answer.

Being hungry because your lunchbox was stolen.

Question 7 1
/ 1 pts

A woman was brutally stabbed outside her home in New Jersey. 

Although neighbors heard her scream, nobody helped her.  What
phenomenon describes the diffusion of responsibility?

social responsibility norm

Social Exchange theory

Community neglect Theory 4/11
6/17/22, 4:00 PM Quiz 2 - Finals (Summer 2022): Economic Development

Bystander effect

Question 8 0
/ 1 pts

A student in a classroom is exhibiting social loafing by...

performing best if he knows he's faster than his competitors

not raising her hand when the teacher asks a question

helping others without an expectation of a reward

no correct answer

Question 9 1
/ 1 pts

Dams provide a range of economic and environmental benefits, including

recreation, flood control, water supply, and _________.

geothermal power

hydroelectric power

wind energy

solar power

Question 10 1
/ 1 pts 5/11
6/17/22, 4:00 PM Quiz 2 - Finals (Summer 2022): Economic Development

A firefighter rushes inside a burning building to see if anyone is trapped. 

This is an example of ____________.

bystander effect

social responsibility norm

community effect theory

social exchange theory

Question 11 1
/ 1 pts

Helping others is considered...

a recent cultural phenomenon

unrelated biology

a biological instinct that furthers evolution

no correct answer.

Question 12 1
/ 1 pts

What type of economy would a capitalist society/country have in place?

mixed economy

market economy

tiger economy 6/11
6/17/22, 4:00 PM Quiz 2 - Finals (Summer 2022): Economic Development

command economy

Question 13 1
/ 1 pts

Helping your aging neighbor with yard work because she once loaned you
money when you were in serious financial need is a good example of ...

the "good neighbor" policy

reciprocal altruism

equity-based helping

no correct answer.

Question 14 1
/ 1 pts

Altruism is defined as ___________.

helping people you don't know

helping others in exchange for help in the future

no correct answer.

helping others without an expectation of a reward

Question 15 1
/ 1 pts 7/11
6/17/22, 4:00 PM Quiz 2 - Finals (Summer 2022): Economic Development

A quantity of money which is given to an employee for performing well at

their job. 





Unanswered 0
/ 2 pts
Question 16

_____________ has little personal rights and freedoms and heavy

government censorship, while _________. has little government
censorship and more rights and freedoms.

Incorrect 0
/ 2 pts
Question 17

What types of things are East Asian nations focusing on to promote

economic growth? 


Incorrect 0
/ 2 pts
Question 18 8/11
6/17/22, 4:00 PM Quiz 2 - Finals (Summer 2022): Economic Development

Why do countries impose tariffs?

To produce revenue on goods or services brought into the country.

Question 19 2
/ 2 pts

Which Asian country is a parliamentary democracy, with an emperor who

is mainly a ceremonial figurehead, and real political power vested in the
prime minister?


Incorrect 0
/ 2 pts
Question 20

It is an important feature of the international system.


Incorrect 0
/ 2 pts
Question 21

India's economy is one of the largest in the world with a mix of


6/17/22, 4:00 PM Quiz 2 - Finals (Summer 2022): Economic Development

Question 22 2
/ 2 pts

Which nation's economy could best be described as a command

economy, where the government determines guidelines for economic
development and sets goals for economic production?


Incorrect 0
/ 2 pts
Question 23

What effect does a rising literacy rate have on South Asia?


Incorrect 0
/ 2 pts
Question 24

When second world war ended who defeat Asia?


Incorrect 0
/ 2 pts
Question 25

What have nations in Eastern Asia with high literacy rates done to
improve there economies? 10/11
6/17/22, 4:00 PM Quiz 2 - Finals (Summer 2022): Economic Development

As of 2019, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Hong Kong are the four East

Question 26 Not yet graded

/ 15 pts

Answer the question in at least 300 words.

What are the different ways to combat corruption?  Explain each way

Your Answer:

The battle for corruption is a never ending problem that almost every
country encounter. Philippines is considered as most corrupt country,
because of the people who rule or have position in government. To lessen
corruption in the Philippines or to other country also, they should
implement severe penalties on the offender. Moreover, government
should have a system where they can be transparent with their records to
make sure that those record are accurate. A country can also provide
benefits or rewards to politicians who have a clear records on attempting
of being corrupt person or they can promote them also. Further, to lessen
corruption it should also start to its people, they should have good ethics
to know what is right and wrong. People should have a great foundation
on learning to be honest and having a good morals. A country should
have a anti-corrupt agency, where there is a designated department that
can monitor the every action of politician and to avoid suspicion.  A
country should have a higher quality judges which the government can
rely on. 

Quiz Score:
16 out of 50 11/11

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