CMP - Panggung Krapyak Monument - EN

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Prepared by:
The Cosmological Axis of Yogyakarta Management Unit
















1.1. A Conservation Management Plan (CMP) Preserving the Authenticity of Heritage
is the principal guiding document for the Sites in the Context of the Cultures of
conservation and management of a heritage Asia (2009), and the Nara Declaration on
place. It is a tool that allows owners, Authenticity (1994) as key guidelines.
managers, and approval authorities to make
1.7. The CMP for Panggung Krapyak Monument
sound decisions about heritage places.
adopts the following definition of cultural
1.2. A CMP identifies the heritage values -or heritage significance/value: aesthetic,
significance- of a place, the conservation historic, scientific, social or spiritual value
policies to be applied to protect that for past, present or future generations.
significance in the face of change, and a Cultural significance is embodied in
strategy through which the policies will be the place itself, its fabric, setting, use,
put into action. associations, meanings, records, related
places and related objects. Places may have
1.3. The following is a CMP for Panggung
a range of values for different individuals or
Krapyak Monument, Yogyakarta, one
attribute of The Cosmological Axis of
Yogyakarta and Its Historic Landmarks 1.8. The CMP has been developed with reference
World Heritage property. The CMP is to the Operational Guidelines of the World
integrated into the larger World Heritage Heritage Convention (2019), and aims to
Management Plan under the overall safeguard the authenticity of Panggung
authority of The Cosmological Axis of Krapyak Monument including its:
Yogyakarta and Its Historic Landmarks.
– Form and design;
1.4. The CMP for Panggung Krapyak Monument
– Materials and substance;
is integrated in to the larger World Heritage
Conservation Management Plan that – Function and use;
has been prepared for the part of World – Traditions, techniques, and sistem
Heritage property and which is under the management systems;
overall authority of The Cosmological Axis
of Yogyakarta Management Unit. – Location and setting;

1.5 The CMP for Panggung Krapyak Monument – Language and another form of expression;
has been prepared in broad accordance with – Spirit, feeling, and ritual; and
the general procedures and requirements
– Other external factors and internal.
published from ICCROM, ICOMOS and
UNESCO. 1.9. The CMP for Panggung Krapyak Monument
uses the general model of a Conservation
1.6. The CMP for Panggung Krapyak Monument
Management Plan Seventh Edition by
uses the CMP uses the Hoi An Protocols
James Kerr (ICOMOS Australia) although
for Best Conservation Practice in Asia:
the aspects have been developed to local
Professional Guidelines for Assuring and
contexts and conditions.

1.10. Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Sultanate is 1.12.The CMP document for Panggung Krapyak
the owner of the Kraton complex, including Monument becomes the basic guidelines
Panggung Krapyak Monument. To conserve for the government at the Special Region
Sultanate’s assets, the Ngayogyakarta of Yogyakarta Province (DIY) and Bantul
Hadinigrat Sultanate uses Tata Rakiting Regency level to manage and preserve
Wewangunan system to regulates tangible Panggung Krapyak Monument and Historic
aspect such as design, construction, building Urban Landscapes around Panggung
maintenance, and royal structure. Tata Krapyak Monument. The CMP document
Rakiting Wewangunan system also regulates will be reviewed every 5 years. The CMP
intangible aspect such as rituals, ceremonies, document may need review and revision, in
and other traditions while it is performed in case of change of circumstances such as:
buildings or on structures belonging to the
– Deterioration of the property.
Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Sultanate. This
system has proven that there are dynamic – Catastrophic or unforeseen events
processes, relationships, and functions affecting the property – eg. earthquake.
and it is important for the characteristic of – Unpredictable future threats caused
the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Sultanate by force majeure events affecting the
maintaining the characteristic components property.
of Panggung Krapyak Monument.
– Special adjustments in Management Plan
1.11. To implement its functions, the CMP for may needed if there any related regulation
Panggung Krapyak Monument shall not be bill passed by local authority.
used to replace the traditional management
role for managing the attributes of Panggung
Krapyak Monument which is an asset of the
Yogyakarta Palace (Kraton), but the CMP is
made by the integration between traditional
management and modern management.

2.1. Location 2.3. Ownership
The Panggung Krapyak Monument is located at The Panggung Krapyak Monument is
the intersection of the following streets: owned by the Yogyakarta Sultanate (Karaton
Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat).
• Northern: Gebayanan Street
2.4. Current Management
• Eastern: East Krapyak Street
• Panggung Krapyak Monument is managed
• Southern: KH. Ali Maksun Street
by the Kraton and the Office of Cultural
• Western: West Krapyak Street Affairs of Special Region of Yogyakarta
(in the conservation management), as
government representative.
2.2. Administrative Boundaries
• The Kraton holds a traditional
The Panggung Krapyak Monument is located in management system. The primary
the following administrative boundaries: duty of the system is regulated in Tata
• Urban village (Kelurahan): Panggungharjo Rakiting Paprintahan. This traditional
management system also regulates the
• Sub-dsitrict (Kecamatan): Sewon
duties and authorities of Kraton in
• District (Kabupaten): Bantul Regency conserving their assets.
• Province: The Special Region of Yogyakarta • According to the Traditional Law
(Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta) Dhawuh Dalem (Sultan’s Mandate) on
• Coordinates: 7°49’39.4”S - 110°21’38.1”E the Tata Rakiting Paprintahan Karaton

Positions Roles

Ingkang Sinuwun The highest authority in Kraton Yogyakarta.

Ngarsa Dalem Sampeyan Dalem Ingkang Sinuwun
Kanjeng Sultan Hamengku Buwono Senapati Ing Ngalaga
Ngabdurrahman Sayidin Panatagama Kalifatullah Ingkang
Jumeneng ing Ngayogyakarto Hadiningrat
(Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono)
Pandite Aji A group of expertise who provide suggestions, advice and
(Board of Experts) considerations based on studies on religious, customary,
aesthetics, cultures, economics, politics, laws and social issues for
the Sultanate.
Sri Palimbangan A group of advisors who provide advice and considerations
(Advisory Council) regarding internal affairs in the Sultanate.
Kawedanan Hageng (KH) A large ministry-level institution in the Kraton that manages
smaller units.
Kawedanan Hageng Punakawan (KHP) A Kraton unit that runs part of the technical government of
Kawedanan Operational technical implementer.

Golongan A group of Abdi Dalem (royal courtiers) who have similar tasks
or responsibility. This classification is intended to a position that
have actions on technical operational.

Table 2.1. The duties and functions of each posi-

tion in the structure of Yogyakarta Sultanate LOCATION &
Figure 2.1. Map of Panggung Krapyak Monument

Ngayogyakarta Number 01/dd/HB10/ 3. KHP Nitya Budaya: Institution for
ALIP.1955.2022, the duties and functions cultural support. This institution
of each position in the structure of oversees several units that are
Yogyakarta Sultanate are shown in Table responsible for the implementation
2.1. of traditional ceremonies, libraries,
literature, museums, and tourism.
• Moreover, in managing the Kraton assets
within the Tata Rakiting Paprintahan, the 4. KHP Datu Dana Suyasa: Institution
Sultan is assisted by Pandite Aji (Board of for the management of assets, objects,
Experts) and Sri Palimbangan (Advisory assets, and buildings belonging to the
Council) along with 4 (four) major Sultanate.
divisions, namely:
1. KH Panitrapura: Institution that takes
care of administrative matters.
2. KHP Parasraya Budaya: Institutions
dealing with infrastructure issues.

Figure 2.2 Traditional Management Structure of Kraton Yogyakarta

Figure 2.3. Coordination Flow of Yogyakarta Sultanate with Local Government

• The Sultan is assisted by a group of royal Krapyak Monument over the past few
courtiers (Abdi Dalem) who had changed years. Currently, the administration
roles from royal employees to a corps of of the planning, implementation, and
cultural heritage. Yogyakarta Sultanate supervision parts is carried out by
still functions as the official residence Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Sultanate.
of the Sultan, and the royal courtiers The Office of Cultural Affairs of the Special
carry out their duties as royal household Region of Yogyakarta is responsible to
servant and its cultural works, and assets provide experts assisting the conservation
belonging to the palace. of Yogyakarta Sultanate’s assets.
• I n the structure from Tata Rakiting • Currently, there are two statuses of Abdi
Paprintahan, the management of Dalem and under the coordination of
Yogyakarta Sultanate’s assets is under Kawedanan Parintah Hageng. The first
responsibility of: status is called Abdi Dalem Kaprajan,
and the second is called Abdi Dalem
– KHP Datu Dana Suyasa: Division
Punakawan. Abdi Dalem Kaprajan is Abdi
that take care on infrastructure
Dalem who are still active as civil servant,
issues including assets and
army, and police. While Abdi Dalem
buildings which belonging to the
Punakawan is Abdi Dalem who carries
out daily tasks in Yogyakarta Sultanate.
– KH Panitra Pura: Division that take
• Th
ere are currently a total of 3,000 of
care on administrative matters.
Abdi Dalem Punakawan and Keprajan.
• The Panggung Krapyak Monument is also Abdi Dalem’s assignments are arranged
managed by Office of Cultural Affairs of in a structure known as Tata Rakiting
the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The Paprintahan. Abdi Dalem’s assigment
Office of Cultural Affairs contributes units in Kraton Yogyakarta are traditional
on the conservation of Panggung units that have been operating since the

early days of the Sultanate. is under supervision of The Office of
Cultural Affairs of the Special Region of
• The Yogyakarta Palace is managed
Yogyakarta and Paniradya Keistimewaan
directly under the sultanate and have
as the budget users. The Yogyakarta
a coordination with The Cosmological
Sultanate, through their traditional
Axis of Yogyakarta Management Unit.
management, doing coordination with
• In the Sultanate’s management activities, provincial government during the budget
especially related to funding and submission process and the budget use.
conservation, Yogyakarta Sultanate

Figure 2.4. Management Structure of Cosmological Axis area


1. Kraton Yogyakarta
2. Regional Office for Cultural Properties Preservation in
Special Region Yogyakarta

Office of Cultural Affairs of Special Region of Yogyakarta

1. Office of Cultural Affairs of Bantul Regency
2. Office of Cultural Affairs of Yogyakarta Municipality

1. Mantri Pamong Praja, Panewu, & Lurah of 6 Kemantren & 2
Kapanewon in nominated area
2. Local community 6 Kemantren & 2 Kapanewon in nominated
The Cosmological Axis of WORKING GROUP
Yogyakarta Management Unit

1. Kelurahan 1. Kelurahan 1. Kelurahan
1. Kelurahan 1. Kelurahan Mantrijeron
1. Kelurahan
1. Kalurahan 1. Kalurahan
Gowongan (3) Prawirodirjan Panembahan (3) Sosromenduran Suryatmajan Mantrijeron (3) Panggungharjo Wukirsari (3)
(3) 2. Kelurahan (3) (3) 2. Kelurahan (3) 2. Kalurahan
2. Kelurahan Kadipaten (3) Suryodiningratan Girirejo (3)
Ngupasan (3) 3. Kelurahan (3) 3. Kalurahan
Patehan (3) Imogiri (3)


Figure 2.5. Community Working Groups of the Cosmological Axis of Yogyakarta

and Its Historic Landmarks

2.5. Institutions and stakeholders:

Institutions Authoritiy related to Pangggung Krapyak

National Level
Ministry of Education, Culture, This site is registered under the national laws. The Ministry of Education, Culture,
Reasearch and Technology Research and Technology is responsible for the overall protection of the attributes.
Office of Cultural Properties Executing conservation on tangible aspect, including Panggung Krapyak Monument
Preservation of Yogyakarta
Cultural Value Preservation Executing the preservation of traditions, beliefs, arts, cinemas, and history aspects.
Center of Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta Palace
Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono The highest authority in the Yogyakarta Palace.
Kawedanan Hageng Develop and submit proposals for financial plan of Panggung Krapyak Monument
Punakawan Panitrapura conservation activities to the Government of the Special Region of Yogyakarta
through Office of Cultural Affairs of the Special Region of Yogyakarta.
Kawedanan Hageng Carry out projects on intangible cultural heritage and museums.
Punakawan Nitya Budaya
Kawedanan Reksa Suyasa Responsible for the maintenance of the Yogyakarata Sultanate’s infrastructures,
such as buildings and vehicles, including royal carriages. This institution proposes
12 C PANGGUNG KRAPYAK on Yogyakarta Sultanate’s assets which would be conserve (in this case Panggung
P Krapyak Monument) to Kawedanan Hageng Panitrapura as the administrative
Kawedanan Hageng Develop and submit proposals for financial plan of Panggung Krapyak Monument
Punakawan Panitrapura conservation activities to the Government of the Special Region of Yogyakarta
through Office of Cultural Affairs of the Special Region of Yogyakarta.
Kawedanan Hageng Carry out projects on intangible cultural heritage and museums.
Punakawan Nitya Budaya
Kawedanan Reksa Suyasa Responsible for the maintenance of the Yogyakarata Sultanate’s infrastructures,
such as buildings and vehicles, including royal carriages. This institution proposes
on Yogyakarta Sultanate’s assets which would be conserve (in this case Panggung
Krapyak Monument) to Kawedanan Hageng Panitrapura as the administrative
Kawedanan Panitikismo Carry out tasks related to land affairs and coordinate with The Cosmological Axis of
Yogyakarta Management Unit in matters of Cosmological Axis.
Local Government
Provincial Level
Office of Cultural Affairs of the Work on the planning and supervision preservation of the cultural heritage.
Special Region of Yogyakarta
Paniradya Keistimewaan Work on the mechanism of budgeting process on the proposed cultural heritage for
conservation actions.
The Cosmological Axis of Work to coordinate the conservation of cultural heritage between stakeholders in
Yogyakarta Management Unit Provincial Government and the Yogyakarta Sultanate as a part of the Yogyakarta
Cosmological Axis which the cultural heritage will be registered as World Heritage.
Advisory Board for Provide recommendations for new building architectural styles and
Preservation of Cultural recommendations for permits for the restoration, development, and development of
Heritage of the Special Region cultural heritage, as well as providing input in the preparation of HIA.
of Yogyakarta
Office of Public Works, Have responsibility on the affairs of buildings, public facilities, ground water and
Housing, and Energy and electricity.
Mineral Resources of the
Special Region of Yogyakarta
Office of Licensing and Control the development on renovation, expansion, and development permits.
Investment Service of the
Special Region of Yogyakarta
Regional Disaster Management Conduct the building safety certification against natural disasters and disaster
Agency of the Special Region of risk/impact preparedness.
Office of Tourism of the Special Responsible for the tourism management of Panggung Krapyak Monument; promote
Region of Yogyakarta Authoritiy
and empowerrelated to Pangggung
local community Krapyak
in tourism projects.
Bantul Regency
Office of Cultural Affairs of Manage the monument area as part of the historic urban landscape through
Bantul Regency regulatory instruments, carrying capacity property and coordinations with the Office
of Cultural Affairs of the Special Region of Yogyakarta at the province level.
Control the development related to building permits by replacing building permit
Office of Investment and One-
(IMB)/ according to Cipta Kerja Law no 11 th 2020 with building approval (PBG),
Stop Integrated Service of
function-worthy certificate (SLF), Advertising license, space development permit for
Bantul Regency
Office of Public Works, Housing Manage public facilities related to sanitation, environmental roads, drainage,
and Settlement Areas of Bantul pedestrian structures, and other supporting structures.
Office of Land and Spatial Control development through the smallest residential units (RT/RW) documents,
Planning of Bantul Regency Detailed Layout Plan (RDTR) and Building and Environmental Planning (RTBL),
Buffer zone laws.
Municipal Police of Bantul Ensure public order and security as well as protect the community. This includes
Regency supervising and controlling the construction and street vendors who disturb public order
around Panggung Krapyak Monument location.
Office of Environmental of Manage vegetation, garbage, wasted and groundwater availability.
Bantul Regency MANAGEMENT
Office of Transportation of Manage traffic around Panggung Krapyak Monument as well as controlling air pollution
Planning of Bantul Regency Detailed Layout Plan (RDTR) and Building and Environmental Planning (RTBL),
Buffer zone laws.
Municipal Police of Bantul Ensure public order and security as well as protect the community. This includes
Regency supervising and controlling the construction and street vendors who disturb public order
around Panggung Krapyak Monument location.
Office of Environmental of Manage vegetation, garbage, wasted and groundwater availability.
Bantul Regency
Office of Transportation of Manage traffic around Panggung Krapyak Monument as well as controlling air pollution
Bantul Regency and noise impacts from traffic activities around the property.
Office of Fire and Rescue of Manage firefighting equipments (hydrants), and prepareing firefighters as disaster alert
Bantul Regency units.
Office of Tourism of Bantul Prepare regulations regarding tourist visits and manage tour guide.
Disaster Risk Management Manage disaster risks.
Agency of Bantul Regency
Local Community
Krapyak Islamic Boarding Graphic design vocational school under the Ministry of Manpower.
School by Ali Maksum
Kalam Studio A community that accommodates calligraphers to learn and develop their talents and
interests in the form of writing and calligraphy painting.
Suto Studio Theater arts studio for residents around the islamic boarding school community.
Table 2.2. Related Institutions and Structures

2.6. List of relevant legislation the cultural heritage regulations of the

of the management Special Region of Yogyakarta through
Governor’s Decree number 75/KEP/2017
• Panggung Krapyak Monument is
concerning the Designation of the
protected by the Cultural Heritage
Yogyakarta Sultanate Geographical Space
Law Number 11 of 2010 through
Unit as a Cultural Heritage Area.
the Regulation of the Minister of
Culture and Tourism of the Republic • Th
is monument is listed in the Bantul
of Indonesia Number PM.89/PW.007/ Regency cultural heritage regulation
MKP/2011 concerning the designation through the Regent’s Decree Number
of Panggung Krapyak Monument as 458 of 2016 concerning the designation
Cultural Heritage and becoming part of Panggung Krapyak Monument as a
of the Cultural Heritage Area through Regional Cultural Heritage.
Decree of the Minister of Education and
• Th
e road/axis that connects the
Culture No.117 of 2018 concerning the
Panggung Krapyak Monument, Kraton
decision to designate the Kraton and its
and Tugu monument is listed in the
surrounding area as a National Cultural
Provincial Cultural Heritage Regulation
through Governor’s Decree Number 108/
• P
anggung Krapyak Monument is listed Kep/2017 concerning the Establishment
in the Provincial Cultural Heritage of the corridor along the Cosmological
Regulation through Governor’s Decree of Axis as the Cultural Heritage Structures.
the Special Region of Yogyakarta Number
• S pecial Provincial Regulation No. 6
20/KEP/2020 concerning the designation
of 2012 concerning the Preservation
of Panggung Krapyak Monument as a
of the Cultural Property and Heritage
Provincial Cultural Heritage Property.
Sites regulates the procedures for the
• Th
is monument is listed as part of the preservation/renovation, buildings
Provincial Cultural Heritage Area under development, and development of

cultural heritage. in the Cultural Heritage Area with its
area of 0.82 hectares in accordance with
• P
rovincial Law of the Special Region of
Bantul Regency Law Number 8 of 2018.
Yogyakarta Number 1 of 2017 concerning
The buffer zone with length of 75 meters
Management and Development of
around the monument and managed by
Sultanate Land and Duchy Land regulates
the Bantul Regency Government.
the use of the Yogyakarta Sultanate’s land
around the monument. • Th
e Governor’s Decree of the Special
Region of Yogyakarta Number 76 of 2019
• P
rovincial Law of the Special Region
concerning Permits for the Preservation
of Yogyakarta Number 2 of 2017
of Cultural Heritage regulates permit
concerning Spatial Planning of the
and recommendations for the restoration
Sultanate and Duchy regulates (including
procedures, development, and
controlling the height limit and building
development of cultural heritage
density) urban development around the
• P
rovincial Law of the Special Region of
Yogyakarta Number 3 of 2017 concerning
the Maintenance and Development
of Culture regulates the protection,
development, and use of monument.
• Panggung Krapyak Monument is included


• Panggung Krapyak Monument was built • Th

is building was used as a place for the
around 1782 AD under the reign of Sri Sultan and his relatives to rest when hunting.
Sultan Hamengku Buwono I. Previously, the Krapyak area was a dense
forest area and many hunted animals, one
• Th
e locations of the Panggung Krapyak
of which was deer. Therefore, this building
Monument in the south and Tugu Monument
is also often referred to as ‘Kandang
in the north were chosen based on the
Menjangan’ (deer cage).
harmony of the macrocosm and microcosm
worlds, while the Kraton is considered as the • A
s time goes by, the forest areas gradually
center of the cosmic universe surrounded changed into densely populated settlements,
by alternating oceans and lands (based on the Panggung Krapyak Monument is no
the Hindu-Buddhist concept of Mount longer functioning. Until now, the building
Mahameru). has not changed its shape.

Figure 3.2. Photo of Panggung Krapyak Monument in 1938

• A
round Gebayanan Street, the road that • C
urrently the residential area in Krapyak is
connects Panggung Krapyak Monument and known as the Santri Village because there
South Square of Kraton Yogyakarta, there is a are several Islamic boarding schools, one of
village where the Abdi Dalem (royal courtiers) the oldest being the Al Munawwir Krapyak
of the Kraton live, namely Kampung Mijen/ Islamic Boarding School which was founded
Minggiran where the Abdi Dalem of Miji in 1910. The existence of the Islamic boarding
live (the Abdi Dalem who are not in the staff school has significantly affected the growth
structure of Kraton), Kampung Gedong of surrounding settlements since 1989.
Kiwo where the Abdi Dalem Gedong Kiwo
• I n 2006 there was a big earthquake in
in charge of horse trainers, puppet maker,
Yogyakarta, some parts of the building were
gamelan peformance, and the caretaker of
damaged, and rehabilitation was carried
the guesthouse. Kampung Maosan is the
out by the Office of Cultural Affairs of the
residence of Abdi Dalem who takes care of
Special Region of Yogyakarta in 2007.
taxes and Kampung Karang Kajen is the
residence of Abdi Dalem Kanca Kaji who • I n 2018 and 2019, routine maintenance of
handles religious affairs. the building was carried out.

Figure 3.2. Map of the Panggung Krapyak Monument location in 1933

(source: Jogjakarta Herzien door den Topografischen dienst in 1933)

Figure 3.3. Panggung Krapyak Monument in 2006 Figure 3.4. Panggung Krapyak Monument after
after the earthquake Conservation

Figure 3.5. Panggung Krapyak Monument in 2016 Figure 3.6.Panggung Krapyak Monument in 2022
at night

Figure 3.7. The interior of Panggung Krapyak Figure 3.8. The interior of Panggung Krapyak
Monument in 1938 Monument in 2022

• Panggung Krapyak Monument has the • The top floor can be reached via two wooden
dimensions of: Length: ±17 m (meters); stairs (on the northwest and southeast
Width: ±15 m; Height: 10 m. side). The top floor of Panggung Krapyak
Monument is flat made of masonry, which is
• Panggung Krapyak still retains its original
equipped with a short wall fence around the
material, which is brick and wood. The walls
edge of the roof and there are four umpak
and foundations are made of bricks, while
which are thought to be the foundation of
the stairs are made of wood.
the wooden pillar structure.
• The monument consists of two floors. The
• The wooden staircase that was inside
lower floor is divided into four rooms, while
the Panggung Krapyak Monument was
the upper floor is an open space with a flat
reconstructed in 2015 because the original
floor and is fenced on all four sides.
wooden structure had been lost. Prior to
• The four rooms on the lower floor, between the reconstruction work, the study was
rooms are connected by masonry columns completed by the Office of Cultural Affairs
and wall arches above. Similarly, each room of the Special Region of Yogyakarta and
and its connectors, the top of the top roof the craftsmen used teak wood which was
is not a flat rooftop but all the roofs of the compatible with the original material.
room are in the form of an arch that leads to
a point at the top.

Figure 4.1. Panggung Krapyak Monument Existing Plan

(Source: TACB DIY’s Recommendation Script) DESCRIPTION 19
4. 1. Panggung Krapyak Monument
• In 2006 an archaeological excavation was
carried out to save Panggung Krapyak
and the excavation was documented
by the Provincial Office of Culture and
Tourism of Special Region of Yogyakarta.
• As a result of the 2006’s earthquake,
several parts of Panggung Krapyak
Monument were damaged. Among them
are the fences on the roof and walls had
cracks. Then in 2007 the entire wall
and structure was rehabilitated by the
Office of Culture of Special Region of
• In 2018, 2019 and 2020 routine Figure 4.2. Conservation in Panggung Krapyak Monument
maintenance was carried out such as (source: TACB DIY’s Recommendation Script)
cleaning, painting, lamp replacement and
other minor repairs.

4. 2. The condition of the natural landscape • Along the Gebayanan Street (DI. Panjaitan
around Panggung Krapyak St.) connected between the Panggung
Krapyak Monument and the palace is
• The setting of the natural landscape of planted with tamarind trees (tamarindus
the Yogyakarta Palace can be described indica) and cape trees (mimusops elengi)
macro and micro. On a macro scale, the which have philosophical values as
position of the palace is between Mount symbols of a young age.
Merapi and the southern sea which is
considered sacred. This is supported by
Labuhan tradition, and it was held by the
Kraton in both places. On a micro scale,
the location of the Kraton was chosen
between two rivers that divide the city of
Yogyakarta, namely the Winongo River
and the Code River. Even on a wider
scale the existence of this area is also
flanked by other major rivers, namely the
Gajahwong River and the Bedog River.
The existence of this river is still flanked
by two rivers in the outer circle of the
Yogyakarta area, namely the Opak River
and the Progo River
• According to history at the time of the
establishment of the Panggung Krapyak Figure 4.3. Landscape of Panggung Krapyak Monument
Monument, the Krapyak area was a dense
forest, and many hunted animals were

4. 3. Historic Urban Landscape/wider 4. 4. Intangible Cultural Heritage
• The ritual of offerings on Panggung
• Historically, the Panggung Krapyak Krapyak by the Kraton is carried out
Monument area is an area that grows, every year. This offering ritual is usually
develops, and interacts in a sustainable prepared three days before Tingalan
manner. The Panggung Krapyak area Dalem (Sultan’s birthday), as a prayer
is about 2 km from the south square of for goodness and virtue. The offerings
Yogyakarta, in the vicinity are Jogokaryan are made at key locations on the
Street, Mangukuyudan Street and Cosmological Axis, including Panggung
Tirtodipuran Street. The socio-economic Krapyak Monument. The special offerings
conditions of the residents around the are placed in four large ancak. These
Krapyak area are dominated by service four ancak are placed at Tugu, Krapyak,
industries such as guest house and cafes. Plengkung Madyasura, and the Winongo
The livelihoods of the population are River, respectively.
not only sourced from service products,
• In addition to special offerings for the
but also from the informal sector (food
Tingalan Dalem event, there are Sesajen
stalls, grocery stores). This area is also
Buangan distributed in places outside the
known as the center of the batik industry
Kraton, for example; bathrooms, wells, in
(written/printed) which complements
the middle of the north and south squares,
the Prawirotaman Street area which is
under the Tamansari gate, at every
already known to the public as tourism
crossroads between Tugu Monument
and Kraton and between Kraton and
• In the urban context, this area is known Panggung Krapyak Monument.
as the santri village because there are
• One of the ceremonies held by the
several Islamic boarding schools, and
community around Panggung Krapyak
their religious life is still preserved. In
Monument is Merti Dusun ceremony in
addition, the location of the Panggung
Krapyak Kulon village. The purpose of
Krapyak Monument is adjacent to the
this ceremony is to clean the village, give
Prawirotaman area, which is famous
alms to the earth, and also seek blessings.
as a tourist village, so that the tourism
This ceremony starts from noon with a
service sector is also developing in this
Tumpeng Carnival, followed by the 10
area, especially for tourist services such
Hadrah performance. At the evening
as cafes, guest houses, and art galleries.
there will be a public recitation and pray
• Traces of this area as the center of the together as the climax of Merti Dusun
batik industry can still be seen from the ceremony.
existence of a large former batik shop on
the corner of Tirtodipuran Street such
as Batik Kie Gie which has now been
converted into a grocery store, as well as
several batik shops that still survive today
such as Batik Winotosastro and Batik
• There is a large textile factory on the west
side of Panggung Krapyak Monument,
which is included in the Krapyak Kulon
area named Samitex coorporation. Figure 4.4. Merti Dusun ceremony at Krapyak Kulon
This factory has been established since in 2018
1973. Samitex coorporation has 1,800
employees, some of them are the residents
of Krapyak Kulon.
Figure 4.5. Former Industri al Batik Kie Gie

4. 5. Entrepreneur/Local Business • The west side of the Panggung Krapyak

Monument is the Setiaji Sculpture &
• Around the Panggung Krapyak
Artwork Studio led by an artist named
Monument, you can find stall businesses
Dunadi. This studio produces 3D art.
selling daily necessities and offering
services. The type of business that appears • On East Krapyak Steet, there is a lurik
is closely related to the existence of islamic center “Kurnia Lurik” which is the only
boarding schools in this location. Stalls lurik fabric producer that still maintains
sell food for the students and grocery traditional values. This factory has been
stores provide basic necessities. in production since 1962 and is still using
non-machine looms. In each strand of
• There is a center for batik craftsmen
thread, the weaver inserts a prayer for
around Panggung Krapyak Monument,
the striated wearer. This tradition is
precisely in the Prawirotaman Street area.
in accordance with the philosophical
Batik was designated as a Masterpiece
meaning of the lurik, namely rik which
of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of
means protective fence. In 2010 lurik
Humanity by UNESCO on October 2,
from Yogyakarta was designated as an
Intangible Cultural Heritage of Indonesia.

Figure 4.6. Weavers around the Panggung Krapyak Monument


4. 6. Popular Culture • P
anggung Krapyak Monument is located
on one of the routes for the 2019 People’s
• In 2013 Panggung Krapyak Monument
Bregada Festival (Patmasuri field –
became one of the locations for the
Panggung Krapyak - DI. Panjaitan Street
Biennale Jogja XII art installation. Inside
- Southern Gate and ends in front of
the monument was displayed various
Kagungan Dalem Sasono Hinggil Dwi
photos of the daily life of the Arab descent
Abad, Southern Square of Kraton).
community from the Kliwon Market
area, Surakarta City, Central Java. • P
anggung Krapyak Monument is one
of the most recommended spirtual
• I n 2015 and 2017 Panggung Krapyak
tourist destinations on the internet. This
Monument became a medium for artists
location is considered to hold spirtual
to express their work in the form of Video
stories so that it triggers the curiosity of
Mapping. The artwork was part of a series
tourists. Spirtual tourism is becoming a
of the Jogja Arts Festival (FKY).
trend among young people in Indonesia,
• I n 2018, in the framework of National including in Yogyakarta because it shows
Santri Day, Islamic boarding schools their bravery and satisfy their curiosity.
in the Krapyak area held the Panggung
Krapyak Monument festival which used
the building as the background and icon
of the event. At the festival there was an
entertainment stage and da’wah events
as well as video mapping that told the
journey of students in Yogyakarta.

Figure 4.7 Video maping at Panggung Krapyak Monument

(source: (kiri);

5. 1. Introduction beauty and formal aesthetic ideals.
Expressions of aesthetics are culturally
• Th
e UNESCO Recommendation on
Historical Urban Landscapes adopts
the following definition of cultural – Historic value is intended to
significance: Cultural significance refers encompass all aspects of history—for
to the aesthetic, historical, scientific, example, the history of aesthetics, art
social, or spiritual value for past, and architecture, science, spirituality,
present or future generations. Cultural and society. It therefore often
significance is embodied in the place underlies other values. A place may
itself, its fabric, setting, use, associations, have historic value because it has
meanings, records, related places, and influenced, or has been influenced by,
related objects. Places may have a range an historic event, phase, movement,
of values for different individuals or or activity, person, or group of people.
groups. It may be the site of an important
event. Event concerning a place or the
• Th
e Hoi An Protocols for Best
cultural heritage itself.
Conservation Practice in Asia:
Professional Guidelines for Assuring and – Scientific value refers to the
Preserving the Authenticity of Heritage information content of a place and its
Sites in the Context of the Cultures of ability to reveal more about an aspect
Asia outlines that the assessment of the of the past through examination or
significance of a place, site or monument investigation of the place, including
should be carried out as a necessary the use of archaeological techniques.
preliminary to any conservation action, The relative scientific value of a place
is likely to depend on the importance
• Th
e significance assessment uses the
of the information or data involved, on
following criteria to determine the value
its rarity, quality or representativeness,
of a place:
and its potential to contribute further
– Aesthetic value: refers to the sensory important information about the
and perceptual experience of a place— place itself or a type or class of place
that is, how we respond to visual and or to address important research
non-visual aspects such as sounds, questionsSocial value refers to the
smells and other factors having a relationship (attachment) that a place
strong impact on human thoughts, (object) has to a particular cultural
feelings, and attitudes. Aesthetic community or group and the social or
qualities may include the concept of cultural meaning attached to the place

– Spiritual values refer to the values form of responses to aesthetic and
and meanings that are embodied or emotional or community associations
evoked by a place (object), thus giving and expressed through cultural
importance to the spiritual identity practices and related places
or traditional knowledge, arts, and
practices of a cultural group. Spiritual
values can also be reflected in the

5. 2. Significance Values

Significance Significance scale

Values Local National OUV
Aesthetic ● Panggung Krapyak Monument was an extraordinary achievement of ✓ ✓
value its time in terms of creativity and technology. This monument
adopted an architectural style made of bricks with a three-joint arch
construction (because at that time there was no reinforced concrete
construction). Panggung Krapyak Monument is the only building
with a distinctive architectural style of beheaded pyramid (frustum
form) in Yogyakarta.
● Panggung Krapyak Monument symbolizes the yoni form which is the ✓ ✓
influence of Hindu tradition. Yoni has a connection with the lingga
form which is symbolized by Tugu Monument.

● The design of Panggung Krapyak Monument was used as a batik motif ✓ ✓

as visually beautiful and has philosophical value. In addition, the
Panggung Krapyak Monument batik motif was used for the uniform of
the Panggungharjo Village Headquarters.
Historic ● Panggung Krapyak Monument marked the southernmost point of the ✓ ✓ ✓
Value Cosmological Axis of the City of Yogyakarta. The plan scheme of the Crite
axis concept is devised by Sultan Hamengku Buwana I, which places rion
the Tugu Monument, Kraton and Panggung Krapyak Monument on a (i)
Cosmological Axis with Mount Merapi in the north and the Java Sea in
the south.
● Panggung Krapyak Monument is a representation of the glorious
work of Sultan Hamengku Buwana I in terms of urban spatial
planning that combines elements of nature and belief.
● Panggung Krapyak Monument is evidence to the historical ✓ ✓ ✓
development of architectural techniques in Yogyakarta. The style of Crite
the building is historical evidence on the influence of Hindu-Buddhist rion
culture and the colonial architectural style (terracotta bricks with (ii)
three-joint arch construction) that developed in Yogyakarta,
especially in buildings belonging to the palace.
Spiritual ● Symbolically, the Panggung Krapyak Monument is the starting point ✓ ✓ Crite
Value for the composition of the Cosmological Axis concept (Panggung rion
Krapyak Monument-Kraton-Tugu Monument). The first stage of the (vi)
life cycle (sangkan), from conception of life, birth, adolescence,
marriage and creating a family is represented by a journey along the
southern axis of the Panggung Krapyak Monument to the center of the
Kraton, Sangkan Paraning Dumadi. Panggung Krapyak Monument
depicts yoni (female genitals). The meeting between the wiji (seeds) is
depicted as the union of the Panggung Krapyak Monument
(reproductive cell) and the Tugu Monument (seeds) in relation to the
birth process (Sangkan Paraning Dumadi).
● Landmarks along the development symbolize Sufi Islamic teachings ✓ ✓ Crite
that came to Java and were adopted by the Mataram Palace in the rion
16th century AD. The influence of Sufism can be seen in the concept of (iv)
the human life cycle (Sangkan Paraning Dumadi), which refers to the SIGNIFICANCE 25
Sufi concept of the seven stages of the spirtual path, the descent and
rise of the 'perfect human', as well as the need for the Oneness of Man
southern axis of the Panggung Krapyak Monument to the center of the
Kraton, Sangkan Paraning Dumadi. Panggung Krapyak Monument
depicts yoni (female genitals). The meeting between the wiji (seeds) is
depicted as the union of the Panggung Krapyak Monument
(reproductive cell) and the Tugu Monument (seeds) in relation to the
birth process (Sangkan Paraning Dumadi).
● Landmarks along the development symbolize Sufi Islamic teachings ✓ ✓ Crite
that came to Java and were adopted by the Mataram Palace in the rion
16th century AD. The influence of Sufism can be seen in the concept of (iv)
the human life cycle (Sangkan Paraning Dumadi), which refers to the
Sufi concept of the seven stages of the spirtual path, the descent and
rise of the 'perfect human', as well as the need for the Oneness of Man
and God (Manunggaling Kawula Gusti), with reference to the concept
of khalifatullah (God's representative in the world).
● Panggung Krapyak Monument is one of the locations where ✓ ✓ Crite
representatives from the Kraton place offerings before the annual rion
Tingalan Dalem ceremony (coronation day anniversary) as a prayer (iii)
for goodness and virtue.
Social Value ● Panggung Krapyak Monument is an important place for the people of ✓
Yogyakarta because it is an identity for them. There is evident from
the existence of cultural activities involving Panggung Krapyak
Monument both as a location for conducting activities and as an
inspiration in various cultural activities.
● Panggung Krapyak Monument cannot be separated from Tugu ✓ ✓
Monument which is a unity in the Cosmological Axis. Tugu Monument
and Panggung Krapyak Monument have been and still are an
important landmarks and symbol of the city of Yogyakarta.
● Panggung Krapyak Monument is not only used as the identity of the ✓
Al-Munawir Islamic boarding school, for the santri (Islamic students)
community, this building is considered as an ancestral cultural
heritage. Especially because the founder of the Islamic boarding
school, KH. M. Munawwir still has a relationship with the Kraton.
Panggung Krapyak Monument is also used as the location of the santri

Table 5.1. Significance Values

5. 3. Statement of Heritage Significance where the conception of life occurs and

the starting point of human journey in the
• Panggung Krapyak Monument have
world. The spiritual value of this building
aesthetic, historical, social, and spiritual
is very high. This monument is a central
values, which is important at local,
part of the Sangkan Paraning Dumadi
regional, national, and international
Javanese belief system which represents
levels. Panggung Krapyak Monument is
the journey of human life. At this
related to the history of the establishment
location, the tradition of offerings ritual
of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Sultanate
is still ongoing by the Kraton on certain
and Yogyakarta City in general. The
occasions. In social value, Panggung
monument is a representation of the
Krapyak Monument is an important place
glorious work of Sultan Hamengku
for the people of Yogyakarta, especially
Buwana I in terms of urban spatial
the surrounds community, because it is
planning that combines elements of
an identity for them and a location for
nature and belief. Panggung Krapyak
holding cultural events.
Monument is located at the southern end
of Yogyakarta Cosmological Axis and it
is considered to represent the yoni, the
symbol of women in Hinduism. In the
Yogyakarta Cosmological Axis, Panggung
Krapyak Monument represents a womb


6. 1. Introduction as a national cultural heritage property

under the Regulation of the Minister of
• Panggung Krapyak Monument have
Culture and Tourism PM. 89/PW. 007/
aesthetic, historical, social and spiritual
MKP/2011 and is protected by National
values. It is important at the local,
Heritage Law 11 of 2010. Under this
regional, national and international
national law, the following applies:
– Article 77: Conservation of cultural
• Th
e heritage value of Panggung Krapyak
heritage buildings and cultural
Monument (described in Chapter 4)
heritage structures must have approval
creates constraints and opportunities that
from the national government or
may impact future conservation activities.
provincial government.
This must be taken into account in the
formulation of the Panggung Krapyak – Article 78 (2): outlines that any
conservation policies. development of the listed cultural
heritage needs permission of the
• Th
is section sets into account in the
national or provincial government
development of a conservation policy
as well as the owner of the cultural
for Panggung Krapyak Monument. it
includes issues at Panggung Krapyak
Monument that intersect with value, • P
anggung Krapyak Monument is
ownership and management, and located in the Kraton Cultural Heritage
operations. Zone as listed in the Governor’s Decree
number 186/KEP/2011 and redefined
• A
n effective and useful CMP will identify
in the Governor’s Decree number 75/
known issues, threats, operational, and
KEP/2017 on the Spatial Arrangement of
legal requirements and will anticipate
the Sultanate Land. Panggung Krapyak
future circumstances.
Monument also protected under
Provincial Law number 6 of 2012 on the
6. 2. Legislation and Relevant Policies Preservation of Cultural Heritage. Under
these regulations the following applies:
In the conservation of Panggung Krapyak
Monument, there are a number of – The permission to build new buildings
laws, regulations, and guidelines at the in the Cultural Heritage Zone is
national, provincial, and local (city) level controlled by the City of Yogyakarta
that need to be first considered. through Regulation number 2 of 2012
on the Building Permit.
• Panggung Krapyak Monument was listed
– Article 58 (Requirements for a

KEY 27
Building Permit) stipulates that new – The Development of Strategic Area
buildings in Cultural Heritage Zone along the Cosmological Axis of
requires a letter of recommendation Yogyakarta must be in accordance
from the authorized technical agency with the cultural values of the
(Office of Cultural Affairs of the Cosmological Axis
Special Region of Yogyakarta).
– The use of the area must follow the
– Article 82: New buildings in the following guidelines:
Cultural Heritage Zones have to
■ The height of the building follows
be designed considering heritage
a slope of 45 (fourty five degrees)
from the Cosmological Axis
– Development projects in Cultural
■ The permitted new building height
Heritage Zone are regulated through
is 18 (eighteen) meters in an area
Article 9 of the Governor’s Decree
of 60 (sixty) meters as measured
number 62 of 2013 on the Preservation
from the road space limit;
of Cultural Heritage which provides
the detailed guidelines for the work ■ The new building must use the
that is allowed in Cultural Heritage Yogyakarta architectural style
zone. This guide applies to the building.
Panggung Krapyak Monument and its – The following are not allowed in the
surrounds. Strategic Area:
– The architectural design of new ■ A
new building crossing the path
buildings in Cultural Heritage on the Cosmological Axis;
zone is regulated in Article 2 of
the Governor’s Decree number 40 ■ Buildings on the right and left of
of 2014 concerning Guidelines for the Cosmological Axis that exceed
Architecture of New Buildings with the height will have an impact
Regional Cultural Values and also on the cultural values of the
Provincial Law number 1 of 2017 Cosmological Axis.
concerning Building Architecture – The spatial density is also set as
with Characteristics of the Special follows:
Region of Yogyakarta. This regulation
■ Building Coverage Ratio (Building
applies to buildings inside and around
Base Coefficient) = ≤90%
Panggung Krapyak Monument area.
■ Floor Average Ratio (Building
• The location of the Panggung Krapyak
Floor Coefficient) = ≤4,5
Monument is in the Cosmological Axis
of Yogyakarta and also it is in the Spatial ■ Green Space Coverage Ratio
Arrangment of the Sultanate Land. It (Green Space Basic Coefficient) =
is regulated in the Special Provincial ≥ 10%
Law number 1 of 2017 concerning • Panggung Krapyak Monument is located
the Management and Development of on D.I. Panjaitan Street (Gebayan St.),
Sultanate Land and Duchy Land and the street is listed as a Cultural Heritage
Special Provincial Law number 2 of 2017 structure through Governor’s Decree
concerning Spatial Planning of Sultanate number 108/Kep/2017 concerning Road
Land (Peraturan Daerah DIY No. 2 Sections along the Cosmological Axis
Tahun 2017 tentang Tata Ruang Tanah and for Panggung Krapyak Monument,
Kasultanan dan Tanah Kadipaten), the it is also listed as a cultural heritage at
following applies: the provincial level through Governor’s

Decree number 20/KEP/2020. Therefore, Information Media Operators are
Panggung Krapyak Monument and the required to pay attention to public
Cosmological Axis road structure from safety, compatibility between
Tugu to Panggung Krapyak Monument buildings and environment, ethics,
are protected by Provincial Law number aesthetics and also the protection of
6 of 2012 concerning Preservation of cultural heritage buildings.
Cultural Heritage. Under this rule the
• U
NESCO Heritage Impact Assessments
following applies:
(HIA): Panggung Krapyak Monument
– The Office of Cultural Affairs of is one of the important attributes of the
Special region of Yogyakarta have the nominated property and because of
authority to monitor and supervise that the policies of the World Heritage
the preservation of Panggung Krapyak Convention and the Operational
Monument. Anyone who wants to Guidelines or the World Heritage
preserve, develop or use the cultural Convention must be applied. For
heritage must have the Governor’s the World Heritage Committee and
permission. ICOMOS to evaluate potential threats,
there is specific needs about alteration
– Conservation projects on Panggung
impact on the proposed OUV. Therefore,
Krapyak Monument or listed heritage
there is a process that must be done
buildings around Panggung Krapyak
prior to a development project to assess
Monument must refer to Governor’s
whether the proposed development
Decree number 55 of 2014 concerning
can be damaging the cultural heritage
Cultural Heritage Management.
or not. This process is known as the
This regulation provides guideline
Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA). The
information in the Management of
proposed developments is expected to
Cultural Heritage in order to comply
have an impact on World Heritage (eg.
with the principle of preservation.
around Panggung Krapyak Monument)
– Permission for Panggung Krapyak need assesment first by HIA. As a
Monument conservation projects recommendation, Borobudur have the
must refer to Governor Regulation No. impact assessment based on the Heritage
76 of 2019 concerning the permits for Impact Assessment Guidelines for World
the Preservation of Cultural Heritage Cultural Heritage Properties compiled
and Registered Cultural Heritage. in 2011 by the International Council on
• The Panggung Krapyak Monument area Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)..
is within the Cultural Heritage Area, then
the types of advertisements/billboards
6. 3. Key issues on the site
that are allowed in Panggung Krapyak
Monument area and its surrounds are This section of the CMP will consider
regulated through the Bantul Regency’s whether the Cultural heritage site is or
Regulation number 10 of 2020 concerning will be affected by one or more of the
the implementation of billboards and following issues:
information media.
• Conservation needs - including
– Panggung Krapyak Monument area is maintenance, repair, restoration or
in a strict control zone, which is a zone reconstruction
that is allowed for the Implementation
– Based on the latest condition survey
of Advertisements and Information
of the Panggung Krapyak Monument
Media by considering the Cultural
building conducted in 2021, it is
Heritage Area;
necessary to do conservation because
– Article 11 (1) Advertisers and

KEY 29
the building is in the form of a Heritage Areas need to be enforced.
trapezoid. At the time when there is
– Electrical wires/electrical cables are
rain, rainwater enters through the
widespread at the intersection of the
windows gaps on the sides of the
Panggung Krapyak Monument and
the monument’s view is not clear. It
• Loss of vegetation around the Panggung diverts the view of the monument
Krapyak area from every direction.
– The area around Panggung Krapyak • Disaster Risk
Monument used to be a forest area – Panggung Krapyak Monument is
with certain types of trees that had located in the area exposed to natural
certain meaning. However, over the catastrophes, especially earthquake,
time, the area has changed from rural and this area has been damaged by
to urban, and much of the vegetation the 2006 earthquake that occurred in
has been lost. Yogyakarta.
• Inappropriate signage (billboard/ – Yogyakarta City is also exposed to
advertisement) and Visual integrity servere windstorms, this disaster
potentially damaging the buildings.
– Along the way, K. H. Ali Maksum and
Gabayanan (D.I. Panjaitan) is covered – Building location is located close to
by billboards, both permanent and densely populated settlements which
non-permanent. The billboards increases the risk of fire.
covering the appearance of Panggung • Potential for interpretation – to support
Krapyak. This reduces the authenticity or make more explicit significance value.
of the Panggung Krapyak Monument – The interpretation of the Panggung
as an important building of the Krapyak Monument is still not
Cosmological Axis. sufficient. Currently there is only
– Regulations on signage in Cultural information boards for the protection
of Cultural Heritage, while information
in the form of an interpretation model
of the Cosmological Axis is only
available at Tugu.
– The carrying capacity of the
monument has not been determined/
no data on how many people visited
the site (no entrance ticket counted).
– There is no strong link with
the Kampung Wisata program/
community-based tourism.
• Access and security for visitors and
Figure 6.1. The condition of the cables, signage and buildings.
billboards around the Panggung Krapyak Monument
– P
otential problem is access and
security on site, as the monument
is located in the middle of an
intersection and there is potential for
accidents especially when the traffic
increase and the number of people
visiting the site increase.
– Panggung Krapyak Monument is also

potentially affected by car accidents
and other heavy vehicles.
– Increased traffic in the Panggung
Krapyak Monument area may cause
vibrations and impact the long-term
conservation of the site.
• Management:
– There is no system for the day-to-day
management of the site, although
the site is under the ownership of
the Ngayogyakarta Sultanate, the
caretaker is recruited through the
Office of Cultural Affairs of the
Special Region of Yogyakarta. The
responsibility for this management
is less clear. Daily monitoring
is required by the caretaker and
reporting of monitoring results by
cultural heritage conservationists who
are under the coordination of Office
of Cultural Affairs of the Special
Region of Yogyakarta and the Kraton
Figure 6.2. Puddles around the building after the rain
– The direction of development in
the Panggung Krapyak Monument
is unclear, there are no staff who
allow access to the building or sell • Th
ere are several opportunities to
tickets. The tickets can help generate conserve building landscapes that are
revenue for site conservation/for local part of the attributes of the Cosmological
community development if it can Axis. This is include creating a green
manage properly. space zone by replanting tree species that
have important meaning and value for
• Sanitation
the philosophy of Jogja city.
– BYP (Borobudur-Yogyakarta-
• I t also cleans the view of the developmentof
Prambanan) ITMP identified that
the path from Plengkung Nirbaya to
there is a lack of drainage at the site, and
Panggung Krapyak Monument, so it can
there is no solid waste management
add more aesthetic value to the Jogja
system. This means garbage problem
Cosmological Axis.
on the Panggung Krapyak Monument
need to be managed. • The interior of Panggung Krapyak
Monument can be use as an interpretation
• Community development
center and for common tourism.
– Bantul Regency has the lowest The development will be required to
socioeconomic status and highest managing the carrying capacity of the
poverty rate in Yogyakarta Province.. site and the staff to be placed there. The
6. 4. Opportunities and aspirations development is also required to create an
interpretation panel in the room.
• In 2018, Panggung Krapyak Monument
festival was organized by madrasas and
the local community. This festival was

KEY 31
especially designed to commemorate
the battle of Prince Diponegoro during
the Java War of 1825–1830 AD against
the Dutch colonial rulers. This is an
example of a program that connects local
communities to the site.
• Th
e Master Plan for Integrated Tourism
Borobudur – Yogyakarta - Prambanan
(Rencana Induk Pariwisata Terpadu
Borobudur – Yogyakarta - Prambanan
(RIPT- BYP)) has allocating funds for
infrastructure development around
Panggung Krapyak Monument. The
funds can support site development and
address some of the issues has identified.
• I n the Building and Environmental
Planning (RTBL) compiled by Office of
Land and Spatial Planning of Yogyakarta
City, there are programs related to
Panggung Krapyak Monument such as
underground museum and a tourism
information center that can support
development activities


The CMP provides a basis for managing and The five initiative policies are:
coordinating Panggung Krapyak Monument
– Pedestrian safety, access and traffic
through an assessment of values, analysis of
issues, and the development of five initiative
policies. For each initiative, there is an overall – Consevation and maintenance
objectives, an analysis of the specific problems – Conservation of the wider setting
to be addressed, and a series of clearly defined (historic urban landscape)
strategies and specific recommended actions.
– Interpretation and tourism
– Community engagement and intangible
cultural heritage

Figure 7.1. Policy Initiative Chart

7.1. Pedestrian safety, access and traffic • The traffic flow around Panggung
management Krapyak Monument poses a risk of
damage if an accident occurs around it.
Objectives: • U
ltimately, the traffic vibrations around
Panggung Krapyak Monument may have
Managing the traffic system and pedestrian
an impact and and causing a damage to
access around Panggung Krapyak Monument
the monument.
to ensure the security of visitors and the local
community, as well as to reduce the risk of the • Th
e plan of Office of Public Works,
impact of traffic density on the building. Housing, and Energy and Mineral
Resources of Special Region of Yogyakarta
has drawn up a Detailed Engineering
Rationale: Design (DED) for Panggung Krapyak
• An in-depth study on the impact of traffic Monument but they have not yet assessed
vibrations around Panggung Krapyak with an Heritage Impact Assessment.
Monument have never been done before.
• Th
e absence of adequate security around Strategies:
Panggung Krapyak Monument increases
There are seven strategies to improve the safety
the risk of accidents. Currently there is
of visits and reduce the impact of the presence of
only a fence at the corner of the building
vehicles on the road around Panggung Krapyak
to avoid collisions on the corner side of
Monument, the following strategies are:
the building.
1. 1Reducing the effect of vibration on
• I t is necessary to create a safe and
attributes by limiting vehicle tonnages
comfortable zone around Panggung
and noises. This is needed to be done
Krapyak Monument by making space for
through good coordination with the
tourists around the attributes.
smallest residential units or units around
Panggung Krapyak Monument (ie. RT/
Achievements to date: RW).

Office of Public Works, Housing, and Energy 2. 2Extending the buffer zone to 30 m from
and Mineral Resources of Special Region of the attribute. It should also be noted that
Yogyakarta has drawn up a Detailed Engineering the extension may impact some houses
Design (DED) for pedestrian arrangement located around Panggung Krapyak
along the road between Southern Gate and Monument.
Panggung Krapyak Monument. Advisory Board 3. Improving the quality of footpath around
for Preservation of Cultural Heritage of Special Panggung Krapyak Monument.
Region of Yogyakarta has reviewed the DED
4. Improving the quality of traffic signs.
and provided recommendations, but the HIA
have not yet been carried out. Security is carried 5. Creating a safe zone near Panggung
out at the corner of the building by providing a Krapyak Monument for visitors to enjoy
fence as high as ±1 meter. the monument from outside.
6. Planning the visitor access to the
monument, including inter-sectional
traffic, sidewalks, and parking lots.
• P
anggung Krapyak Monument is located
7. Implementating HIA throughout
at an intersection with heavy traffic flow,
every action from the Office of Public
it can pose a risk for visitors who want
Works, Housing, and Energy and
to see the monument up close (eg. an
Mineral Resources of Special Region of
accident risk).
Yogyakarta, especially in the preparation
of Detailed Engineering Design (DED).
List of Actions:

Actions Responsibility Timing Priority

Reducing the impact of vibration on The Department of Transportation of 2022-2025 High
attributes of Cosmological Axis Special Region of Yogyakarta and the
(Panggung Krapyak Monument) by Office of Transportation of Bantul
reducing noises and tonnages. Regency
Coordination with the smallest Office of City Planning and Spatial 2023-2025 High
residential units (RT/RW level) Planning, Bantul Regency Government,
closest to the Pangung Krapyak District and Village Governments.
location for structuring the buffer
zone area.
Extending the buffer zone by 30 m Office of Public Works, Housing, and 2024 Medium
from the attribute. Energy and Mineral Resources of Special
Region of Yogyakarta and Office of
Public Works, Housing and Settlement
Areas of Bantul Regency
Repairing pedestrian or vehicle paths Office of Public Works, Housing, and 2022-2025 High
around Panggung Krapyak Energy and Mineral Resources of Special
Monument. Region of Yogyakarta and Office of
Public Works, Housing and Settlement
Areas of Bantul Regency
Improving the quality of traffic signs. The Office of Transportation of Special 2022-2025 High
Region of Yogyakarta and The Office of
Transportation of Bantul Regency
Creating a safe zone for visitors who Office of Public Works, Housing, and 2023 Medium
observe or see Panggung Krapyak Energy and Mineral Resources of Special
Monument. Region of Yogyakarta and Office of
Public Works, Housing and Settlement
Areas of Bantul Regency
Planning a road system, traffic The Office of Transportation of Special 2022-2024 High
system for each road section, Region of Yogyakarta and The Office of
sidewalk, and parking lot. Transportation of Bantul Regency
Take actions on HIA studies in every The Office of Public Works, Housing, and 2022 High
effort to develop Panggung Krapyak Energy and Mineral Resources of Special
Monument area. Region of Yogyakarta

Table 7.1. Panggung Krapyak Monument Action Plans

7. 2. Conservation and Building Maintanance Rationale :

• Th
e maintenance plan is a routine
program of Office of Cultural Affairs of
the Special Region of Yogyakarta with
Conserving Panggung Krapyak Monument Office of Cultural Affairs of Yogyakarta
using international standard ‘best practice’ City and Office of Cultural Affairs of
and ensuring its safety for present and future Bantul Regency to determine cultural
generations. heritage objects, maintenance programs,
and implementation of maintenance in
the annual program planning.

• The preparation of guidelines for Issues:
the restoration of World Heritage
– P
anggung Krapyak Monument is at risk
buildings for the implementation of the
from traffic accidents in the vicinity.
conservation for Panggung Krapyak
Monument by private contractors which – Th
e inside of the monument is often
contains provisions for the preparation flooded due to heavy rain.
of rituals for restoration, pre-restoration, – Traffic vibrations can affect the physical
implementation of restoration and condition of Panggung Krapyak
post-restoration will make it easier for Monument.
contractors to work.
– The DRR document is not yet available
• Documentation of the types and on Panggung Krapyak, even though the
components of the building so that monument as cultural heritage has been
if damage occurs when repairs, damaged by the earthquake.
rehabilitation, and renovations, it can be
recorded properly. – P
otentialy, Panggung Krapyak Monument
can be exposed to vandalism due to lack
• Th
e earthquake natural disaster resulted of security.
in Panggung Krapyak Monument being
included in the disaster management – D
uring rainy season, around the
plan with Standard Operating Procedures monument area there are often
with the community that regulates inundations caused by less-than-optimal
assessments and rescue actions from drainage.
natural disasters. – L
ocations of buildings close to densely
• D
evelop a centralized conservation data populated settlements and semi-
center in Special Region of Yogyakarta permanent buildings (stalls) increase the
to facilitate the control, supervision and risk of fire.
preservation/conservation of buildings – Th
ere is no development and maintenance
that are important and prioritized due to plan for Panggung Krapyak Monument
worrisome/threatened conditions. yet. There needs to be a mechanism
for appointing contractors to act for
Achievements to date:
– P
reservation data have not been stored
The restoration that was completed at the properly.
Panggung Krapyak Monument in 2002, it
was done by construction improvements and
plaster coating. The last development was Strategies:
implemented in 2016 on monument painting
There are five strategies in the conservation and
and maintenance programs. The development
maintenance of Panggung Krapyak Monument,
was done by external contractors under the
following by:
guidance of Office of Culture of Special Region
of Yogyakarta. Since 2017, the maintenance 1. Develop a maintenance plan.
staff have been recruited to monitor Panggung 2. Create a conservation guide for all
Krapyak Monument. In 2022, electrical and development implementers.
plaster installations will be repaired on the walls
of the building. 3. Monitor the monument for traffic
vibrations (a special tool for measuring
traffic vibrations can be placed at
Panggung Krapyak Monument location).
4. Create Disaster Risk Management.
5. Create a centralized conservation data
center that is easily can be access to
C PANGGUNG KRAPYAK various parties..
List of actions:

Actions Responsibility Timing Priority

Develop maintenance plans. Office of Cultural Properties Preservation 2023 Medium
of Yogyakarta, Office of Culture of Special
Region of Yogyakarta, The Cosmological
Axis of Yogyakarta Management Unit
Create a Standard operating procedure for Office of Cultural Properties Preservation 2022 High
conservation for all parties who will carry of Yogyakarta, Office of Culture of Special
out development on Panggung Krapyak Region of Yogyakarta, The Cosmological
Monument. Axis of Yogyakarta Management Unit,
Advisory Board for Preservation of
Cultural Heritage
CCTV installation around the Panggung Office of Culture of Special Region of 2023 Medium
Krapyak Monument area as an effort to Yogyakarta and The Cosmological Axis of
prevent vandalism. Yogyakarta Management Unit
Check, repairs, and evaluates drainage Office of Public Works, Housing and 2022-2024 Medium
system around Panggung Krapyak Settlement Areas of Bantul Regency
Hydrant Installation around Panggung Office of Firefighters of Bantul Regency 2023 Medium
Conduct research on the effect of motor Office of Cultural Affairs of Special 2023 Medium
vehicle vibrations on buildings. Region of Yogyakarta, The Cosmological
Axis of Yogyakarta Management Unit
Develop a Disaster Risk Management Plan Office of Cultural Affairs of Special 2023 Medium
(including disaster response training for Region of Yogyakarta, The Cosmological
local residents). Axis of Yogyakarta Management Unit and
Disaster Management Agency of Special
Region of Yogyakarta
Create an integrated data center system Office of Cultural Affairs of Special 2022 High
containing reports related to the Region of Yogyakarta, The Cosmological
conservation of Panggung Krapyak Axis of Yogyakarta Management Unit

Table 7.2. Conservation and Maintenance Action Plans

7. 3. Conservation of the wider setting that strengthen conservation which is

(Historic Urban Landscape) preceded by feasibility studies, technical
studies and the obligation to HIA action,
strengthening the implementation of
Objectives: supervision and monitoring of new
Conserving the historic urban landscape area building construction by an integrated
of the Panggung Krapyak Monument and team of Office of Culture of Special
controlling the development to maintain the Region of Yogyakarta, Civil Service Police
visual integrity of the area around the monument Unit, Office of Public Works, Housing,
as well as paying attention to the activities of the and Energy and Mineral Resources of
surrounding community. Special Region of Yogyakarta, Office
of Investment and Licensing of Special
Region of Yogyakarta , Office of Land and
Rationale: Spatial Planning of the Special Region of
Yogyakarta, Office of Land and Spatial
• There is a need for a review of licensing
Planning of Yogyakarta City and Office
regulations by adding technical
of Land and Spatial Planning of Bantul
requirements regarding provisions

• Th
ere is a Governor’s Decree number telephone and other networks that
40 of 2014 concerning architectural interfere with the surrounding scenery
guidelines for new buildings with local around Panggung Krapyak.
cultural nuances, but the community has
not fully complied with the regulations.
The granting of the building permit Achievements to date:
must have recommendation from The Special Provincial Law number 1 of 2017
Advisory Board for Preservation of concerning Management and Development of
Cultural Heritage to overcome public Sultanate Land, Special Provincial Law number
ignorance in designing their buildings. 2 of 2017, and Governor’s Decree number
The next step is to open a consultation 75/KEP/2017 concerning the Design of the
service from the Office of Cultural Kraton Yogyakarta Geographical Space Unit
Affairs for the restoration, development, as a Cultural Heritage Area. Bantul Regency
and development of cultural heritage Law number 10 of 2020 concerning the
buildings as well as consultion services implementation of billboards and information
to provide direction on the architectural media.
style of new buildings around the atribute
of Panggung Krapyak Monument area.
Advisory Council for the Preservation Issues:
of Cultural Heritage also provide
• Th
e location of Panggung Krapyak
recommendations for the restoration,
Monument is close to the settlement; it
development, and development of
makes the monument threatened by the
unregistered cultural heritage buildings.
high development and changes in land
• S trenghtening the regulations by issuing a use.
moratorium on billboards installation in
• C
ontrol over development has not been
the area, because along the Cosmological
well strengthened. A number of small
Axis must be free of billboards and
buildings are constructed without a
development permit (uncontrolled
• Replanting tamarind (asem) and tanjung development).
trees on side of D.I. Panjaitan/Gebayan
• L
ack of drainage facilities around
Street, then widen the pedestrian facilities
Panggung Krapyak Monument and the
(sidewalk). Placing gardens surrounding
absence of a waste management system.
Panggung Krapyak Monument and then
This is mean waste or cleanliness is a
arrange the facade of the surrounding
problem around Panggung Krapyak area
buildings according to the traditional
and must be managed.
Javanese architecture style or the Indies
style. • C
ables and power poles are clearly
visible across the intersection area as
• Improving the quality of current
the location of the Panggung Krapyak
conditions and direct the zone in detail
Monument. The presence of electrical
for the arrangement of buildings and
installations interferes and diverts visual
the environment. The actions can be
integrity from any direction.
done by making a drainage system to
reduce flood water puddles, restoring • A
long the streets of K. H. Ali Maksum
the function of environmental roads, and and Gabayanan are covered by permanent
arranging street vendors on the sidewalks and non-permanent billboards, which
to the suburban field, arranging village interfere with the view of the monument.
roads from the slum of settlements and This reduces the authenticity of Panggung
developing underground electricity, Krapyak as an important building of the
Cosmological Axis.

• Th
ere are only a few trees that contain 4. L
andscape arrangement is carried out by
philosophical values around Gabayanan arranging the condition of the monument
Steet (D.I. Panjaitan) and need around the attribute core zone and trying
maintenance. to develop green space to maintain
cleanliness and a green landscape along
the corridor.
5. D
evelopment with reforestation of trees
There are seven strategies in the wider setting to reduce noises in the attribute area.
conservation action at Panggung Krapyak,
6. I mproving the quality of the existing
following by:
conditions and directing in detail of the
1. Developing control systems for urban zones for the new arrangement.
development (Eg. HIA, Human Resources
7. Applying the UNESCO Historic Urban
improvement and monitoring).
Landscape approach around Panggung
2. The development of a new area must take Krapyak Monument. It should be noted
into account the value of cultural heritage this plan can be included in the 2022
in their design (eg. style, materials, etc.). budget year from Office of Culture of
3. Enforcing advertising regulations and Special Region of Yogyakarta.
effective signage installation.

List of Actions:
Actions Responsibility Timing Priority
Develop the HUL concept in the management Office of Cultural Affairs of Special 2022-2025 High
and preservation of Panggung Krapyak area Region of Yogyakarta, The
Cosmological Axis of Yogyakarta
Management Unit, Office of Land and
Spatial Planning of the Special Region
of Yogyakarta
Prepare Adaptive Re-Use Guidelines in the Office of Cultural Affairs of Special 2022/2023 High
context of controlling the development of the Region of Yogyakarta, The
monument Cosmological Axis of Yogyakarta
Management Unit, Office of Cultural
Properties Preservation of
Yogyakarta, Technical Working
Develop a control system (KDCB/HIA, human Office of Cultural Affairs of Special 2022 High
resources, and supervision). Region of Yogyakarta, Civil Service
Police Unit, Office of Public Works,
Housing, and Settlements of
Yogyakarta Province, Yogyakarta City
and Bantul Regency
Preparation of procedures for implementing Office of Cultural Affairs of Special On-going High
HIA in all projects that are likely to have an Region of Yogyakarta, Advisory Board
impact on the significance of Panggung for Preservation of Cultural Heritage
Krapyak Monument, including the ITMP
project. In the process, it is also ensured to
consider the value of cultural heritage and
apply a design that is in accordance with the
attributes (style, materials, etc.)
Effective enforcement of billboards and Office of Licensing and Investment 2022-2023 High
signage installation regulations Service of Yogyakarta City and Bantul
Landscape arrangement, by managing Office of Public Works, Housing, and 2022 Medium
building conditions around the attribute core Energy and Mineral Resources of CONSERVATION 39
zone and developing green zones or green Special Region of Yogyakarta, Office of POLICIES
open spaces to maintain cleanliness Public Works, Housing, and
Effective enforcement of billboards and Office of Licensing and Investment 2022-2023 High
signage installation regulations Service of Yogyakarta City and Bantul
Landscape arrangement, by managing Office of Public Works, Housing, and 2022 Medium
building conditions around the attribute core Energy and Mineral Resources of
zone and developing green zones or green Special Region of Yogyakarta, Office of
open spaces to maintain cleanliness Public Works, Housing, and
maintaining a green landscape along the Settlements of Bantul Regency
attribute corridors
Arrangement and maintenance of trees to Office of Public Works, Housing, and 2022 High
reduce noises and filter dust and pollution Settlements of Bantul Regency, Office
around the attribute area. of Environment and Forestry of the
Special Region of Yogyakarta
Improve the quality of the actual condition Office of Public Works, Housing, and 2023 Medium
and the details of the attribute development Settlements of Bantul Regency,
zone Office of Environment and Forestry of
Bantul Regency
Relocation of electricity network and Telkom Office of Public Works, Housing, and 2022-2024 High
network to underground Energy and Mineral Resources of
Special Region of Yogyakarta
Study on Heritage Urban Landscape involving Office of Cultural Affairs of Special 2022-2025 High
Panggung Krapyak as part of the Region of Yogyakarta
Cosmological Axis of Yogyakarta City
Table 7.3. HUL Conservation Action Plams

7. 4. Interpretation and Tourism the urgency of Yogyakarta as a World

Heritage, conducting consultations
with the technical working group on
Objectives: the Cosmological Axis and conducting
Sharing information on the importance of heritage travel with various electronic
Panggung Krapyak Monument for the people media, social media and mass media.
of Yogyakarta and tourist visitors as well as
developing sustainable tourism around the
Achievements to date:
In 2019 and 2020, Office of Cultural Affairs of
Special Region of Yogyakarta has made attribute
Rationale: information signage/boards. Office of Tourism
• A
round Panggung Krapyak Monument of Special Region of Yogyakarta also contributed
and along the D.I Panjaitan Street (the to the interpretation of the Cosmological Axis
Axis of Gading-Panggung Krapyak related to Panggung Krapyak Monument, made
Monument) are placed information a short movie about the Cosmological Axis,
boards about history of the monument, published encyclopedia of Kraton and the
the philosophical meaning of the City of Philosophy book, distributed leaflets
Cosmological Axis and Mijen Village in and information boards in villages and sub-
digital form (QR code). districts as well as public places. Included in
the P3TB is the development plan for Panggung
• Th
e interior of Panggung Krapyak Krapyak Monument “Interpretation Center”.
Monument must have a story telling and The Special Region of Yogyakarta Government
information boards made in digital form has provided Jogja Heritage Track buses for
(QR code) which are installed movable/ visitors which can be accessed through online
not permanent so the visitors can access bookings. Participants of the Jogja Heritage
directly with cellphones. Track program will be offered to join the tour
• C
onducting consultations with the on the Cosmological Axis area accompanied by
public through social media (online) educators.

Issues: Strategies:
• Th
e interpretation of the Panggung There are six strategies in actions to present
Krapyak Monument is still lacking; it is the interpretation of Panggung Krapyak
only in the form of signage. Currently, Monument, following by:
the Cosmological Axis interpretation
1. Updating the signage indicating World
model only exists in Tugu Monument
Heritage status.
attribute area, while at Panggung Krapyak
Monument attribute there is no such 2. Providing a interpretation panels
interpretation model. presenting historical and cultural
importance of the monument.
• Th
e permanently closed Panggung
Krapyak Monument prevented the public 3. Introducing and promoting the
from accessing the interior or entering the important value of other landmarks/
building. This means there is a possibility attributes, including Panggung Krapyak
that the public will lose the opportunity Monument as a unitary value belonging
to interpret the attributes. to the Cosmological Axis.

• C
alculation of carrying capacity (the 4. S howing the importance of Cultural
carrying capacity of the building) has not Heritage buildings around the Panggung
been carried out including the absence of Krapyak Monument area and their
data showing the number of visitors (no ranking at local, regional, national, and
entrance ticket that can be calculated). OUV levels.

• Th
ere is no ticket system for visitors. 5. Developing a visitor information center.
Revenue from tickets can be reinvested 6. D
eveloping a tourism village program
in site management or community with the existence of Panggung Krapyak
development around the site. Monument
• Th
ere is no relationship between
the Kampung Wisata program and
the attributes of Panggung Krapyak

List of Actions:

Actions Responsibility Timing Priority

Updating the signage showing the World Office of Cultural Affairs of Special 2022 High
Heritage status. Signage can follow a Region of Yogyakarta, The
durable design but should adapt to the Cosmological Axis of Yogyakarta
nuances of the visual integration of the Management Unit
Panggung Krapyak Monument as an
Providing a special area or area of Office of Tourism of Special Region 2022-2025 Medium
interpretation that contains information of Yogyakarta and
related to historical and cultural Office of Cultural Affairs of Special
significance. The information can focus on Region of Yogyakarta
the relationship between the meaning of
Panggung Krapyak Monument and the
meaning of the Cosmological Axis (Tugu
Monument-Kraton-Panggung Krapyak
Monument). This can be done through a
review of the Building and Environmental
Planning (RTBL) for Panggung Krapyak
Monument which was carried out in 2016
and all plan must go through HIA.
Introducing and promoting important Office of Cultural Affairs of Special 2022 High
values of other attributes included in the Region of Yogyakarta, CONSERVATION 41
Cosmological Axis including Panggung POLICIES
Krapyak Monument as a unified meaning
review of the Building and Environmental
Planning (RTBL) for Panggung Krapyak
Monument which was carried out in 2016
and all plan must go through HIA.
Introducing and promoting important Office of Cultural Affairs of Special 2022 High
values of other attributes included in the Region of Yogyakarta,
Cosmological Axis including Panggung
Krapyak Monument as a unified meaning
of the Tugu Monument-Kraton-Panggung
Krapyak Monument.
Conducting capacity assessment for Office of Cultural Affairs of Special 2022 High
Panggung Krapyak Monument as an Region of Yogyakarta and Office of
attribute, including considering the Tourism of Special Region of
accessibility variable to the inside of the Yogyakarta
Implementing an integrated ticket system Office of Cultural Affairs of Special 2022 High
for the Kraton area (including the Region of Yogyakarta dan Office of
Panggung Krapyak Monument) to facilitate Tourism of Special Region of
the monitoring and visitors management Yogyakarta
of Panggung Krapyak. It's even better if the
ticket is designed as a souvenir.
Engaging tourism awareness groups Office of Cultural Affairs of Special 2023 High
(Pokdarwis) in developing the Krapyak Region of Yogyakarta dan Office of
tourism village program Tourism of Special Region of

Publishing a book on Cultural Heritage and Office of Cultural Affairs of Special 2023 Medium
Intangible Cultural Heritage related to the Region of Yogyakarta
wider setting of the Cosmological Axis

Table 7.4. Interpretation and Tourism Action Plans

7. 5. Community Involvement and Sustainable • C

ultural heritage is an asset for
community empowerment to seize
opportunities from the use of tangible
and intangible cultural heritage to be
Objectives : developed into creative industries,
handicrafts and souvenirs, cultural
Involving local communities in the management performances/routine cultural festivals
of Panggung Krapyak Monument and creating in villages around the Cosmological Axis
or opening income or livelihood opportunities (Chinese festival in Ketandan, Festival
through sustainable tourism or linkages with of Arts and Culture) or Yogyakarta at
creative industries. Support local communities Pasar Ngasem Tamansari). One of the
to organize Cultural Heritage-based rituals and inspirations for intangible culture can
festivals. This practice is related to increasing be taken from the history of Panggung
awareness of the important values of Panggung Krapyak as a hunting ground, that the
Krapyak, both tangible and intangible. location is also known as the Kandang
• D
ialogue, consultation, and publication Achievements to date:
are important for capacity building for The Spesial Region of Yogyakarta Government
residents and communities including in 2019 has formed a Technical Implementation
Islamic boarding schools as part of efforts Unit for the Cosmological Axis Management
to increase knowledge, abilities, and skills Center and formed a Cosmological Axis
in dealing with cultural heritage so that Technical Working Group consisting of
attributes are well maintained community members around attributes.

Issues: Strategies:
• Limited awareness of the local community There are three strategies in the effort to preserve
to the values of the Panggung Krapyak intangible cultural heritage, involvement
Monument as cultural heritage. and development of the community around
Panggung Krapyak, following by:
• The connection between the community
and Panggung Krapyak, whether it is a 1. Develop dialogues, consultations,
festival or ritual or other public activities publications on important values with
is limited (the COVID-19 pandemic has residents and the Islamic boarding school
also caused a number of public activities community
to be cancelled).
2. Prepare support for local residents to
• There is no data regarding the intangible appreciate attributes for their livelihoods
cultural heritage of the Panggung by reflecting on the value of intangible
Krapyak Monument area. cultural heritage and traditional nuance
• There is no data about culture-based 3. Conduct a mapping of the creative
creative industry that can be linked to the industry or the craft industry around
Panggung Krapyak Monument. the attributes of Panggung Krapyak. This
activity can be integrated with visitor
• L
imited job opportunities for local
management strategies and can create job
residents. Job opportunities such as being
opportunities for residents living around
a security officer, ticket management
the attributes.
officer and office.

List of Actions:

Actions Responsibility Timing Priority

Prepare general rules and guidelines for Office of Cultural Affairs of Special 2022 High
the management of attributes related to Region of Yogyakarta, The
their status as Cultural Heritage. Cosmological Axis of Yogyakarta
Management Unit
Prepare support for local residents to Office of Cultural Affairs of Special On-going High
appreciate Panggung Krapyak as part of Region of Yogyakarta, The
everyday life. This includes support for Cosmological Axis of Yogyakarta
reflecting intangible cultural values and Management Unit, Technical
traditional nuances around them. working group
Conduct a complete participatory mapping Office of Cultural Affairs of Special 2022-2024 Medium
of the culture-based creative industry Region of Yogyakarta, The
around Panggung area. This mapping is Cosmological Axis of Yogyakarta
related to visitor management strategies Management Unit, Technical
as well as opening up business working group
opportunities for local residents.
Conduct training and mentoring and build Office of Cultural Affairs of Special 2022-2024 Medium
a business ecosystem for the culture-based Region of Yogyakarta dan
creative industry and connect it with a Office of Cooperatives, Small and
potential market, namely the visitors of Medium Enterprises, Industry and
Panggung Krapyak Trade of Bantul Regency

Taking public consultations with Office of Cultural Affairs of Special On- going High
communities living in informal Region of Yogyakarta, The
environments to find a balanced solution Cosmological Axis of Yogyakarta
between community needs and Management Unit, Technical
conservation. working group, Yogyakarta Palace

Tabel 7.5. Community Action Plans

Appendix 1: Photos of Panggung Krapyak Monument

Photos Description

The current condition of Panggung Krapyak Monument,


Year : 2021
Photographer : Deny S. Afriyanto
Source : The Cosmological Axis Management Unit

The staircase to access the open rooftop of Panggung

Krapyak Monument

Year : 2021
Photographer : Deny S. Afriyanto
Source : The Cosmological Axis Management Unit

The rooftop of Panggung Krapyak Monument.

Year : 2022
Photographer : Tyas A. Putra
Source : The Cosmological Axis Management Unit

Holes in one of the inner walls.

Year : 2022
Photographer : Tyas A. Putra
Source : The Cosmological Axis Management Unit

Nuance of the Panggung Krapyak Monument at night.

Year : 2016
Photographer : Pradipta A. Kumara
Source : Office of Cultural Affairs of Special
Region of Yogyakarta

Interior nuance of Panggung Krapyak Monument at


Year : 2016
Photographer : Pradipta A. Kumara
Source : Office of Cultural Affairs of Special
Region of Yogyakarta

The process of maintenance (painting) of the walls of

the Panggung Krapyak Monument

Year : 2022
Photographer : Didik Sotya
Source : Office of Cultural Affairs of Special
Region of Yogyakarta

Panggung Krapyak Monument after maintenance

(painting walls)

Year : 2022
Photographer : Didik Sotya
Source : Office of Cultural Affairs of Special
Region of Yogyakarta

Appendix 2: References

• Khairuddin. 1995. Filsafat Kota Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta: Liberty

• Buku Profil Yogyakarta City of Philosophy. Dinas Kebudayaan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

• Integrated Tourism Masterplan Borobudur-Yogyakarta-Prambanan (ITMP BYP), Rencana

Pengelolaan Pengunjung Candi Borobudur. Edisi 31 Maret 2020. Kementerian PPN/Bappenas.
Kementerian PUPR. Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf. Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal

• Laporan Akhir Penyusunan Rencana Tata Bangunan dan Lingkungan (RTBL) Kawasan Malioboro
Yogyakarta. PT Cipta Nindita Buana. Dinas Permukiman dan Prasarana Wilayah (KIMPRASWIL)
Kota Yogyakarta.

• Panduan Teknis pemeliharaan Cagar Budaya, Dinas Kebudayaan Provinsi Daerah Istimewa
Yogyakarta 2017.

• Rencana Induk Pelestarian Kawasan Cagar Budaya DIY. 2008. Dinas Kebudayaan Provinsi DIY.
• Laporan Ekskavasi Penyelamatan dan Pendokumentasian Benda Cagar Budaya Kolam Panggung
Krapyak di KCB Kraton. 2006. Dinas Kebudayaan DIY

• Berita Acara: Dewan Pertimbangan Pelestarian Warisan Budaya (DP2WB) DIY: Terhadap
Penyusunan Dokumen Masterplan dan DED Penataan Kawasan Plengkung Gading – Panggung
Krapyak, Yogyakarta, Nomor : 72/DP2WB/XI/2019, Tanggal: 11 November 2019

• Buku Panduan Pariwisata kecamatan Mantrijeron link:


• Permatasari, Dwi Astuti. 2017/2018. Pusat Kebudayaan Yogyakarta : Optimalisasi Ruang

Hijau Pada Kawasan Panggung Krapyak. Skripsi Sarjana Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik Sipil Dan
Perencanaan Universitas Islam Indonesia.

Lampiran 3: Data Kegiatan di Panggung Krapyak

Panggung Krapyak Monument Activities Data

Name of
Year Activities Summary Offices
Rescue Excavation Looking for the southern boundary of KrapPanggung Krapyak;
and knowing the existence of Panggung Krapyak Monument pool; know Office of Cultural Affairs of Special
Documentation of the floor plan, size and depth of Panggung Krapyak Monument pool Region of Yogyakarta and Office of
2006 Excavation
Panggung Krapyak Tourism of Special Region of
Monument pool at Yogyakarta
Rehabilitation of Panggung Krapyak Monument's rehabilitation includes all walls and
Office of Cultural Affairs of Special
2007 Constraction Panggung Krapyak structures that were damaged by the earthquake on 2006
Region of Yogyakarta
Scientific studies on Kraton’s cultural heritage (covering Tugu-Kraton-
Guideline for Krapyak) from the historical, philosophical, social, and spatial aspects Office of Cultural Affairs of Special
Heritage Area of area conservation through arrangements that can ensure the Region of Yogyakarta
sustainability of Cultural Heritage and the values contained therein.
Structuring And In 2014, the target for the Planning and Development of Panggung
Development Krapyak. The output of this activity is the DED for structuring the area
Planning for around Panggung Krapyak Monument. Office of Cultural Affairs of Special
Heritage area of Region of Yogyakarta
Special Region of
The study of the Center for Cultural Conservation and Development in
2014 aims to identify potential problems that have an impact on
2014 cultural heritage and cultural heritage in Yogyakarta Province. The
Planning a Center results of this study include:
for Conservation Office of Cultural Affairs of Special
Study • Recommendations for Strategic Concepts for Conservation &
and Cultural Region of Yogyakarta
Development Culture Center Development
• Cultural Conservation Technical Recommendations
• Recommendations for Programs, Activities, and Stakeholder
Availability of the Master Plan of the Yogyakarta Urban Cultural Area
Masterplan of 2034 along with its Management Plan as the Grand Design of the
Historic Urban Yogyakarta Urban Cultural Area which is needed to safeguard the Office of Public Works, Housing, and
Planning Landscape preservation of the privileges of Yogyakarta, which has the following Energy and Mineral Resources of
Yogyakarta 2014 - objectives: Special Region of Yogyakarta
2034 • As a basis for planning considerations and making annual

• Availability of formal documents to address inconsistencies in
• As a tool used to identify infrastructure development
opportunities in the regions that can be collaborated with the
private sector
• A framework for determining the strategic direction and priorities
of Yogyakarta's special urban future
Planning the
Building and
Office of Public Works, Housing, and
Planning Energy and Mineral Resources of
Planning (RTBL)
Special Region of Yogyakarta
Drafting Profil The book contains the entire building marking the Yogyakarta
Book about Cosmological Axis, which discusses the history and meaning of the Office of Cultural Affairs of Special
Yogyakarta City of philosophy that influenced the Yogyakarta Cosmological Axis Region of Yogyakarta
Drafting the
2015 Masterplan
Document dan Office of Public Works, Housing, and
Study DED Arrangment Energy and Mineral Resources of
of Southern Gate- Special Region of Yogyakarta
Panggung Krapyak
Aligning terminology in laws and regulations on Cultural Conservation

Disaster Risk and Disasters
Management Plan Aligning institutional governance between government agencies Office of Cultural Affairs of Special
of Cultural in the field of Cultural Conservation and Disaster preservation and Region of Yogyakarta
Heritage Formulating action patterns for the preservation of Cultural
Conservation in the context of a disaster situation
2016 • Formulation of development control plans including
The Building and
administrative control strategies, implementation and control
guidelines as well as investment plans.
Planning (RTBL) of Office of Land and Spatial Planning of
Planning • Replanting of vegetation types along the south side axis and the
Southern Gate- Yogyakarta City
Panggung Krapyak
Panggung Krapyak
• There are programs related to Panggung Krapyak such as the
Underground Museum and tourism information center

This is a report on the proposal of Yogyakarta as a World Heritage by
Applying the
the DIY Cultural Heritage Preservation Advisory Council. This study is Office of Cultural Affairs of Special
Study Yogyakarta City of
in the form of a manuscript proposed by Yogyakarta City of Region of Yogyakarta
Philosophy as a World Heritage.
3D Scanning Scanning results in 3D form of the Panggung Krapyak Cultural
Office of Cultural Affairs of Special
Survey Panggung Krapyak Heritage. This 3D scan is useful for the preservation of the Panggung
Region of Yogyakarta
Monument Krapyak Monument in the future.
Yogyakarta World Manuscript of Yogyakarta World Heritage Proposal and Management
Office of Cultural Affairs of Special
Study Heritage Plan. This proposal is a follow-up to the stipulation of Yogyakarta as a
Region of Yogyakarta
Promotion Study tentative list of World Heritage in 2017
Planning Recommendations for promotional media that are appropriate and
Information Media can be read by the community around the Cosmological Axis starting Office of Cultural Affairs of Special
2017 Planning
About from Panggung Krapyak Monument, Yogyakarta Palace, Tugu Region of Yogyakarta
Cosmological Axis Monument
Socialization of Providing information (promotion) to the public that Yogyakarta is
Office of Cultural Affairs of Special
Sosialization Yogyakarta World being proposed as a UNESCO cultural heritage
Region of Yogyakarta
Cultural Heritage
Maintenance Routine maintenance in the form of site cleaning, painting, lamp
Office of Cultural Affairs of Special
Constraction Panggung Krapyak replacement, leak repair, stair repair.
Region of Yogyakarta
As of March 14, 2017, the Historical City Center of Yogyakarta has
been included in the UNESCO tentative list. The process of proposing
to become a World Heritage which then needs to be informed to the
wider community. Community participation and support is very much
Yogyakarta World needed in the framework of this proposal. Therefore, there is a need
Office of Cultural Affairs of Special
Study Heritage for a study in order to determine the right form of promotion in order
Region of Yogyakarta
Promotion Study to inform the public about the proposal for the Historical City Center
of Yogyakarta as a World Cultural Heritage. This World Heritage
2018 Yogyakarta Promotion Study is to compile a promotional study that
can be used to assist, facilitate in disseminating the proposal for the
Historical City Center of Yogyakarta.
The Study of Preparation of the Kraton’s Cultural Heritage Guideline is
a conservation guide that becomes a reference for all elements of
Drafting Guideline Office of Cultural Affairs of Special
Study society in determining conservation policies at the Kraton’s Cultural
for KCB Kraton Region of Yogyakarta
Heritage. The result of this activity is a document containing
conservation provisions that will serve as future reference.
World Heritage The first socialization of the philosophy axis in 2018 was carried out
Office of Cultural Affairs of Special
Sosialization Socialization by visiting several locations related to the history of the establishment
Region of Yogyakarta
Services of the Yogyakarta Palace and the axis. The target of the socialization is

the State Civil Apparatus in the Yogyakarta Special Region
Government as many as 40 people. The socialization activity was
carried out for two days on Friday-Saturday, October 26-27 2018
Maintenance Routine maintenance in the form of site cleaning, painting, lamp
Office of Cultural Affairs of Special
Construction Panggung Krapyak replacement, leak repair, stair repair.
Region of Yogyakarta
To expand information and invite community participation in the
Implementation of
proposal for World Heritage Yogyakarta, the Yogyakarta Regional
the World Heritage Office of Cultural Affairs of Special
Sosialization Government held a World Heritage Yogyakarta Socialization event.
Yogyakarta Region of Yogyakarta
The target this time is representatives from the 7 sub-districts that are
2019 the administrative areas of the nominated area
Drafting the The Office of PUP-ESDM DIY plans to prepare the Masterplan
Masterplan Document and DED for Southern Gate - Panggung Krapyak Monument,
Document dan Yogyakarta. Planning includes the construction of a pedestrian park Office of Public Works, Housing, and
Planning DED Arrangment along the road between Southern Gate and Panggung Krapyak. Energy and Mineral Resources of
of Southern Gate- Special Region of Yogyakarta
Panggung Krapyak
Maintenance plan Making plans in relation to the conservation of the attributes of the
of Tugu Tugu and Panggung Krapyak. Office of Cultural Affairs of Special
Monument - Region of Yogyakarta
Panggung Krapyak
Masterplan of Planning an integrated tourism area plan that includes infrastructure
integrated development in the Developmentarea, including the Panggung
2020 tourism, Krapyak
Ministry of Public Works and Public
RIDA, PUPR Borobudur –
Housing of the Republic of Indonesia
Yogyakarta –
Prambanan (Ript-
Maintenance Routine maintenance which includes cleaning and minor repairs such Office of Cultural Affairs of Special
Panggung Krapyak as painting the monument, repairing stairs and supporting elements Region of Yogyakarta
Maintenance Tugu
Office of Cultural Affairs of Special
2021 Construction Monument-
Region of Yogyakarta
Panggung Krapyak
Maintenance Tugu Arrangement of the electrical network system and maintenance of the
2022 Constraction Monument- Panggung Krapyak
Panggung Krapyak


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