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ya1ar2, 117 PM Detalled Important Articles in Indian Constitution [UPSC lnian Palty Notes] 1AS Preparation ttesie-prepl) > UPSC Preparation Strategy (heelee-sreplupse-oxam-seategy!) > Important Aries in Consiton inl e649 prepiinpovian artes in-consitutor-ndi!) Attend Free Online Workshop ° nips:byjus.comfas-workshoputm_source=byjus.comsutm_mediu topbannerSutm_campaign-workshop) List of Important Articles in Indian Constitution - Tips to Remember Indian Articles Articles ofthe Indian Constution must be known tothe UPSC Exam aspirants. There are 448 atiles nthe Indian CConsttuton(eiginaly 395 articles were there). Each seta articles covers important parts ofthe Constitution Inclucing, Legislatures, Executve, Schedules, Pans of Indian Constitution, Consttutional Bodies, Statutory Bodles, Fundamental Rights, and more. ‘This article wil provide you wih the list of those articles in Indian Constitution tha are important forthe Indian Polly (GSA) syllabus ofthe IAS Exam (iips:ibyjus.comias-2xar), ‘The topi, ‘Articles in Indian Constitution’ is important for Prelims and UPSC Mains GS 1! {https by)us.comitree-ias-preplupsc-mains-gs-paper-2-structurel) preparation, Read similar important topics for CSE preparation below: + Important Amendments to the Indian Constitution (htps:/byjus.comifree-as-proplamendments:in« Indian-constitution-or-upsc!) + Preamble of indian Constitution (htps:/byjus.comifree-las-prepipreamble/) + Schedules of Indian Constitution (https:byjus.convree-ias-prepischedulesindian-constituion/) + Union, State & Concurrent Lists of Indian Constitution (hitps:/byjus.comree-ias-propiTUh~ ‘schedule-indlan-consttution)) Table of Contents: [Aricles in nian Consiuton related to Pars ofthe Indian Constitution ‘Schedules ofthe Indian Constitution and related Important Indian Articles LUstof other Important Aticles of the Indian Constitution How to remember important ates inthe Inlan Constitution for UPSC How many articles are there in the Indian Constitution? “There are 448 articles in 25 parts, 12 schedules, § appendices with more than 100 amendmen in the Indian Consttution. Not every ale ofthe Indian Constitution isa must to know for UPSC Exams (tipsbyus.convires- las-preplupsc-exami). Hence all those article in the Indian Consituion that are important from the IAS exam perspective are given below ‘Thote are 25 pats ofthe Indlan Gonstutton, They are mentioned In the table below: Parts ofthe Indian Subject Mentioned inthe Part [Articles in indian ‘Constitution Constitution Pott Union & i Tertory Article 1-4 Parti itzensip rte 11 Part Fundamental igh (htps:byjs.comre-ias- Article 12.95 prepfundamentalights)) htpssbyjus.comfroe-ias-preplimportantarticlesn-consttutionindlay 1128 aia, 1117 PM Panty Panttva Paty Pan VI Part vil Pant vi Pat x Pant XA Pea xB Pan x Part x1 Part xi Part xi Pant xiv Pant xIVA Pan xv Pat XVI Prt XVI Pat xvi Part xIK Part xx Part xX Part xX Detalles Important Articles in Indian Constitution [UPSC Indian Palty Notes] Directive Principles Fundamental Dutos ‘The Union ‘The States Note: 7th Amendment Ac, 1955 repealed Par 7 “The Union Tertories “The Panchayats “The Municipals Co-operative Societies Scheduled and Tia Areas Relation between Union & States Finance, Property, Contracts and Suits “Trade, Commerce and Intarcourse within te tertory of India ‘Services under the Union and Statas “Trbunals Elections ‘Special Provisions relating to certain classes Ocal Languages Emergency Provisions Miscellaneous ‘Amendment ofthe Consttion “Temporary, Transitional and Spacal Provisions Shot tila, Commencement, Authoritative Textin Hindi and Repesls Actcl 96:51 Acfcl S14, Avtcle 62-151 ‘Avice 152-297 ‘Avice 238-242 Arile 243-2430 Arico 2439-28926 Acicle 24324-24827 Article 244-2444 Actcl 245-263 Actcl 264-3008 ‘Acfcle 901-307 ‘Acc 208-323 Aicle 9238-2228 Arile 324-3294 Arie 330-342 Avice 343-354 Atco 952-360 Actcle 361-367 Article 368, ‘Act 969-392 Avfcl 299-396 ‘The description ofthe Indian articles entaling the Parts ofthe Indian Constitution Is glven below: Part 1—Article 1 to Article 4 + Article 1 —Name and tentitry ofthe union. + Article 2 Admission and establishment of the now state + Article 3—Formaton of new states and alteration of areas, boundaries, and name of existing states. + Article 5 — Clizenship (nos byus comtrecdas-oroph Part 2 Article 5 to Article 11 fizenshipi) atthe commencement ofthe constitution + Article 6 — Rights of cttzanship ofa cortain person wine has migrated to India from Pakistan. + Article 10 Continuance of rights of itzenshi. + Article 11 —Pariament to regulate the ight of cttzenship by law. Part 3 — Article 12 to Article 35 htpssbyjus.comroe-ias-preplimportantarticlesn-consttutionindlay aia, 1117 PM Detalles Important Articles in Indian Constitution [UPSC Indian Palty Notes] + Article 12~ Defiition ofthe state + Article 13 ~ Laws inconsistent with on derogation ofthe fundamental ght, _ Important Fundamental Rights Inialy, the Constitution of India provided ? basic fundamental rights, now there are only 6. The Right to property UIA 931 was removed from te list of fundamental rights by 44" amendment act 1978 (htps:byjus.comree-ias- Propl4atiamendmentacl). legal ight WA 300-A was made and included in Pat Xilof the constitution Aight to Equality: Article 14 to Article 18 + Artic 14 Equality before the ta + Artiela 15 ~ Prohion of discrimination onthe grounds a religion, race, caste, sex, or place of bith + Article 16 ~ Equality of portunity in mattrs of pubic employment. + Article 17 ~ Aboltion ofthe untouchabiliy + Article 18~ Aboltion of tes Right to Freedom: Article 19 to Article 22 + Artic 19 Guarantoes to all th cizons the bx rights and they ae: + a—Freadom of speech and expression, + Freedom to assemble peaceably and without ams. += Freedom to form associations or unions, + Freedom to move feel troughout the terior of India, + ¢—Freadom to reside and settle in ary part of the tertory of India, + f-Omittes + 9—Freedom to pracie any profession, o a carry on any accupation, ade or business, + Article 20 — Protection in respect of coniction fr offences. + Article 24 ~ Protection of life ane personal bey. + Article 22 Protection against arest and detention in certain cases, Right against exploitation: Antcle 23 and Article 24 + Article 23 ~ Prohibition of trafic in human beings and forced labour, + Article 24~ Prohibition of employment of chiéran (Under he age of 14 in factories and mines, Right to Freedom of Religion: Article 25 and Article 28 + Article 25 ~ Freedom of conscionce and ree profession, practice and propagation of aigon + Article 26 ~ Freedom to manage religious affaes, + Article 27 - Freedom as to pay taxes for promotion of any articular eigon + Article 28 ~ Freedom from attending religious instuction Cultural and Educational Rights: Article 29 and Article 30 + Article 29 ~ Protaction of intrest of minortes. + Article 80 — Right of minorities o establish and administr educational institutions. Right to Constitutional Remedies: Article 32 «Article 32- Remedies for enforcement of Fundamental Rghis Part 4 — Directive Principal of States Policy: Article 36 to Article 52 + Atcl 36 Detinton + Article 37~ Application of DPSP (Read about Dractve Principles of States Policy (ntpesbyus.comree repidrective-princples-of state-poliy!) inthe linked arte} htpssbyjus.comroe-ias-preplimportantarticlesn-constttionindlay 328 aia, 1117 PM Detaled Important Articles in Indian Constitution [UPSC Indian Palty Notes] + Article 398 Equal justice and legal ait + Article 40~ Organization of a vilage panchayat + Article 41 ~ Right fo work, fo education, and to public asistance in certain cases: + Article 43 — Living Wages, et. for workers. + Article 438 — Participation of workers inthe management of industies. + Article 44 Uniform cll code (htps:eyius contro Inia). ( applicable in Gea only) + Article 45 ~ Provision fr fre and compulsory education for children. + Article 46 ~ Promotion of educational and economic interest of scheduled castes (SC), scheduled bes (ST), and 08C. + Article 47~ Duty ofthe state to rise the level of nutiton and the standard of ving and to improve public heath, ias-propinaed for-a-unferm-chil-code-n-a-secular- + Article 48 Organization of agriculture and animal husbandry. + Article 49 — Protection of monuments and places and objects of natural importance + Article 60 ~ Separation of judiciary from the executive. + Article 61 ~ Promotion of international peace and secur Part 4A - Fundamental Duties: Article 51A ‘Thore are 11 fundamental duties. 42nd amendment act 1976 (tps:ibyjus.comiree-ias-propt2nd-amendment- act) ‘added 10 fundamental duties. 86th amendment act 2002 add one more to the Ist. Part 5— Union: Article 52 to Article 151 + Article 52 The President of india (htips:ifeyjus.comireedas-prepipresident) + Article 53 ~ Executive Power ofthe union + Article 54~ Election of Present + Article 61 ~ Procedure for Impeachment ofthe President + Article 63 The Vieo-president of Ila + Article 64~ The Vice-President fo be ex-ofcio chairman the council of States + Article 66~ Election of Vice-president + Article 72 ~ Pardoning powers of President + Article 74~ Council of ministers o aid and advise President + Article 76~ Attorney + Article 79 Corstiution of Parlament + Article 80 ~ Compositon of Rajya Sabha + Article 61 ~ Compesition of Lok Sabha Senora for India + Article 83 ~ Duration of Houses of Paamen + Article 93 The speakers and Deputy speakers ofthe house ofthe people + Article 105 — Powers, Privileges, et, ofthe House of Parkament + Article 109 Special procedure in respects of money bills + Article 110 — Dofiiton of Money Bis + Article 112 Annual Financial Busget + Article 114 Appropriation Bis + Article 128 Powers ofthe President to promulgate Ordinances during recess of parlament + Artile 124— Establishment of Supreme Court + Article 125 Salaros of Judgos + Article 126 Appointment of acing Cnet justice + Article 127— Appointment of ad-hoc judges + Article 128 —Attondance of retired judge at siting of the Supreme Court + Artila 129 Supreme Cour to be a cout of Record + Article 130 Seat of the Supreme Court + Article 136 Special leaves for an appeal tothe Supreme Court + Article 137 —Reviow of judgment or orders by the Supreme Court, htpssbyjus.comroe-ias-preplimportantarticlesn-consttutionindlay aia, 1117 PM Detaled Important Articles in Indian Constitution [UPSC Indian Palty Notes] + Article 141 — Decision of tre Supreme Court of India (hiips:fejus.comitroas-prepisupreme-cour-ot nda) binding on all the courts + Article 148 — Comptroller and Audtor- Genera of Inda (htpsbyus.comtrocias-prptne-comptroler-and. aucitor-gonerabotsndia’) + Article 149 — Duties and Powers of CAG Part 6 —States: Article 152 to Article 237 + Article 153— Govemors of State + Article 154 Executive Powers of Govemor + Article 161 — Pardoning powers ofthe Governor + Article 165— Advocate-General ofthe State + Article 213 — Power of Governor o promulgate ordinances + Article 214—High Cours for states + Article 215—High Cours ta be a cour of record + Article 228 — Power of High Courts to issue certain wis + Article 233 Appointment of Distt judges + Article 235 Control over Subordinate Courts Read about High Cours in Inia and Types of Wis inthe Inked articles below: High Courts in india (htps:tyjus.comitroe “Types of Writs (ntos:ibyjus.comtoe-as-prepitypos-of- propihigh-coury) write-in) Part 7 — Repealed: Article 238 Part 8-Union Territories; Article 239 to Article 242 Part 9- Panchayats: Article 243 to Article 243 0 + Article 243A Gram Sabha + Article 2438 — Constitution of Panchayats (Read about Panchayat Rj hitpsi/byjus.comrecias- propipanchayat-aj) in the linked arte) Part 9A —Municipalities: Article 243 P to Article 243 2G Part 10 Scheduled and Tribal Areas: Article 244 Part 11—Centre-State Relations: Article 245 to Article 263 Part 12 -Financa, Properties, Contracts, and Sues: article 264 to articta 300A + Article 266 Consolidsted Fund and Publ Accounts Fund + Article 267— Contingency Fund of India + Article 280 Finance Commission + Artile 300 A Right to property Read about Types of Funds in india and the Finance Commission of Inia in the linked atiles below: “Types of Funds in ncia(hts:Rbyue-comiteeiae- Finance Commission of India ( preplypee-ofunde-n-inaay) proptinance-commission-finia) htpssbyjus.comroe-ias-preplimportantarticlesn-consttutionindlay sasan2, sit7 Pw Detaled Important Articles in Indian Constitution [UPSC Indian Palty Notes] Part 15 Trade, Commerce, and intercourse within the territories of india: ‘Article 301 to Article 407 + Article 301 — Freedom to trade, commerce, and intercourse + Article 302— Power of Parlament to impose restictions on trade, commerce, ad inlorcours. Part 14 —Services under Centre and State: Article 308 to Article 323 + Article 312— All Indie Servioe + Article 315 Public service commissions forthe union and forthe states (Know all about PSC Exams (ettos:feyus.comree-as-prepipubleservce-commission) inthe lnkod article.) + Article 320 Functions of Public Service Commission Part 14A — Tribunals: Article 323 A to Article 323 B + Article 325A Administrative Tribunals Part 15 — Elections: Article 324 to Article 329 + Article 324 Superntendnce, direction and contro of Elections lo be vested in an Election Commission (etos:feyus.comtee-as-preplelection-commission-fndia) + Article 325 No person tobe ineligible for inclusion in ort claim to be included in a spacial, electoral roll on grounds of religion, race, cast, or sox + Article 826 Elections tothe house ofthe people and tothe legislative assembles of stales lo be on the basis of adut sutrage Part 16= Special Provisions to 5C, 57, OBC, Minorities atc: Article 330 to Article 342 + Article 33 Natonal Commission forthe SC & ST + Aatiele 340 — Appointment of @ commission onvestiate the condtions of backward classes, Part 17 — Official Language: Article 343 to Article 351 + Article 843 — Official languages ofthe Union + Article 345 — Official languages or languages of state + Article 348 Languages tobe used in the Supreme Court and inthe High Courts + Article 851 — Directive for development of te Hind languages Part 18—Emergency: Article 352 to Article 360 + Article 352— Proclamation of emergency (National Emergency) + Article 356 State Emergency (President's Rule) + Article 360 — Financial Emergency (Read more about Article 356 ('tr 356) in the linked atte. Jas-preplarticle Part 19 Miscellaneous: Article 361 to Article 367 + Aatile 361 Protwcton of Prasdent and Governors Part 20 - Amendment of Constitution: Article 368 + Article Powers of Parliaments fo amen the constitution Part 21. Special, Transitional, and Temporary Provistons: Article 369 to Article 392 + Article 370 snporary Provision forth stwhile Slate of J8K (luted on August §& 6, 2018). hitpss/byjus.comroe-ias-preplimportantarticlesn-consttutionndlay 628 aia, 1017 PM Detaled Important Articles in Indian Constitution [UPSC Indian Palty Notes] + Article 371 A. Special provision wih respect tothe Stale of Nagaland + Article 374 J ~ Special Status for Hyderabac_Karnataka region Part 22 Short Text, Commencement, Authoritative Text in Hindl and Repoals; Article 392 to Article 395 + Article 893 Short tile — This Consttution may be called the Constitution of Inia ‘Also, rfero | Topie-Wise GS 2 Questions from UPSC Mains (ttps:oyus. com ree |questions-upse-mains ias-propopic-wise-g6-2- Schedules of the Indian Constitution and Important Articles ‘Thote are 12 Schedules inthe Indian Constitution, These, along wih he naan attics ofthe Constitution are ‘montioned below: ‘Schedules of indian Constitution Indian Constitution Articles First Schedule ‘Atle 1 and Article 4 ‘Second Schedule ‘Artcles: +59 +65 “7 97 +125 +148 +158 + 164 + 186 +221 Third Schedule ‘Artcles: “78 4 +99 2124 +8 18 +188 +29 Fourth Schecule ‘Atle 4 and Article 60 Fith Schedule Artcle 244 ‘Sixth Schedule ‘Atle 244 and Article 275 ‘Seventh Schedule ‘Atle 248 Eighth Schedule ‘Atle 244 and Aricle 351 Ninth Schedule Article 34-8 Tenth Schedule ‘Astle 102 ang Anite 191 Elovonth Schedule Artic 243-6 Twolth Schedule Aetcle 243-0 htpssbyjus.comroe-ias-preplimportantarticlesn-consttutionindlay 128 aia, 1117 PM Detaled Important Articles in Indian Constitution [UPSC Indian Palty Notes] ‘Aspirants can read more about te 12 Schedules ofthe Indian Constitution (htpsbyjus.cont proplschedules.indian-constluion) rom the linked atte List of other Important Articles in the Indian Constitution knowing these Indian Consiturion articles will elp aspirants score well in Polty section, However, not al of them are Important for prelims and UPSC Mains (ts: byus.conviree-as-preplups-mains!) examinaton. The important ‘tices inthe Indian Constitution for cl services examination are given in the table below Important Articles ofthe Indian Importance of Indian Articles Constitution Article 12-35, Fundamental Rights Aricle 36-50, Directive Principles of Sate Policy Article SIA Fundamental Dues Article 80 Number of Seats in Ralya Sabha Aricle 243-243 (0) Panchayat Raj Institutions Article 343, Hind! as Offeial Language Aricle 956, Imposition of Presidents Rule Aricle 370, Spocial Status of Jammu & Kashmir Ariele 395, Repeals Indian Independence Act and Government of Inia Act ro10 ‘The Consiution of nia is created by @ constituent assembly and adopted by its people with a deck the preamble tothe constitution (htps:fayjus.convree-is-prepypreamble); hence it divulge constfutonal supremacy and not parlamentary supremacy and Parllament cannot overde the constitution How to remember important articles in the Indian Constitution for UPSC. Memorizing al 448 artles ofthe Indian Constitution and reproducing them inthe civil services exam (ptps:ieyjus.comieivi-sorvicos-exami is ot an easy task. Iti ficult te leam everyhing. Below area few ps to remember the important articles ofthe Indian Constitution: Articios Related to Emergency Provisions. [Article 356: Provisions in case of failure of ‘Atlee 382: Prodemation of Emergency. constiutonal machinery in Sates Article 386: Provisions in case of failure of Constitational machinery in tates ‘Article 360: Financial Emergency [Article for Centre Add the Corresponding Article for State magic Article 112: Anrual financial statement for number 90 Union| Article 113: Procedure in Parlament with respect estimates Article 114: Approniation Bis Article 118: Supplorertary, additonal or excess grants Article 116: Votes on account, votes of credit and exceptional grants Article 117: Special provisions as to financial Bis htpssbyjus.comroe-ias-preplimportantarticlesn-consttutionindlay ‘Aticte 202: Annual nana statement fr State ‘Aaticle 203: Procedure in Legislature with respect toestimates ‘Asticle 204: Appropriation Bits ‘Aticle 205: Supplomontary, additional or excess ‘rants [Aticle 206: Votes on account, votes of cred and exceptional grants [Aaticle 207: Special provisions as to fnancial ils 21a, 1117 PM Article 118: Rules of procecure Article 119: Regulation by aw of procedure in Pariament in reaton to financial business ‘ticle 120: Language lo be used in Parliament. Article 121: Restiction on ciscussion in Parliament Article 122: Courts not o inquire into proceedings of Parliament Article 125: Power of President to promulgate Ordinances Article 124: Establishment and constitution of Supreme Court Article for Centre Article 72: Power of President to grant parcons, fl. and to suspend, rat or commute sonlences in certain cases Article 74: Council of Miniter to ald and advice President Article 75: Other provisions as to Ministers Article 76: Attorney General for India [ticle 77: Conduct of business ofthe Government of nia Article 78: Duties of Prime Miistor (titosiyjus-comitee-ias-prepiprime-minister- ‘ane-counci-ot-ninisters) as respects the furnishing f information tothe President, oc Article 79: Consttuton of Parliament Article 65: Sessions of Parliament, porogation ‘ang dissolution Article 86: Right of President to address and send messages to Houses. Article 88: Right of Ministers and Atomey- CGonoral (htps:fbyus.conreo-as-prepiatomey- _genera-oFndi-artle-76/) as respects Houses, Artic 102: Disqualiicatons for membership Article 108: Powers, privileges, et. ofthe Houses of Parliament and ofthe members and committoes thereat Article 100: Voting in Houses, the power of Houses to act notwithstanding vacancies and Article 111: Assont toils (President) Detaled Important Articles in Indian Constitution [UPSC Indian Palty Notes] ‘Aaticle 208: Rules of procedure ‘Aticle 209: Regulation by law of procedure inthe Lgistaturo of to Stato in relation to fanciat business ‘Ati 210: Language to be usod in Legislature [Article 211: Resticton on discussion in the Legislature ‘Aticle 212: Courts not to inquieinto proceedings ‘of Legislature [Aticle 213: Power af Governor to promulgate Ordinances Article 214: High Courts for States Corresponding article for State Article 161: Power of Goverar‘o grant pardons, ec, and to suspend, remit or commute Sentences in cerain cases Article 163: Counel of Ministrs to aid anc ‘advise Governor ‘Article: 164: Other provisions a5 to Ministers Article 165: Advocate General for the Stato Article 168: Conduct of business af the Government ata State [Article 167: Duties of Chiat Minister (tps:oyjus.comeoe-as-prepicie-minstr Aand-counslot-ministrs) as respects the ‘umishing of information to Gover, et. ‘Article 168: Consttuton of Legislatures in States Article 174: Sessions of the State Legislature, prorogation and dssoltion ‘Aticlo 175: Right of Governor (hips:2oyjus.comtree-ias-preplgovernor to ‘address and send messages fo the House or Houses ‘Asticle 177: Rights of Ministers and Advocate. ‘General as respects the Houses. ‘ticle 192: Disqualifications for membership ‘Article 194: Powers, privileges, et. ofthe Houses of Legislatures and ofthe members and commutes thereat ‘ticle 189: Voting in Houses, the powor of Houses to aet notwithstanding vacancies and ‘quorum ‘Article 200: Assent to Bills (Governor) htpssbyjus.comroe-ias-preplimportantarticlesn-consttutionindlay 928 21a, 1117 PM Detalles Important Articles in Indian Constitution [UPSC Indian Palty Notes] Article 110: Definton of Money Bis ‘Article 199: Defniton of Money Bis" in tate (ttos:eius.comee-as-prepimoney-bil) Legislature Remember significant articles in Indian Constitution through Mnemonics- This is an age-old trick used to memorize a lot of content. Make a sting of words ora sentence using key eters from the ances, This way you will be abe to recall them faster and wth minimum effort, Make your own mnemonics in ‘order to be able to memorize vast quanttes of data, For e.g U can Fix Deposit From Unites States Using Pre Mature Special Ra. U=Urion c—Ciizenship F — Fundamental rights D-Drectve Principles ~ Fundamental Duties U—Urion S-States {U— Union Terrtores P Panchayat M— Municipality 'S~ Scheduled R- Relation between Union and State Polly Has Certified ManneQuins Prohibition Htabeas Copus Gerona Man- Mandamus ‘Qu- Qu Warranto It we look atthe previous year's UPSC question papers, we can come across at least one question related othe Consttuton of India. Hence, knowing tne importance ofthe Constitution of India inthe IAS exam is essential. This article will mention the must-know articles of our Indian Constitution Conclusion Inlan Consttution Arcles are a very Important par of the Inala Polty. naian Polty isan Important subject n UPSC Mains GS 2. Various questions are targeted at his topic and many others in GS and aso in Prefs. Candidates can gel the UPSC Mains GS 2 Strategy and Sylabus (htpsbyjus.comirecias-proplupse-mains-gs-papor-2- stucture) fo the Wand analysis of other subjecis loo, UPSC Questions related to Important Articles of Indian Constitution Through which amendment act, Delhi was designated as National Capital Territory (NCT)? 1. 60th Constuonal Amendment Act 2. 6ard Conttutenal Amendment Act 2. 88th Constitutional Amendment Act 4. 5nd Consittiona Amendment Act Answer 68th Constitutional Amendment Act Which of the folowing can be amended by a special majority of the parliament and ratification by half of the states? htpssbyjus.comroe-ias-preplimportantarticlesn-consttution indlay 1028 aia, 1117 PM Detaled Important Articles in Indian Constitution [UPSC Indian Palty Notes] 4. Clzenship 2. Altering Boundary ofthe Stale 2. Election of President lecons ‘Answer Election of President IAS aspirants looking fr more information on types of amendments ( in he constitution may check the linked article, Tho eloments of Fundamental Duos ar explained in which artle? The elements of Fundamental Duties are explained in which article? 1. Ace 19 2. Aricle 24 2. Aicle SIA 4. Ail 48 ‘Answer: 514 (Check details on Fundamental Duties for UPSC (hitps:yjus.comroe-as-preptundamental-dutes!) in the lnkos article.) What is Article 15? ‘Aticle 15 fs an important article ofthe Indian Constitution stating the prohiation of discrimina 3m onthe grounds of religion, race, cast, sex, or place of bith, Its one of the aticles mentioning the citzens’ fundamental ight o quai How many articles are there in the Indian Constitution? There are 488 articles inthe Indian Constitution (ito fbyjus.comvteeas-preplconstitution-f-indla-an-overview!) Original, the Indian Constitution had 385 articles. How to remember articles in Indian Constitution? Aspirant should note down and keep on revising the folowing set of Constitution of India’s Important Arles: 1. Fundamental Rights - Arle 12.35. 2. Directive Principles of State Policy — Article 96-51 53, Fundamental Duties - Arle 514, 4, Scheduled & Tribal Areas - Arle 244-2444 5, Elections ~ Article 224-229 A 6, Constitutional Amendment ~ Article 368 ‘Also, aspirants should be updated with the Indlan constitutional atiles which are inthe news as topics mentioned in the UPSC Syllabus (htps:foyius.comiaslupsc-sylabusl of Mains GS 2 are asked in he exam based an both theory and current aff. List of Important Articles in Indian Constitution: Download POF Here Conclusion: ‘Once an aspirant makes note of the Ist of aries inthe Indian Constitution, helshe can practice previous years ‘questions ftom te inks below Constitution Questons for UPSC Mains (htpsbyus.conresias-prepicansttutor-questions-upse-mains-95-20) ‘Governance Questions for UPSC Mains (hps:foyius.comrae-iaspreplgovemance-questons-upsc-mains-g5-2/) UPSC Preims Topic-Wise Question Papers (htpsJoyius.comirecias-prepttopic-wise-upse-prelims-questions- at Palty Questions for UPSC Mains (ntpslbyjus.comieeas-prepipoliy-questions-upse-mains-96-2/) LUPSC Preparation related artes are linked below: UPSC Polly Optional Sylabus (htpebyus.comvree-as- PSC Polty Books (hipsbyjus.comiree-ias- preplias-pollical-scionce-and-iternaional-aations-slabus!) _propipoliicalsciance-optional-books-for-upsc) UPSC Provious Yoar Quostion Papers (hps:ibyjs.comires- IAS Question & Answers (hps:ibyjus.comfas- las-preplupsc-question-paper!) questions) htpssbyjus.comfroe-ias-preplimportantarticlesn-consttutionndlay 128 aia, 1117 PM Detaled Important Articles in Indian Constitution [UPSC Indian Palty Notes] UPSC Proims (ntos:lyjus.comfree-as-preplupse-pelims!) IAS Salary (htps:byjus.comfreeas-prepl salary) ‘Current fais (htpsoyus.comicurrent-afars) NCERT Notes POF (nitpsbyus-convireeias- preplupse-exam-onine-preparationincert- notes!) Multiple Choice Question CConsidor the following statements relate to articles in indian Constitution 1. As por Article 30, al minors, whethor based an aligon or language, shall have the right to establish and ‘administer educational insittons of ther choice The State shall non granting ac to educational institutions Giscriminate against any educational instuton onthe ground that fs under the management ofa minorty ‘nether based on religion or language. [Aricle 1 inthe Constitution states that Inda, that Bharat, shall bea Union of States. The temtry of Inga shall consist of The tetiores ofthe states, The Union tettores and Any trrory that may be acquied in future, [cle 40 ofthe Constitution welch enshines one ofthe Directive Principles of State Peley lays down tha the ‘State shall tae steps to organise village panchayats and endow them with such powers and authority as may be necessary to enable them lo function as units of eal government. 4. As por Aricle 3508, it shall bo tho endeavour of every Stato and of every local authority within te Stato to provide adequate facilities fr instruction inthe mother-tongue al the primary stage of education to ehleren belonging to linguistic minoy groups; an the President may issue such rections to any State as he considers necessary or proper for securing the provision of such facies. Choose the correct answer rom the below given options 1A) Onl statements 4 and 3 are fase 8) Ont statements tue ©) None ofthe above statements are tuo. 1) Allthe above statements are tue. Answer: D Relevant Links. Previous Years Social Justice Questions in UPSC Mains General Studies Paper 2 (hpsbyus.comreeias- preplsocalustice-questions-upsc-mains-9s-2/) Topic-Wise General Studi Paper— 2 Questions for UPSC. Mains (nits: ayjus.conviraeias-preptoniow'se-ge-2- questions-upsomains)) IAS General Stu LUPSC Marksheet (hos byius.comroe-a3- roplupsc-markshoot) Prorogue Meaning (ntos:lbyjus.comree-as- ptepisessions-parlament-prorogaton-and= dissolution) IAS Subjects For Science Students (ttosubyjus.comrecsas-orepias-subjectsHor seienco-students!) 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