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The data related to the yearly payment for doctors and other domains in seven

nations in 2004 is depicted in the bar chart.

Overall, it is evident that there was a similar trend in the provided countries.
While the monetary paid for both other workers and doctors in the US was the
highest, that for other workers in Czech, Germany and Italy is the lowest and
Finland paid the least money for doctors.
When looking at the US, Switzerland and France, it can be seen that at precisely
120 thousands of US dollars, nearly two times as much money was paid for
doctors in the US as Switzerland and France at well above 60 thousands dollars.
Doctors’ annual income in US (just over 40 thousands US dollars) was slightly
more than in Switzerland (40 thousands US dollars) and considerably more than in
France (well beyond 20 thousands US dollars).
Moving to analyze the remainders of the period, it is clear that the figure for other
workers’ annual income was the same in Czech, Germany and Italy at exactly 20
and minimally fewer than in Finland at just over 20. That of doctors in Czech
(slightly more than 60) was slightly more than in Italy and Germany (roughly 60)
and in Finland (well beneath 60)

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