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According to the biological theories of aging, what is based on random events that cause cellular
damage that accumulates as the organisms ages? (STOCHASTIC THEORIES)
2. These are authoritative statement by which the nursing profession describes the responsibility
for which its practitioners are accountable. (STANDARDS)
3. It is known to the concept of faithfulness and the practice of keeping promise. (FIDELITY)
4. It is a failure to thrive results from a discord between the individual and his or her environment
or relationships (THEORY OF THRIVING)
5. The increase in number of medication often leads to __________. (POLYPHARMACY)
6. It describes how the body interacts with administered substances for entire duration of
7. In the Psychosocial theories of aging, it describes the five basic needs motivate human behavior
in a lifelong process toward need fulfillment. (HUMAN NEEDS)
8. According to the ethical principle, what is “fairness” or the right to demand to be treated justly,
fairly, and equally. (JUSTICE)
9. It is defined as the personality consist of ego and personal collective unconsciousness that views
life from a personal or external perspective. (INDIVIDUALISM)
10. This theory focus on the mental and emotional as well as social aspects of aging. Three major
psychosocial theories on aging are continuity theory, disengagement theory, and activity
11. It is the study of a drugs molecular, biochemical, and physiologic effect or actions.
12. This is one of the nursing ethical principles that require no disclosure of private or secret
information in which one is entrusted. (CONFIDENTIALITY)
13. Under the Non-stochastic theory, this theory is defined as the cells divide until they are no
longer able to, and this triggers apoptosis or cell death. (PROGRAMMED THEORY)
14. It is considered basic to human life, and each person is entitled to them on legal, moral, or
ethical basis. (RIGHTS)
15. Under the ethical principles, what describes as the concept that each person has a right to make
independence choice and decision? (AUTONOMY)
16. The description of this theory is changing roles, relationships, status, and generational cohort
impact adult’s ability to adapt. (SOCIOLOGICAL THEORIES)
17. It is also known as Cell death. (APOPTOSIS)
18. It is defined as the membranes, nucleic acids, and proteins are damage by free radicals, which
causes cellular injury and aging. (FREE RADICAL THEORY)
19. There are 4 theories under the stochastic theories, what defined as the errors in DNA and RNA
synthesis occur with aging? (ERROR THEORY)
20. It describes the five basic needs motivate human behavior in a lifelong process toward need
fulfillment. (HUMAN NEEDS)
21. Oral drugs may be absorbed less quickly in older adult because: (OF DECREASED
22. When assessing for drug effects in the older adult, which phase of pharmacokinetics is the
greatest concern? (EXCRETION)
23. Ethical Principles: What describes the doing acts of mercy and kindness that directly benefit the
patient. (BENEFICENCE)
24. This is one of the patient’s bills of rights that the patient has a right to clear, truthful and
substantial explanation, in a manner and language understandable to the patient, of all
proposed procedures, whether diagnostic, preventive, curative, rehabilitative or therapeutic.
25. Refers to the health, mental health, social, and residential services provided to a temporarily or
chronically disabled person over an extended period of time with a goal of enabling the person
to function as independently as possible. (LONG-TERM CARE)
26. As a nurse, if the older adult is having difficulty swallowing the medication, what is the best
27. This level of care provides 24-hour per day direct nursing contact and may be considered to be
the entry level into the nursing home care. (INTERMEDIATE CATE)
28. Because of the higher incidents of Alzheimer’s disease with advanced age, there is growing need
for units that provide nursing care for elders in the various stages of dementia that occur with
Alzheimer’s. (ALZHEIMER’S CARE)
29. It refers to the health, mental health, social, and residential services provided to a temporarily
or chronically disabled person over an extended period of time with a goal of enabling the
person to function as independently as possible. (LONG-TERM CARE)
30. It provides an alternative for those older adults who do not feel safe living alone, who wish to
live in a community setting, or who need some additional help with activities of daily living.
31. Refers to the services provided to terminally ill patients whose incurable diseases has advanced
to a stage near death. (END-OF-LIFE CARE)
32. Refers to the comprehensive management of the physical, psychological, social, spiritual, and
existential needs of patients. (PALLIATIVE CARE)
33. Offers a support system to help patients live as actively as possible until death. (PALLIATIVE
34. This is a theory that the elderly prefer to segregate form society in an aging subculture sharing
loss of status and societal negativity regarding the aged. (SUBCULTURE)
35. The description of this theory is “Function is affected by ego strength, mobility, health,
cognition, sensory, perception, and the environment. (PERSON-ENVIRONMENT FIT)
36. This theory explains that aging is due to faulty immunological function, which is linked to
general well-being. (IMMUNOLOGICAL THEORY)
37. This theory explains that cells have a genetically programmed aging code. (GENE/BIOLOGICAL
38. This theory description states that problems with the hypothalamus-pituitary, endocrine gland
feedback system cause disease. (NEUROENDOCRINE THEORY)
39. It enlighten us about the developmental tasks and challenges faced by older adults and the
importance of finding and accepting meaning in one’s life. (PSYCHOLOGICAL THEORIES)
40. It is the rate of drug movement through the body, and it may decrease with age. (ABSORPTION)
41. Give one reason for polypharmacy. (REFER TO MODULE, PAGE 22)
42. The patient has this right to leave the hospital or any other health care institution regardless of
his physical condition (RIGHT TO LEAVE)
43. The patient has the right to refuse medical treatment or procedures which may be contrary to
religious beliefs. (RIGHT TO RELIGIOUS BELIEF)
44. Joan will undergo for a surgery, before administering anesthesia, what should the
anesthesiologist do first? (INFORMED CONSENT)
45. Integrity vs. despair is one of the stages in personality and development by Erik Erikson. How
does a person contemplate whether he/she becomes successful in life and ready for impending
46. A 73 year old patient male refuse medical treatment due to his religious belief, what right did
the patient performed? (RIGHT TO RELIGIOUS BELIEF)
47. It is viewed as a continuum of events that occur from conception to death. (AGING)
48. You are a nurse, what should you assess to the older adult after providing the reasons for the
drug therapy? (UNDERSTANDING)
49. In the Philippines, you are considered a member of Senior Citizen if you age is? (60 and up)
50. You are a Senior Citizen in the Philippines, you like theaters and cinema houses and you want to
enjoy the moment to spend your time there. Upon paying for the theaters, the senior citizen will
enjoy a discount on admission fees. What is the minimum percent discount will you expect? (20

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