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Rheumatol Int

DOI 10.1007/s00296-012-2515-0


How much difference does the age at onset make in early arthritis
patients? Comparison between the ACR 1987 and the ACR/
EULAR 2010 classification criteria for rheumatoid arthritis
at the time of diagnosis
Maria-Magdalena Tamas • Ioana Felea •

Simona Rednic

Received: 28 February 2012 / Accepted: 23 August 2012

Ó Springer-Verlag 2012

Abstract The age at onset in early arthritis (EA) may Keywords Early arthritis  Early-onset early arthritis 
influence the disease activity and its evolution. The aim of Late-onset early arthritis  Classification criteria
the current study is to identify possible differences
regarding the ‘‘old’’ and the ‘‘new’’ classification criteria
between patients with early-onset and late-onset early Introduction
arthritis. The study included 64 patients. They were divided
in two groups, according to the mean age: early-onset Early arthritis (EA) represents an inflammatory arthritis
EA—less or equal than 45 years old (group A) and late- with recent onset, which does not fulfill the classification
onset EA—over 45 years old (group B). The ‘‘old’’ criteria criteria for any definite rheumatological disorder. The
as well as the ‘‘new’’ ones were assessed for all patients, at disease course may be toward rheumatoid arthritis (RA),
the time of the first visit to the rheumatologist. The initi- other rheumatic autoimmune diseases or toward remission.
ation of treatment with Methotrexate was used as ‘‘gold There is increasing evidence that early diagnosis and early
standard’’ to calculate the sensitivity and the specificity of aggressive treatment can limit RA progression and sever-
both criteria. ‘‘New’’ criteria were fulfilled in 51 % (A) and ity. The age at onset in early arthritis (EA) may influence
72 % of cases (B), while ‘‘old’’ criteria were fulfilled in the disease activity and its evolution. New classification
37 % of patients (A) and 62 % (B). Methotrexate was criteria for RA have been developed by the American
initiated in 82 % of patients (B) and in 51 % (A), p = 0.01. College of Rheumatology (ACR) and the European League
‘‘New’’ criteria demonstrated a sensitivity of 77.7 % against Rheumatism (EULAR), in order to early identify
(A) and 83.3 % (B), while ‘‘old’’ criteria had a sensitivity patients who would benefit of more aggressive intervention
of 50 % (A) and 66.6 % (B). Patients with late onset [1, 2]. The former 1987 ACR criteria for RA were con-
had significantly higher disease activity scores: 76 % sidered not sensitive enough in early disease [3]. There are
(B) versus 40 % (A), p = 0.04. The sensitivity and the several published studies in which different algorithms
specificity of the ‘‘new’’ criteria for RA are comparable in were described in order to identify markers for persistence
patients with early-onset and late-onset EA, and the sen- and severity of the disease [4, 5]. Gender was identified as
sitivity of these criteria is increased compared to the ‘‘old’’ a poor prognostic factor; male patients being considered a
criteria. Patients with late onset fulfilling the ‘‘old’’ criteria marker for the persistence of the disease [6]. There are few
had poor prognostic factors and higher disease activity at published data regarding the impact of the age at onset on
the time of diagnosis, which may have possible implica- the disease activity and its evolution [6–8].
tions for the disease course. An early classification of the disease should be equally
important, regardless the age at onset. The aim of the
current study is to identify possible differences between
early-onset and late-onset early arthritis patients, fulfilling
M.-M. Tamas (&)  I. Felea  S. Rednic
1987 ACR Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) criteria and/or the
Department of Rheumatology, ‘‘Iuliu Hatieganu’’
University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 2010 ACR/EULAR classification criteria at the time of the
e-mail: first visit to the rheumatologist.

Rheumatol Int

Methods The study included 64 patients (F/M, 3/1; mean age,

45 years; mean disease duration, 3 months; 35 patients
Patients early-onset EA—group A; 29 patients late-onset EA—
group B). New criteria were fulfilled in 51 % (A) and 72 %
Patients between 18–75 years of age with arthritis of at of cases (B), while old criteria were fulfilled in 37 % of
least one peripheral joint less than 12 months duration patients (A) and 62 % (B) (Table 1).
were included in the study. Other definite causes for More women with late onset fulfilled the old criteria:
arthritis were excluded: definite spondylarthritides, definite 62 % (B) versus 30 % (A), p = 0.03. Shorter disease
connective tissue diseases, microcrystal-induced arthritis, duration was observed in patients with late-onset RA
paraneoplastic syndromes, osteoarthritis and trauma. compared to early-onset RA, fulfilling the new criteria: 2.8
versus 3.8 months. Patients from group B also had an
Study design increased number of tender and swollen joints, compared to
the other group, irrespective to the criteria fulfilled, but not
The study was conducted in the Rheumatology Department of statistically significant (Table 1). Increased C-reactive
a tertiary referral center in Romania between January 2009 protein levels were seen in patients with late onset, ful-
and May 2011. Patients were divided in two groups, according filling the old criteria: 78.5 % (B) versus 35 % (A),
to the mean age: early-onset EA—less or equal than 45 years p = 0.01. These patients also had significantly higher
old (group A) and late-onset EA—over 45 years old (group DAS28 scores at baseline: 76.4 % (B) versus 40 % (A),
B). The ACR 1987 (‘‘old’’) criteria as well as the 2010 ACR/ p = 0.04. Positive anti-CCP antibodies were detected in
EULAR (‘‘new’’) classification criteria for RA were assessed 58.6 % of late-onset EA patients fulfilling the new criteria
for all patients, at the time of the first visit to the rheumatol- versus 42.8 % early-onset RA group. The results also
ogist. The initiation of treatment with Methotrexate was used showed the same distribution of RF 51.7 versus 31.4 %
as ‘‘gold standard’’ to calculate the sensitivity and specificity (Table 1). Patients fulfilling the new criteria received MTX
of both criteria. The study was conducted according to the in 81 % group B versus 66.6 % group A (Table 1).
Declaration of Helsinki and local regulations. Approval of Table 2 shows the statistical analysis of the ACR 1987
the institutional ethics committee was requested and Criteria and the ACR/EULAR 2010 Criteria in patients
informed consent was obtained from all patients. with early-onset and late-onset EA.

Clinical assessment and laboratory investigations

Complete clinical examination was performed in order to
exclude other possible causes for arthritis. 28 joints were The results of the present study show that the sensitivity
clinically assessed for tenderness and swelling. Global and the specificity of the 2010 ACR/EULAR classification
status of the disease activity reported by patients and criteria for RA were comparable in early-onset and late-
duration of morning stiffness were recorded. onset EA. Our study demonstrates that the sensitivity of the
C-reactive protein (CRP) (normal level \ 0.5 mg/l), new criteria is increased compared to the 1987 ACR cri-
erythrocite sedimentation rate (ESR) (normal level \ 20 teria, irrespective to the age at onset. A superior sensitivity
mm/1st hour) as well as IgM rheumatoid factor (RF) (normal of the new criteria over the 1987 criteria was previously
level \ 32 UI/ml) and anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide (anti- demonstrated [9, 10]. Our results also show a higher
CCP) (normal level \ 3 UI/ml) antibodies were determined. specificity of the 2010 ACR/EULAR compared to the 1987
ACR in patients with late-onset RA.
Disease activity score 28 (DAS 28) was calculated Both sets of criteria were more frequently fulfilled in
for all patients late-onset EA patients. This observation suggests that in
younger patients, the diagnosis might be more difficult at
Statistical analysis was performed using Microsoft Excel the first visit. One possible explanation can be that EA in
and Epi Info 3.5.1. younger patients may represent an early stage of a con-
nective tissue disease, seronegative spondyloarthritides, or
a self-limiting disease. On the other hand, the criteria for
Results RA might be fulfilled later during the evolution of the
disease [1].
Table 1 summarizes patients’ demographic, clinical and Although the age of late-onset RA is generally consid-
laboratory data, in the two groups of subjects, fulfilling the ered above 60, in the present study, we divided the two
‘‘old’’ or the ‘‘new’’ criteria. groups according to the mean age, in order to have a

Rheumatol Int

Table 1 Patients’ demographic, clinical and laboratory data in early-onset RA and late-onset RA groups
Characteristics Early-onset EA (Group A) Late-onset RA (Group B)
Criteria for RA 1987 ACR 2010 ACR/EULAR 1987 ACR 2010 ACR/EULAR

Number of patients 13 18 18 21
Diagnosis of RA (%) 37 51 62 72
Demographic and clinical variables
Women (%) 30* 51.8 62* 76.2
(*p = 0.03)
Disease duration (months) 4.2 3.8 3 2.8
Morning stiffness [30 min (%) 52.3 62 83.3 88.8
Tender joint count (mean) 10.2 9.7 12.6 12.4
Swollen joint count (mean) 7.3 6.5 8.5 8.1
Symmetric arthritis (%) 57.1 66.6 66.6 74
[3 joints involved (%) 52 64 72 84
DAS 28 C 3.2 (%) 40* 60 76.4* 88.2
(*p = 0.04)
Methotrexate (%) 50 66.6 77.7 81
Laboratory variables
ESR [ 20 mm/1st hour (%) 42 52.6 71.4 76.2
CRP [ 0.5 mg/l (%) 35* 55 78.5* 78.5
(p = 0.01)
IgM RF positive (%) 20 31.4 44.8 51.7
Anti-CCP antibodies positive (%) 31.4 42.8 41.3 58.6

Table 2 Statistical analysis of the ACR 1987 Criteria and the ACR/EULAR 2010 classification criteria in patients with early-onset and late-
onset EA
Early-onset EA (Group A) Late-onset EA (Group B)
1987 ACR 2010 ACR/EULAR 1987 ACR 2010 ACR/EULAR

Sensitivity (Se) 50 % 77.7 % 66.6 % 83.3 %

Specificity (Sp) 75 % 75 % 60 % 80 %
Positive predictive value (PPV) 69 % 77.7 % 88 % 95 %
Negative predictive value (NPV) 57 % 75 % 27 % 50 %
Likelihood ratio (LR)? 2 3.11 1.66 4.16
Likelihood ratio (LR)- 0.66 0.29 0.55 0.20
Accuracy (AC) 61.7 % 76.4 % 65.5 % 82.7 %

balanced number of subjects in each group. The diagnosis group. Other studies did not find differences according to
of RA was established easier in female patients with late- the age at onset in RA [12, 13]. Calvo Alen et al. [13]
onset EA, by fulfilling the 1987 ACR criteria, probably suggest that, however, disease compounded by age-asso-
explained by the fact that a significant number of subjects ciated factors may have a worse prognostic late than early
had a hand involvement, in a symmetric fashion, with more in life. In the paper of Chen et al. [14], elderly patients
than 3 joints affected. Other studies found hand involve- were found to have different characteristic of the clinical
ment as the most frequent site affected in both early-onset features of RA as well as differences in the patterns of pro-
and late-onset RA [11]. This explanation might sustain also inflammatory cytokines, compared to younger patients.
the fact that a high number of patients in our cohort fulfilled We observed that a higher number of patients from
the old criteria despite the short duration of the disease. group B had anti-CCP antibodies and RF positive, but there
Our results show that patients with late-onset EA had were no significantly differences between the two groups
higher disease activity scores compared to the early-onset fulfilling either old or new criteria regarding their presence.

Rheumatol Int

Other published data showed that younger-onset EA was Acknowledgments Dr. Maria-Magdalena Tamas was supported by
associated with the presence of anti-CCP antibodies or POSDRU/89/1.5/S/58965 Project, with financial support from The
European Social Fund Project–Operational Programme Human
rheumatoid factor [6, 7]. Resources Development 2007–2013.
The results of the present study revealed that patients
with late-onset EA have more markers for severity, as other Conflict of interest The authors declared no conflict of interests.
published studies already demonstrated [12, 13]. These
patients also fulfilled the old criteria, suggesting that the
diagnosis of definite RA is more frequent in this age group,
compared to the other. The initiation of MTX treatment in References
these cases was also supported by the presence of poor
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published studies [9, 10]. One reason is the fact that, in our
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implications for the disease course. Studies on larger series
of patients are needed in order to confirm the results.


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