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- As we’re in Albacete, it’s pretty cold in November. It has been a cloudy and cold day,
although at midday it was sunny and nice.
Today, it is a sunny autumn day. During the day, it’s hot/ warm, although nights are
cold/ it’s cold at night. In Extremadura, it isn’t very cold until January. Temperatures do
not raise (aumentan) early May, when spring comes.
Today is a cold and sunny winter day. / It’s cold and sunny today.
- I recycle plastic and paper, because in my view, it’s an important issue for the
preservation of the environment. In addition, I think this is an easy gesture that
everyone can do.
I don’t recycle at all, because I live with three students at the same place, so we’ve got
a calendar for throwing the litter/ rubbish (tirar la basura). Most days, we’ve got
problems with this issue, so it’s too much work for us.
- I would say, it depends on the person, because some people think recycling is dumb
(tonto), and there are others who are aware of (ser consciente de) the CLIMATE
CHANGE (cambio climático) and the GLOBAL WARMING (calentamiento global).


- This picture was taken in a park/ depicts (representa) a park/ garden. On the
background, we can see some vegetation and trees. There is a fence (valla) too. On the
foreground, I can see some grass/ weed and a sign which bans (prohibir) stepping on
the ground/ floor/ which says that you mustn’t pass on the grass/ which warns not to
step on the grass.
- There are other signs for protecting the environment, such as a “wildlife animals” sign,
when you are on the road of fire signs when you are near camping spaces. In addition/
Besides, there are signs that say that you mustn’t throw litter on the street. I’m not
sure if there are more, I have only seen those ones.
- We can help protecting the environment promoting different activities like recycling,
or going to different places riding a bike instead of (en lugar de) driving a car. Besides,
we can save the mountains not making fire. Reducing plastic consumption (consumo)
is also a small gesture we can do.


- In this photo, I can see an animal standing on a tree. I guess this animal is an owl, with
brown feathers and wide open black eyes. It seems to me it is at a natural place
because there are lots of trees behind and other kinds of vegetation. I know it is in the
wild/nature , because it seems calmed and relaxed.
- In my country, there are mammals, such as rabbits, deer, foxes, boars, cats, dogs or
the Spanish lynx, which is the signature/ emblem of our land. There are also many
insects, such as flies, grasshoppers or mosquitoes. There are reptiles too, such as
snakes, iguanas, chameleon or geckos.
- I reckon it’s key (clave)/ essential to teach children about the environment because if
they aren’t aware of protecting the wildlife/ nature, our future will be at risk (en
riesgo). For this reason, it should be taught at schools and they should also be in
touch/ contact with the environment.

I would say the natural disaster that scares me the most is a tsunami, because I’m scared
of the sea/ the sea scares me. When I was ten, I watched the film “Lo Imposible”, which
really touched me (conmovió). That is why I have issues with the sea.

In relation to the actions taken when a disaster happens, I guess I would take my family to
a high point far from the sea. I would take my family to a safe place with the essential
things to survive.

As for (en cuanto a) how people’s lives could get affected by a disaster, their cities would
be devastated (devastadas), including their houses, public buildings like schools or
hospitals and they would lose their personal belongings (efectos personales) or part of
their families too, because they could die.

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