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Journal of Structural Engineering Vol.

57A (March 2011) JSCE

Evaluation of shear failure of strain hardening cementitious composite beams

Y.X. ZHANG*, N. UEDA**, Y. UMEDA***, H. NAKAMURA**** and M. KUNIEDA*****

* M. of Eng., Doctor Candidate, Dept. of Civil Eng., Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, 464-8603
** M. of Eng., Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Eng., Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, 464-8603
** *B. of Eng., Master Candidate, Dept. of Civil Eng., Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, 464-8603
**** Dr. of Eng., Professor, Dept. of Civil Eng., Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, 464-8603
* ****Dr. of Eng., Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Eng., Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, 464-8603

The mechanical behavior and fracture mechanisms of SHCC member failed in diagonal
shear were evaluated both experimentally and analytically. Ultra High Performance Strain
Hardening Cementitious Composite (UHP-SHCC), which is one of SHCC, was applied as
structural material. In the analysis, shear transfer model for SHCC was proposed based on its
characteristics of cracking, that is, multiple fine cracking were considered during strain
hardening region and localization in one crack during strain softening region. As a result, it
was confirmed that the proposed model was suitable for the mechanisms of shear transfer of
SHCC and it is reasonable to predict the behavior of SHCC beam failed in diagonal shear.
Keywords: SHCC, UHP-SHCC, shear transfer model, multiple fine cracks, localization

1. INTRODUCTION investigated in which Ultra High Performance Strain Hardening

Cementitious Composite (UHP-SHCC) was applied.
Fiber reinforced cementitious composites with higher In order to evaluate the shear failure mechanism of SHCC
ductility, such as strain hardening cementitious composites beams, numerical analysis is also required. Up to now, analytical
(SHCC), are attractive materials used for repairing and approaches for evaluation of the shear behavior of cementitious
strengthening. Several investigations on the advantages of composite beam have been conducted by some researchers5,6,7).
structures repaired by SHCC have been carried out. Lim and Li In their research, shear transfer models were proposed based on
found the mechanical advantages of an interface crack trapping the experimental observation. For example, Suryanto et. al.
mechanism within SHCC/RC composites1). Horii et al. and Li et analyzed the ECC member by adopting their proposed model,
al. applied SHCC to the repair or strengthening of concrete in which mechanical behavior of ECC for not only shear
structures and confirmed the effect of ductility of the repair transfer behavior but also uniaxial tensile and compressive
materials on the structural performance2,3). behavior. In their model, since the effect of multiple cracking
Recently, SHCC has been tried to use as the structural and bridging of fiber were considered as averaged behavior, the
members. Committee of Japan Society of Civil Engineers has localized behavior of SHCC which is quite different from
published a guideline for usage of HPFRCC which is one of normal concrete was not considered. In this study, shear transfer
SHCC4). However, the mechanical behavior and the structural model for SHCC was proposed based on the geometrical
performance of SHCC member have not been clarified in detail, features and mechanisms of cracking. In the model, the feature
because the fracture mechanisms of SHCC are different from of crack surface was modeled directly. And cracking process
concrete. Especially, crack propagation behavior of SHCC is under tension such as multiple cracking in pre-peak region and
completely different from concrete. It is characterized as localization into one crack in post-peak region was considered.
localization after saturating of multiple fine cracks. By using the proposed model in Finite Element Analysis, the
In this study, in order to clarify the fracture mechanisms of mechanical behavior of SHCC beam failed in diagonal shear
SHCC member failed in diagonal shear, SHCC beams were was simulated qualitatively. Moreover, the influences of the
tested and crack propagation and cracking pattern were

(a) Specimen a for a/d=2 (b) Specimen b for
Fig.1 Details and setup for specimens (unit: mm)
ave. property
6 Vf=1.5%

0 0.010.02 0.03 0.04

(a) Stress-strain curves from uniaxial tension (b) Crack pattern
Fig.2 Results obtained from uniaxial tensile tests
200 150

Load (kN)

Load (kN)



a/d=2 a/d=3
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
Displacement (mm) Displacement (mm)
(a) Specimen with a/d=2 (b) Specimen with a/d=3
Fig.3 Load-disp. curves obtained from shear failure test

proposed shear transfer model on structural behavior of SHCC Stirrup in the anchor area didn¶t have effect on the structural
beam were discussed. behavior in the preliminary test. Therefore, the longitudinal rebar
was arranged just with the development length of 150mm, and
2. EXPERIMENT OF SHCC BEAMS FAILED IN without any other anchor conditions in the test of these
DIAGONAL SHEAR CRACK specimens. Beams were loaded under three-point bending setup.
In the experiment, load and displacement at center of the span
2.1 Outline of Specimen were measured.
Fig.1 shows the sketch of the specimens used for the
experiment of SHCC beams failed in diagonal shear. The 2.2 Feature of Material Used (UHP-SHCC)
effective depth of both member are 150mm and the shear spans Ultra High Performance Strain Hardening Cementitious
lengths are 300mm and 450mm, that is a/d=2 and 3 for Composite, that is UHP-SHCC developed by Kunieda et al. 8,9,10),
specimen a and b respectively. One high tensile strength was used for the beam specimen. UHP-SHCC has significantly
deformed bar with diameter of 25mm (<RXQJ¶V PRGXOXV is higher tensile strain hardening behavior at peak strength as well
200GPa and yield strength is 1050MPa) was arranged as as excellent protective performance. In this study, UHP-SHCC
longitudinal bar and no stirrup was arranged in each beam. with fiber contents of 1.5% was used for both specimens. The

compresVLYH VWUHQJWK DQG <RXQJ¶V PRGXOXV RI 8+3-SHCC where, ǔB , džB are stress and strain at point B, džC is strain at
were 91MPa and 29GPa. Fig.2(a) shows the stress-strain point C. Lelm is element size (mm) and GF is the absorbed energy
relationship obtained from uniaxial tensile tests of dumbbell after peak in uniaxial tensile test (N/mm). By using the
specimens, and the strains were obtained from the elongation stress-strain relationship with element size dependency in
rate in measurement length of 100 mm. Fig.2(b) shows the softening area considering the absorbed energy, a unique
crack pattern of one specimen after test. As shown in Fig.2(a), load-displacement relationship can be obtained independent on
all specimen exhibit significant strain hardening behavior, element size. In the analysis, averaged stress-strain relationships,
however, scattering results are observed. The strain hardening
behavior arises from propagation of multiple fine cracks, and the
uniaxial tensile test specimens failed due to one of the multiple
fine cracks localized.
2.3 Experimental Result (a) Crack pattern of specimen a with
Fig.3 shows the load-displacement relationship of specimen
a and b obtained from shear failure test. Both beams were failed
in shear failure as expected.
Fig.4 shows the crack pattern of both specimens after the (b) Crack pattern of specimen b with
test. For both cases, flexural multiple fine cracks occurred firstly Fig.4 Crack distribution of specimens at the end
at low load level, and then multiple fine cracks occurred in the
middle of shear span with the increasing of load. After that,
multiple fine cracks in shear direction propagated dominantly.
Finally, load dropped suddenly due to the localization of one
of the multiple fine cracks. Collapse of the material near loading
plate was also observed in each specimen. Longitudinal rebar
bonded well with UHP-SHCC until peak load, cracks
propagated along the rebar just in the final stage of post-peak
This behavior is quite different from RC beam and is
affected by the strain hardening behavior including multiple
cracking and localization of UHP-SHCC.


Fig.5 Diagram of Lattice Equivalent Continuum
3.1 Constitutive Model of the Material ı
(1) Introduction of LECOM
B İ B ,ı B small
Finite element analyses were performed in order to evaluate ĸ element
the mechanical behavior of SHCC beams. Constitutive model size
used in the analysis is Lattice Equivalent Continuum Model
A İ A ,ı A
(LECOM) developed in Nagoya University, which is one of the Ĺ
fixed smeared crack models and consists of combination of ķ
tension, compression and shear lattices, as shown in Fig.5, and C İ C ,0 H
uniaxial stress-strain relationships are adopted in each lattice 9). Fig.6 Outline of uniaxial tension model
(2) Modeling of strain hardening behavior under tension
The stress-strain relationship of UHP-SHCC under tension
used in the analysis is modeled by tri-linear curve as shown in
Fig.6. In the model, Point A and B are defined by the results of
uniaxial tensile tests such as in Fig.2. The strain of point C is
represented by Eq.(1) considering the absorbed energy in
localized element.
H C =H B + (1)
V B ˜ Lelm
Fig.7 Uniaxial compression

S(wc) S(wc)
S(wm) wc Gmax


wm ws wc
(a) Assumed cracked
(b) Relation of contact area and crack width
Fig.8 Shear stress transfer behavior (Gmax: asperity height)
Case1 and 2 wc
wc Proposed wc
V H Model

Fig.9 Relationship between crack width and strain
as shown in Fig.2(a), obtained from uniaxial tensile test was PRGHODUHWKHDQJOH ș DQGWKHDVSHULW\KHLJKW8VXDOO\KDOIRI
assumed. maximum coarse aggregate size is assumed as asperity height
In the model, İA and ıA were 0.000143 and 4.15N/mm2, İB for normal FRQFUHWHDQGWKHFRPPRQYDOXHVRIșDQGDVSHULW\
and ıB were 0.0160 and 5.80N/mm , GF was1.90 N/mm, which height for normal concrete are 50° and 10mm respectively.
were obtained from Fig.2(a). The effect of tensile stress strain +RZHYHUWKHVXJJHVWHGYDOXHRIșIRUKLJKVWUHQJWKFRQFUHWHLV
relationship on the structural behavior is discussed in section 4.2. 35° considering the smooth crack surface12). In the analysis, the
YDOXHRIșIRU8+P-SHCC is assumed as same value of high
(3) Modeling of compressive behavior strength concrete, 35°, since crack surface was similar with one
The stress-strain relationship of UHP-SHCC under of high strength concrete. The asperity height of UHP-SHCC
compression used in the analysis can be modeled by does not depend on coarse aggregate size (no coarse aggregate
compression softening model. In the model, Saenz equation is used in UHP-SHCC, only quartz sand with 0.5mm), and 5mm
used up to the compressive strength and a linear softening was assumed in this analysis. The effect of asperity height is
branch is assumed as shown in Fig.7. The slope of linear discussed in section 4.1.
softening branch is defined by considering the compression Moreover, as an increase of crack width makes contact area
fracture energy (GFC) in order to avoid element size dependency of crack decrease, additional coefficient representing the contact
as well as tensile behavior. rate related with crack width is also taken into account, as shown
(4) Modeling of bond and reinforcement in Fig.8(b). Fig.8(b) shows the contact rate decreases with the
UHP-SHCC material has high bond effect with increasing of crack width, where, S(w) and wc represent contact
reinforcements due to silica fume in UHP-SHCC. Therefore, the rate and crack width respectively. In Fig.8(b), wm is the crack
longitudinal reinforcements can be modeled by truss elements width for one of multiple fine cracks of fiber cementitious
without bond behavior in linkage elements between composites, ws is that for single crack of normal concrete. This
UHP-SHCC elements and reinforcement elements, that is figure shows that the contact rate of SHCC, S(wm), is larger than
means perfect bond was assumed. The material property of that of normal concrete, S(ws), due to multiple fine cracks. Crack
reinforcement is assumed as linear elastic. width of UHP-SHCC cannot be obtained directly in the analysis
(5) Shear transfer model because occurrence of multiple fine cracks in each element is
In LECOM, shear transfer model is constructed by assumed. In this study, considering the crack spacing observed
considering the mechanism of shear stress transfer11), such as, in the experiment, the changing of crack width with strain is
shear deformation and aggregate interlocking action on the determined as Eq.(2) although multiple fine cracks do not occur
crack surface, as shown in Fig.8(a). In the model, crack surface at the same moment. In the Eq.(2), the crack width in the range
is modeled as a simple geometry with series of triangle and RIİAİİB, is defined by the width of one crack of multiple
contact stress perpendicular to the incline surface is considered. FUDFNV DQG LQ WKH UDQJH RI İ ! İB, the crack width is for a
Parameters which express the shape of crack surface in the localized crack developed from one of multiple cracks, which

Steel plate Steel plate
25mm*8 25mm*8

30mm*30 30mm*40
(a) Numerical model of specimen a (b) Numerical model of specimen b
Fig.10 Numerical model

Table 1 Analytical cases

lj(°) Asperity height(mm)
proposed model 35 5
1 50 10
2 35 5
3 35 5

250 200
test test
2 proposed model proposed model
200 case 1 case 1
150 case 2
case 2 2
case 3 case 3
Load (kN)

1 Load (kN)
3 100
100 1

0 3 6 9 12 0 3 6 9 12
Displacement (mm) Displacement (mm)
(a) Specimen a (b) Specimen b
Fig.11 Analytical results of load-displacement relationship
characterized the proposed model, as shown in Fig.9. cracks with crack space of 3mm in element in strain hardening
­ 0 H  HA and tension softening.
° (2)
wc = ® H  H A lc HA d H d HB
° H  H l + H  H L 3.3 Shear Behavior Analysis of UHP-SHCC Beams
¯ B A c B elem H ! HB
Fig.11 shows the comparison of load-displacement curves
Where, wc is crack width, İ is strain, lc is the crack spacing. for each specimen. Black lines show the results of the proposed
In this study, lc is assumed as 3 mm based on the crack pattern model and red, blue and green lines show the results of case 1, 2
obtained by uniaxial tensile test given in Fig.2(b). and 3, respectively. For case1, although crack surface was
3.2 Analytical Model assumed as normal concrete one which is much rougher than
UHP-SHCC beams of shear failure as shown in Fig.1 are UHP-SHCC one, load carrying capacity was underestimated
simulated. Fig.10 shows the numerical model, the mesh size of because the contact surface on the cracks decreased rapidly due
the model was 30mm in longitudinal direction, and 25mm in to a consideration of localized single crack in each element. For
vertical direction. case2, the load carrying capacity was smaller than proposed
Additional to the proposed shear transfer model, other shear model, because multiple fine cracks considered in strain
transfer models as shown in Table 1 were used in the analyses in hardening phase of proposed model, while localized single crack
order to evaluate the effect of the shear transfer model. For considered in case 2. The smaller crack width due to multiple
Case1, crack surface is assumed as normal concrete. For Case 2 fine cracks can transfer higher shear stress than the case of
and 3, crack surface is assumed as UHP-SHCC but changing of localized single crack. For case3 and proposed model, the
crack width with strain was different, as shown in Fig.9. behaviors are almost the same until peak load. In post peak
Proposed model has some numbers of multiple fine cracks with region, softening blanch of proposed model was steeper than
crack space of 3mm in element during strain hardening, and one case3 in both cases. It means that the load carrying capacity
of them localizes in tension softening, expressed as Eq.(2). Case depends on the shear transfer behavior and localization in tensile
1 and 2 both have only one crack in strain hardening and tension behavior also has much effect on the mechanical behavior of the
softening in element. Case 3 has some numbers of multiple fine beam. An agreement of load carrying capacity can be seen

(a) Specimen a (Point 1) (a) Specimen b (Point 1)

(b) Specimen a (Point 2) (b) Specimen b (Point 2)

(c) Specimen a (Point 3) (c) Specimen b (Point 3)

Fig.12 Localized crack distribution pattern of specimen a Fig.13 Localized crack distribution pattern of specimen b
250 200
test test
asperity height: 0.25mm asperity height: 0.25mm
200 asperity height: 5mm asperity height: 5mm
asperity height: 25mm asperity height: 25mm
Load (kN)

Load (kN)


0 3 6 9 12 0 3 6 9 12
Displacement (mm) Displacement (mm)
(a) Specimen a (b) Specimen b
Fig.14 Analytical results of load-displacement relationship

between the results of experiment and proposed model in both proposed model, that is, 0.25 mm (half of quart size), 5
cases. mm( proposed model) and 25 mm. Fig.14 shows the analytical
Fig.12 and 13 show the crack pattern at pre-peak, peak, and results of load-displacement curves of the proposed model with
post-peak regions (point 1, 2 and 3 in Fig.11) obtained in the different asperity height for each specimen, and compared with
analysis for specimen a and b. Red line shows the cracking the test ones. Green, blue and red lines show the results for
element in which strain value is less than džB (multiple fine asperity height of 0.25mm, 5mm and 25mm, respectively. In pre
cracks), and blue line shows localized crack which the strain peak region, the difference of load-displacement curve was very
value is larger than džB. It can be clearly seen that the multiple small, because multiple fine cracks occur in this region, and
fine cracks occurred in post-peak region. And both of the crack seldom cracks localized. That is, the effect of asperity height is
patterns are similar to the experiment as shown in Fig.4. not significant for the smaller crack width. Since the crack width
It is confirmed that the proposed model is reasonable to of one of the multiple fine cracks beginning to localize is about
simulate the behavior of SHCC beams failed in diagonal shear. 0.048mm which is much smaller than the asperity height of 0.25
mm, 5 mm and 25 mm, the asperity height GRHVQ¶W have much
4. DISCUSSION ON PARAMETER SENSITIVITY FOR effect on the peak load although localization occurred in some
THE PROPOSED MODEL IN ANALYSYS ON elements. In post peak region, the softening branches were
STRUCTURAL BEHAVIOR different due to the localization of multiple cracks. However, the
difference was not so large and it is confirmed that the asperity
4.1 Effect of Asperity Height on Crack Surface height does not have much effect on structural behavior
In previous chapter, asperity height of shear transfer model constructed by UHP-SHCC.
for SHCC was proposed as 5mm. In this section, the effect of
asperity height on the structural behavior is discussed. 4.2 Effect of the Scattering of the Tensile Performances
Three types of asperity height were assumed including the The mechanical property of SHCC is usually estimated by

uniaxial tensile test using dumbbell shape specimen. However, strain decrease, localization occurs earlier. It is clarified that
as shown in Fig.15, the scattering of the tensile performances, maximum tensile stress and its ductility of the material have
such as crack elongation and crack distribution, are sometimes much effect on the structural behavior. Many researchers
appeared because of the heterogeneity of the material. In this indicate that the material response of SHCC in the structure
section, the effect of the tensile performances on the structural might be weaker than that of uniaxial tensile test using dumbbell
behavior is discussed. specimen due to the size effect10,13). Therefore, in order to secure
For the stress-strain relationship in tension, three patterns of the safety of the SHCC structure, it is necessary to use the
hardening strain model, the averaged model , upper bound material having the property of stable and less scattering.
(maximum) and lower bound (minimum), are applied for each
specimen. The values of point A, B, C in tri-linear model of 4.3 Effect of autogenous shrinkage of UHP-SHCC
Fig.6 for each case are summarized in Table2. As UHP-SHCC is a rich cementitious material with 22%
Fig.16 shows the analytical results of load-displacement water-bind ratio, there are some possibilities for autogeneous
curves with different uniaxial tensile behavior for each specimen, shrinkage. Therefore, the influence of autogenous shrinkage to
and compared with the test ones. Green, blue and red lines show shear behavior of UHP-SHCC beams should be evaluated. In
the results for uniaxial tensile behavior of minimum, average this section, autogenous shrinkage was introduced as an initial
and maximum properties. For both specimens, load carrying strain in all elements before load applied.
capacities were different depending on the tensile model. Fig.17 shows the analytical results of load-displacement
Because when the maximum tensile stress and its corresponding curves of the proposed model with different autogenous
min. property Table2
2 Stress and strain values in tri-linear model
6 ave. property
max. property Uniaxial Point A Point B Point C

tension ǔ dž ǔ dž 0 dž
minimum 4.60 0.000160 5.33 0.00850 0 0.0150
average 4.60 0.000160 5.80 0.0160 0 0.0325
maximum 4.60 0.000160 6.65 0.0230 0 0.0410
Note: the units of stress is N/mm2
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
Fig.15 Stress-strain curves from uniaxial
250 uniaxial tension : minimum
uniaxial tension : minimum
uniaxial tension : average uniaxial tension : average
200 uniaxial tension : maximum 150 uniaxial tension : maximum
Load (kN)
Load (kN)


0 3 6 9 12
0 3 6 9 12
Displacement (mm)
Displacement (mm)
(a) Specimen (b) Specimen
Fig.16 Analytical results of load-displacement
shrinkage strain: 0 Ǵ 200
shrinkage strain: 500 Ǵ test
200 shrinkage strain: 1000 Ǵ shrinkage strain: 0 Ǵ
test 150 shrinkage strain: 500 Ǵ
shrinkage strain: 1000 Ǵ
Load (kN)

Load (kN)


50 50

0 3 6 9 12
0 3 6 9 12
Displacement (mm)
Displacement (mm)
(a) Specimen (b) Specimen
Fig.17 Analytical results of load-displacement

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