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Snowpiercer tells the story about a system in snowpiercer which was carrying all

survivors in a failed climate change experiment. In this system, including leader--

conductor, the rich and the poor, just like a small world. In the movie, I saw a fact that

a lot of times people are born with raw deal, however, some people are born to enjoy

countless money, never worry about the food, clothes and so on. The world in the

train is a closed space, people in the train is trapped in it, just like the humanity in the

real world is trapped in the earth, and need to continuously explore the space out of

the earth.

The movie takes a dystopian form to talk about resource allocation and class

division in the society. So what is dystopia?Relating to, or being an imagined world

or society in which people lead dehumanized, fearful lives is called dystopian. And in

the movie Snowpiercer, director imagined the world in the train, in this world it was

facing the same problem as the real world--the resource is limited but people’s wants

are unlimited, so how to allocate the resource? This train give the answer, the rich can

have more, at the same time, the poor only can have less. For example, the rich can

eat fresh vegetable, beef or even sushi, however,the poor only can eat protein block

made by cockroach. The movie made many comparison between the rich and the

poor, the sharp contrast adds to the misery of people who lives in the last carriage.

Using the form of dystopian, magnify the tragedy in the real live in order that let

people know the tragedy and pay attention to that, I consider this is the meaning of

dystopian. From Snowpiercer, a dystopian movie, I had a question why the limited

resource should be allocated like today. Firstly, the allocation of resource is decided
by the government. The rich always have very big right of speech in a country,

because of their wealth and their company, so if the government want to be wealthy or

want to build a good country, they will need to do something to ensure the rich

support the government and help the build of the country. So the government gives

more resource to the rich, but the poor should yield to this. Actually, most of the poor

is accept this because most of them don’t have enough knowledge to understand what

should they do if they want to be rich, they don’t know how to use money wisely, but

I think this is because they can’t get a way to get knowledge. On account of the

government didn’t give them good education, and they didn’t realize how important

the knowledge is, so they don’t care this so that their children also don’t have much

knowledge. For this I think it is necessary for the government to give a good enough

education to the poor.

The government should make the poor at least have the good basic education, and

try to maximize avoid the unfair that family background brought. I believe under the

intense competition, everyone will cherish the finite opportunities and try their best,

then the society will become better and better.

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