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Answer of Tutorial 3 (Week 3):

1. Scientific Management – Frederick W. Taylor is known as the father of scientific

management. He emphasized scientific changes in management to improve labor
productivity. Taylor suggested decisions based on rules of thumb and tradition be
replaced with precise work procedures developed after study of the situation. The are
the subs of scientific management. Firstly, General Approach. It developed standard
method for performing each job. Selected workers with appropriate abilities for each
job. Next, trained workers in standard method. Lastly, it also provides wage incentives
to workers for increased output. Secondly, Contributions. It demonstrated the
importance of compensation for performance. It also initiates the careful study of tasks
and jobs. Thirdly, Criticisms. It means that did not appreciate social context of work
and higher need of workers. Next, did not acknowledge variance among individuals.
Bureaucracy Organizations - Max Weber 1864-1920. Prior to Bureaucracy
Organizations. European employees were loyal to a single individual rather than to the
organization or its mission. Resources used to realize individual desires rather than
organizational goals. Systematic approach –looked at organization as a whole. Lastly,
Max Weber introduced management on an impersonal, rational basis through defined
authority and responsibility, formal recordkeeping, and separation of management and
Administrative Principles - Contributors: Henri Fayol, Mary Parker, and Chester I.
Barnard. They are focusing on organization rather than the individual worker. Next,
delineated the management functions of planning, organizing, commanding,
coordinating, and controlling.
2. Theory X - People intrinsically do not want to work, so should be managed and
coerced in an authoritative way. Their sole purpose of working is to earn a salary and
do no more than is necessary. They do not seek any sense of ownership and have little
ambition or motivation to exceed their manager’s expectations. However, in this Theory
was the “Hard” approach, which is very coercive, micromanagement style and “Soft”
which is a bit more off the shoulder, with less rules and regulations. Essentially
motivation must be external and administered by management.
Theory Y - This theory is almost the opposite of X. People want to work for more than
money. They have a sense of internal ambition, motivation, and drive. This is also I
think ties in with Maslow’s Hierarchy. Manager’s aim to develop personal relationships
rather than treating people like robots. They develop them through a sense of
democracy. self-direction and a laissez faire attitude.
The best is really depending on the type of work that the employees are doing. In a
factory making clocks, do you need a democracy on the shop floor? Probably not. So, a
soft style use of Theory X enables a good rate of consistency. But at a start-up where you
need all hands on deck and lack resources. Theory Y is going to be the style you need to
develop a good team over time.
Overall, I favour Theory Y with a solid backbone of X. Meaning if you get things done
we don’t have a problem and I am not going to scrutinise your methods much, but if
there is failure and /or disobedience then a small dose of a Hard X Style of Management
will shunt people back into line and keep their eyes on the company’s mission.
3. Technology allows employees to engage in important work even when outside the
office, and keep in touch with co-workers, even face-to-face. So, the management
changes are rapidly changing. This is because nowadays there is artificial intelligence
that will be managing the work that people normally will complete. In addition, the
technology-focused workplace will use online platforms such as, Zoom and Ms Teams to
communicate with the staff. The management changes will increase as AI will be
monitoring and managing the work. In future, if this still continues the AI which is
robot will be replacing human and this might cause economic loss because sometimes
their brains will have problems and they will calculated the wrong total profit of the

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