Pure Love

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PURE LOVE "I will follow sister sofia"- me

"okay young lady hell I'm going"- sister sofia

Hi! My name is Hailey Ellena Lea Lorrienne
Oxford Montefalco, people I'm not close to like my "okay"- me
fans call me HELL, my friends, my family and my I closed the book, first I got dressed in my oversize
relatives call me lea, there's only one person who t-shirt and shorts 2 inches above my knees. After I
always call me rie -rie he is my best friend, I'm 19 got dressed, I went to the dining area, where my
years old and also in 2nd year college here at grandparents were waiting.
Stanford University and BSBA degree, and I'm
here in the US with my Grandfather and "Hi grandfather/grandmother?"- me
Grandmother, they brought me here at US because "Hello darling/sweetheart" - grandfather and
of my problem back then, before I forget I'm a grandmother said
model here in the US, I'm really beautiful they say
I'm perfect. "How was your day?"- me

I'm here in my room, we don't have class because "We're okay with your grandpa"- said my
today is Saturday. I was just reading books, then grandmother while smiling at me.
someone knocking my door. "let's eat"- grandpa
knock-knock-knock "okay" me
"Young lady hell you are going to eat your "Lena? me and your grandfather will tell you
grandfather said"- maid something" - grandmother
"What's that grandma?"- me while I was just other one would be bad, when I go home they will
looking at the food. hide from me, arrgghhhh. I have five (5) older
brothers, Hiro, Harold and Henry are triplets, all
Grandpa and grandma call me Lena by my second
three of them are 21 years old and I have twins,
name Ellena, they even said back then that they
Owen and Oliver, they are 20 years old, they are
should be the only one to call me that and yeah
my big brothers.
they're the only one I really don't want anyone else
to call me that but only them. "I'm going home grandma. Are you going to come
with me when I go home?"- me
I looked at grandma and grandpa while still having
food in my mouth. "No Lena because we have something to do when
your grandmother is here with our company
"Lena, your father called me and said it's okay for
because there is a small problem here"- grandpa
you to go home to the Philippines because your
older brothers came home with bruises and "I'll take care of that, grandpa"- me
sometimes they don't come home and sometimes "don't, let us take care of that, just put your clothes
they bring female gold diggers to your house, and upstairs after you eat" grandma
then they can order to your nannies, they think they
are the owners of the house, poor your helpers "Are you sure?"- me
there."- grandma, when grandma said that I got "Yes Lena"-grandmother
angry, because what right do those women have in
our house, they are only women after all when my "Okay, be careful here"- me
older brothers, then my stupid older brothers, the "When I came back, the gnats were gone. And
gold digger would just bring a girl and then the grandma, don't tell them that I'm going home, I'm
going to surprise the villagers"- me while the spoon [it’s okay, I'll take care of it in your company]-
I was holding was bent because I was angry. sister Bea
After I ate, I said goodbye to them that I was going [okay, you'll follow me there huh after your work,
to my room. And now that I'm here, I go to my because your crush is the one you should clarify
closet and get my clothes. After an hour I finished there HAHA]-me, and yeah sister Bea has a crush
packing my clothes and things here, I sat on my on one of my brothers, Brother Noah (Oliver).
bed and took out my cellphone because I was [HAHA it's really me, your brother Noah is trying
going to call my secretary at my company. to make sense HAHA]-sister Bea
Ring-ring-ring-ring [alright sister Bea bye I'll end my call]-me
On the phone [okay bye, be careful lea]-ate Bea
[This is secretary Beatrice of H.O.M Company. [you too sister bye]-me
What can I do for you Young Lady hell?]- my
secretary End Call
[Sister Bea just Call me lea dba because we are After sister Bea and I called her, I opened my
friends and you look like as my older sister]"- me messenger because I was chatting with my friends
in the Philippines.
[HAHAHA yes Lea, so why you call?]- sister Bea
On Messenger
[Sister, I'm going home tomorrow to the
Philippines because my brothers did something [Hi! Guys?]-me
stupid there]- me
[OMG! Lea we miss you so much!!]- San-San, one [HAHA yes San-San, my 4am flight should be
of my friends is Sandra Gomez, she is 20 years old there huh?]- me
same degree of mine, Beautiful, smart and naughty [HAHA yes of course you should sleep now
in our group. because your flight is early tomorrow then we will
[Lea how are you?]- Fely, she is Alexandra Fely also go to the airport early to pick you up there,
Collins, we are also in the same year and degree bye Lea good night see you tomorrow]- Aly
and she is 20 years old, she also has an older [okay good night to you three]- me
brother but I don't know her.
I turned off my phone, and I went to the bathroom
[I'm okay Fely, how are you?]- me and did my routine. After hours I went to bed and
[we miss you Lea, when are you coming home here sleep.
in the Philippines?]- Aly, she is Alyssa Grace
Dalton, quiet sometimes we are actually the same.
And she is 21 years old. Morning at 2am, I woke up and did my morning
routine, after that I put away my things and prepare
[Tomorrow, will you pick me up at my airport if my things. Then someone knocked on my door.
you're not busy tomorrow and if that's okay with all
of you?]-me Knock-knock-knock
[Are you really going to come home here in the [yes?]- me
Philippines!? My god I'm so excited to see you [young lady hell, when your grandfather said,
HAHA. What time is your flight tomorrow?]- San- you’re going down because you might be late for
San your flight to the Philippines]- maid
[I will follow]- me, I went out and caught up with After we said goodbye to each other, I was already
sister Bianca, one of our assistants here. inside the plane, and sleep. After hours I'm finally
here in the Philippines, it's already 7am in the
[sister help me with my things please?]-me
morning, and I went out of the airport and I saw
[alright young lady]- sister Bianca my three friends. We hug each other and we
We entered the room and took all my things, then decided to eat first because we are hungry, and we
we went downstairs because grandpa and grandma are already here at Jollibee, Alex and Aly have
were waiting for me downstairs, because they were already ordered, San-San and I are looking to sit
going to accompany me to the airport. here on the 2nd floor of Jollibee. After a few
minutes, our order was here, and we ate.
After a few minutes I’m here at dining.
Fast Forward
[let’s go Lena?]-grandmother, while holding my
hand I was here at our house when my friends actually
it's a mansion we built for the three of us to be
[let’s go, good morning to both of you, grandfather together and there are also many rooms here, in
and grandmother]- me, and I kissed them both. case there are guests coming here, I'm her in my
After a while we are here at the airport. room I'll sleep here first because I'm so tired on my
[grandpa and grandma be careful here huh, I will
miss both of you, please visit me there or I will After a minute I woke up because someone called
visit you here if I have nothing to do]-me while me.
kissing them both. On Phone
Mommy Calling….. anything to do HEHE actually I'm already here in
the Philippines, don't tell them brother huh, I'll stay
[hello mom?]-me
here and at my school I will study
[hello sweetie, when are you coming home to the
[okay sweetie I won't tell them, take care of
yourself always honey I love you too and I miss
[why mom?]-me you too]-mom
[I just miss you honey]-mom End Call
[how are you mommy? Did you come home?]-me After mommy and I called, I went downstairs. I
[yes honey]-mom caught up with the two who were fixing the dining
[where’s my older brother?]-me
[your brothers said there at their friend's house]-
mom "Hi guys?"- me

[okay mom]-me "Oh! hello! come on let's eat"- San-San

Knock-knock-knock The three of us sat down, we have helpers here in

the mansion and we don't have many helpers here
Lea will eat it- Alex because there are others in our own houses.
“Okay, I'll follow”- me "Guys, where are you studying now? Because I
[mom I'm going to eat first, bye I love you and I want to transfer there too HEHE "- me
missed you, I'll just visit you mom if I don't have "HAHA H.O University"- Aly
"Is that so, what does H.O mean?"-me because I was the one drove to the mall, their faces
were epic. So back to the story. We here at Mall,
"We didn't know, we were wondering, the
Alex is driving to the mall. We entered and as soon
headmaster said that the owner of the school hasn't
as we entered, the people there looked at us,
come home yet"- Alex
"They are beautiful"-girl1
"So, come with me right now, I'm just going to buy
things for school, I don't know how to do it"-me "My god best I wish I was as beautiful as them"-
"it's okay, join us, we'll take a bath upstairs first"-
Alex There are many more conversations like that, but
there are also people who don't speak well, the
They went upstairs, after we ate here. I helped our
clowns HAHA They're beautiful but they hide it
assistant put it away, after that I went upstairs to
with makeup. We didn't pay attention anymore and
take a shower. After an hour I finished and went
continued with what we were going to do, we went
downstairs, I saw them in the living room waiting
to the school supplies.
for me, when I arrived the three of them scolded
me because they said I was slow. We didn't realize that it was getting late and now
we agreed to go home, while we were on our way
Home we saw a restaurant, and it was my
We're here in my car, they say we'll only use one restaurant but they didn't know HAHA they didn't
car, and it’s my car, I want to drive but they don’t even know that I was the top 1 richest person in the
allow me because they say it's boring, and they world who knew they only know that I am a model
don't want me to drive because they still love their and also have a business even in my family they
lives? What's the connection? HAHA last time don't know either. We entered the restaurant and all
the employees here know me except for the new On Phone
employees here, like now. Jake calling...
"What's your order?"- said the waitress and she [oh! hi? Young lady, what do you need and have
looked at us, and she was a woman with thick been summoned? Is there a problem?]- Jake is the
make-up and I didn't know if she was working here manager here at Zi-ley restaurant.
at the restaurant or at the bar?
[oh! Yes, it's a big problem. Where are you now?]-
"Excuse me miss? Can you call your manager me, I looked at the waitress I was talking to earlier
here?"-me and she also looked at me and scolded me.
"Our manager is not here"-waitress, she is even [I'm just here at Zi-ley restaurant young lady,
sarcastic why?]- jake
"What's your name then?" - me [really! Because your EMPLOYEE told me that
"Who are you? You're just a customer here, and you are not here at the restaurant eh]-me
what right do you have to know my name?"- [WHAT!? Okay I'm on my way there]-jake
waitress, the attitude is the same, huh, she even
raised me with her fake eyebrows, tsk, you think I looked at the girl in front of me now and her face
she's beautiful, but she's ugly, tsk. was epic when she heard Jake and I call her like
she's going to poop right now HAHA I really want
"'fine, don't answer my question to you. Just wait to laugh right now. I looked at my partner and
here and I'll call someone"-me, I gave him a fake stopped calling now HAHA. After a minute I saw
smile like his fake eyebrows. Jake and I waved to him, and called him.
"Love!"-me, I smiled at Jake, I call him love that is said Alex, the woman said nothing that we're
our call sign he is Jake Fernando our boy best b***h, w***e and attention seekers HAHA, you're
friend. also g*g* Alex eh HAHA, and jake was blown
away nah he's really angry, because he doesn't like
"Hi love! how are you huh? And who is the
people say that on us.
employee who says I'm not here?"-jake
"That girl, babe, even scolded us! When she talk to
Lea, she has attitude, babe"- said Aly while
pointing at the girl, we looked at the girl and she
got nervous because Jake was looking at her badly.
We girls are holding back our laughter because of
her face.
"You know, lea just asked her what his name was, AND NOW YOU'RE DOING THAT TO MY
and his only answer was "who are you? You're just FRIENDS? REMOVE THAT AND DON'T EVER
a customer here, and what right do you have to COME BACK HERE, YOU GO AT THE BAR TO
know my name?" that's his answer, hon"- said San- WORK!?”- Jake yelled at the woman and we just
San, and she actually imitated the woman's voice. listened.
And Jake looks like he's going to explode in anger.
"Sir please, I'm sorry, I really don’t do that again,
"Baby he also said that we are attention seekers sir please" - sister girl begged Jake while kneeling
and then b***h, w***e he tells us a lot more baby, in front of Jake.
where did you get that from? We don't have a
birthday party here and it's not a bar either, tsk"-
"Ma'am, I'm sorry, I won't do it again, I promise, I "Love? Can you call Andy Barreto for me?"- me
really need to go to work to treat my mom, please" "Okay love wait"- jake said while going to a girl
- sister girl, she was crying while were she saying who seemed modest and I acted innocently tsk two
that, while I was listening earlier, Alex handed me face b***h they were both here in front of us and
a cellphone and I looked at it, it's just information Andy girl smiled at us innocently as if she did
about this girl, and she is Bella Flores 21yrs old, nothing wrong.
she didn't finish school because she was short of
money and her mom got sick, she also has siblings "she's here love"-jake
who are studying in high school , and she is the one "Oh! Hi?"- me while smiling Fake
who educates the two and takes care of his mother,
she is really kind, she only did that because she "Hello po HEHE"- Andy and I smiled innocently
needed money and only ordered him when she was "Andy girl? Can you? Don't you be so innocent?
at work to win it and when he did that, she a prize To be honest, we are allergic to the women like
5,000.00. It turns out that the one who ordered her that, you know we all know that! Don't do that to
is also a woman and hates her because of her us, okay?” Alex said, Andy looked scared and was
beauty and she is close to Jake, to the workers here about to cry. tea
and she is Andy Barreto, and she is jealous because
"Love she must be the only one to be kicked out of
her boyfriend is cold towards her and break up
this restaurant"- me
with her. She thought it was because of Bella that
her boyfriend broke up with her. Back to story. "AND WHY ME HUH? I DIDN'T DO
ANYTHING TO YOU HUH?"- said Andy, and she
"Love, wait?"-me
yelled at us, and she looked at us badly. Jake saw
"What it is love"- jake said to me softly.
that and he didn't want anyone else yelling at us, he glancing at Bella. It turns out that I wasn't the only
should be the only one yelling at us HAHA. When one who noticed that he liked Bella. Hahaha
Andy realized what she did, he shut his mouth and "Bella? Can I call you Ella?"- me
apologized to us. But jake didn't miss that so he
expelled Andy. After that, I gave Bella a business "it's okay"- she smiled at me, like her real smile,
card, because I wanted her to work in my office, her thick make-up is gone because she removed it.
and she accepted and will go tomorrow. "You can call me lea"-me
"Hey! I'm hungry tsk!”- San-San "Alex" - Alex said
"HAHA wait hon, Jayson!"-jake calling a man's "San-San"- San-San said
name, and someone also approached us here, a man
who is white, good looking, he is also tall and for "Aly" - Aly said
sure Andy's Ex boyfriend. "You can call me whatever you want" - Jake, I'd
"Yes sir?" - Jayson (waitress) whisper Ella.

"Girls, what's your order?"-jake "I call you Hubby"- Ella (Bella) said, jake was
blushing because of the thrill HAHA we stopped
We already said the order and after a minute it being happy because of jake's face.
arrived. We actually ate because we were hungry
and jake came with us, and I made Bella go with us “I-I-it's f-f-for me"- jake said and he stuttered and
when she initially refused but San-San forced couldn't look Ella in the eye HAHA. Confirm, Jake
Bella. While we were eating, I could see Jake have crush on Bella HAHAHA.
"What happened to you love?"- I innocently asked removed even if you pull my hair, it can't really be
him. removed. And fake pimples too, after I fixed it, I
went downstairs and cooked breakfast for the four
"Nothing Love" jake
of us and then I multiplied it for the maids here.
" let's go?"- me
After I prepared breakfast, I heard the footsteps of
"let's go, we'll go first, babe, there's more to come the three of them coming to our kitchen.
tomorrow"- Aly
"Who are you?"- Alex raised an eyebrow at me,
After we said goodbye, we went home and when you thought you were beautiful HAHA just
we got home, I went to my room here on the 2nd kidding, she and the other two are really beautiful.
floor and did my evening routine. After that I lay
"Duh! It's me Lea, I disguised myself so they
down on my bed and sleep.
wouldn't recognize me, sit down and we might be
Morning late there."- me
Cringggg…. Cringgg…Cringgg.. The four of us ate, then we got into Alex's car, and
I turned off my alarm clock, I got up and looked at she was the driver, after an hour we were here at
the clock, it's already 5am, I took a shower, after I H.O University, my school. The three of them
finished taking a shower, I got dressed like a nerd. I came down and students starts chitchat about them,
did this so they wouldn't know my brother that I when I came down, they all got quiet then
was here and I would really watch over them. And gossiped. We let them and we are walking to the
I'm looking for someone there, the name I'll use is headmaster, the headmaster already knows that I
Angeline Fernando, I use a wig that can't be will come and that I will study here, I know the
headmaster here and he is the one who handles it "The SSG here at school my darling"- Tito
while I am away. We are at the headmaster's door. “Oh! Really! Hi to all of you, dad can I get the
"Ladies you go to your rooms now. Maybe you'll sched. Locker no., my section?”- me
be late for that and then you'll blame me HAHA"- "This is the schedule. And locker no. I'll take you
me to your room, so boys I'll take my daughter to her
"HAHA okay bye"- Aly room first, we'll talk later"-Tito said.
After they left, I kicked the door. I was surprised We went to my section, section A-1. Tito knocked
but I didn't take it for granted, there were men here and a teacher opened it.
and they looked at me badly. I think they have a "Good morning headmaster and young lady
meeting here and I just disturbed them, well I don't (whisper) come in, so class headmaster is here"-
care, my brothers are actually here with them. teacher
"Hey! Darling! How are you?"- Tito Vince, he is As soon as we entered, I immediately saw my
Tito Vincent Fernando, and I took Fernando from friends and they smiled at me and I also smiled at
him, I am also pretending to be his daughter, Tito them, I looked at the others here, they seemed they
Vince is married to Tita Evangeline Fernando and hate me because of my looked, they looked at me
they also have a 20 years old son who is Jake. badly, the others mocked me.
"Hi dad! I'm fine. Daddy? Who are they?”- me, I "Good morning class, I'd like to introduce to all of
looked at them one by one and there was a man you, this is my daughter, she is in the US studying
who I had no emotion to look at me. I just ignored at Stanford University"-Tito Vince
that and looked at Tito who was talking.
"Hi? Good morning--" -me, I didn't finish talking "Alex? Who is that girl?"-me, I waited for Alex to
when a woman spoke, she thought we didn't hear speak while looking at the group of them Dianna,
what she saying. but no one answered when I looked at her, she was
wearing a headset so I didn't ask her again.
"There is no Good in my morning, when your face
will be seen"- clown1, while looking at his nail. "Dianna is the Queen Bee here, that's the rumor.
Everyone who heard her laughed because of what She tends to bully here, especially the nerds and
she said. low class he bullies."- Aly
“Class!! Quite!! Aren't you ashamed that the "Why isn't the headmaster suspended"-me
headmaster is here and you are talking to her "It's said that she has a share here, so she has the
daughter like that Ms. Dianna Bernardo”- teacher courage to bully someone below him"- San-San
"tsk" - Dianna "Really?"-me
"It's okay sir, I'm Angeline Fernando 19 years old" "Yeah"- San-San and Aly said at the same time
- me
After the morning class, it's lunch time and we are
"Take your set Ms. Fernando”- Sir Santos, I came now at the canteen. Aly and Alex ordered and San-
to Alex because there is still a vacancy there and San and I looked for a place to sit but we couldn't
near the window next to Alex find it. Someone called San-San by his name, San-
Then Tito Vince announces that he is leaving. San came over there so I followed.
Dianna gave me a bad look, including her disciple "Why don't you stay here we have five more
who is also a clown like her. seats."-Girl1
"Okay, by the way twin this is my friend the one "Stop it! Angeline might wake up because of that" -
I'm telling you about a friend of mine who is in the I heard sister Bea's voice, wait? Is sister here yet? I
US"-San-San looked at the one who spoke and it was sister Bea.
"Hello, call me Ara Sandra’s twin, and this is my "Sister?"- me, I weakly call sister Bea. They all
friends Avery Cassi Santos "Cassi" and this is looked at me, only sister Bea was the one I called
Bailey Lane Rodriguez "lane""- Ara said why all of them? Is their name also Bea? Sister Bea
came to me.
We talked here a lot and Alex and Aly came. While
we were eating, someone poured juice on my head "Hey baby sis! Are you okay? Is there anything
and it strawberry, I'm having trouble breathing that hurts you? Are you hungry? Do you want
because I'm allergic to strawberry. something to eat?"- sister, she said to me in a
panic, that's how she always Act when I'm sick, she
"Oh my god! Dianna what did you do!"- Alex said
worries about me.
while crying, because they were afraid of me acting
like this because I was about to die. A man rushed "HAHA I'm fine sister. Nothing hurts. I'm not
to me and he carried me like a bridal style and he hungry. I want water. Hehe”- me
quickly went to the parking lot. After an hour we "HAHA, I'll take it first"-sister Bea
are here at the hospital where they are taking care
of me. I couldn't open my eyes anymore so I fell "Best, is that okay?"-Aly
asleep. "I'm fine best, best? Do you know the one who
I woke up because I heard noises. raised me?"-me while laughing at what I'm going
to ask
"King best"- Aly, huh? Who is the king? "Guys? Why is that your reaction? He introduced
himself to me? What's so surprising about that?"-
"Hey, you don't know him yet, he's---"-Aly didn't
finish speaking because someone interrupted to
speak. sister Bea reached for the water and I "Oh my god!! Brother!! You are really unfair! I'm
thanked her. your sister and you're like that to someone else?"-
Alex, HAHA she's cute sulking.
"I'm Zion Alexander Kyle Evan "ZAKE" Collins,
call me Zion, brother of Alexandra Fely Collins"- "You are really unfair bro, we are the ones who
he is the older brother whom Alex says is cold, have been with you for years and then we will only
grumpy, doesn't smile, and has no emotion. But receive cold treatment from you but you did that to
while introducing me, there was a tenderness in his Angeline? - brother Hiro said, Zion looked at them
voice and then he was not cold and I saw all.
something “tsk”- Zion
emotion in his eyes and that's happy? He also I also stayed here in the hospital for a few days,
smiled at me. I smiled at him too. and my friends and Zion were there to visit me.
"hi"-me I looked at the others and you can see the Zion and I are close and he is sweet to me when it's
shock of the acquaintance. Why is it? just the two of us. I'm here today at Mall, I
wandered alone and I didn't realize that I bumped
"Are you all okay?"- they ignored me, so Zion saw
into someone.
something and threw it against the wall. I was
shocked and they recovered from the shock. "I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it" - me
"it's okay sorry too, I'm Grayson Navarro, you?"- "Nothing, I'm just tired, I want to sleep" - me
he extended his hand to me so we could shake "Okay, go to sleep, I'll wake you up later"-Zion
hands so I extended it and introduced myself
I fell asleep.
"Angeline Fernando, by the way, I'll go ahead first
Grayson, I have to go somewhere else, bye, sorry For the past month, Dianna has always bullied me
again"-me because I am the top 1 in the class and the teachers
are kind to me, she also always says that I suck at
"Okay bye see you next time"- Grayson, he is the teachers so she treats me like that. When she
handsome. bullied me, Grayson came and always defended
After walking around at Mall, I went home. When I me. Grayson also became close to me and Zion
got home, they were all here as they were all always avoided me, I don't know why and he is
complete. But I don't have time to paying attention cold towards me like before. Grayson and I have
because I was tired so I went to my room and lay always been together until he confessed to me and
down on the bed. The door opened and Zion sat on he flirted with me, he is so sweet, he always gives
my bed, even if I didn't look to see who it was, I me flowers and chocolate, he always texting me.
already knew his perfume and he was the only one But today I don't always wait for his text or call.
who could enter my room. I'm here now at the gate, I'm going in now, when I
entered, someone suddenly came and gave me
"Wifey?"- Zion Said while combing my hair with
flowers, many people gave me flowers and now I
his hand.
stumbled here in the gym and a woman came to me
"Yeah?"-me and closed my eyes.
"Is there a problem?"-Zion
"Excuse me? What is it for?"- me 1 month passed, it's our Months of love now and
we are here today at the restaurant we had a date.
"Just follow me"- the girl said, I let her.
I'm still a nerd. Some people also seem to hate me
We walked and walked and suddenly he stopped so because of my face and say that we are not suitable
I stopped too. I heard someone playing the guitar because he is handsome and I am ugly, I just let
while singing, I remove the blindfold on my eyes them hear what they have to say. And Grayson
and I saw Grayson on stage singing. While he was could see that I was not comfortable because many
singing, he came closer to me and suddenly knelt people looked at me.
on my lap.
"Babe? Let them and just enjoy on our date”-
"Angeline Fernando, I am not perfect but I will do Grayson
everything to make you happy, I promise you that I
"Okay Babe"- me and I just continued what I was
will never leave you or hurt you. Angeline
eating and Grayson and I talked about things.
Fernando Will you be my girlfriend?"- Grayson, I
cried because of the effort he made to me today,
many students are here and witnessed what he did Me and Grayson are always together and sweet to
even the SSG is here and my friends are here too. I each other, and I've been away from my friends,
looked at Grayson and he smiled. they always invited me to eat together but I didn't
"YES!"-me, suddenly Grayson said to me and agree because Grayson and I always eat together.
many people applauded. I was also happy because I They don't like Grayson For me, I don't even know
also answered him for his 3 months of flirting and I why, I always ask them but they don't answer me
just answered him now. so I just let them, and Zion doesn't pay attention to
me anymore and it's like he/they don't know me
anymore. I was wondering what the problem was. conversation even though it's bad to listen to
It got to the point where Grayson and I were someone else conversation. I videoed them both
always fighting. I chose him, it will also spread "Babe? It's been 6 months, break up with that ugly
that Grayson is with another girl, I just let it go. so we can always go to school together, I'm jealous
because I trust Grayson and he won't do that to me, that you're always with her"- girl, her voice is
he promised that he won't hurt me. After 5 months, familiar, when I look at the girl I was surprised that
Grayson is always cold towards me, we always she was the henchman of Dianna is Hazel, that's
fight and I see him with someone else like now I'm why she looked at me badly when Grayson flirted
here at mall because I want to enjoy myself but this with me.
is what I see, the pain, the person you like have
love someone else, no matter what pain he gave "I'm really going to break up with that babe, I can't
me, I forgive him. stand seeing him anymore, I'll see how ugly she is,
so when we're together, I'm sick, so I'm thinking
that you're the one with me, do you want to go with
Now it's our 6monthsary and I'm looking for him, I me and face him face to face divorce and with
stumbled here in the garden and I saw him sitting many people?"- Grayson, and they start kissing. I
and as if he was waiting for someone, I was going still videoed them until the end. When they
to approach him but a woman came up to him and finished, I wiped my tears, and approached them.
he kissed her on the lips Grayson also responded to "So! All this time huh!?"- me, as soon as I spoke
girl kisses I didn't realize that my tears were both of them were surprised and also recovered
falling. I want to leave here but my feet don't want from the shock.
to leave. I just let it go and listen to their "Angeline, let me explain"- Grayson said.
"Yes, all this time, it's all just a dare, tsk. Who be angry with him, I miss him so much. He's my
would like something ugly like you? HAHA even first, he's my best friend, I call him van-van he's a
though you're the headmaster's daughter, you're man but, the day we were together and we were
still ugly."- Hazel said, I approached Hazel and happy, that was the last time we were together.
gave her a couple of slaps. That's still not enough.
Grayson suddenly pushed me, suddenly my tears
started to fall that I had been trying not to cry. Flashback….
"ANGELINE STOP!!! YES!! It's all just a dare, I'll Van-van and I were here at the park, he invited me
never love you, no one like you!!”- Grayson said, out with him because he said he had something to
and he helped Hazel to stand up and they both left. say.
When they were gone, I cried and decided to leave "Van-van what are you going to say?"-me, we held
and go to a quiet place by myself. hands and we sat here on a bench in the park.
I'm here at the beach, I'm laughing at what I did "Rie-Rie, you know that I'm your best friend and I
earlier, HAHA it was just me acting, I knew before love you"- van-van, I don't know but when he said
that those two were fooling me and that was their best friends, my heart suddenly hurt and its hurt
plan to make me fall in love with Grayson, then because of that. I loved him anyway.
fall in love and leave me, it's all just an act, my "Oh why? Does you like someone else?"-me, even
friends don't know this, I don't want them to feel though it hurt to say that to him, I said it without
any more. I did this because the family of Grayson revealing it.
are the reason why I lost him. Because of them, I
wish he was still here, with me, I wish I wouldn't
"Yes, do you know, rie-rie, I loved her very much, and I might get hurt. A few minutes passed and
but I'm afraid to admit it and maybe he only thinks van-van did not come back so I looked for him, I
of me as a friend or as a brother"- van-van, I'm saw him with the girl and they were happily talking
already hurt what he says but I endured and will in the distance, and the girl was carrying a flower,
not show that I am hurt, the pain is because the my favorite pink rose, I wish I was her, it’s funny
person you have loved for a long time is already in to think about. I just let them and looked at the sky,
love with someone else. That girl is lucky. it was beautiful, a child came to me, I think he was
4 years old.
"do you know rie-rie today I am going to confess to
him because I don't want to be preceded by "Hi! Sister, someone gave it to you HEHE"-baby
someone else."- van-van looked into my eyes and girl.
my tears suddenly fell down, I suddenly turned "Thank you baby girl you are cute, who gave
away from him and wiped my tears, then I faced this?"-me
him when he spoke.
"You’re welcome, and it’s secret good bye po"-
"And now that she's here, I'll tell her what I felt Baby girl, she said goodbye and after that many
before"- van-van said happily to me. people gave me a flower again and it was a pink
"Where is she?"- I curiously asking him and looked rose, who gave it?
around to see if there was a woman coming to our Suddenly someone closed my eyes, I don't know
place. And I saw a woman. She was beautiful and what happened but I just let it. He/she suddenly
maybe she looked like a model, suddenly van-van stopped and removed the blindfold from my eyes
stood up and approached the woman, they were and it’s dark here, right?
talking about something, I didn't listen anymore
"Hello! Is anyone in here?"- I said nervously, it's there's only one woman here and that's you. rie-rie,
really dark here. When someone suddenly I loved you so much, but only now did I have the
strummed a guitar and I saw van-van in the mini courage to confess to you, rie-rie you will be my
stage. My heart beat suddenly. There are questions girlfriend?"- said van-van and suddenly knelt in
in my mind, why me? I think he wanted that girl? front of me, many people cheered us here. I'm
van-van started singing Love story by Taylor Swift, happy because I thought I wasn't the one he loved.
my fav. song and van-van know it. While van-van "YES!!" I happily told him and he hugged me. We
was singing, he was touching me, I was crying were happy and a girl came up to us, it was van-
because of joy, I don't know what to do because the van's cousin.
person I love sang in front of me. after singing he
was holding a mic. "Congrats cousin, hi I'm Anna his cousin"- he
introduced me and I also introduced myself to him.
"Rie-rie? I know you're my best friend, I told you After a few minutes, van-van and I sat and talked,
earlier that I would confess to the girl I like,
when suddenly there were armed men with guns
HAHA I'm nervous now maybe what I said is true and suddenly fired three times at our place, I was
that maybe you only think of me as a friend or as a shot in the stomach and van-van was also shot
brother"- van-van twice on the stomach and near the chest. The
"Van? I thought the girl you approached earlier and armed men left immediately and a woman came to
she is the one you want?"- I smile at him. us and it was Anna asking for help, after an hour
the ambulance was here.
"HAHA, she's my cousin on my mom's side and
she helped me here, you know that I don't have any
other woman that I'm courting and prefer because
I woke up, and someone held one of my hands and really accept that he left me like that. I'm here at I
it was mommy. was complaining in my room, mommy just left me
here and only brought me my food. Grandma told
"Mom? What happened? Where is van-van?"- me,
me, that I will come with them when they go home
mom didn't answer me and she just kept crying,
to the US and that I will stay there.
suddenly someone entered the room, and it was
"Anna why are you crying? And where is your End of Flashback
cousin van-van?"- I tried not to cry in front of While I was in the US, I investigated who shot us.
them. That's why I didn't object to going back here in the
"I'm sorry Lorrienne, he's gone" said Anna while Philippines because that was really my plan, I just
crying and hug me. My world fell apart when he waited for mommy to take me home because I
said that, Evan won't leave me no. couldn't just leave Grandma and Grandpa there.
"NO! EVAN WILL NOT LEAVE ME, HE I really miss him. I held the necklace that was
PROMISED HE WILL NOT LEAVE ME NO given to me, it was a keyless necklace and his was
MATTER WHAT HAPPENS!!! *sob *sob *sob a padlock. When it was opened, it was a photo of
I'm going to Evan *sob"- one of them cried too. the two of us. I didn't realize it was a person sitting
next to me, when I looked it was Zion and I was
"Baby, stay here please, you're not a good
surprised because our lips were only 1 inch apart, I
condition yet"-mom said to me crying. I didn't
was the first to avoid the two of us. Zion suddenly
accept that he left me, I didn't go to his hill
looked at I was holding.
anymore because I might just cry there, I didn't
"Where did you get that neckless from?" - Zion "I'm van-van, rie-rie, I'm sorry I left you suddenly,
said to me curiously. I'm sorry"- Evan said to me crying and knelt in
front of me
"Why you want to know?"- me
"Van it's okay, there's a reason why you left me
"Just asking? -Zion
right"- I made Evan stand up as he was kneeling in
"Yes of course, this? My best friend give it to me, front of me.
the man I loved before until now, he's the only man
Evan and I said our goodbyes and we made the
I'll ever love HAHA"- I said happily with a touch
most of the day we were together.
of sadness while holding the bill.
We're all here at the gym, because it's going to be
"Can I borrow?"-Zion
introduced to the school that I'm the owner. I'm
"Huh? Why?"-me here at the backstage and I'm going upstairs with
"Can you forgive me for everything I did to leave Tito Vincent.
you?"-Zion "Good morning Students, I know you are
"Huh?"- me, I don't know what Zion is saying. wondering why you are here, because today the
Zion suddenly took my key necklace and unlocked owner of this school will be introduced to you."-
his neckless. Uncle Vince, my students say a lot who the owner
really is. And they are excited to know that.
"You are van-van?"- I cried while looking into his
eyes. "Let's welcome the owner of this H.O University or
let's say Hailey Oxford University is none other
than the young lady Hailey Ellena Lea Lorrienne "Cassi, come here and sit next to brother Hiro"- I
Oxford Motefalco!!"- Tito Vince called Avery and he also hurried to stand next to
my brother, so they held each other's arms, when I
While Tito Vince was saying that and I took off all
looked at brother Hiro, he was blushing from
my disguise. They were all surprised and my
friends couldn't believe it because I was the owner
of the school. Suddenly my older brothers ran and "Why lea?"- Cassi nervously told me.
they hugged me. Before they could even speak, I "Nothing, just stay? Bailey, stand by brother
attacked the 5 of them and looked at them one by Harold. Aly, stand next to brother Henry. Sandra,
one. you are with brother Tristan, sister Bea, you
"Before that I really wanted to attack you one by already know where you will be. And you guys
one because of what you are doing huh. Bringing take your place in front of me."-me, they all took
girls? What for huh? What's up with you huh? You their places and Evan joined the queue at the front,
HIRO AIDEN PARKER? Why did you do that he wanted me to pair him with the others tsk.
huh?"- I was also angry with one of them. "Mr. ZION ALEXANDER KYLE EVAN
"hey baby, it because the person I love has other COLLINS, you want to call another girl and put
desires and I want to forget what I feel for her"- my her aside with you huh?"-me, I raised an eyebrow
brother Hiro bowed down and said to me, I knew at him, he bowed because of what I said, our
that my brother already had a crush on Cassi, even friends were laughing and the one who saw us now
when I'm in the US they tell me who the people was also laughing, we are still here at the gym.
they love and they also know who I’m in love with. "No, I'll be next to you HEHEHE"-Zion said. He
looked badly to our friends and the students here
and so they kept quiet, while he was going to my what I said and Dianna was nervous, hazel also just
place, he hugged me from back. cried because she found out.
"Alex you are with Blake and Sandara you are with "And I saw them go to the mall together, they are
Blair. So! There are the girls you want, flirt with sweet, and do you know that they always go to the
them and they love you right now, and girls, don't hotel just the two of them?"-me
be shy, they might choose someone else there."- I "Hazel, don't believe her, she doesn't have any
laughed with one of them. evidence that Grayson and I are together, please
Suddenly a man came here in front of us and its don't destroy us with Hazel."-Dianna
Grayson, what is the problem with him, hazel "Really? HAHA evidence you want? Okay." - me.
chasing Grayson and Dianna also followed them. Pictures suddenly popped up on the screen of
"Babe please come back I did that because she Dianna and Grayson dating and going to the hotel
want to kill you please babe come back *sob *sob where they also kissed and made out.
babe *sob I promised you before that I wouldn't "*sob *sob that's right! You betrayed! Dianna I
leave you please babe *sob"- Grayson said while considered you as my sister but you are going to do
kneeling in front of Zion and me, he still hugging this? Grayson, I loved you completely but why did
me he didn't let go so I just let him. you do this to me huh?" Hazel said crying and she
"I don't really love you, what I showed you was approached Dianna and slapped her. And that's
just acting. You know Hazel you poor, I feel sorry what he did to Grayson, we just let her, the other
for you, you know why? Your friend hit your two of their friends, they slapped Dianna.
boyfriend means they betrayed you. Right Grayson
and Dianna?"- me, they were surprised because of
A few months later because of that incident, hazel year, VANRIE BEACH RESORT is private and
went to another country with her two other friends, there are no strangers here, just us and the
Lovely and Hannah. The money I invested for employees, we will all hang out here together,
Grayson and Dianna's company I get it back, and including our love one’s. We girls are here in one
that was also Hazel's request, they also apologized room because we are going to change into
to me and I forgave them. We also became friends. swimsuits.
The people who hurt me when I was a nerd, they "Let's change girls"- Aly
all apologized to me, and I forgave them, as a nerd After we changed, we went to the boys at our
it's hard to be a nerd because the people around you cottage. They won't be angry because of what
judge easily, they play with you, make fun of you, we’ve wear now.
but I have fun with everyone even pretending that's
all and I also experienced living as a simple. "Let's eat?"- brother Hiro said
After 2 years... We ate already. After we ate, we bathed in the sea,
we also played. A few hours have passed and now
In the past two years Evan and I have had many it's night, we are here by the bonfire, talking about
trials. Always fighting but giving up is not part of the trials that have come and the bad memories we
the plan. My friends, our relationship is still strong. are experiencing.
Hazel, lovely and Hannah returned to the
Philippines last year because we planned to finish The next day…
our studies here at the same time. I woke up, and the rest of my roommates were still
Now that two years have passed and we are here at sleeping. Only the girls were here. in the other
the resort that Evan and I are building for the last room are the boys. It's also like a house. Evan and I
also built it, we were friends here, we also had our stopped at the last arrow and suddenly the
own room but we preferred to be together, I went surroundings light up and we saw our boyfriends
out after my morning routine, I went into the room holding a guitar’s. The first to sing was brother
with the boys to check them but when I opened the Helbert, next Blair, Oliver, Henry, Blake, Tristan,
door they are not here. That's why I went Hiro, Jackson, Christian, Wilbert and the last to
downstairs and I saw them making our breakfast sing was Zion. We girls were thrilled because of
and being prepared. what they did. We were surprised because after
they sang, they suddenly knelt down in front of us
"Good morning"- me
and spoke at the same time.
"Good morning" - all boys
"Good morning hubby"-me, I approached Evan and
We girls looked at each other and nodded.
I hug him
"YES!!!"- we happily answered them.
"Good morning wife"- Zion, he hugs me back and
kisses my forehead. A year ago, we decided to get married together in a
church. We will also go on a honeymoon in another
After some time, we were all here downstairs and
country. Until the end, we will still be together no
had eaten, the boys announced that they were
matter what happens. We are married now with my
going to bond first, so we let them and we girls will
friends, have our own businesses. This is my story.
bond as well. It’s Evening and we are here on the
Pure love, no matter what happens, he is still the
sofa watching a movie, hubby text me that we will
one I choose.
go out and follow the arrows we see. And I told my
friends too. We followed the arrows and we THE END.

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