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Test 1 / Toets 1
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Part 1 of 1 - / 27.0 Points

Question 1 of 17 1.0 Points

Government should use tax payers money to contribute to the funding of public universities /
Die staat behoort belastinggeld te gebruik om openbare universiteite te befonds


Answer Key: True

Question 2 of 17 1.0 Points

The functions of public universities are to do research, to do community service and to teach /
Die funksies van openbare universiteite is om navorsing te doen, sowel as om
gemeenskapsdiens te verrig en onderwys te gee


Answer Key: True

Question 3 of 17 1.0 Points

An academic’s status is mainly determined by how well he/she presents classes / 'n
Akademikus (dosent of lektor) se status word hoofsaaklik bepaal deur hoe goed hy/sy kan

Answer Key: False

Question 4 of 17 1.0 Points

The SA government’s strategy to fund research at universities in natural sciences and
engineering excludes partnerships with the private sector / Die SA regering wil nie
vennootskappe met die privaatsektor aangaan in soverre dit navorsing in natuurwertenskappe
aan SA universiteite betref nie


Answer Key: False

Question 5 of 17 1.0 Points

Funding of research by the SA government is increasing / Die SA regering gee jaarliks al hoe
meer geld vir navorsing


Answer Key: False

Question 6 of 17 1.0 Points

An NRF rating is valid for 5 years / 'n NRF evaluering is slegs geldig vir 5 jaar


Answer Key: True

Question 7 of 17 1.0 Points

An NRF rating takes into account the quality of your research, coherence, your role to initiate
new research and consistency over time / 'n NRF evaluering kyk na die kwaliteit van jou
navorsing, sowel as die samehang daarvan, jou bestendigheid oor tyd asook jou vermoë om
nuwe navorsing te inisieer

Answer Key: True

Question 8 of 17 1.0 Points

Protests against apartheid led to a centralistic research policy in SA during the 1960’s, 1970’s
and 1980’s / Publieke protes teen apartheid was hoofsaaklik verantwoordelik vir die
sentralistiese navorsingsbeleid van die SA regering gedurende die 1960's, 1970's en 1980's


Answer Key: True

Question 9 of 17 5.0 Points

Science, Technology and Society is the field of study that involves the study of ______? /
Wetenskap, tegnologie en Samelewing bestudeer hoofsaaklik...?

a) The influence of science on the society / Die invloed van wetenskap op die samelewing

b) The influence of technology on the society / Die invloed van tegnologie op die samelewing

c) The influence of science on technology / Die invloed van wetenskap op tegnologie

d) The influence of the society on technology / Die invloed van samelewing op tegnologie

e) The influence of the society on science / Die invloed van samelewing op wetenskap

f) The influence of technology on science / die invloed van tegnologie op wetenskap

• A.

The correct answers are (a) and (b) / (a) en (b) is korrek

• B.

The correct answers are (d) and (e) / (d) en (e) is korrek
• C.

The correct answers are (a), (c), (e) and (f) / (a), (c), (e) en (f) is korrek

• D.

The correct answers are (a), (b), (d) and (e) / (a), (b), (d) en (e) is korrek

• E.

The answers are all correct / Almal is korrek

Answer Key: E

Question 10 of 17 2.0 Points

Currently the vision of research favoured by the government is: / Die huidige SA regering se
siening oor navorsing is:

• A. University patronage / Universiteitspatronaatskap

• B. Endless frontiers / wetenskap sonder grense
• C. Centralism / sentralisme
• D. Strategic science / strategiese wetenskap
• E. Commercialist / kommersiële navorsing

Answer Key: E

Question 11 of 17 1.0 Points

How many chapters does the Reader for this module have? Hoeveel hoofstukke het die Diktaat
vir hierdie module?

• A. 6
• B. 7
• C. 5
• D. 8
Answer Key: B

Question 12 of 17 1.0 Points

How many assignments do you have to submit in this module? Hoeveel werksopdragte moet jy
indien vir hierdie module?

• A. 4
• B. 5
• C. 7
• D. 1

Answer Key: D

Question 13 of 17 1.0 Points

How will your final mark be calculated in this module? Hoe word jou finale punt bepaal in
hierdie module?

• A. Participation mark calculated from class tests and semester test (50%), and a
exam paper (50%) / Deelnamepunt wat bereken word vanuit die klastoetse en die
semestertoets (50%), en 'n eksamenvraestel (50%)
• B. Continual assessment comprising of online Efundi tests and a group assignment
/ Deurlopende assessering bestaande uit aanlyn-Efundi-toetse sowel as 'n groeps-
• C. Not one of the above / Nie een van bogenoemde nie
• D. Efundi tests (25%), assignments (25%), a semester test (25%) and an exam
paper (25%) / Efundi toetse(25%), werksopdrage (25%), 'n semester toets (25%) en 'n
eksamenvraestel (25%)

Answer Key: B

Question 14 of 17 2.0 Points

Study Table 1.2 in the Reader. In which type (or types) of university/universities (as indicated
on the x-axis) will pure basic research be able to function optimally? / Kyk na Tabel 1.2 in die
Diktaat. In watter tipe (of tipes) Universiteit/e (soos aangedui op die x-as) sal suiwer basiese
navorsing die beste tot sy reg kom?
A. Type 1 / Tipe 1

B. Type 2 / Tipe 2

C. Type 3 / Tipe 3

D. Type 4 / Tipe 4

E. Type 5 / Tipe 5

Answer Key: A, B

Question 15 of 17 2.0 Points

Study Table 1.2 in the Reader. In which type (or types) of university/universities (as indicated
on the x-axis) will ideologically motivated research be able to function optimally? / Kyk na
Tabel 1.2 in die Diktaat. In watter tipe (of tipes) Universiteit/e (soos aangedui op die x-as) sal
ideologies-gedrewe navorsing die beste tot sy reg kom?

A. Tipe 1/ Type 1

B. Tipe 2 / Type 2

C. Tipe 3 / Type 3

D. Tipe 4 / Type 4

E. Tipe 5 / Type 5

Answer Key: C, D

Question 16 of 17 3.0 Points

Study Table 1.2 in the Reader. In which type (or types) of university/universities (as indicated
on the x-axis) will applied research be able to function optimally? / Kyk na Tabel 1.2 in die
Diktaat. In watter tipe (of tipes) Universiteit/e (soos aangedui op die x-as) sal toegepaste
navorsing die beste tot sy reg kom?

A. Tipe 1 / Type 1
B. Tipe 2 / Type 2

C. Tipe 3 / Type 3

D. Tipe 4 / Type 4

E. Tipe 5 / Type 5

Answer Key: C, D, E

Question 17 of 17 2.0 Points. Point(s) deducted for incorrect answer: 1.0

Study Table 1.2 in the Reader. In which type (or types) of university/universities (as indicated
on the x-axis) will commercial research be able to function optimally? / Kyk na Tabel 1.2 in
die Diktaat. In watter tipe (of tipes) Universiteit/e (soos aangedui op die x-as) sal kommersiële
navorsing die beste tot sy reg kom?

• A. Type 1 / Tipe 1
• B. Type 2 / Tipe 2
• C. Type 3 / Tipe 3
• D. Type 4 / Tipe 4
• E. Type 5 / Tipe 5

Answer Key: E

Test 2 / Toets 2
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Part 1 of 1 - / 29.0 Points

Question 1 of 20 1.0 Points

Patenting the “Cotton-gin” in the USA led to a reduction in the number of slaves

Die aantal slawe in die VSA het afgeneem nadat "cotton-gin" gepatenteer is


Answer Key: False

Question 2 of 20 2.0 Points

Bruno Latour, Karl Popper and Thomas Kuhn were ______. Bruno Latour, Karl Popper en
Thomas Kuhn was almal _________

• A. Essentialists / essensialiste
• B. Modernists / moderniste
• C. Epistemologic anargists / epistemologiese anargiste
• D. Traditionalists / tradisionaliste

Answer Key: A

Question 3 of 20 1.0 Points

“Falsification” was proposed by? Wie het "falsifikasie" voorgestel?

• A. Kuhn
• B. Latour
• C. Popper
• D. Feyerabend

Answer Key: C
Question 4 of 20 1.0 Points
Falsification implies that….. Falsifisering impliseer dat....

• A. Science is false / wetenskap vals is

• B. Science is true / wetenskap waar is
• C. All scientific knowledge is provisional / alle wetenskaplike kennis voorlopig van
aard is
• D. Only some facts can be proven / slegs sekere feite bewys kan word

Answer Key: C

Question 5 of 20 1.0 Points

Kuhn is well known for ….? Kuhn is welbekend vir ____?

• A. Constructionism / konstruksionisme
• B. Deductions / afleidings
• C. Axioms / aannames
• D. Paradigm shifts / paradigmaskuiwe

Answer Key: D

Question 6 of 20 2.0 Points

STS studies science and engineering from a _____perspective: STS bestudeer wetenskap en
tegnologie vanuit 'n _____ perspektief?

• A. Social constructivist / Sosiaal-konstruksionistiese

• B. Post modern / postmoderne
• C. Factual / feitelike
• D. Paradigmatic / paradigmatiese

Answer Key: D
Question 7 of 20 2.0 Points
Which answer is NOT an example of theorems that were conceived within conflicting,
concurrent paradigms (making them practically irreconcilable)? Watter voorbeeld is NIE 'n
voorbeeld van 'n teorie wat op een of ander stadium botsende paradigmas/verklarings gehad
het nie?

• A. Heliocentrism / heliosentrisme
• B. Quantum mechanics / kwantum-meganika
• C. Newtonian physics / Newtoniaanse fisika
• D. Organic chemistry / Organiese chemie

Answer Key: D

Question 8 of 20 1.0 Points

The question “ Why does a cellphone look like it looks, and could it have looked differently?”
is typical of ____? Die vraag "waarom lyk 'n selfoon soos hy lyk en kon hy dalk anders gelyk
het?" is tipies van _____?

• A. Social studies / sosiale studies

• B. Technological studies / tegnologiese studies
• C. Studies of science / studies van die wetenskap
• D. Philosophy / filosofie

Answer Key: B

Question 9 of 20 1.0 Points

The origin of Technology assessment relates to the Club of _____? Die oorsprong van
tegnologie-assessering was die klub van _____?

• A. Constantinopel / Konstantinopel
• B. Budapest
• C. Rome
• D. Washington
Answer Key: C

Question 10 of 20 1.0 Points

The current appearance and functionality of cellphones are mainly the result of ____? Die
huidige voorkoms en funksionaliteit van selfone is hoofsaaklik die resultaat van _____?

• A. Innovation studies / innovasiestudies

• C. Technology assessment / tegnologie-assessering
• D. Technological determinism / tegnologiese determinisme

Answer Key: B

Question 11 of 20 2.0 Points

The prominence of (and obsession with) the Banting diet is a classic example of ______ in
science. Die prominensie en obsessie met die sg. Banting-dieet is in klassieke voorbeeld van
_____ in wetenskap

• A. Falsification / falsifikasie
• B. Paradigm shift / paradigmaskuif
• C. Constructionist science progress / konstruksionistiese wetenskaplike
• D. All the above / al die bogenoemde opsies

Answer Key: D

Question 12 of 20 2.0 Points

Karl Popper said that: Karl Popper het gesê:

• A. "One should try to prove scientific theories FALSE, not prove them true
(Falsification)" "Mens moet alle wetenskaplike teorieë as vals probeer bewys en nie as
waar nie"
• B. "That science doesn't work according to Falsification". Die wetenskap werk nie
na gelang van falsifikasie nie
• C. "Understanding science must not be isolated by or limited to a specific view, but
that it must in a pragmatic way rather take cognisance of the context in which science is
practised" "Die verstaan van wetenskap is nie beperk tot 'n ekele standpunt nie maar
mense moet op 'n pragmatiese wyse kennis neem van die konteks waarbinne wetenskap
beoefen word"
• D. "You can understand scientific development only by studying its historical
development" Jy kan wetenskaplike ontwikkeling slegs verstaan as jy die geskiedenis
daarvan bestudeer

Answer Key: A

Question 13 of 20 1.0 Points

An example of a scientific theory that was falsified, is: 'n Voorbeeld van 'n wetenskaplike
teorie wat gevalsifiseer is, is:

• A. The sun is a ball of fire / die son is 'n bol vuur

• B. The earth rotates around the sun / die aarde wentel om die son
• C. The earth rotates around its own axis / die aarde roteer om sy eie as
• D. All living organisms have common building blocks / alle lewende organismes
het gemeenskaplike boublokke

Answer Key: A

Question 14 of 20 1.0 Points

A paradigm is _________. Which one of the following is TRUE: Watter opsie is WAAR: "'n
Paradigma is_____"

• A. ...The view that understanding science must not be isolated by or limited to a

specific view. / die siening dat om wetenskap te verstaan nie beperk moet word deur 'n
spesifieke siening nie
• B. ...The social impact and influences on technology. / die sosiale invloed op
• C. ... A specific set of convictions or assumptions about a scientific problem in a
specific period and forms the frame of thought within which scientists practice their
science in the relevant field. / 'n Spesifieke stel oortuigings of aannames oor 'n
wetenskaplike probleem in 'n spesifieke tyd, wat die raamwerk vorm van
wetenskaplikes wat aktief is in die spesifieke vakdissipline
• D. ...A mobilisable and active entity that participates in science or technology. / 'n
Mobiliseerbare en aktiewe entiteit wat deelneem in wetenskap en tegnologie

Answer Key: C

Question 15 of 20 1.0 Points

The development of the iPad is an example of: / Die ontwikkeling van die I-Pad is 'n voorbeeld

• A. Falsification / falsifikasie
• B. Technology Assessment / Tegnologie-assessering
• C. Actors / Aktore
• D. Innovation / Innovasie

Answer Key: D

Question 16 of 20 1.0 Points

Which one of the following is TRUE? / Watter stelling/s is WAAR?

• A. STS studies also looks at the way in which science and technology have
developed. / STS kyk ook na die wyse waarop wetenskap en tegnologie ontwikkel het
• B. In STS studies, science practice is regarded as ‘n social practice. / STS beskou
die beoefening van wetenskap as 'n sosiale aktiwiteit
• C. STS studies open the eyes of scientists in the exact sciences for the nature of
their science practice. / STS het die oë van natuurwetenskaplikes geopen vir die aard
van hul wetenskaplike aktiwiteite
• D. All of the above / Almal is waar

Answer Key: D

Question 17 of 20 2.0 Points

In the development of South Africa’s nuclear arsenal, in the 1980s, the then South African
government was a_______. / Tydens die ontwikkeling van SA se kernbomme het die regering
opgetree as _____?
• A. An actor / 'n Aktor
• B. An actant / 'n Aktant
• C. A policy maker / 'n Beleidmaker
• D. A & C
• E. B & C

Answer Key: D

Question 18 of 20 2.0 Points. Point(s) deducted for incorrect answer: 1.0

Indicate which one (or more than one?) type of research will be the most comfortably
accommodated within the paradigm of Popper? / Dui aan watter tipe navorsing sal die
gemaklikste geakkommodeer kan word binne die paradigma van Popper?

• A. Basies / Basic
• B. Ideologies / Ideologic
• C. Toegepas / Applied
• D. Kommersieel / Commercial

Answer Key: A

Question 19 of 20 2.0 Points

Indicate which one (or more than one?) type of research will be the most comfortably
accommodated within the paradigm of Kuhn? / Dui aan watter tipe navorsing sal die
gemaklikste geakkommodeer kan word binne die paradigma van Kuhn?

A. Basies / Basic

B. Ideologies / Ideological

C. Toegepas / Applied

D. Kommersieel / Commercial
Answer Key: A, C

Question 20 of 20 2.0 Points

Indicate which one (or more than one?) type of research will be the most comfortably
accommodated within the paradigm of Latour? / Dui aan watter tipe navorsing sal die
gemaklikste geakkommodeer kan word binne die paradigma van Latour?

A. Basies / Basic

B. Ideologies / Ideological

C. Toegepas / Applied

D. Kommersieel / Commercial

Answer Key: B, D

Test 3 / Toets 3
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Part 1 of 1 - / 30.0 Points

Question 1 of 10 3.0 Points

Many systems that function in society can be considered as: Vele stelsels wat in die
samelewing gevind kan word kan beskou word as:

• A. Well-defined technological products (like the examination system of the NWU)

/ goed-gedefinieerde tegnologiese produkte (soos die eksamenstelsel van die NWU
• B. Universal technological systems (like the credit card system of a commercial
bank) / universele tegnologiese stelsels soos die kredietkaartstelsel van 'n bank
• C. Dependent on advanced technologies (like the radar system for the global air
traffic) / afhanklik van gevorderde tegnologieë soos die radarstelsel by 'n lughawe
• D. All of the above / almal is korrek
Answer Key: D

Question 2 of 10 3.0 Points

According to Kramer and De Smit (1997:6) there are two reasons why it is important to
understand systems namely: Volgens Kramer en De Smit (1997:6) isd daar 2 redes waarom
stelsels verstaan moet word, naamlik:

• A. To develop a subject language and to work out a methodology. / sodat 'n vaktaal
sowel as 'n unieke metodologie ontwikkel kan word
• B. To analyse a subject field and to develop a methodology from it. / om 'n
vakdissipline te analiseer en 'n metodologie daarvan af te lei
• C. To analyse a subject field and to integrate it with other subject fields. / Om 'n
vakdissipline te analiseer en dit te integreer met ander vakdissiplines
• D. To develop a methodology and to define a new subject field. / om 'n
metodologie te ontwikkel sodat 'n nuwe vakdissipline gedefinieer kan word

Answer Key: A

Question 3 of 10 3.0 Points

Jackson (2000:128) mentions that operational research (OR) strives to reduce complex
problems in organisations by means of a systems process with a view to responsible decision-
making. Which one of the following phases does NOT form part of an OR-project? Jackson
(2000:128) stel dat operasionele navorsing probeer om die kompleksiteit van probleme in
organisasies te verminder deur 'n stelselproses wat verantwoordelike besluitneming tot gevolg
het. Watter een van die volgende fases vorm NIE deel van 'n operasionele navorsingsprojek

• A. Formulating the solution / die formulering van die oplossing

• B. Constructing a mathematical model to represent the system that will be studied /
die konstruksie van 'n wiskundige model wat die stelsel wat bestudeer moet word,
• C. Developing a solution to the problem / die ontwikkeling van 'n oplossing van die
• D. Evaluating the model and the solution derived from it / die evaluering van die
model en die oplossing wat daarvan afgelei word
• E. Defining control mechanisms for the solution / die definiëring van
kontrolemeganismes vir die oplossing

Answer Key: A

Question 4 of 10 3.0 Points

The biggest difference between critical and soft systems thinking is that critical systems
thinkers: Die grootste verskil tussen kritiese- en sagte stelsels is dat kritiese stelsel denkers:

• A. Accept the society as a non-harmonious environment, where mutual conflict

exists between actors. / die samelewing aanvaar as 'n nie-harmonieuse omgewing waar
konflik tussen aktore bestaan
• B. Accept the society as a harmonious environment where mutual conflict do not
exist between actors / die samelewing aanvaar as 'n harmonieuse omgewing waar
konflik nie tussen aktore voorkom nie.
• C. Accept the society as a harmonious environment, where mutual conflict exists
between actors. / die samelewing aanvaar as 'n harmonieuse omgewing waar konflik
wel tussen aktore voorkom
• D. None of the above. / geeneen van bogenoemde nie

Answer Key: A

Question 5 of 10 3.0 Points

Reductionist thinking: Reduksionistiese denke:

• A. Synthesize / sintetiseer
• B. Analyse / analiseer
• C. Predict / voorspel
• D. Is creative / is kreatief

Answer Key: B

Question 6 of 10 3.0 Points

Systems thinking: Stelseldenke:
• A. Is confined to a single discipline / is beperk tot 'n enkele dissipline
• B. Analyse / analiseer
• C. Is creative synthesis / is kreatiewe sintese
• D. Is not holistic / is nie-holisties

Answer Key: C

Question 7 of 10 3.0 Points

Interaction between a system and the environment is only possible in a __________ system?
Interaksie tussen 'n stelsel en die omgewing is slegs moontlik in 'n ______ stelsel?

• A. Closed / geslote
• B. Hard / Harde
• C. Soft / sagte
• D. Open / oop

Answer Key: D

Question 8 of 10 3.0 Points

“What should be done?” is a question that typically forms part of a ____ system Die vraag
"wat behoort gedoen te word" vorm tipies deel van 'n _____ stelsel

• A. Hard / harde
• B. Soft / sagte
• C. Critical / kritiese
• D. Closed / geslote

Answer Key: C

Question 9 of 10 3.0 Points

The assumption that consensus is not always the best solution, is found in ____systems? Die
aanname dat konsensus nie altyd die beste oplossing is nie, word veral gevind by ____ stelsels?
• A. Soft / sagte
• B. Critical / kritiese
• C. Hard / harde
• D. Open / oop

Answer Key: B

Question 10 of 10 3.0 Points

Which research activity (or activities) is used in basic research, applied research as well as in a
systems approach? Watter navorsingsaktiwiteit (e) word gebruik in basiese navorsing,
toegepaste navorsing sowel as in 'n stelselbenadering?

• A. Using regularities as point of departure / die gebruik van konstantes as

• B. Using assumptions as point of departure / die gebruik van aannames as
• C. Using the experimental method / die eksperimentele metode
• D. Observations and measurements / waarnemings en metings

Answer Key: D

09 | Tests & Quizzes / Toetse en Vasvrae

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Test 4 / Toets 4
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Part 1 of 1 - / 16.0 Points

Question 1 of 10 2.0 Points
Die volgende is ʼn voorbeeld van proposisionele kennis / The following is an example of
propositional knowledge

• A. ‘n Kwiktermometer gee ʼn lesing van 32°C / A mercury thermometer gives a

reading of 32°C
• B. Siya Kolisi, Springbok kaptein, voer ʼn unieke systap uit om sy opponent te flous
en druk ʼn drie in die rugby Wêreldbeker finaal / Springbok captain Siya Kolisi
uniquely sidesteps his opponent and scores a try in the Rugby World Cup Final.
• C. ‘n Waterstof brandstofsel word uitmekaar gehaal om die werking daarvan te
bestudeer / A Hydrogen Fuel Cell is stripped to determine how it operates
• D. Geen van die bogenoemde / None of the above

Answer Key: D

Question 2 of 10 2.0 Points

Die volgende is ʼn voorbeeld van vaardigheid kennis / The following is an example of
knowledge by acquaintance

• A. Geen van die bogenoemde / None of the above

• B. ʼn Waterstof brandstofsel kan 6kWh elektrisiteit uit 450g Waterstof lewer / A
Hydrogen Fuel Cell produces 6kWh electricity with 450g Hydrogen
• C. ‘n Kwiktermometer gee ʼn lesing van 32°C / A mercury thermometer gives a
reading of 32°C
• D. Springbok kaptein Siya Kolisi lees die tyd op sy horlosie om te sien wanneer die
eindfluitjie gaan blaas tydens die Wêreldbeker finaal / The Springbok captain Siya
Kolisi checks the time on his watch to determine when the final whistle will blow
during the World Cup Final

Answer Key: D

Question 3 of 10 2.0 Points

Die NWU wil ʼn nuwe navorsingseenheid in Kenia begin deur ʼn vennootskap met een van die
plaaslike Universiteite in Kenia aan te gaan. Hierdie is ʼn voorbeeld van: / The NWU aims to
establish a new research centre in Kenya by forming a new partnership with one of the local
Kenyan Universities. This is an example of:

• A. Beide 1 en 2/ Both 1 and 2

• B. Vanselfsprekende kennis / Obvious knowledge
• C. Bekendheidskennis / Knowledge by acquaintance
• D. Geen van die bogenoemde / None of the above

Answer Key: D

Question 4 of 10 2.0 Points

Die volgende is ʼn voorbeeld van nomotetiese wetenskap: / The following is an example of
nomic science:

• A. Indien jy ʼn Christen is, moet jy eers getroud wees voordat jy kan kinders hê. / If
you are a Christian you have to be married before you have children
• B. ʼn Waterstofbrandstofsel se elektrisiteitopwekkingsvermoë is direk eweredig aan
die Waterstof toevoer / A Hydrogen Fuel Cell’s ability to generate electricity is directly
proportional to the Hydrogen supply
• C. Dit is verbode vir ʼn persoon wat die Moslem-geloof aanhang om varkprodukte
te eet / All Muslims are prohibited from eating any pork products
• D. Al die bogenoemde / All of the above

Answer Key: B

Question 5 of 10 2.0 Points

Watter van die volgende is interdissiplinêr? / Which of the following is interdisciplinary?

• A. Al die bogenoemde / All of above

• B. FNB se finansiële beplannings afdeling. / FNB’s financial planning division.
• C. Die Springbokspan se ondersteuningspersoneel / The Springbok team’s support
• D. Die Sentrum vir Menslike Metabonomika / Center for Human Metabonomics
Answer Key: A

Question 6 of 10 1.0 Points

Watter soort kennis is ter sprake wanneer 'n persoon sê: "Ek kan nie fiets ry nie, maar ek weet
hoe om 'n fiets reg te maak."/ What kind of knowledge is involved when a person says: "I
cannot ride a bicycle, but I know how fix it."

• A. Geloofskennis / Religious knowledge

• B. Vaardigheidskennis / Procedural knowledge
• C. Proposisionele kennis / Propositional knowledge
• D. Bekendheidskennis / Knowledge by acquaintance

Answer Key: B

Question 7 of 10 1.0 Points

Watter soort kennis is ter sprake wanneer 'n persoon sê: "Soos die weer nou lyk, behoort dit
later vandag te hael."/ What kind of knowledge is involved when a person says: " It should hail
later today based on how the weather looks now"

• A. Geloofskennis / Religious knowledge

• B. Vaardigheidskennis / Procedural knowledge
• C. Bekendheidskennis / Knowledge by acquaintance
• D. Proposisionele kennis / Propositional knowledge

Answer Key: C

Question 8 of 10 1.0 Points

Watter soort kennis is ter sprake wanneer 'n persoon sê: "Ek ken Pres. Ramaphosa omdat ek
hom gereeld op TV sien."/ What kind of knowledge is involved when a person says: "I know
Pres. Ramaphosa because I regularly see him on TV."

• A. Geloofskennis / Religious knowledge

• B. Bekendheidskennis / Knowledge by acquaintance
• C. Proposisionele kennis / Propositional knowledge
• D. Vaardigheidskennis / Procedural knowledge

Answer Key: B

Question 9 of 10 2.0 Points

Watter een van die volgende stellings is altyd waar? / Which one of the following statements is
always true?

• A. Iemand wat 'n in-diepte studie doen van 'n veld doen interdissiplinêre navorsing.
/ Someone who does an indepth study of a field does interdisciplinary research.
• B. Wanneer 'n sportman uitblink in meer as een sport, dan word hy 'n
interdissiplinêre sportman genoem. / When an athlete excels in more than one sport,
then he is called an interdisciplinary sportsman.
• C. Universiteite wat meer as een fakulteit het word gereken as interdissiplinêre
universiteite. / Universities with more than one faculty are considered interdisciplinary
• D. Werk is interdissiplinêr wanneer twee of meer dissiplines gekombineer word om
'n probleem op die los. / Work is interdisciplinary when two or more disciplines are
combined to solve a problem.

Answer Key: D

Question 10 of 10 1.0 Points

Watter stelling is waar? / Which statement is true?

• A. Oorsaak-en-gevolg speel 'n belangrike rol in ingenieurswese. / Cause-and-effect

plays an important role engineering.
• B. Ingenieurswese is 'n suiwer formele wetenskap. / Engineering is limited to the
method of logic.
• C. Ingenieurswese is beperk tot die modaliteit van logika. / Engineering is limited
to the modality of logic.
• D. Ingenieurswese is 'n beskrywende wetenskap. / Engineering is a descriptive
Answer Key: A
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Test 5 / Toets 5
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Part 1 of 1 - / 23.0 Points

Question 1 of 12 2.0 Points

Watter een van die volgende beskryf NIE ‘n samelewing nie? / Which of the following does
NOT describe a society?

• A. Het ‘n interne organisasie. / Has an internal organization.

• B. ‘n Betreklik onafhanklik en selfvoorsiende bevolking. / A relative independent
and self-sufficient population.
• C. ʼn Stelsel ongestruktureerde sosiale verhoudings. / A system of unstructured
social relationships.
• D. Word gehandhaaf deur geboortes en opvoeding van kinders binne daardie
kultuur. / Is upheld by birth and upbringing of children within that culture
• E. ‘n Eie grondgebied. / Its own territory.

Answer Key: C

Question 2 of 12 2.0 Points

ʼn Koshuis sub-kultuur is ____ van aard: / The Hostel sub-culture represents a _____ view of

• A. Neokonserwatisme / Neo-conservatism
• B. Essensialisme / Essentialism
• C. Sosiaal-konstruksionisme / Social constructivism
• D. ‘n Modale siening / A modal viewpoint

Answer Key: C

Question 3 of 12 2.0 Points

Jou kultuur moet deurgaans bevraagteken word om te verseker dit is soos dit behoort te wees in
jou sosio-historiese konteks. Hierdie is ‘n _________ siening. / Your culture must be
questioned continuously to ensure it is as it should be in your socio-historical context. This is a
_________ view.

• A. Modale / modal
• B. Neokonserwatistiese / Neo-conservatistic
• C. Essensialisme / Essentialism
• D. Sosiaal-konstruksionisme / Social constructivism

Answer Key: B

Question 4 of 12 2.0 Points

Watter van die volgende is ‘n swak punt van die essensialistiese visie? / Which of the
following is a weakness of the essentialist vision?

• A. Nuwe kulture kan kunsmatig geskep word. / New cultures can be created
• B. Geromantiseerde paternalisme dat “jou eie kultuur/tradisies die beste is”. /
romanticized paternalism that "your own culture / tradition is the best".
• C. Kultuur kan misbruik word om mag te bekom. / Culture can be manipulated to
achieve power.
• D. Kultuur kan ‘n groot invloed op mense hê wat dit nie noodwendig besef nie. /
Culture can make a big impact on people who do not realize it.
• E. Sommige mense voel dat die stelsel hulle uitsluit (marginalisasie). / Some
people feel that the system excludes them (marginalization).
Answer Key: B

Question 5 of 12 2.0 Points

Wat is normatiewe multikulturalisme? / What is normative multiculturalism?

• A. Die kultuur met die sterkste ondersteuning oorleef. / The culture with strongest
support survives.
• B. Insig dat kultuurvorming altyd gelei word deur begronde rasionele kennis of
oortuigings van ʼn religieuse aard / Insight into culture development is always guided
and directed by rational knowledge or religious motives.
• C. Verskillende waardes en praktyke. / Different values and practices.
• D. ‘n Samelewing met verskeie kulture wat met mekaar in verband staan en mekaar
beïnvloed / A society with multiple cultures in connection with each other and which
influence each other
• E. Die verkondiging van gelyke respek vir die verskillende kulture in 'n
samelewing. / The proclamation of equal respect for different cultures in within a

Answer Key: E

Question 6 of 12 2.0 Points

Die volgende vraag is NIE ‘n vraag wat in sosiale konstruktivisme gevra word nie: / The
following question is NOT asked in social constructivism:

• A. Watter teorie is meer wetenskaplik: geosentrisme of heliosentrisme? / What

theory is more scientific – geocentrism of heliocentrism?
• B. Watter faktore is daar wat wetenskaplikes verhoed om van tans aanvaarde
paradigmas afstand te doen? / Which factors make it difficult for scientists to denounce
current, accepted scientific paradigms?
• C. Watter soorte kennis word spesifiek as ‘n resultaat van die wisselwerking tussen
wetenskap en samelewing geproduseer? / What kind of knowledge is produced
specifically as a result of the interaction between science and society?
• D. Watter kontroversiele opinies bestaan in wetenskap en wat maak wetenskaplikes
daarmee? / What controversial opinions are found in science and how do scientists deal
with it?
Answer Key: A

Question 7 of 12 2.0 Points

Die volgende wetenskaplike of tegnologiese ontwikkeling was gemotiveer deur sosiale sowel
as wetenskaplike motiewe. Watter een pas nie? / One of the following developments was the
result of both social as well as scientific motives. Which of the alternatives doesn’t fit?

• A. Kosmologiese modelle / Cosmological models

• B. Kankernavorsing / Cancer research
• C. Selfoon-sagteware / Cellphone software
• D. Sonkrag-energie en sonpanele / Solar energy and solar panels

Answer Key: A

Question 8 of 12 2.0 Points

Die San mense wat nog net soos hul voorouers wil lewe, se dominante visie is: / The San
people who still want to live like their ancestors, have a dominant vision of:

• A. Nie een van die ander alternatiewe / not one of the mentioned alternatives
• B. Essensialisme / Essentialism
• C. Neokonserwatisme / Neo-conservatism
• D. Sosiaal-konstruksionisme / Social constructionism

Answer Key: B

Question 9 of 12 2.0 Points

Die Hippie-kultuur se dominante visie is: / The Hippie culture’s dominant vision is

• A. Neokonserwatisme / Neo-conservatism
• B. Essensialisme / Essentialism
• C. Nie een nie / none
• D. Sosiaal-konstruksionisme / Social constructionism
Answer Key: D

Question 10 of 12 2.0 Points

Universele kennis en inheemse kennis moet in samehang wees ten einde mense te bemagtig.
Hierdie is 'n _________ siening. / Universal and indigenous knowledge should be in
conjunction in order to empower people. This is a _________ view.

• A. Essensialisme / Essentialism
• B. Nie een nie / none of the other alternatives
• C. Neokonserwatisme / Neo-conservatism
• D. Sosiaal-konstruksionisme / Social constructionism

Answer Key: D

Question 11 of 12 2.0 Points

As u ‘n denkraamwerk vir die oplossing van SA se problem moes voorstel, watter kultuurvisie
sou waarskynlik die grootste kans op sukses hê? / If you had to propose a paradigm to seek for
solutions to South Africa’s problems, which vision of culture would probably be the most

• A. Neokonserwatisme / Neo-conservatism
• B. Sosiaal-konstruksionisme / Social constructivism
• C. ‘n Modale siening / A modal viewpoint
• D. Essensialisme / Essentialism

Answer Key: A

Question 12 of 12 1.0 Points

Kultuur is ‘n konsep wat losstaande en onafhanklik is van die mense wat dit beoefen. Daarom
is die wetenskap en ingenieurswese ook onafhanklik is van kultuur. / Culture is a concept that
is separate and independent of the people who practice it. Therefore science and engineering is
independent of culture.

• A. Waar / True
• B. I don't know
• C. I don't care
• D. Vals / False

Answer Key: D

Test 6 / Toets 6
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Part 1 of 1 - / 10.0 Points

Question 1 of 10 1.0 Points

Volhoubare ontwikkeling is / Sustainable development is

• A. wanneer daar aan die behoeftes van die huidige voorsien word, sonder om die
vermoë van toekomstige generasies om aan hul eie behoeftes te voorsien te benadeel. /
When the needs of the present is reached without compromising the ability of future
generations to fulfil their needs.
• B. die navorsing waar tegnologie in direk verband staan met die samelewing. / The
research in which technology directly relates to society.
• C. gedefinieer as die wyse gebruik van volhoubare hulpbronne. / defined as the
wise use of sustainable resources.
• D. None / geen

Answer Key: A

Question 2 of 10 1.0 Points

Beurtkrag is ‘n voorbeeld van watter strategie? / Load shedding is an example of which

• A. None / geen
• B. Voorafbepaalde voorkoming van skade strategie / precautionary prevention of
damages strategy
• C. “end-of-pipe” strategie / end-of-pipe strategy
• D. Preventative maintenance strategy / voorkomende onderhoud-strategie

Answer Key: C

Question 3 of 10 1.0 Points

‘n Nadeel van die OIA ( Omgewings Impak Assesering ) wat deur die regering vereis word om
groot projekte van stapel te stuur kan wees dat die OIS( Omgewings Impak Studie ) verslag so
gemanupuleer kan word dat die uitkomste die ontwikkeling sterk bevoordeel. / A disadvantage
of EIA ( Environmental Impact Assessment ) required by governments to embark large
projects can be that an EIS ( Environmental Impact Study ) report can be manipulated in such a
way the outcomes are clearly in favour of the development.

A. True
B. False

Answer Key: True

Question 4 of 10 1.0 Points

Watter van die volgende stelsels sal effektief gebruik kan word in die suksesvolle soeke na
omgewingsvolhoubaarheid? / Which of the following systems can effectively be utilized in the
search for environmental sustainability?

• A. Sosiale geregtigheid / social justice

• B. Demokrasie / democracy
• C. Humanistiese stelsel / Humanistic system
• D. Omgewingsvriendelikheids stelsel / Environmental friendly system

Answer Key: D

Question 5 of 10 1.0 Points

Vir die sukses van volhoubare ontwikkeling moet eie belang beperk word. Watter een is nie ‘n
oplossing nie? / Own interest must be minimized for the success off sustainable development.
Which one is not a solution?
• A. sosialisering / socialising.
• B. oorreding / convincing
• C. regulering / regulating
• D. omgewingsoplossing / environmental solution

Answer Key: A

Question 6 of 10 1.0 Points

Die regering beplan om ‘n reuse watersuiweringswerk te bou om die suurmynwater van die
Witwatersrand te suiwer voor dit in riviere vrygelaat word. Dit is ‘n voorbeeld van ‘n ______
strategie / Government is planning to build a big water treatment plant to treat the acid mine
drainage of the Witwatersrand before it flows into rivers. This is an example of a _____

• A. proaktiewe / pro-active
• B. eindpunt- / end-of-pipe
• C. voorkoming van skade / prevention of damage
• D. generies / generic

Answer Key: B

Question 7 of 10 1.0 Points

Die weerstand om oor te skakel na duurder, meer ekonomiese voertuie sal die beste
aangespreek kan word deur____ /The most effective way to address the reluctance to transfer
to more expensive, more energy-efficient motor vehicles is____?

• A. Scenario-analises / Scenario analyses

• B. Oorreding / Convincing
• C. Omgewingsinvloedanalise / Environmental Impact Assessment
• D. Wette / Laws

Answer Key: B
Question 8 of 10 1.0 Points
‘n Voorbeeld van ‘n oorredingstegniek in Omgewingsbestuur is? / An example of a Persuasion
technique in Environmental Management is?:

• A. Omgewingsinvloedbepaling / Environmental Impact Assessment

• B. Omgewingsbestuurstelsels / Environmental Management Systems
• C. Lewenssiklus assessering / life cycle assessment
• D. Tegnologie-assessering / Technology assessment

Answer Key: B

Question 9 of 10 1.0 Points

Om effektief te wees in die soeke na volhoubaarheid, moet ____ toegepas word / To be
effective in your strive towards sustainability, _____ must be applied.

• A. groepsbelang / group interest

• B. demokrasie / democracy
• C. eie belang / own interest
• D. Holistiese stelseldenke / holistic systems thinking

Answer Key: D

Question 10 of 10 1.0 Points

As alle mense die gemiddelde VSA lewensstandaard wil volg, kan die aarde ____ miljard
mense onderhou / If all people want living standard similar to the average American, the earth
will be able to sustain _____billion people.

• A. 200
• B. 2
• C. 50
• D. 100
Answer Key: B

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Test 7 / Toets 7
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Part 1 of 1 - / 10.0 Points

Question 1 of 10 1.0 Points

Watter een van die volgende stellings is vals / Which one of the following statements is false ?

• A. Beginsels standaardiseer norme / Principles standardise norms Die terme

“beginsel” en “grondslag” is sinoniem / The terms “principle” and “founding principle”
are synonymous
• B. Norme word van beginsels afgelei / Norms are derived from principles
• C. Beginsels word van norme afgelei / Principles are derived from norms
• D. Die terme “beginsel” en “grondslag” is sinoniem / The terms “principle” and
“founding principle” are synonymous

Answer Key: C

Question 2 of 10 1.0 Points

Kies die stelling wat ‘n voorbeeld is van ‘n normatiewe wet / Choose the statement that is an
example of a normative law

• A. Swaartekrag veroorsaak dat voorwerpe na die aarde toe val / Gravitational force
causes objects to fall downwards to the earth
• B. Die hormoon insulien is ʼn proteïen / The hormone insulin is a protein
• C. ʼn Godsdienstige wet wat egbreuk verbied / A religious law that prohibits
• D. Geestelike terrorisme kan ʼn mens kranksinnig maak / Mental terrorism can
cause insanity

Answer Key: C

Question 3 of 10 1.0 Points

Kies die stelling oor norme wat nie pas nie / Choose the odd statement on norms

• A. Kan verander / Can change

• B. Begrond etiese aspekte / Grounded in ethics
• C. Nie oortreebaar / Cannot be transgressed
• D. Berus op oortuigings / Based on beliefs

Answer Key: C

Question 4 of 10 1.0 Points

Watter een van die volgende stellings ten opsigte van die kenmerke van ‘n professie, is vals /
Which one of the following statements with regard to the characteristics of a profession, is

• A. ʼn Graad is die minimum kwalifikasie vir die meeste professies / A degree is the
minimum qualification for most professions
• B. Daar is geen universele antwoord op wat die onderskeidende kenmerke van ʼn
professie is nie / There is no universal answer to the question on what the distinctive
characteristics of a profession are
• C. ʼn Professie mag nie ʼn monopolie hê op die verskaffing van professionele
dienste nie / A profession may not have a monopoly on the provision of professional
• D. Professionele kundiges het ʼn buitengewone hoë vlak van outonomie in die
beoefening van die professie / Professional experts have an exceptionally high level of
autonomy in practising the profession
Answer Key: C

Question 5 of 10 1.0 Points

'n Professionele kode: / A professional code:

• A. Stel standaarde vir professionele gedrag / provides standards for professional

• B. Kan deur professionele liggame verander word / can be changed by professional
• C. Al die bogenoemde / all of the above
• D. is ʼn ooreenkoms tussen die professionele kundiges onderling en tussen hulle en
die samelewing / is a mutual agreement between the professional experts and between
them and society

Answer Key: C

Question 6 of 10 1.0 Points

Die gereelde verkeersoortredings in Suid-Afrika is ’n teken van swak / The amount of frequent
traffic violations in South Africa is a sign of dire

• A. Beginsels / Principals
• B. Wette / Laws
• C. Norme / Norms
• D. Etiek / Ethics

Answer Key: A

Question 7 of 10 1.0 Points

Watter van die volgende word nie gesien as ’n norm wat verander het nie? / Which of these are
not classified as a change in norms?

• A. Verwydering van kolonialisme / Abandonment of colonialism

• B. Afstelling van slawehandel / Demolishment of the slave trade
• C. Afname in lojaliteit teenoor werkgewers / Decline in loyalty towards employers
• D. Opheffing van apartheid / Ending of apartheid

Answer Key: C

Question 8 of 10 1.0 Points

Watter is nie ’n uitdaging in die begronding van norme nie? / Which is not a challenge in the
grounding of norms?

• A. Begrensing van begrondings / Limitations for grounding

• B. Tenome norme / Theonomous norms
• C. Gelykskakeling van lewensbeskouings / Equalizing life views
• D. Kulturele pluralism / Cultural pluralism

Answer Key: D

Question 9 of 10 1.0 Points

Kies die voorbeeld wat etiese beginsels oortree / Choose the example that indicates a breach of
ethical principals

• A. Wend navorsingsfondse aan om ’n rekenaarskerm vir jou huis te koop / To use

research funds for buying a computer screen for your home
• B. Neem kleinkas fondse vir persoonlike gebruik / Taking petty cash for personal
• C. Ontvang ’n motor om toe te sien dat ’n sekere tenderaar ’n kontrak sal kry /
Excepting a car to ensure that procurement goes to a specific tender
• D. Al die bogenoemde / All of the above

Answer Key: D

Question 10 of 10 1.0 Points

Dui aan watter van die volgende straf toegedien kan word aan ’n professionele persoon wat die
liggaam waaraan hy hoort se etiese kode breek. / Indicate which of the following punishments
you may endure when you breach a professional body’s code of conduct.
• A. Finansiële boete betaalbaar aan die liggaam / Financial fine payable to the body
• B. Tydelike skorsing van die liggaam / Temporarily suspended from the body Alle
regskoste verbonde aan die verhoor van die saak / All the legal costs accumulated
because of the trial Al die boenoemde / All of the above
• C. Alle regskoste verbonde aan die verhoor van die saak / All the legal costs
accumulated because of the trial
• D. Al die boenoemde / All of the above

Answer Key: D

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