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Identify the main idea of each paragraph/stanza.
Pay attention to the title of the poem or any text! this can
give a hint as to what the text is about and reveal any
hidden/metaphorical meanings

Cloze Passage
1. Summarise each paragraph
2. Read the sentence before and try to predict what the
purpose of the missing sentence is.
3. underline key words in the sentence before and after and
match these key words/ideas to the answer options.
4. Look for words that finish a quote, mention who's saying a
quote, restating the previous sentence, contradicting the
previous sentence, etc.
5. Repeat steps 2-4 for all the questions.
6. Reread the cloze passage at the end. Check if any of the
sentences sound even a little out of place and aim to seek
better replacements.
Timeetime by Write down your working out
l c u lat i s o ne
Ca g it . in an organised manner to
n d i n t i o n
e s
pret per que Leave make it easier to double
i n u te o w n! check your mistakes.
s l o w d double
E V Er e t o Check your units! The question
l e t i m u t e s!
amp k - 5 min may try to trick you with
chec different units!

Thinking Skills
Timeo minutes r - Find the main idea and
a y tw u m be understand the stance of
e aw i o n n 0 ,
a k ue s t . 1 the author.
e q a t Qu s
m th a r e u t e
fro y ou mi n Eliminate or annotate the
g. i f 3 2
or e h a ve
f o u ld options that are irrelevant
o u s h l e f t.
y or can't work.
General Tips
e Tips
T ions, check Underline and circle keywords
q u est e y ou
r y1 0 nsu r
to avoid misreading the
E v e t o e of
m e ut
n n ing o question - especially for
t oo
’t r u en d
aren N O T s p
questions with lots of
s t i o n!
. D O q ue
ti m e on ainformation that is hard to
i m e m o
uc h t
s s a nd
a g ue
Take on!
Make sure you answer what
the question is asking!
Spend the last 1-2 minutes checking that you have
answered all the questions to avoid losing marks. Leave
ample time to double check!
when doing the test, circle questions you would like to
double check at the end - multi-step questions, etc.
Find concrete evidence to support your answer!
Consider all the answer options.

Basic Steps
1. Read and underline the question. Make sure you
understand what the question/argument is
2. Find the BEST possible way to work out the question
whether it be to look for patterns, use process of
elimination or draw out the logic!

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