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munich manual

For this coming full moon, we are focused on honouring Lilith. Queen of the witches. Lilith is a goddess of the night and darkness with the ability to bend the energies of darkness to her benefit. The scrying mirror or “Dark Mirror” can be a helpful tool when connecting to Lilith. I will be using the mirror as a gateway on the night of the full moon to
connect with Lilith or Drawing Down Lilith! As a witch and a Luciferian, Lilith is my “Queen” still I find the label queen limiting because she is far more than a Queen. She represents true freedom without limitations, and a connection to infinite power and knowledge through controlled and strategic vision. She is perhaps the first feminist or warrior of
equality between the sexes. To truly understand Lilith, no matter our gender, we have to become aware of our feminine sexual nature, and that this raw sexuality cannot be contained or moulded into a puppet version of a human. Still, I’m sure everyone has heard the tales of why you should not work with Lilith. And if you are a man, there are even
more terrible tales and reasons why you could perhaps fear summoning Lilith. But let’s push aside all of the folklore, and look at what Lilith has to share with us who are interested in diving deep down into the rabbit hole called magick. Here is a list of magical gives from working with Lilith: Seeing through illusions, women’s mysteries, protection of
women and children (especially infants), sexuality, sex magick, boldness, independence, discernment, self-esteem, justice, false accusations, ending gossip, reconciliation, slander, inspiration, divination, attaining familiars, acquisition of wealth, attaining fame, black magick, astrology, necromancy, pyromancy, transforming dark energy into usable
energy, removing curses and Auric attachments, defensive magick, spiritual healing I’m sure you’re excited to connect with Lilith through the black mirror yourself and see if you can benefit from the relationship?
Throughout this website we have discussed various ways to work with a scrying mirror, but today I’m going to introduce you to an old school style ritual of connecting to Lilith through the Black Mirror called The Mirror of Lilith or “Lylet”. The Mirror of Lilith or “Lylet” as the Munich Handbook of Necromancy states, is meant to be used for divination
with Lilith & her demons. The Munich Handbook of Necromancy is the “recipe book” of a fifteen-century German magician, Kieckhefer. The Manual contains the three major kinds of magick found in grimoires: Illusionist, Psychological, and Divinatory. Illusionist spells are meant to fool people into seeing things like castles or armies. Psychological
spells are meant to leverage emotional or political power over people. Divinatory actions are intended to extract information from the future or past. Buy Now on Amazon The Munich Manual of Demonic Magic Like all grimoires of this time period, there are lots of references to the angels and to the Abrahamic God. The consecration of the mirror is as
typical with these types of works, where you need to make the objects according to specific correspondences and let’s just be honest, they are really unachievable in this modern era, if not completely illegal. So I recommend creating a modified version for yourself to try, where you consecrate the mirror with incense that will entice Lilith, and draw
her sigil in blood directly onto the mirror surface. I will add that people who have tried this ritual have had some dramatic experiences, even when they have tried the modified version. See LILITH for Correspondences The First Mirror of Lilith (spelled Lilit or Lylet) is dedicated to this ancient Hebrew demon and to her followers and her ‘knights’. You
aka “The master” commands the ‘demons’ to appear in non-threatening form and answer questions. “She will appear in a mirror with two or more servants, and will tell the truth or give appropriate signs regarding a theft, murder, or other circumstance,” the book states. If you are hellbent on creating the mirror as suggested in the book, here is what
you will need to do and say: “Now the mirror ought to be made in the shape of a round shield, or some other way that you may prefer. On the rim thereof, paint the following names: Deus Sanctus, Deus Omnipotens, Deus Fortis, Deus Immortalis, Pater Futuri Saeculi (God the Holy, God the Omnipotent, God the Strong, God the Immortal, Father of the
Age to Come). And around the two upper sides the greater seal of Solomon is painted, at the bottom end of the shield the lesser seal of Solomon, and in the middle of the mirror this name Lylet is painted, just as is shown in the figure given below. Thereafter, frame it in the same way as any other glass or mirror. Once this is done, take it silently and
secretly to a crossroads or to the sepulcher of some murdered person, in the evening dusk, on a day of Mars or Saturn, and say this conjuration: I conjure you, Lylet, and your companions, by Alpha and Omega, by the first and the very last, Abiel, Rotbons, Cafre, O God, O suffering Christ most renowned, On, Eli, Elion, Messias, Sabaoth, Adonai,
Emmanuel; I conjure you likewise, Lylet, and your companions, by the annunciation of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by His nativity, and by the coming of the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, that in whatever hour I call you, you shall appear to me in this mirror with your companions, and show me truly a response or sign of that thing which I shall wish to know.
This oration being finished, return home by another route. Thereafter, at the same hour and day, go to the crossroad and take the mirror with you, and when you want to know about anything uncertain, you may compell the same spirit to come by reciting the conjuration. Ask what you wish, and they shall tell you. Etc.” Perhaps you won’t mind sitting
down at the crossroads and performing your divination to Lilith in the dead of the night. That’s definitely not my style, so let me provide you with another suggestion. First Mirror of Lilith Modified Version I do believe it would be auspicious to perform the summoning ritual during the evening on a day of Mars or Saturn. This means it’s best to do the
ritual on a Tuesday or a Saturday, and to take it a step further it would be great also begin the ritual in the hour of Mars or Saturn. This takes a little planning but not as much planning as what you would need to perform the original method. Draw the words and images onto a dark surface aka Black Mirror.
You could etch into the mirror depending on the surface if that is easier for you. Consecrate with incense, and trace over the words with oil or blood. Set up your room for the summoning – lighting, incense, and have what you want to ask prepared.
Prepare yourself mentally for what you’re about to do, and dress appropriately and to your comfort level. Take as long as you need to take to focus your mind and control your breath. You could chant Lilith’s ENN which is – Renich viasa avage lillith lirach – or say the original words of summoning (as written above in the mirror creation/consecration)
Say the words of power as written in the original source: I conjure you, demons, that you will come and swear an oath and answer whatever question I will ask with perfect truth. in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. Christ + conquered these same + Balbiet + Zelans, Zelles, Dimidero, Cadar, you who each day rise among
the stars of heaven where are the three (unknown word: “dogie”) of the Cross, and the swift deeds or strokes in the four points of the world, to accomplish all my will in them, through God, where it be acceptable and lawful and speakable, without terror and without any of the unspeakable powers of ever-living Deity, in the true virtue of God, we do
call you forth, Lylet, by the office of your father Arieth and by that oath that your mother Nocma spoke to you, that in your own image, and not in the form of a crow, you will converse and be present with us in whatever hour we do summon you into this mirror, that peacefully and humbly and without any deformity you will show yourself to me, and
furthermore that two or more of your servants, in any theft or murder or any other doubtful matter, shall give true answers to me, by the power and obedience of God. Basically what you’re asking for is for Lilith to appear in a non-threatening form and to answer your questions. Once you have finished with the ritual for the day, thank Lilith and the
attending spirits for their presence.

Close off the ritual, perhaps by leaving offerings in front of the mirror, and if you have created a petition or sigil, you should burn these now.

Cover the mirror so nobody else gets their hands on your precious object! Final Suggestions I’ve received interesting feedback from students and others who have attempted to connect with Lilith via this method.

Some people have said they felt an immediate connection, and desire to continue working with the same mirror and build on their relationship with Lilith in this manner. Other people have reported something completely different. Some people told me they felt nauseous after the creation of the mirror itself. And the general feedback was the energy
was so intense they were unable to complete the creation of the mirror, or they were unable to move onto the consecration, or they were unable to continue with divination. In serious cases, it was suggested they break the mirror in order to break themselves from the energy of the mirror and disconnect from the gateway to Lilith. Personally, I
attribute the negative experience more towards either a lack of experience in summoning spirits or perhaps their great anxiety and fear around the summoning of Demons. So the side-effect is from the anxiety, not from the daemonic experience. I suggest that you should try this ritual at least three times. On each occasion, you should document the
correspondences and your own feelings both before and after the ritual. The art of scrying is a skill, taking considerable time and effort to master. This should not deter you from performing this ritual. Once you open the gateway, if you are unable to receive the messages directly from the dark mirror, you have been programmed to receive spiritual
messages from the time you are born.

Don’t forget you are already a spiritual being, and in our dream state we are able to step away from our logical mind and enter into the subconscious where we connect with the spiritual world. Before you go to bed at night, ask Lilith if she can send you her messages when you are dreaming. If you receive any message, it doesn’t matter if the message
is symbolic or if it doesn’t make sense at this time, write down exactly what you experienced, seen, or heard without interpretation. Keep doing this for several weeks before you begin your interpretation of any cryptic message. Naturally if the messages are straightforward, then that is awesome.
Source: Munich Handbook of Necromany fol. 42r “Forbidden Rites”, Kieckhefer (UPenn 1989) at 242-3, translation by John Michael Greer. Buy Now on Amazon The Munich Manual of Demonic Magic Richard Kieckhefer edited the text of the manuscript in 1998 under the title Forbidden Rites: A Necromancer’s Manual of the Fifteenth Century.
Portions of the text, in English translation, are presented in Forbidden Rites as well, embedded within the author’s essays and explanations on the Munich Manual in specific and grimoires in general. ENN for Lillith – Renich viasa avage lillith lirach Read More Articles on Lilith Lilth Lilth. First woman on earth Working With Lilith for Love Attraction
Lilith: A female DEMON of the night and SUCCUBUS Dark n Dead Lilith Experiences With Demons: Lilith Offerings & Suggestions Lilith Incense Sticks x 20 Lilith Oil Daemonic Magick with Lilith First published Aug 3rd, 2015 Dear Patron: Please don't scroll past this. The Internet Archive is a nonprofit fighting for universal access to quality
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