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‫الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية‬

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫ثانوية الشهيد بن ناعة السعيد‬ ‫امتحان البكالوريا التجريبي‬
2022 ‫ ماي‬:‫دورة‬ ‫ لغات أجنبية‬:‫الشعبة‬
‫ د‬30‫ سا و‬03 :‫المدة‬ ‫ اللغة اإلنجليزية‬:‫اختبار في مادة‬
‫ على المترشح أن یختار أحد الموضوعین‬:
‫الموضوع األول‬
Part1: Reading                                                                                         
A. Comprehension                                                                             
(7 points)
 Read the passage carefully then do the activities.
Education in Ancient Greece
Both education and daily life were very different in Sparta, than in Athens or in the other ancient Greek
city-states. With the exception of the Athenians (who thought Athens was the best!), Greeks from other city-
states had a grudging admiration for the Spartans. They wouldn't want to be Spartans, but in times of war,
they most certainly wanted Sparta to be on their side. The Spartans were tough, and the ancient Greeks
admired strength.

In ancient Athens, the purpose of education was to produce citizens trained in the arts, to prepare citizens
for both peace and war. Girls were not educated at school, but many learned to read and write at home, in the
comfort of their courtyard. Other than requiring two years of military training that began at age 18, the state
left parents to educate their sons as they saw fit. The schools were private, but the tuition was low enough so
that even the poorest citizens could afford to send their children for at least a few years. Until age 6 or 7,
boys were taught at home by their mother or by a male slave. Later, in the fourth century B.C. in some cities
public schools were open that were available to poor.
       However, the goal of education in Sparta, an authoritarian, military city-state, was to produce soldier-
citizens. In ancient Sparta, the purpose of education was to produce a well-drilled, well-disciplined marching
army. Spartans believed in a life of discipline, self-denial, and simplicity. They were very loyal to the state of
Sparta. Every Spartan, male or female, was required to have a perfect body. When babies were born in ancient
Sparta, Spartan soldiers would come by the house and check the baby. If the baby did not appear healthy and
strong, the infant was taken away, and left to die on a hillside, or taken away to be trained as a slave (a helot).
Babies who passed this examination were assigned membership in a brotherhood or sisterhood, usually the same
one to which their father or mother belonged.
        On the other hand, the Spartans believed that their women should be educated and capable of defending
themselves. This was deemed necessary so they could defend not only themselves but their husband's property
during his absence. Women enjoyed much freedom and could move around as they wished, because their
husbands did not live at home with them. Spartan women are frequently pictured as warriors. The goddess
Artemis was often considered as a Patron goddess and worrier in Sparta.

        By comparison, the women of Athens city-state encountered a very different type of education to that of
the Spartan women. Before education Athenian women were subjected to a lifetime of enthusiastically obeying
the wishes and orders of others. Even their counterpart Spartan sisters were better fed during this time.
Athenians were taught all the domestic skills they needed to run the home, along with weaving and spinning.
They were not taught to read and write and were not allowed to conduct business transactions or own property.
Priscilla Babiolakis
1.   Are the following statements true or false?
a. The Athenians as the other Greeks admired the Spartans.
b. The Spartan education aimed at developing discipline, courage and strength in their future
c.  Athenian women were taught special skills to defend themselves.
d.  Athenians share the same beliefs with the Spartans.
2.  Answer the following questions according to the text.
a)   Why was a Spartan infant taken away and left to die on a hillside?
b)   Which of the women education do you like best, the Athenians’ or the Spartans’? why?

3. Match each of the following ideas with the corresponding paragraph.
a)      The goal of education in ancient Athens
b)      Education of the Spartan women
c)      Differences in life style in ancient Greek city-states
d)     Education of the Athenian women
e)      The goal of education in ancient Sparta
Paragraphs 1 2 3 4 5
4 What or who do the underlined words in the text refer to? 
a)    They wouldn't want        b) … but their husband’s property      c) …their counterpart  

5.   Give the general idea of the text.

B.  Text Exploration                                                               
1.  Find in the text words or phrases opposite in meaning to the following.
a.    similar (§2)              b. the wealthiest  (§2)                    c. to attack (§4)         

2.  Supply the correct tense of the verbs in brackets.

At the age of seven, Spartan boys ( to be / take ) from their homes and sent for military
training. They were placed in communal barracks and (to undergo) harsh training. Education
went as far as learning to count soldiers, read war sagas and recite war poetry. The average
Spartan probably (can / not / read) or write anything unrelated to combat. Subjects like
literature and the arts were considered inappropriate for the Spartan soldier-citizen. Music
and dance were only included because it ( to be / believe) they served military needs.

3. Rewrite the following sentences to get a coherent paragraph.

a)      In Sparta, for example boys were given military training from ages seven to twenty
b)      The Spartans believed strong women gave birth to strong babies.
c)      Children in most ancient Greece started their education at age 7.
d)     to prepare them for service in the army.
e)      Girls also were required to train physically.
4. Write the silent letter ( s )  of each word in the list below.  
Words Thought Write honesty March
Silent letter (s) …… …… …… ……
Part 2. Written Expression                                                                   (6points)
Choose ONE of the following topics.
Either topic1: “Ethics represent the fundamental element in building a civilization’’.
Use the following notes to write a short composition about the importance of ethics in
-Teach people honesty, loyalty and seriousness.
- Code of ethics : impose justice and teach people social and economic organization.
- Bring respect and good reputation among nations.
Or topic 2: “A good educational system is a guarantee to have good business. Improve your
schools or lose your jobs.” Write an essay of about 80 words to explain how education can
contribute to stop unemployment and corruption in society.
Be strong as you fight your way to success
The difficulty you face is nothing compared to the job of success


‫الموضوع الثاني‬ 
PART ONE : Reading (14 points)
A/ Comprehension (7points)

Read the text carefully then do the activities.

In many parts of the world, people do not hesitate to engage in activities that do not comply
with the basic patterns of ethics. The absence of legal structures to control their businesses and the
spread of poverty and illiteracy in their land encourage the birth of all sorts of unlawful practices.
The illegal means they handle enable them to acquire vast fortunes and hold immense influence over
their communities.
In Asia and in Africa but also in South America, the widespread usage of child labour by
merciless employers and the expanding trade in drugs and narcotics dominated by powerful groups
are vivid examples of the barbarous features that take grip of human societies. Other misdeeds that
are practised on a large scale involve the obligation made to girls and women to perform immoral acts
in return to low gains, and the extending manufacture of all sorts of forged and imitated goods
without any respect either to the statutes protecting the products and their inventors or the
regulations required for their safe use.
We also find that bribery and embezzlement of public funds by unscrupulous individuals take
alarming proportions in many nations. At the same time the unauthorised sale of fire arms and the
marketing of suspicious medicaments have become intensive. In addition, many operations are carried
out by international organisations that no authority is able to check and to penalize.
All these transgressions to law and morality weaken the resources of the state and impair the
social condition of the inhabitants because of the tax evasion they generate in every country. Worse
than that, they enable their authors to handle the clever strategy of laundering their billions of
dollars through lawful channels where no suspicion will be raised about the cruelty through which
they have amassed and even the death of thousands of defenceless creatures they have caused.

1. Say whether the following statements are True or False according to the text.
a) Wrong-doers have much control over the fellows in their communities.
b) Secured treatments and medicines are given to poor patients.
c) Big sums of money get deviated from their legal destination.
d) Legal business will reduce the incomes of the governments and states.

2. Read the text and put the following sentences in order they appear in the text.
a) The violation of the law endangers the existence of the state.
b) Some people become wealthy through illegal actions and activities.
c) Some inventions are illegally reproduced and sold in the world.
d) Some groups deviate public funds for their own interests.
3. Answer the following questions according to the text.
a) What do poverty and illiteracy engender in modern societies?
b) What attitude do wrong-doers have toward the law?
c) Is tax evasion harmful to the economy of the state?
d) Do people sometimes acquire fire arms illegally ?

4. Who or what do the underlined words refer to in the text?

a) their (§1) b)they (§4) b) c) which (§4)
5. Is the text
a) argumentative? b) expository? c) narrative

B/ Text Exploration
1. Match each word with its definition.
Words Definitions
a) merciless 1) punish for breaking law
b) misdeeds 2) wrong or illegal actions
c) unscrupulous 3) showing no pity to people who suffer
d) penalize 4) without moral principles

2. Which adjectives can be derived from the following nouns?

illiteracy - ethics - influence - cruelty
3. Ask the questions about the underlined words.
a) Poverty and illiteracy encourage the birth of all sorts of unlawful practices.
b) Money laundering is done through lawful channels.

4. Rewrite sentence (b) so that it mepans the same as sentence (a).

1) a-Many operations are carried out by international organisations.
b- International organizations ……………………………………..
2) a- “Honest people don’t take bribery”, he said.
b- He said that …………….………………………………………
5. Reorder the following sentences to make a coherent paragraph.
a) a lack of specialised bodies to investigate foreign bribery
b) for several reasons, including: budget cuts in enforcement agencies,
c) Countries fail to enforce foreign bribery rules
d) and a failure to take advantage of existing defensive measures.
6. Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of the final “s”.
ethics– practices – products – businesses – communities- drugs.
/s/ /z/ /iz/

PART TWO : Written Expression

Choose ONE of the following topics.
Topic one: Do you think that it is important to behave ethically ?
Using the notes below, write a short composition about this topic.
- Honest and loyal people / help society / needy, week people
- Ethics / to teach people / social and economic organization.
- Ethics / to bring / respect among nations.
- Faithful people / courageous / face difficulties /sacrifices
Topic two:
Child labour is one of many threats facing the children's life. Write a letter to the bureau of
UNICEF in Algiers exposing the effects of it on children and asking for a real prevention for
them by giving more importance to education and social auditing.

Where there is a will, there is a way


‫الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية‬

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬
‫ثانوية الشهيد بن ناعة السعيد‬ ‫امتحان البكالوريا التجريبي‬
2022 ‫ ماي‬:‫دورة‬ ‫ آداب وفلسفة‬:‫الشعبة‬
‫ د‬30‫ سا و‬02 :‫المدة‬ ‫ اللغة اإلنجليزية‬:‫اختبار في مادة‬
‫ على المترشح أن یختار أحد الموضوعین‬:
‫الموضوع األول‬
PART ONE: Reading (15 points)
A/Comprehension: (07pts)
Read the text carefully then do the activities.
Phoenicia was an ancient civilization composed of independent city-states located along the
coast of the Mediterranean Sea stretching through what is now Lebanon. The Phoenicians were a
great maritime people. They were very talented sailors and became famous across the Mediterranean
as traders of a rare pigment used to create purple dye for clothing. This dye was so rare and
expensive that it became the color of royalty in most places, and only the most powerful could afford
to wear it. The word Phoenician actually comes from the Greek word phoínios, meaning purple.

After the decline of the Egyptian civilization, Phoenician city-states rose to power and became
the dominant seafaring traders of the Mediterranean Sea. They established ports along the coasts
of Europe, the Middle East, and northern Africa. Their dominance lasted from roughly 1200-800 BCE.
The Phoenicians controlled their trade routes and ports until the Persian empire, under Cyrus the
Great, conquered the Phoenician city-states in 539 BCE. Alexander the Great later took control of
Tyre in 332 BCE after a bloody battle, and soon conquered the rest of the Phoenician kingdoms
peacefully. From this point on, Phoenicians were assimilated into the Greek civilization, and most of
their culture slowly died away.

1- Choose the right answer.

The text is:

a. an extract from history book b. Web article c. a newspaper article

2- Say whether the following statements are True or False according to the text.

A. Ancient Phoenicians rose and flourish along a river.

B. Only rich people could buy clothes made of rare pigment.

C. Ancient Phoenicians were skillful sailors and traders.

D. Phoenician city-states was invaded by Alexander the Great.

3- Answer the following questions according to the text.

a) Where did the Phoenicians arise?

b) What did the Phoenicians do to promote their trade?

c) How was the Phoenicians civilization destroyed?

4- What or who do the underlined words refer to in the text?

They (§1) = ……………………………… Their (§2)= ……………………………………………

B/Text Exploration (8 pts)

1- Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following.

a.merchandisers (§1) = ……………… b.collapse (§2) = ……………… c.defeated (§2) = ………

2- Complete the following table

Verbs Nouns Adjective

To invent


3- Combine the pairs of sentences using the connector between brackets. Make the necessary
a. The Phoenicians were defeated. The Phoenicians were powerful and wealthy. ( Despite)
b. Alexander the Great took control of Tyre in 332 BCE . Alexander the Great
conquered the rest of the Phoenician kingdoms peacefully. (After)
4- Fill in the gaps with four words from the list below .
city - became- invented – Paper
Phoenicians also used papyrus from Egypt to make rolls of ……………… for books. The words bible
and bibliography come from the Phoenician ………………… of Byblos. Phoenicians traded with peoples all
around the Mediterranean sea. As merchants, the Phoenicians needed a simple alphabet to erase
the burden of keeping records. They therefore ………………a phonetic alphabet consisting of 22
letters. After alterations by the Greeks and Romans, this alphabet…………………the one we use today.
5- Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of the final “ed”.
Invented – destroyed – composed – vanished

/t/ /d/ /id/

PART TWO : Written Expression

(05 points)
Choose ONE of the following topics.

Topic one : All civilizations such as the Egyptian, Indus, Greek, Roman Phoenician, Sumerian,
Babylonian etc; rose, feel and then vanished. Use the following notes to write an essay on the
following topic: Why do civilizations fall?
- Vast and uncontrollable empires
- Wars and invasions
- Internal and external conflicts
- Internal political problems
- Luxury, over abundance and excessive wealth

Topic two: Some people think that the world of business is a jungle and that ethics has nothing
to do with. Write a composition of about 80 words stating your arguments for or against this
point of view.

Be strong as you fight your way to success

The difficulty you face is nothing compared to the job of success


PART ONE: ‫الموضوع الثاني‬

PART ONE: Reading (15 points)
A/Comprehension: (07pts)
Read the text carefully then do the activities.

Unethical behaviours in the workplace can be defined as any action that does not confirm with the
standards of conduct established by the organization. Unethical behaviours can occur in the relationships
between employees, in the way an employee goes about his business or how he uses company resources.
Unethical behaviours can even break the law in some situations.

Employees may use company computers to engage in unethical behaviours. For example, an employee who
is not permitted to use the Internet for personal reasons commits an unethical act by shopping online while
working. Random Internet surfing takes away from the time he spends on work related activities. Employees
sometimes use company’s email to spread inappropriate websites or videos to colleagues, some of which could be
considered disrespectful by the recipients.

Unethical behaviours can include “stealing” time from the company, as it is paying its employees and
receiving no productivity in return. In addition to time spent on aimless Internet surfing, time misuse can
consist of extending breaks beyond the allotted time, falsifying time sheets, coming into work late and leaving
early and running personal matters while travelling on company business.

Some unethical acts can also be illegal when a bookkeeper or an accountant commits embezzlement by
having access to the company’s financial records. As well as an employee dealing with personal files, uses Social
Security number to raid bank accounts or fraudulently obtain credit cards.
Adapted from Internet

1. Are the following statements true or false?

a) Using company resources is ethical.
b) At work, personal use of Internet is allowed.
c) Arriving late and leaving work early is considered as a theft.

2. In which paragraph is it mentioned that

a) Ethical behaviours at work consist in respecting the company’s code of ethics ?
b) Employees should respect their work time to deserve their salaries ?

3. Answer the following questions according to the text.

d) When can an electronic address of a company be misused ?
e) List the different ways of stealing time from a company.
f) How can an employee get extra financial gains unethically ?

4. What or who do the underlined words refer to in the text?

a) his (§1) b) it (§3)
5. Choose the general idea of the text.
a) All workers behave ethically in their work place.
b) Morally unacceptable behaviours may occur at work.
c) Employees exchange websites and videos via Internet.

B/Text Exploration:(08pts)

1. Match the words with their definitions.

1. Illegal a. one’s attitude or manner, the way a person acts.
2. Embezzle b. steal money placed in one’s care.
3. Behaviour c. contrary to or forbidden by law.

2. Give the opposite of the following words keeping the same root.
a) moral b) fair c) responsible d) behave

3. Combine the following pairs of sentences with the connectors given. Make changes where
a) Your business prospers. You behave ethically. (as long as)
b) Corruption is widespread. It is hard to eradicate corruption. (so…that)
c) The employees stopped misusing the Internet. The company’s productivity increased. (after)

4. Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final ‘s’.
practices - bahaviours - takes - manages
/s/ /z/ /iz/

5. Fill in the gaps with words from the list so that the text makes sense.
integrity - if - fight - time
It’s our responsibility to ……………… fraud and other unethical practices. It’s high ……………… we worked hand
in hand so as to put an end to immoral behaviour.……………… we all cooperate and keep our probity and ……………… ,
we can succeed.

Part Two: Written Expression (05pts)

Write a composition of about 100 words on one of the following topics.
Topic One:
Many companies suffer from a decrease in their productivity because of some of their employees’ unethical
practices. Write a composition of 100 to 120 words suggesting how these employees should behave to be more
responsible and thus more productive.
Use the following notes:
- Respect the company’s code of ethics
- Be aware of the necessity of hard work
- Respect work time
- Use the company’s resources ethically
- Keep the company’s secret information safe
Topic Two:
Most Algerian companies look for profit but don’t care about ethics in business.
If you were appointed manager of one of those companies, how would you fight unethical practices?

Where there is a will, there is a way


‫الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية‬

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬
‫ثانوية الشهيد بن ناعة السعيد‬ ‫امتحان البكالوريا التجريبي‬
2022 ‫ ماي‬:‫دورة‬ ‫ تسيير واقتصاد‬،‫ تقني رياضي‬،‫ رياضيات‬،‫ علوم تجريبية‬:‫الشعبة‬
‫ د‬30‫ سا و‬02 :‫المدة‬ ‫ اللغة اإلنجليزية‬:‫اختبار في مادة‬
‫ على المترشح أن یختار أحد الموضوعین‬:
‫الموضوع األول‬
Part One: Reading (15 points)
A) Comprehension: (07pts)
Read the text carefully then do the activities.

Corruption has been defined in many different ways, each lacking in some aspect. A few years ago, the
question of definition absorbed a large proportion of the time spent on discussions of corruption at
conferences and meetings. However, like an elephant, even though it might be difficult to describe, it is
generally not difficult to recognize when observed. In most cases, though not all, different observers would
agree on whether a particular behaviour connotes corruption. Unfortunately, the behaviour is often difficult to
observe directly because, typically, acts of corruption do not take place in broad daylight.
The most popular and simplest definition of corruption is that it is the abuse of public power for private
benefit. From this definition, it should not be concluded that corruption cannot exist within private sector
activities. Especially in large private enterprises, this phenomenon clearly exists, as for example, in
procurement or even in recruitment. In several cases of corruption, the abuse of public power is not necessarily
for one’s private benefit or one’s party, class, tribe, friends, family, and so on. In fact, in many countries some
of the proceeds of corruption go to finance the political parties.
Not all acts of corruption result in the payment of bribes. For example, a public employee who claims to
be sick but goes on vacation is abusing his public position for personal use. Thus, he is engaging in an act of
corruption even though no bribe is paid.
It is important to distinguish bribes from gifts. In many instances, bribes can be disguised as gifts. A bribe
implies reciprocity while a gift should not. However, even though the distinction is fundamental, the
identification of a bribe may not always be simple.
Adapted from “Corruption Around the World” by Vito Tanzi, May 1998

1- Choose the general idea of the text.

a. The effects of corruption.
b. The different significations of corruption.
c. The causes of corruption.

2- Are the following statements ‘true’ or ‘false’?

a.The notion of corruption is still unclear.

b.Observers would agree on whether a particular behaviour connotes corruption.
c.Corruption benefits private interest only.
d.Acts of corruption always lead to bribe payment.

3- In which paragraph is it mentioned that corruption is not limited to bribe taking?

4- Answer the following questions according to the text.

a.What is corruption compared to? Why?
b.Can a person be corrupted without getting something in return? Justify.
c.What does reciprocity in corruption imply?

B) Text Exploration: (08pts)

1- Who or what do the underlined words refer to in the text?

a.all (§1) …………………… b.this phenomenon (§2) …………………… c.his (§3) …………………

2- Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following :
a.attitude(§1)= …………………… b.pretends (§3)= ………………… c.differentiate (§4)= …………………

3- Complete the chartbelow as shown in the example.

Noun Verb Adjective

Corruption to corrupt corrupt
…………………………………… to engage ………………………………………
…………………………………… ………………………………… different

4- Connect each pair of sentences with the link words given.

a. Corruption is widespread. Many associations launched an international campaign to eradicate the
phenomenon. (so.....that)
b. Businessmen pay their taxes honestly. The economy will prosper. (Provided that)

5- Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final « s ».
instances- parties - proceeds - exists

/s/ /z/ /iz/

6- Fill in the gaps with only words from the list :

teaching – determines – relationships – ethical

Ethics is a set of moral values. It …………………………… what is right and what is wrong. It touches all
professions: ………………………………, journalism, business, medicine etc. It establishes ……………………………… codes of
behaviour for each one of them. These values are essential for better ………………………………… within society.

Part Two: Written Expression: (05pts)

Choose one of the following topics.

Topic 1:
Many companies suffer from a decrease in their productivity because of some of their employees’
unethical practices. Write a composition of 100 words suggesting how these employees should behave to be
more responsible and thus more productive.
Use the following notes:
- Respect the company’s code of ethics
- Be aware of the necessity of hard work
- Respect work time
- Use the company’s resources ethically
- Keep the company’s secret information safe

Topic 2:
Most Algerian companies look for profit but don’t care about ethics in business.
If you were appointed manager manager of one of those companies, how would you fight unethical practices?

Where there is a will, there is a way


PART ONE: ‫الموضوع الثاني‬

PART ONE: Reading (15 points)
A/Comprehension: (07pts)
Read the text carefully then do the activities.

The marketing of junk food and fast food has become big business—some have called the food
industry the next Tobacco. Companies spend top dollar on advertising to make us keenly aware of
their products. The aggressive advertising is working, Pepsi spends an estimated $2.1 billion a year on
marketing, McDonald’s $1.2 billion, and Coca-Cola is not far behind at $895 million.
The average child watches 10,000 food advertisements per year on television; most are for junk
food and fast food—only 2% are for fruits, vegetables, or beans. Advertisements for junk food and
fast food can also be seen in magazines, movies (through product placement), stores, the Internet,
and even schools. What impact is this having on youth? Recent statistics indicate that 14% of
children are now seriously overweight. 60% of overweight children between the ages of 5-10 years of
age already have at least one risk factor for heart disease, including elevated blood cholesterol,
blood pressure or increased insulin, and type 2 diabetes.
However, today’s youth, particularly girls, get mixed messages from the media. On one hand,
they are bombarded daily with advertisements for junk food and fast food on television and
magazines, yet the same magazines and television shows that serve up these ads also celebrate the
waif look by portraying pencil-thin models. This has created a state of confusion and potential danger
for many young women (and men). The National Eating Disorders Association estimates that 81% of
10-year-olds are afraid of being fat and between “5-10 million girls and women and 1 million boys and
men are struggling with eating disorders including anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, or
borderline conditions.”

1/ In which paragraph is it mentioned that

a) Junk food is as dangerous as smoking?
b) people gain weight at an early age because of food advertisements?

2/ Answer the following questions according to the text.

a) Why do companies spend large sums of money on food advertisements?
b) What impact do food advertisements have on youth?
c) Why are many young women in a state of confusion?
d) Do you find the mixed messages from the media ethical? Why?
3/ What do the underlined words refer to in the text?
a) their (§1) b) most (§2) c) they (§3)

4/ Give a title to the text.

B) Text Exploration: (08pts)

1/ Find in the text words whose definitions follow.
a) the activity of attracting public attention to a product or business (§1) =……………………
b) having excessive fat in the body (§2) = ………………………
d) eating disorder mainly loss of appetite (§3) = ……………………………

2/ Add an appropriate suffix “-tion, –er, -ment, -ing” to each of the verbs below to form
nouns: each suffix can be used once.
Verb Noun

3/ Combine these pairs of sentences using the given connectors.

a) Many children are overweight. Advertisements on food. ( due to )
b) Young women buy any slimming product. Commercials on weight loss are
convincing. (so...that)
c) You will get slim. You do exercise regularly. (provided that)
d) You consume an excessive amount of fatty food. You will be overweight. (if)

4/ Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final S.

products - watches - movies - stores
/s/ /z/ /iz/

5/ Reorder the following sentences to make a coherent paragraph.

a) People also say that the influence of advertising is too great
b) partly because it adds to the cost of the products.
c) Many people are against advertising
d) and that the children want every product they see advertised.

Part 2: Written Expression: (05pts)

Choose one of the following topics.

Topic 1:
Some people think that satellites and space exploration are a waste of time and money while
others disagree. You are a member of a space association. Write a public statement of about 80
words in which you defend your point of view and try to convince people of their importance.
You may use the following notes:
- Telecommunications
- Exploring expeditions
- Gathering information about other planets
- Research
- Weather forecast
- Predicting natural disasters
Topic 2:
You are the president of The National Eating Disorders Association and you are giving a speech to
children and their parents explaining the impact of food advertisements on their health. write a
speech in ten lines stating your opinion.

Where there is a will, there is a way


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