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Additional information .......................................................................................................................... 8
Essential Information ......................................................................................................................... 8
FIRE ................................................................................................................................................ 8
TOILETS .......................................................................................................................................... 8
CAR PARKING ................................................................................................................................. 8
WI-FI .............................................................................................................................................. 8
RECEPTION ..................................................................................................................................... 8
LOCATION ...................................................................................................................................... 8
Presentations ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Rooms and meeting spaces ............................................................................................................... 8
Newton 21-28: Stream rooms ....................................................................................................... 8
Kilpin: Quiet room ......................................................................................................................... 9
Adams: Meet spaces ...................................................................................................................... 9
Hooley: Online meeting room ....................................................................................................... 9
Bowden: Conference room............................................................................................................ 9
Food and Drink .................................................................................................................................. 9
Hybrid sessions .................................................................................................................................. 9
Online Timetable ............................................................................................................................. 10
Day 1 ................................................................................................................................................ 10
Session 1 ...................................................................................................................................... 10
Session 2 ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Session 3 ...................................................................................................................................... 13
Day 2 ................................................................................................................................................ 16
Session 1 ...................................................................................................................................... 16
Session 2 ...................................................................................................................................... 18
Session 3 - Workshops ................................................................................................................. 20
Session 4 ...................................................................................................................................... 21
Day 3 ................................................................................................................................................ 23
Session 1 ...................................................................................................................................... 23
Session 2 ...................................................................................................................................... 24
Lunchtime .................................................................................................................................... 26
Session 3 ...................................................................................................................................... 27
Timezones ........................................................................................................................................ 28


Issues and concerns ......................................................................................................................... 28

A Critical but Friendly Culture.......................................................................................................... 28
Getting About. ................................................................................................................................. 28
Room layout ........................................................................................................................................ 29
Ongoing exhibition .............................................................................................................................. 30
‘Recuerdos LAEMOS’ ....................................................................................................................... 30
Day 1 20/6/2023 .................................................................................................................................. 32
Session Time slot: 11:30 am to 1:00 pm .......................................................................................... 32
Stream Name: PhD/ECR Stream Café Stream Number: 14 ...................................................... 32
Stream Name: Critical Accounting and Business Studies: embracing decolonial and queer
perspectives to (re)imagine identities, alternative forms of entrepreneurship, academia and
social movements Stream Number: 11 ....................................................................................... 32
Stream Name: The Open Stream Stream Number: 13 ............................................................. 33
Stream Name: Reimagining Organizations, Work Arrangements and Work Meanings, Stream
Number: 3 .................................................................................................................................... 33
Stream Name: A new ideal worker in a fluid/flexible/hybrid work environment: Processes and
practices of emergence ...................................................................................... Stream Number: 5
..................................................................................................................................................... 33
Stream Name: Rethinking and Reimagining health-care and social care in the (post)pandemic
world, Stream Number: 7 ............................................................................................................ 35
Stream Name: Exploring ‘Risk’ Beyond ‘Risk Management’: Critiquing the Limits and
(Un)Intended Consequences of Managerialism Stream Number: 8 ............................................ 35
Session Time slot: 1:00pm-2:00pm (Lunchtime) ............................................................................. 36
Session Time slot: 2pm-3:30pm (Workshops) ................................................................................. 36
Workshop 4: 50 Shades of Rage: Prefiguring a School for Organising......................................... 36
Workshop 5: Critical Development Workshop: Nurturing Half-Baked Ideas (SIGN-UP ONLY) .... 37
Workshop 6: Exploring Marginalization from Within: Reimaging Marginalized Voices .............. 38
Workshop 7: Decolonializing Education by Raising our Consciousness of (and paving the way for
action against) racial student-to-student bullying ....................................................................... 38
Workshop 8: Alternative Organisations that fight against Marginalisation in the Global South:
Methodological dialogues between community leaders and scholars-activists ......................... 38
Exhibition keynote: 'Recuerdos LAEMOS - recovering memories of the Latin American and
European Organisation Studies conference ................................................................................ 38
Session Time slot: 4pm -5.30pm ...................................................................................................... 39
Stream Name: Rethinking and Reimagining health-care and social care in the (post)pandemic
world, Stream Number: 7 ............................................................................................................ 39


Stream Name: A new ideal worker in a fluid/flexible/hybrid work environment: Processes and
practices of emergence, Stream Number: 5 ................................................................................ 39
Stream Name: Searching for novel ways of organizing: Inspiration from hippie radicalism,
Stream Number: 4 ....................................................................................................................... 40
Stream Name: Changing the status quo: Multi-perspectival feminist praxis for building
community/ies and socially-just futures of work and employment, Stream Number:10 ........... 40
Stream Name: Reimagining Organizations, Work Arrangements and Work Meanings, Stream
Number: 3 .................................................................................................................................... 40
Stream Name: The Open Stream, Stream Number: 13 ............................................................ 41
Stream Name: Exploring ‘Risk’ Beyond ‘Risk Management’: Critiquing the Limits and
(Un)Intended Consequences of Managerialism, Stream Number: 8 ........................................... 42
Evening Gathering or Tour (6pm – 9pm) ......................................................................................... 42
Food and Drink: The Malt Cross .................................................................................................. 42
Walking tour ................................................................................................................................ 42
Day 2 21/6/23 ...................................................................................................................................... 43
Session Time slot: 8:30 to 11 am (stream 14 only) .......................................................................... 43
Stream Name: PhD/ECR Stream Café, Stream Number: 14 ..................................................... 43
Session Time slot: 9:30-11:00 (for all other streams) ...................................................................... 43
Stream Name: Searching for novel ways of organizing: Inspiration from hippie radicalism,
Stream Number: 4 ....................................................................................................................... 43
Stream Name: Changing the status quo: Multi-perspectival feminist praxis for building
community/ies and socially-just futures of work and employment, Stream 10.......................... 43
Stream Name: A new ideal worker in a fluid/flexible/hybrid work environment: Processes and
practices of emergence, Stream Number: 5 ................................................................................ 44
Stream Name: Accounting and Accountability for Race in Organizations and Society, Stream
Number: 9 .................................................................................................................................... 44
Stream Name: Reimagining Organizations, Work Arrangements and Work Meanings, Stream
Number: 3 .................................................................................................................................... 45
Stream Name: Rethinking and Reimagining health-care and social care in the (post)pandemic
world, Stream Number: 7 ............................................................................................................ 45
Stream Name: The Open Stream, Stream Number: 13 ............................................................ 46
Session Time slot: 11:30-13:00 ........................................................................................................ 47
Stream Name: Searching for novel ways of organizing: Inspiration from hippie radicalism,
Stream Number: 4 ....................................................................................................................... 47
Stream Name: Changing the status quo: Multi-perspectival feminist praxis for building
community/ies and socially-just futures of work and employment, Stream Number:10 ........... 47
Stream Name: The Open Stream, Stream Number: 13 ............................................................ 47


Stream Name: A new ideal worker in a fluid/flexible/hybrid work environment: Processes and
practices of emergence, Stream Number: 5 ................................................................................ 48
Stream Name: Redefining the Political and Social Responsibility of Business in the Age of
Political Crises, Stream Number: 12 ............................................................................................ 48
Beyond compliance: approaching the political responsibility of business in the authoritarian contexts
............................................................................................................................................................. 49
Stream Name: Exploring ‘Risk’ Beyond ‘Risk Management’: Critiquing the Limits and
(Un)Intended Consequences of Managerialism, Stream Number: 8 ........................................... 49
Stream Name: The possibilities and pitfalls of subversive activity through Critical Human
Resource Development, Stream Number: 6 ................................................................................ 49
Session Time slot: 13:00-14:00 (Lunch with Events) ....................................................................... 49
Lunch with journal editors. Adams Room.................................................................................... 49
Session name: ‘Can we fly-less?’ (Exhibition – N28) .................................................................... 50
Session Time slot: 14:00-15:30 (Workshops) .................................................................................. 50
Workshop 1 – Bring degrowth into management education, why and how? ............................. 50
Workshop 2 – Wraparound Supports for Skill Development: Designing and Implementing
Programs for Indigenous Peoples and Equity-Deserving Groups ................................................ 51
Workshop 8 – Alternative Organisations that fight against Marginalisation in the Global South 53
Speakers: ..................................................................................................................................... 53
Workshop 9 – Academic Freedom Under Attack – Cases, Causes and Consequences for the
Community of Critical Scholars .................................................................................................... 53
Session Time slot: 16.00-17.30 ........................................................................................................ 55
Stream Name: Redefining the Political and Social Responsibility of Business in the Age of
Political Crises, Stream Number: 12 ............................................................................................ 55
Stream Name: The Open Stream, Stream Number: 13 ............................................................ 55
Stream Name: Changing the status quo: Multi-perspectival feminist praxis for building
community/ies and socially-just futures of work and employment, Stream Number:10 ........... 55
Stream Name: Exploring ‘Risk’ Beyond ‘Risk Management’: Critiquing the Limits and
(Un)Intended Consequences of Managerialism, Stream Number: 8 ........................................... 56
Stream Name: Critical Accounting and Business Studies: embracing decolonial and queer
perspectives to (re)imagine identities, alternative forms of entrepreneurship, academia and
social movements, Stream Number: 11 ...................................................................................... 56
Stream Name: The possibilities and pitfalls of subversive activity through Critical Human
Resource Development, Stream Number: 6 ................................................................................ 57
Evening Gathering (6pm – 11pm) .................................................................................................... 57
Day 3 22/6/23 ...................................................................................................................................... 58
Session Time slot: 9 30 -11: 00 ........................................................................................................ 58
Stream Name: Critical for being critical, Stream Number 1 ........................................................ 58

Stream Name: Understanding management and organisational practices in the voluntary and
non-profit sector, Stream Number: 2 .......................................................................................... 58
Stream Name: Changing the status quo: Multi-perspectival feminist praxis for building
community/ies and socially-just futures of work and employment, Stream Number:10 ........... 58
Stream Name: PhD/ECR Stream Café, Stream Number: 14 ..................................................... 59
Stream Name: The Open Stream, Stream Number: 13 (PARALLEL STREAM A) ........................ 59
Stream Name: The Open Stream, Stream Number: 13 (PARALLEL STREAM B) ........................ 59
Session Name: PhD/ECR Stream Café - Day 3 .............................................................................. 60
Session Time slot: 11:30-13:00 ........................................................................................................ 61
Stream Name: The Open Stream, Stream Number: 13 (PARALLEL STREAM A) ........................ 61
Stream Name: The Open Stream, Stream Number: 13 (PARALLEL STREAM B) ........................ 61
Stream Name: Changing the status quo: Multi-perspectival feminist praxis for building
community/ies and socially-just futures of work and employment, Stream 10 timetable ......... 62
Stream Name: Critical Accounting and Business Studies: embracing decolonial and queer
perspectives to (re)imagine identities, alternative forms of entrepreneurship, academia and
social movements, Stream Number: 11 ...................................................................................... 62
Stream Name: Understanding management and organisational practices in the voluntary and
non-profit sector, Stream Number: 2 .......................................................................................... 62
Session Time slot: 1:00pm-2:30pm (Lunchtime) ............................................................................. 63
Session Time slot: 14:30-16:00 (Workshops) .................................................................................. 63
Workshop 8 – Alternative Organisation that fight against Marginalisation in the Global South:
Methodological dialogues between community leaders and scholars-activists ......................... 63
Workshop 5 – Critical Development Workshop: Nurturing half-baked ideas (SIGNED-UP ONLY)63
Workshop 3 - Doing linguistically reflexive research: Interlingual translation of data as a cultural
political process ........................................................................................................................... 65
Conference Close: ............................................................................................................................ 68
Walking Tour.................................................................................................................................... 68



Additional information
Essential Information
Should the alarm sound please evacuate by the nearest available exit. Fire marshals will direct you to
the meeting point which for the main conference centre is located on Goldsmith Street.

The fire alarm is tested every Friday morning between 8am-9am. There is no need to evacuate at
this time unless the message to evacuate the building is repeated.

Toilets are situated on Level 0, 1 and 2. On level 1 & 2, the main toilets are situated near the Burton
Street Entrance and on Level 0, you can find them at basement level near The Refectory. There are
also accessible and gender-neutral toilets situated on both forums.

NTU E&C can issue a single use voucher on the day of your event to any delegates that have parked
at Talbot Street which will give them 45% off the standard car parking rates.

The voucher is to be used at the pay stations in the car park before delegates exit. The 45% discount
applied can be offered across any amount of time in the car park, including very short stays, so can
benefit all delegates.

There is free Wi-Fi available to all conference delegates. Delegates can log onto NTU Events and
Conferencing Wi-Fi. You will be given a username and password which will be generated for your
event and this will be handed to you on the morning of your event.

To contact reception or speak to a member of the conference centre team please dial 84781.
Telephones are available in each of the conference rooms. Reception is normally staffed from 8am
to 6pm.

The postcode for NTU Events and Conferencing is NG1 4BU.

All the rooms will have Microsoft Applications, particularly PowerPoint, and PDF readers, and USB
readers. Please make sure that you upload your slides at least 15 minutes prior to the session.

Rooms and meeting spaces

We have four large rooms and eight medium size rooms for the whole conference. The streams will
be in the medium size room. The large rooms will be available throughout the conference for
meetings, connections, and places to work.

Newton 21-28: Stream rooms

All the streams will be along one corridor will be along the corridor. Some of the rooms have more
facilities for hybrid.

Kilpin: Quiet room

This is a quiet room for individual quiet room or if you just want a space to be able to have a space
away from the main activity within the conference.

Adams: Meet spaces

Conferences are places to connect and share thoughts and ideas. If you want to have meetings with
others from within the conference please use this room.

Hooley: Online meeting room

We realise that within the conference you might need a space to do online meetings. This room will
be available to do these meetings.

Bowden: Conference room

This room will have other events and activity for the conference.

Food and Drink

Water is provided in the rooms and water fountains are on Level 2. Food and drink will be provided
at the following times

11:00 – break, tea and coffee and other drinks

13:00 – lunch, hot food, we have told catering of all the dietary requirements that were said when
you registered

15:30 – break, tea and coffee and other drinks

Hybrid sessions
Some of the sessions will be run as hybrid sessions. The access will be via Teams. Everyone who has
registered for online access will be invited to the Teams session.

If you join online please mute your microphone, use the hand signals to ask a question. If you have a
problem email and we will try to respond.


Online Timetable
Day 1

Session 1

Stream Name: A new ideal worker in a fluid/flexible/hybrid work environment: Processes and
practices of emergence Stream Number: 5, Day 1 Session 1

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 329 051 566 728

Passcode: WkYovC

Or call in (audio only)

+44 115 857 3827,,687113212# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Phone Conference ID: 687 113 212#

Find a local number

Stream Name: Critical Accounting and Business Studies: embracing decolonial and queer
perspectives to (re)imagine identities, alternative forms of entrepreneurship, academia and social
movements Stream Number: 11 - Day 1, Session 1

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 349 408 635 995

Passcode: LA8a3U

Or call in (audio only)

+44 115 857 3827,,462667246# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Phone Conference ID: 462 667 246#

Find a local number |

Stream Name: Exploring ‘Risk’ Beyond ‘Risk Management’: Critiquing the Limits and (Un)Intended
Consequences of Managerialism Stream Number: 8 - Day 1, Session 1

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 339 096 865 497

Passcode: PxT3iY

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+44 115 857 3827,,885711530# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Phone Conference ID: 885 711 530#

Find a local number |

Stream Name: Reimagining Organizations, Work Arrangements and Work Meanings, Stream
Number: 3 - Day 1, Session 1
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 393 330 737 795

Passcode: MwWv9N

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+44 115 857 3827,,981214550# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Phone Conference ID: 981 214 550#

Find a local number

Stream Name: Rethinking and Reimagining health-care and social care in the (post)pandemic
world, Stream Number: 7 - Day 1, Session 1

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 337 630 228 268

Passcode: 4Tuhnt

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+44 115 857 3827,,83779653# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Phone Conference ID: 837 796 53#

Find a local number |

Stream Name: The Open Stream Stream Number: 13, Session Name: Starting again
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device


Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 346 571 160 887

Passcode: dBnNoR

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+44 115 857 3827,,920251365# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Phone Conference ID: 920 251 365#

Find a local number

Session 2

Workshop 8: Alternative Organisations that fight against Marginalisation in the Global South:
Methodological dialogues between community leaders and scholars-activists - Day 1, Session 2
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 377 653 488 423

Passcode: NX3edf

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+44 115 857 3827,,318118434# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Phone Conference ID: 318 118 434#

Find a local number

Workshop 7: Decolonializing Education by Raising our Consciousness of (and paving the way for
action against) racial student-to-student bullying

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 357 987 477 057

Passcode: shRHYQ

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)


+44 115 857 3827,,77071521# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Phone Conference ID: 770 715 21#

Find a local number

Session 3

Stream Name: A new ideal worker in a fluid/flexible/hybrid work environment: Processes and
practices of emergence, Stream Number: 5 - Day 1 Session 3
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 395 343 800 590

Passcode: qEfyBA

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+44 115 857 3827,,588645076# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Phone Conference ID: 588 645 076#

Find a local number

Stream Name: Exploring ‘Risk’ Beyond ‘Risk Management’: Critiquing the Limits and (Un)Intended
Consequences of Managerialism, Stream Number: 8 - Day 1, Session 3
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 357 417 355 932

Passcode: SdCj6b

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+44 115 857 3827,,445372278# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Phone Conference ID: 445 372 278#

Find a local number

Stream Name: Reimagining Organizations, Work Arrangements and Work Meanings, Stream
Number: 3 - Day 1, Session 3

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting


Meeting ID: 317 567 244 855

Passcode: 5yZVJF

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+44 115 857 3827,,357720710# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Phone Conference ID: 357 720 710#

Find a local number

Stream Name: Rethinking and Reimagining health-care and social care in the (post)pandemic
world, Stream Number: 7 - Day 1, Session 3
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 346 002 527 806

Passcode: XJkcFU

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+44 115 857 3827,,483904599# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Phone Conference ID: 483 904 599#

Find a local number |

Stream Name: Changing the status quo: Multi-perspectival feminist praxis for building
community/ies and socially-just futures of work and employment, Stream Number:10, Day 1
Session 3
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 338 180 924 82

Passcode: VShxZo

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+44 115 857 3827,,815952853# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Phone Conference ID: 815 952 853#

Find a local number


Stream Name: The Open Stream, Stream Number: 13, Day 1, Session 3

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 313 293 726 903

Passcode: FDdjzR

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+44 115 857 3827,,699191292# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Phone Conference ID: 699 191 292#

Find a local number


Day 2
Session 1

Stream Name: A new ideal worker in a fluid/flexible/hybrid work environment: Processes and
practices of emergence, Stream Number: 5, Day 2, Session 1
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 386 538 107 751

Passcode: sJrM6a

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+44 115 857 3827,,127317935# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Phone Conference ID: 127 317 935#

Find a local number

Stream Name: Accounting and Accountability for Race in Organizations and Society, Stream
Number: 9, Day 2, Session 1
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 363 231 782 746

Passcode: QMFK6Q

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+44 115 857 3827,,239436880# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Phone Conference ID: 239 436 880#

Find a local number

Stream Name: Reimagining Organizations, Work Arrangements and Work Meanings, Stream
Number: 3, Day 2, Session 1
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting


Meeting ID: 312 575 573 686

Passcode: hs8amq

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+44 115 857 3827,,677241126# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Phone Conference ID: 677 241 126#

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Stream Name: Rethinking and Reimagining health-care and social care in the (post)pandemic
world, Stream Number: 7; Day 2, Session 1
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 314 193 325 163

Passcode: 2oQciN

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+44 115 857 3827,,394907068# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Phone Conference ID: 394 907 068#

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Stream Name: Changing the status quo: Multi-perspectival feminist praxis for building
community/ies and socially-just futures of work and employment, Stream 10 , Day 2, Session 1

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 334 664 870 657

Passcode: xgzbp5

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+44 115 857 3827,,29695574# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Phone Conference ID: 296 955 74#

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Stream Name: The Open Stream, Stream Number: 13, Session 1

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 378 937 456 556

Passcode: xofU37

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+44 115 857 3827,,606535341# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Phone Conference ID: 606 535 341#

Find a local number

Session 2

Stream Name: A new ideal worker in a fluid/flexible/hybrid work environment: Processes and
practices of emergence, Stream Number: 5, Day 2, Session 2
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 392 768 767 652

Passcode: SZXNDo

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+44 115 857 3827,,658687515# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Phone Conference ID: 658 687 515#

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Stream Name: Exploring ‘Risk’ Beyond ‘Risk Management’: Critiquing the Limits and (Un)Intended
Consequences of Managerialism, Stream Number: 8, Day 2, Session 2
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 384 416 780 867

Passcode: 8fJxhQ

Download Teams | Join on the web


Or call in (audio only)

+44 115 857 3827,,681563665# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Phone Conference ID: 681 563 665#

Find a local number

Stream Name: The possibilities and pitfalls of subversive activity through Critical Human Resource
Development, Stream Number: 6, Day 2, Session 2
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 316 239 815 770

Passcode: 8GPN7t

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+44 115 857 3827,,198585876# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Phone Conference ID: 198 585 876#

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Stream Name: Changing the status quo: Multi-perspectival feminist praxis for building
community/ies and socially-just futures of work and employment, Stream Number:10, Session 2

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 377 519 620 266

Passcode: ok8KJU

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+44 115 857 3827,,269790813# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Phone Conference ID: 269 790 813#

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Stream Name: Redefining the Political and Social Responsibility of Business in the Age of Political
Crises, Stream Number: 12

Session Name: Dynamics of Political CSR, Day 2, Session 2


Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 371 655 894 222

Passcode: pU8S5G

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+44 115 857 3827,,643558814# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Phone Conference ID: 643 558 814#

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Stream Name: The Open Stream, Stream Number: 13, Session 2

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 348 221 983 451

Passcode: 5DjzSC

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+44 115 857 3827,,732919651# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Phone Conference ID: 732 919 651#

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Session 3 - Workshops

Workshop 2 – Wraparound Supports for Skill Development: Designing and Implementing Programs
for Indigenous Peoples and Equity-Deserving Groups, Day 2 Session 3

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 343 651 910 609

Passcode: UHYG3k

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+44 115 857 3827,,439432490# United Kingdom, Nottingham


Phone Conference ID: 439 432 490#

Find a local number

Workshop 8 – Alternative Organisations that fight against Marginalisation in the Global South:
Scholar Activism, Day 2, Session 3

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 812 3837 2297

Passcode: %XW6+!x%

Workshop 9 – Academic Freedom Under Attack – Cases, Causes and Consequences for the
Community of Critical Scholars, Day 2, Session 3

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 389 379 311 329

Passcode: TJc5to

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+44 115 857 3827,,164007768# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Phone Conference ID: 164 007 768#

Find a local number

Session 4

Stream Name: Critical Accounting and Business Studies: embracing decolonial and queer
perspectives to (re)imagine identities, alternative forms of entrepreneurship, academia and social
movements, Stream Number: 11 Day 2, Session 4
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 388 099 694 791

Passcode: 22Weew

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+44 115 857 3827,,868086942# United Kingdom, Nottingham


Phone Conference ID: 868 086 942#

Find a local number

Stream Name: Exploring ‘Risk’ Beyond ‘Risk Management’: Critiquing the Limits and (Un)Intended
Consequences of Managerialism, Stream Number: 8, Day 2, Session 4

Stream Name: Redefining the Political and Social Responsibility of Business in the Age of Political
Crises, Stream Number: 12, Day 2, Session 4

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 368 128 184 51

Passcode: a9BeEu

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+44 115 857 3827,,759134078# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Phone Conference ID: 759 134 078#

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Stream Name: The possibilities and pitfalls of subversive activity through Critical Human Resource
Development, Stream Number: 6, Day 2, Session 4
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 358 274 697 308

Passcode: b6LtTb

Download Teams | Join on the web

Or call in (audio only)

+44 115 857 3827,,967103805# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Phone Conference ID: 967 103 805#

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Stream Name: Changing the status quo: Multi-perspectival feminist praxis for building
community/ies and socially-just futures of work and employment, Stream Number:10, Day 2,
Session 4


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Meeting ID: 357 299 724 962

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+44 115 857 3827,,376632087# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Phone Conference ID: 376 632 087#

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Stream Name: The Open Stream, Stream Number: 13,

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Meeting ID: 364 651 678 846

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+44 115 857 3827,,813014953# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Phone Conference ID: 813 014 953#

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Day 3
Session 1

Stream Name: Changing the status quo: Multi-perspectival feminist praxis for building
community/ies and socially-just futures of work and employment, Stream Number:1, Day 3,
Session 1
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Meeting ID: 349 524 676 995

Passcode: jZ7dxS

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+44 115 857 3827,,735974348# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Stream Name: The Open Stream, Stream Number: 13 (PARALLEL STREAM A)

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Meeting ID: 318 759 987 865

Passcode: ZZof6R

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+44 115 857 3827,,157264180# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Phone Conference ID: 157 264 180#

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Stream Name: The Open Stream, Stream Number: 13 (PARALLEL STREAM B)

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Meeting ID: 345 052 633 246

Passcode: iNDgCQ

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+44 115 857 3827,,73553857# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Phone Conference ID: 735 538 57#

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Phone Conference ID: 735 974 348#

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Session 2

Stream Name: Critical Accounting and Business Studies: embracing decolonial and queer
perspectives to (re)imagine identities, alternative forms of entrepreneurship, academia and social
movements, Stream Number: 11, Day 3, Session 2

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Meeting ID: 361 565 423 629

Passcode: eQJh9C

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+44 115 857 3827,,912384337# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Phone Conference ID: 912 384 337#

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Stream Name: Changing the status quo: Multi-perspectival feminist praxis for building
community/ies and socially-just futures of work and employment, Stream 10 Day 3, Session 2

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Meeting ID: 349 968 360 483

Passcode: wJhAnL

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+44 115 857 3827,,232597293# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Phone Conference ID: 232 597 293#

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Stream Name: The Open Stream, Stream Number: 13 (PARALLEL STREAM A), Session 2.

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Meeting ID: 318 759 987 865

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Stream Name: The Open Stream, Stream Number: 13 (PARALLEL STREAM A)

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Meeting ID: 369 051 332 609

Passcode: fLgXZC

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+44 115 857 3827,,942548681# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Phone Conference ID: 942 548 681#

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Stream Name: The Open Stream, Stream Number: 13 (PARALLEL STREAM B)

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Meeting ID: 313 205 907 031

Passcode: p4izFt

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+44 115 857 3827,,214146853# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Phone Conference ID: 214 146 853#

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The Future of ICMS
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Meeting ID: 395 133 294 465

Passcode: pbqfs7

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Or call in (audio only)

+44 115 857 3827,,987801546# United Kingdom, Nottingham

Phone Conference ID: 987 801 546#

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Session 3

Workshop 5 – Critical Development Workshop: Nurturing half-baked ideas (SIGNED-UP ONLY –

contact the stream convenors)

Workshop 8 –

Zoom link


Meeting ID: 837 0054 6912

Passcode: m+#a0Ud2


All times are in British Summer Time. If you want to know these times in other time zones websites

Issues and concerns

We are trying to make the conference as inclusive and welcoming as possible. However things might
arise during the conference which you would like to raise. If you have any issues or concern please
either speak to Daniel King or Juliana Mainard-Sardon.

A Critical but Friendly Culture

Academic conferences can be intimidating events, especially for students and early-careers
researchers – but potentially for anyone. Sadly, a legitimate criticality – asking probing questions,
and so on – can all too often veer towards a culture of rudeness, even bordering on hostility;
unfortunately, you all likely know what we’re talking about it. As organisers, we want to encourage
an active awareness of this culture - and a collective rejection of it, and we’re asking everyone to act
as empathetically and as respectfully as possible throughout the conference. This doesn’t mean you
can’t ask difficult questions or challenge presenters – but it does mean being mindful of our tone
and attitude, and of the different (not always visible) dynamics at play at an event like this. In
particular, we ask people to be mindful of the time they take up during Q & As and to be considerate
of those who might take more time and encouragement to ask questions.

Getting About.
Nottingham is very well served by public transport, and most of the city centre is easily navigated on
foot or by bike. All of the venues (day and evening) are within a 12 minute walk from each other and
most are less than 5 minutes away.

Nottingham Trent University is about a fifteen-minute walk from the train station.

Nottingham is well serviced by Trams, which can be caught directly from Nottingham train station if
you’re arriving by train. Take any tram on the near side of the tram tracks as you access them from
the station (heading to Hucknall or Phoenix Park), and alight at the handily named Nottingham Trent
University tram stop. The tram ride takes about ten minutes and trams are very regular (rarely more
than a ten minute wait). Day tickets can be bought if you’re planning on using the Tram throughout
the day.


Nottingham Trent University provide a handy map for cycling (also useful for walking) round the city,
which can be downloaded here:

Cycling conditions are average for a UK city; there are cycle lanes in parts of the city and its
‘relatively’ flat.

Car Travel: For those coming by car there are several Park and Ride options with handy access to the
tram service: and there are some parking spaces in the city,
but are on the expensive side.


Room layout


Ongoing exhibition
‘Recuerdos LAEMOS’

This conference will artistically engage with the main theme of the conference, ‘Being practically
critical: Re-imagining possibilities for CMS, challenging the idea of a conference and (re)building our
community of communities’ by explore radical possibilities to rebuild the conference space, through
a collective remembering of the now disbanded Latin American and European Organisation Studies
(LAEMOS) conference.

The discipline of business, management and organisation studies has been the subject of critique
regarding Anglo-Eurocentricity and covert practices of exclusion of people from marginalised
backgrounds and positionalities (Nkomo, 1992; 2021; Ibarra Colado, 2006; Dar, Liu, Dy and Brewis,
2021). This exclusion has been particularly evident in academic conference spaces, even those
purported to be ‘critical’ or open to critical work, such as the International Critical Management
Studies (ICMS) conference and the European Group of Organization Studies (EGOS). These two
conferences, and decisions made by their leadership, have been challenged and contested by
academics of colour and from the Global South, using scholar-activist tactics such as banner drops
and open letters to call attention to the suite of issues of exclusion arising within the conferences.

The LAEMOS conference was initiated in 2006 in partnership with EGOS by a handful of Critical
Management Studies scholars who built an alternative space for knowledge exchange and dialogue
among Global South and Global North scholars. These efforts were led in particular by the late
Mexican intellectual and activist, Eduardo Ibarra Colado. At its highpoint, the conference attracted
hundreds of international scholars and students to share ideas, paper presentations, and
conversation, based on the assumption that building bridges among diverse communities will create
conditions for liberatory knowledge and struggles to flourish. The proposed installation will archive
and narrate the story of LAEMOS, inviting participants to remember and restore the radical politics
that underscored this effort and to displace the dehumanizing, colonial, and patriarchal structures
that current conference organising reproduces.

In light of the ICMS 2023 conference theme, this proposed installation will aim to archive the birth
and death of the LAEMOS conference. The founders were inspired to create an experimental bridge
between Latin America and Europe through the creation of a conference space in which dialogue
and debate were premised as a goal for re-humanizing a Eurocentric management and organisation
studies (MOS). However, along its journey, the conference lost this focus and became a commercial
enterprise. In 2018, the Decolonizing Alliance launched an open letter campaign to highlight this turn
in direction and attracted over 100 signatories from across the world. However, in 2018 LAEMOS
was closed down instead of being reformed. Today, there is little institutional memory about
LAEMOS, its vision for an alternative space, and its sudden, unexpected, and undemocratic closure,
leaving little scope for Global South-Global North discussions.

Our installation will seek to revive this history by archiving and displaying artifacts associated with
LAEMOS and also to create a physical space with multi-media art to continue Ibarra Colado's mission
of re-humanizing business and management studies. We will create original multimedia art pieces,
conduct and present oral history interviews with people associated with LAEMOS at different points
of its history. These will be incorporated into an informative and moving soundscape (for an example

of a similar project by the sound artist, please see here and here). The exhibition will be designed to
invite the engagement of a range of attendees, and through curiosity, surprise and delight, shift their
affective experience of the ICMS 2023 conference.

The legacy of this project will be, foremost, a first-of-its-kind archive and exhibition of LAEMOS - a
radical experiment in CMS conference organising that became a site of political struggle, debate and
international dialogue about who belongs to the business and management studies community, as
well as who it serves. ‘Recuerdos LAEMOS’ offers a meaningful and creative model to re-build the
community of communities of which ICMS is composed through innovative artistic practice. The
exhibition will also engage participants - some of whom may know or may not know about LAEMOS
- to dwell in a collective space that celebrates the possibility of political struggle within academia and
beyond. The exhibition could be hosted by different conferences in the future as an ongoing project
of collective memory and possibility for the CMS community. Lastly, the video and audio
documentation of the project, including the original soundscape, can be housed on the ICMS
conference website and shared via its social media.

Convenor Information

The convenor team is composed of two women of colour scholar-activists at different career stages.

Dr Sadhvi Dar, Reader in Interdisciplinary Management and Organisation Studies, School of Business
and Management, Queen Mary University of London. Sadhvi's academic training crosses different
fields of study including psychosocial and psychoanalytic psychology, fine art, management studies,
and critical development studies. Since early on in her scholarship she has found inspiration in
postcolonial studies, decolonial theory, chicana feminisms, and Black liberation philosophies. Her
published work has sought to recover the silenced, marginalised, or appropriated voices in
institutions. She is a founding member of the activist groups, Decolonizing Alliance and Building the
Anti-Racist Classroom collective (BARC).

Dr Angela Martinez Dy is Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship at Loughborough University London.

Her expertise, research interests and communities of practice revolve around digital
entrepreneurship, anti-racist intersectional cyberfeminism, and critical realist philosophy. She is a
poet and scholar-activist with a track record of creating impact through building new initiatives and
collaborating with community-based organisations, including Building the Anti-Racist Classroom

The ICMS conference have sponsored this exhibition


Day 1 20/6/2023
Session Time slot: 11:30 am to 1:00 pm
Stream Name: PhD/ECR Stream Café Stream Number: 14
Session Name: PhD/ECR Stream Café - Day 1
Speakers Title

Fabian Fluche Management Education

Liyun (Lynne) Zhu The Double-Edged Nature of Cultural

Intelligence: Examining the Impact on
Employees’ Unethical Business Behaviour
in the Cross-Cultural Settings

Laura McQuade Making emotion labour visible in a

neoliberal management system to make
changes for the better in teaching.

Roman Glass Critical Ethnography for IT management

David Newman The Show must go on

Stream Name: Critical Accounting and Business Studies: embracing decolonial and queer
perspectives to (re)imagine identities, alternative forms of entrepreneurship, academia and
social movements Stream Number: 11

Speakers Title

João Paulo Resende de Lima (University of “It costs me being the other!”: sexism in
Glasgow, UK) the early stages of accounting academic

Nina Sharma & Carla Edgley (Cardiff Networks and networking as spaces of
University, UK) change: Diversity and social space in
accounting firms

Wafa Ben Khaled (ESCP Business School, Beancouting diversity in business schools


Stream Name: The Open Stream Stream Number: 13

Session Name: Starting again
Chair: Simon Parker
Speakers Title

Mark Learmonth, Karel Musilek and Kim Jamie Interrogating discourse and materiality in
the working lives of start-up entrepreneurs

Yidong Tao and Chao Wang Becoming and entrepreneur after

retirement: crafting and re-constructing
professional identity

Kiri Langmead and Simon Parker The possibilities of disalienated work in co-
operative organizations?

Stream Name: Reimagining Organizations, Work Arrangements and Work Meanings, Stream
Number: 3

Speakers Title

Roberta Sferrazzo Rescuing authenticity at work: Insights from workers’

rituals in alternative organizational settings

Tatiana R. Stettler & Patrick Simek Leading organizational transformation toward more
equitable and responsible organizations

Ganesh Nathan Meaningfulness at work within the context of

alternative forms of work

Stream Name: A new ideal worker in a fluid/flexible/hybrid work environment:

Processes and practices of emergence Stream Number: 5

Speakers Title

Akash Puranik & Richard Scullion Online lecturer – a lonely performer*

(Southampton Solent University)

Gislene Feiten Haubrich & Ella Hafermalz (VU From full professors to middle managers:
Amsterdam) Does hybrid work transform academic

Valentina Castellini (University of Toronto) Creating a work setting: Navigating &

negotiating the extensification of work



Stream Name: Rethinking and Reimagining health-care and social care in the (post)pandemic
world, Stream Number: 7

Chairs Title

Muneeb Ul Lateef Banday, Simon Bishop, Stream introduction and discussion

Paula Hyde

In this initial session we invite participants

to join an open discussion on the potential
to establish a recuring stream at CMS, with
a focus on the critical analysis of
management and organisation of health
and care work. We can consider current
themes of research in this area, ongoing
research gaps and important areas of
future scholarship and/or academic
engagement, as well as other approaches
to building community in this area.

Stream Name: Exploring ‘Risk’ Beyond ‘Risk Management’: Critiquing the Limits and
(Un)Intended Consequences of Managerialism Stream Number: 8

Speakers Title

Gemma Milne Risk sells: making a market for corporate futurism

Rodrigo Souza and Elaine The Social Logic of Risk Management and Expertise:
Harris Internal Competitions for Meaning and Power over Risk
Managerial Discourses (Online)

Naomi Wells Gentrified unpaid Internships: Who bears the burden of



Session Time slot: 1:00pm-2:00pm (Lunchtime)

Lunch will be served in the lobby at Level 2 in the Newton Building. As part of the spirit of the
conference we want to encourage the conference atmosphere to be as inclusive and friendly as
possible. This will be a chance to catch-up with people that you know, but also to make new
connections. Please also get to know new people, support Early Career Researchers and people new
to the Critical Management Studies community. So please look out for new people, make
introductions to others and help (re)building our community.

Session Time slot: 2pm-3:30pm (Workshops)

Workshop 4: 50 Shades of Rage: Prefiguring a School for Organising
Short Description

What would a school for organising (Parker, 2016), a civic (Colombo, 2022) or decolonised (Banerjee,
2021; Woods et al., 2022) business school look like? What forms of collective action might we take in
the here and now to shape a more desirable future in and through organisational or management

These questions form the background to our workshop at the Arboretum Park (5 min walking
distance from NTU). Following a brief provocation by Laura Colombo and Martin Parker, we will first
break into groups to explore the sources of our anger, our rage, and our frustration to vent our
experiences of daily vexation in the context of business school education. After a short - and surely
cathartic - feedback session, we will reconvene in our groups and use these ‘shades of rage’ as a
foundation for discussing ways in which we might begin to address the many social and ecological
crises of our times. The purpose of this exercise being to develop ideas for collective, desirable
action(s) that may be taken in the here and now that address our ‘shades of rage’, linking the
broader societal and ecological crises such as climate change to those we experience in our everyday
teaching and research context. The underpinning vision for the workshop is to provide a space for
critical and creative discussions. Further, we hope that by fostering this discussion, we will provide
the basis for a community project which can underpin, support and self-organise further creative
and experimental engagement, output and actions across business school education.

We will meet outside the Newton building for a walking bus to the Arboretum at 13.40 and should
arrive at the Arboretum entrance on Waverley Street (next to the Arboretum Café) at 13.45. From
there we will walk together to our dedicated workshop space. Drop-ins are welcome! We look
forward to seeing you there.


In case you miss the walking bus or get lost, simply follow the tramline away from town to the
arboretum. Meeting point at Arboretum entrance with what3words: ///vibrates.festivity.deck.

In case of any complications, please call: +44 7908 934840

Workshop 5: Critical Development Workshop: Nurturing Half-Baked Ideas (SIGN-UP ONLY)

The goal of this critical development workshop is to create an open space where presenters can
propose a topic and/or argument for discussion, seek advice and receive feedback, gain support and
direction on a potential and/or emerging project or paper in progress. It is intended to foster
connections and a sense of a caring, helpful CMS community.

Session 1

Guy Huber, Heledd AI, Gender and Performativity: Reproducing the problems of the
Straker, David Knights past

Divya Jyoti with Bimal Knowing death: turning our attention to 'fragility of life' for healing
Arora and hope

The ‘ministerial sulk’: exploring the role of folklore in promoting

Anita Mangan alternative organisations


Workshop 6: Exploring Marginalization from Within: Reimaging Marginalized Voices

This workshop will be an attempt to center the discussion on marginalization from within the
academic community by jointly exploring the different marginalized or misrepresented voices
through both an in-depth exploration of varied microaggressions both known and yet to be explored
and studied, as well as actively examining our own roles in perpetuating or signalizing exclusion and

Workshop 7: Decolonializing Education by Raising our Consciousness of (and paving the way
for action against) racial student-to-student bullying

Bullying at the school or college level can have more serious repercussions for students from ethnic
minorities than we as teachers may be aware of. Neuroscience research is suggesting more than
ever that traumatic childhood experiences are associated with the theory of vulnerability - in other
words, there is a greater likelihood of psychiatric disorder spanning across a lifetime. Drawing on the
embodied experiences one of the author’s younger sister (British Asian), for whom racial school
bullying at a predominantly white girls’ school in England led to life-long psychological trauma, this
PDW critiques the divide between the knower and the known in the form of the student-teacher
binary, with an aim to raise our consciousness towards (to pave way for actions against) racial school
bullying, while also prompting a discussion on future areas of research.

Workshop 8: Alternative Organisations that fight against Marginalisation in the Global South:
Methodological dialogues between community leaders and scholars-activists


A panel of Global South researchers will present Storymapping as a methodological and

communication tool that promotes community entrepreneurship, grassroot movements and
research outcomes. There will be 2 different examples of Storymapping from Brazil and
Mozambique. We will show a toolkit for practitioners to use Storymapping as a tool to unpack
sustainability, local heritage, and identities and promote reflection among rural and urban
disadvantaged communities, gathering their experience gained working with communities. This is a
hybrid session.


Innocent Abubakar (Universidade Lurio, Mozambique) , Bernardo de La Vega (UNIRIO, Brazil),

Isabella Rega (Bournemouth University, UK), Fabian Frenzel (Oxford Brookes University, UK) &
Juliana Mainard-Sardon (NTU, UK)

Exhibition keynote: 'Recuerdos LAEMOS - recovering memories of the Latin American and
European Organisation Studies conference
Keynotes: Dr Marcela Mandiola (Chile) and Dr Alex Faria (Brazil).


Session Time slot: 4pm -5.30pm

Stream Name: Rethinking and Reimagining health-care and social care in the (post)pandemic
world, Stream Number: 7

Speakers Title

Alysha Shivji, Nottingham University Business Safe spaces, trust and health inequalities:
School, exploring tensions and possibilities with
local communities from Nottingham
Mihaela Kelemen, Nottingham University
Business School

Jonathan Tallant, University of Nottingham

Caterina Bettin, University of Eastern Finland – Paper 5: The cruel optimism of; participation? On the affects of public
involvement in health research.
Päivi Eriksson, University of Eastern Finland – ONLINE

Claire English, University of the West of Wither the National Care Service?:
Scotland, Corporate interests in Scotland's NCS

Stream Name: A new ideal worker in a fluid/flexible/hybrid work environment:

Processes and practices of emergence, Stream Number: 5

Speakers Title

Siobhan Wray & Pippa Denny-Gelder The freedom and flexibility of contract
(University of Lincoln) work – espoused rather than enacted?

Hadar Elraz (Swansea University) Mental health management in the post-

COVID workplace: Extreme work and how
individuals with mental health conditions
survive in the workplace*

Robert Earhart & Kate Zhang (American Liquidity and the Ideal Worker: Behavioural
University of Paris) Coping Strategies and Organisation as a
Withdrawn Object*


Stream Name: Searching for novel ways of organizing: Inspiration from hippie radicalism,
Stream Number: 4

Speakers Title

Chiappini, L. Urban Digital Platforms: Aspiring to be Alternative?

Hietanen, J., & Ahlberg, O. Automated semiocapitalist affect: Absignification as the waning
sense of self and society

Firth, C. Selfish Self-Consciousness? The Long 1960s and the Artistic Critique

Stream Name: Changing the status quo: Multi-perspectival feminist praxis for building
community/ies and socially-just futures of work and employment, Stream Number:10
Speakers Title

Jenny K Rodriguez, Elisabeth Anna Guenther & Introduction to the stream and welcome
Salma Raheem

Mihaela Kelemen, Lara Bianchi, Todd Feminist Hope: advancing arts based
Landman practices of engagement with marginalised
women from conflict affected regions

Susan Meriläinen, Micaela Stierncreutz, Janne Conflict and co-creation:

Contrasting ways of engaging with
feminism in teaching

Stream Name: Reimagining Organizations, Work Arrangements and Work Meanings, Stream
Number: 3

Speakers Title

Kamila Moulaï & Flore Bridoux Re-imagining the meaning of work and teleologically
crafting one's job? When AI acts as a humanizing
factor for managers

Markus Tümpel An outline of a multiple case study on online sex


Roshan Roymon & Hanish Feeling work: An autoethnographic dialogue on work

Srinivasan in the post-pandemic world

Suvi Heikkinen Top athletes negotiating career (un)sustainability and

the institutional logics of high-performance sport


Stream Name: The Open Stream, Stream Number: 13

Session Name: Higher Education
Chair: Steven Brown
Speakers Title

Justine-Anne Rowell Managerialism within higher education: A

problematizing review

Stuart Macdonald Managing the metrics of academic

publishing: private benefit at public cost

Christian Huber and Hanna Sauer Sufficiency within neoliberal academia:

Squaring the circle?


Stream Name: Exploring ‘Risk’ Beyond ‘Risk Management’: Critiquing the Limits and
(Un)Intended Consequences of Managerialism, Stream Number: 8

Speakers Title

Elizabeth Lomas and Alison Risk and risk management through an immersive
Hicks participatory and literate information lens: Empowering
ethical delivery

Courtney Hagen Ford The relationship between family surveillance products and
the everyday experiences of risk in UK families

Pratap Avikshit and Emotionally Tamed: Discursive Power and Emotional

Sensemaking during Organizational Crises
Rohit Dwivedi

Evening Gathering or Tour (6pm – 9pm)

Food and Drink: The Malt Cross
Please join us at The Malt Cross (16 St James's St, Nottingham NG1 6FG – just off Market
Square) for some food and drink. The Malt Cross is a not-for-profit bar that reinvests all its
operational surplus to Nottinghamshire YMCA.
Alternatively, you can join one of our local tour guides and enjoy a guided tour around
Nottingham exploring the industrial, radical and architectural history of this great city. Sign
up required at registration desk.
A walking bus will leave NTU at 17:50 – it is around a 5 minute walk, 500 meters.
Walking tour
The tours will leave from outside Trent Building at 6pm. You will need to sign up to attend

They will be walking tours between 1.5 and 2 hours. The focus
will be on the history of Nottingham in the late 18th and early
19th century, when the town went through a trade boom built
upon lace and hosiery manufacturing. We will consider working
conditions, slum housing and public health legislation, labour
relations, industrial action and the Luddites, whilst also
celebrating the monumentalism of Nottingham’s Victorian
industrial architecture


Day 2 21/6/23
Session Time slot: 8:30 to 11 am (stream 14 only)
Stream Name: PhD/ECR Stream Café, Stream Number: 14
Venue: Yolk Café, 29 Goose Gate, Nottingham NG1 1FE
Speakers Title

Justine-Anne Rowell Managerialism within higher education: A

problematizing review

Divya Jyoti Experiencing Codes of Ethics: Tales of

Garment Factory Workers

Alysha Shivji Breaking Bread Together, Building Trust


Social Eating and its Impact on Health

Inequalities in Nottingham

Naida Culshaw Being Differently: The influence of

Indigenous worldviews on entrepreneurial

Gemma Milne Corporate futurism

Session Time slot: 9:30-11:00 (for all other streams)

Stream Name: Searching for novel ways of organizing: Inspiration from hippie radicalism,
Stream Number: 4

Speakers Title

Burnett, A. Work as Love-in-Action in the Lost Land of the Soul

Visser, M., & ‘Time is of the essence’: Time of living, freedom and capitalism

Andersson, L.

Olma, S. Acid Economics: An Unprecedented Aestheticization of Everyday Life

Stream Name: Changing the status quo: Multi-perspectival feminist praxis for building
community/ies and socially-just futures of work and employment, Stream 10
Speakers Title

Lauren McCarthy Intersectional consciousness-raising as a

methodology for academic activism


Jennifer Manning Developing a Critical Management

Pedagogy as Intellectual Activism Praxis

Elisabeth Anna Guenther Why should we care? Promoting an ethic

of digital care in and through education

Stream Name: A new ideal worker in a fluid/flexible/hybrid work environment:

Processes and practices of emergence, Stream Number: 5

Session Name: A new ideal worker in a fluid/flexible/hybrid work environment – Part 3

Speakers Title

Khushi Srivastava & Rajeshwari Chennangodu Intersecting Boundaries: Technology,

Gender, and Flexible Work*
(Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode)

Avina Mendonca (Indian Institute of Managing blurred boundaries: The gender

Management Nagpur), Anaya Redkar (Indian and class subtext in doing ‘work from
Institute of Technology Delhi) & Thiagu home’ in the pandemic.*
Ranganathan (Centre for Development
Studies, Thiruvananthapuram)

Roman Glass (Université Grenoble Alpes) Modes of Communication in Multinational

IT Projects: An Ethnographic Study using
Grounded Theory

*online/hybrid presentation

Stream Name: Accounting and Accountability for Race in Organizations and Society, Stream
Number: 9
Speakers Title

S.Musundwa (University of South Africa); N. Employers perspectives of the poor

Masela (University of South Africa) performance of predominantly Black
UNISA graduates

Glenn Finau (University of Tasmania); Colonialism, Coups and Global Capital: The
Nacanieli Rika (University of the South Pacific) Construction of Race and Accounting in Fiji

Amanze Ejiogu (Sheffield Hallam University); Stigma Power, Race and Public
Mercy Denedo (Durham University Business Accountability: an exploration of the hard
School); Belete Jember (BJ) Bobe (Deakin


University); Muhammad Azizul Islam lockdown of Public Housing in Melbourne

(University of Aberdeen). Victoria

Stream Name: Reimagining Organizations, Work Arrangements and Work Meanings, Stream
Number: 3
Speakers Title

Ebru Işıklı & Mathew J. Creighton Re-thinking skill and meaning together in the

Katherine Parsons & Prof. Rick Constructing meaning as a socially purposeful start-up
Delbridge during new venture creation

Frauke Kempner & Anna Lašáková E-leadership competencies enhancing trust within
virtual teams

Patricia McCarroll The dirty work of enchantment: The bewitching roles

of service providers

Stream Name: Rethinking and Reimagining health-care and social care in the (post)pandemic
world, Stream Number: 7
Session Name: Changing Burdens of Care Work
Speakers Title

Luis Soares, University of Edinburgh, Redesigning the intrinsic value of care to boost UK care workers morale
Jakov Jandric, University of Edinburgh,

Ananya Chakraborty, World Resources Who ‘cares’ while working from home? An
Institute, exploration of care roles and time-use
during Covid-19 pandemic among IT sector
Sreerupa Sengupta, Goa Institute of

Dr Edward Granter (University of Paramedicine and pandemic: Evolving

Birmingham)* forms of intensity in ambulance work
Professor Paula Hyde (University of


Professor Leo McCann (University of York)
Professor Paresh Wankhade (Edge Hill

Stream Name: The Open Stream, Stream Number: 13

Session Name: Resistance, Decolonization and Unethical Behaviour

Chair: Steven Brown

Speakers Title

Alex Faria Remembering how to decolonize more and

recolonize less by experiencing blackness

Tapiwa Seremani, Pablo D. Fernández and A Pool Table, a Board, and the New South
Africa: The Materiality of oppression and
Ignasi Martí Lanuza

Liyun Zhu The Double-Edged Nature of Cultural

Intelligence: Examining the Impact on
Employees’ Unethical Business Behavior in
the Cross-Cultural Settings


Session Time slot: 11:30-13:00

Stream Name: Searching for novel ways of organizing: Inspiration from hippie radicalism,
Stream Number: 4

Speakers Title

Lacerda, D., & Sadeghi, Y. Critical management in the age of crisis: reflecting on the pedagogical
opportunities to promote the emergence of alternatives

Stillman, A. Organizing against capitalism: Individual and collective efforts

enabled through Reddit

du Plessis, E.M. Mindful co-optations? Exploring the responses of mindfulness

teachers to the risk of co-optation

Stream Name: Changing the status quo: Multi-perspectival feminist praxis for building
community/ies and socially-just futures of work and employment, Stream Number:10
Session Name: Academia
Session Chair: Elisabeth Anna Guenther
Speakers Title

Michaela Edwards, Laura Mitchell and Dissecting methodological balls

Maranda Ridgway

Lara Pecis, Anne Touboulic Reimagining academia through

motherhood and embodied care: a
proposal for resisting uncaring structures in
the neoliberal academy.

Martin Parker The University Without Walls

Stream Name: The Open Stream, Stream Number: 13

Session Name: Capitalism is bad
Chair: Simon Parker
Speakers Title

Robert Cluley Resignation in the ivory tower: Theory,

practice and praxes in critical organization

Sébastien Burdalskia “Dispositifs” as moral disengagement:


The undisclosed connection between

capitalism and management?

Jenna Pandeli and Richard Longman A captive audience: an obsession with

money, prisoner confinement, and the
reproduction of carceral capitalism

Stream Name: A new ideal worker in a fluid/flexible/hybrid work environment:

Processes and practices of emergence, Stream Number: 5
Session Name: A new ideal worker in a fluid/flexible/hybrid work environment – Part 4
Speakers Title

Léo Bancou (Université Paris-Dauphine Human after all’: Rethinking the

University – PSL) & Jeremy Aroles (University interdependence of hybrid workers
of York) through Judith Butler’s phenomenological
ontology of recognition*

Michel Ajzen (UCLouvain), Michal Izak, The future of flexible, remote and hybrid
(University of Chester) & Stefanie Reissner work arrangements: Empirical and
(University of Essex) conceptual evidence – Collaborative
research network initiative

*online/hybrid presentation

Stream Name: Redefining the Political and Social Responsibility of Business in the Age of
Political Crises, Stream Number: 12

Session Name: Dynamics of Political CSR in Restrictive Contexts

Session convenor: Anna-Lena Maier (online), Olga Solovyeva

Speakers Title

Bobby Banerjee (tbc/requested) Session opening (tbc)

Zena Al-Esia What is the role of informal deliberation in

shaping political CSR in restrictive


Olga Solovyeva Beyond compliance: approaching the

political responsibility of business in the
authoritarian contexts

Stream Name: Exploring ‘Risk’ Beyond ‘Risk Management’: Critiquing the Limits and
(Un)Intended Consequences of Managerialism, Stream Number: 8
Session Name: New Forms of Regulating Risk?: Information Systems and Finance
Speakers Title

Alfred Kamate Siviri, Angelus Information technology capabilities, risk mitigation, and
Mafikiri Tsongo, Jean Robert performance of the microfinance industry in North Kivu
Kala Kamdjoug

Nafisa Usman The influence of Fintech and Financial Regulations on

Money Laundering Risk: Evidence from Nigeria

Stream Name: The possibilities and pitfalls of subversive activity through Critical Human
Resource Development, Stream Number: 6

Speakers Title

Karel Čada & Ivana Lukeš Rybanská "The Invisible Circus Hand: Circus Pedagogy
as an Inspiration for Subversive Teaching in
Business Schools"

Chatrakul na Ayudhya, Michelle Edmondson, "Moving from responsibility learning

America Harris, & Fabien Littel inaction to 'responsibility learning-in-
action': A student educator collective
writing on the 'unnoticed' in the hidden
curriculum at business schools”

Robin Ladwig "No1: Reflection on my CHRD Trinity"

Session Time slot: 13:00-14:00 (Lunch with Events)

Lunch with journal editors. Adams Room
This is an informal lunch event. The main idea is for conference participants to talk to journal editors
about any questions they have about journals.

Prof. Bobby Banerjee Associate Editor for Business & Society.

Prof. Jamie Callahan Co-Editor-in-Chief at International Journal of Management Reviews.


Dr Edward Granter Associate Editor: Competition & Change and Editorial Board: Work,
Employment and Society.

Dr Joel Hietanen Co-Editor-in-Chief for Consumption Markets & Culture.

Prof. Michal Izak Associate Editor for Management Learning.

Dr Victoria Pagan Associate Editor for Culture and Organization.

Prof. Martin Parker Editorial Advisory Board member for Organization.

Prof. Mark Learmonth Co-Editor-in-Chief for Human Relations

Session name: ‘Can we fly-less?’ (Exhibition – N28)

1. Dr Stephen Allen
2. Dr Judith Krauss
3. Professor Renee Timmers
4. Professor Matt Watson
5. Gina Allen, Artist
6. Kitty Turner, Digital Producer
An immersive visual-audio exhibition that can help you to consider, reflect upon, and respond to
your and others’ attitudes to flying-less. There is great variety in the frequency and distances that
people fly. If commercial aviation were a country, its carbon emissions are estimated to be
equivalent to the sixth largest in the world.
The visual-audio presented on the screen considers four different perspectives about flying-less. The
four perspectives (‘Disparate’, ‘Intertwined’, ‘Interdependent’, and ‘Embedded’) are each depicted
by a painting and sound scape which includes an indicative quote of what somebody might say who
is associating with the perspective.
Once you have been able to listen and watch the video and audio (which is on a recurring loop of
about 5 minutes) we would like your reflections and feedback to some questions.

Session Time slot: 14:00-15:30 (Workshops)

Workshop 1 – Bring degrowth into management education, why and how?

David Watson; Karishma Jain; Laura Colombo; James Scott Vandeventer

In this critical development workshop session, we will begin by setting the scene and establishing the
necessity of conversations considering why degrowth and post-growth should feature in the
teaching of business and management education. We will then share some insights from discussions
within MEND that took place over the course of our learning sets, focusing on the practical challenge
to bring notions of degrowth and post-growth into management education, sharing ideas and tools
from our own practice. These discussions address many of the issues that management educators


face in attempting to put degrowth teaching into practice and begin a dialogue considering how and
if these issues can be reconciled. How do management educators square the urgent need to embed
issues like sustainability and climate change into teaching with an institutional context that has
contributed to these issues by its acceptance and promulgation of an ideology of growth? We will
discuss the paradoxical nature of teaching degrowth and post-growth in a business school setting
and expose the barriers encountered since the MEND collective was constituted. Finally, we will call
participants for action, focusing on how we can strengthen mutual support and move forward
together in overcoming said barriers.

Facilitator Bios:

David Watson, Associate Professor, Organizational Behaviour, Norwich Business School.

An interdisciplinary researcher interested in the concept of well-being and its relationship with work
with a particular interest in 'alternative' forms of organization. Other research interests include
Marx’s concept of alienation, well-being theory – in particular the capabilities approach and the role
of well-being in guiding policy.

Karishma Jain, Deputy Director of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology (NanoDTC), University of Cambridge.

Her primary background is in Chemistry and Materials Science, but her recent work has focused on
the interface of science and innovation, in particular addressing the challenges of sustainability and
climate change in applied science teaching in higher education.

Laura Colombo, Senior Lecturer in Management Studies, Exeter Business School

Laura’s research explores social agricultural cooperation practices in Italy, with a focus on
approaches and processes of scaling. She has also worked extensively in project design across
Europe building partnerships with NGOs, associations, cooperatives and environmentally motivated
social enterprises.

James Scott Vandeventer, Lecturer in Management, University of Huddersfield

James’ research interests are situated at the nexus of processual approaches to organising, human
geography, and transformative change. These guide his research into: diverse economies and
alternative organisational practices; housing and urban futures; the role of organisations in post-
growth and degrowth transitions.

Workshop 2 – Wraparound Supports for Skill Development: Designing and Implementing

Programs for Indigenous Peoples and Equity-Deserving Groups

Dr. Wendy Cukier, Professor, Founder & Academic Director of the Diversity Institute, Academic
Director of the Women Entrepreneurship Hub, and Research Lead of the Future Skills Centre.



The COVID-19 pandemic has had a tremendous impact on Canadian workers with many facing job
losses, placing a stronger emphasis on the need to upgrade or learn new skills to rejoin the
workforce. Workers across industries must figure out how they can adapt to the new social and
economic realities due to the ongoing pandemic, and companies must learn how to match those
workers to new roles and activities. Despite this, many employers have difficulty attracting and
retaining employees from equity-deserving groups (for e.g. women, racialized people, persons with
disabilities, those from 2SLGBTQ+ communities, youth, and immigrants). The most difficult problems
faced are sourcing, selection, attraction, and retention. There is a misconception that there is a
shortage of talent from equity-deserving groups in the labour market (1). This is where wraparound
support can help organizations meet these staffing challenges. Wraparound supports are services
provided by employers and/or third party program organizers (may be non-profit or for-profit) that
support jobseekers in their upskilling and reskilling journey (2).

Examples of wraparound supports could include direct financial support (stipends, grants, etc.),
employment placement, career counseling, mental health supports, childcare, transportation
reimbursement, access to technology (like laptops or industry software), networking, mentoring,
and sponsorship (3,4,5,6,7). Although limited in scope, extant research has found that wraparound
supports are more family-friendly, less costly, and more effective than traditional approaches to job
seeker training (which did not support the jobseeker throughout the process).

In this workshop, we will cover the current wraparound support landscape in Ontario, going over
best practices and the scope of the current offering, followed by an exploration of what can be done
moving forward to improve the effectiveness of the supports.

Workshop Focus Areas

Considerations for Designing Wraparound Supports

* Definition of “wraparound" supports

* Assessing diverse needs

* Underserved populations

* Equity-diversity and inclusion-informed design of programs

* Employer engagement and inclusive workplaces

* More coordination among service providers

* Evaluation and outcome measures

* Resources

Recommendations and open discussion

* Guidance for policy design

* Guidance for program design and implementation

* Guidance for research and evaluation


Workshop 8 – Alternative Organisations that fight against Marginalisation in the Global South
Scholar Activism

In this hybrid session, we’ll show the animation “Portrait of Marielle”, produced in Kenya by young
artivists within the AHRC eVoices project and a sister animation with Brazilian artists with support
from the Goethe Institute in Salvador de Bahia, “Homage to Wangari Maathai”. After the screening,
we’ll discuss the topic of artivism and how artivism can support a Global South dialogue to promote
global social justice, inviting the young Brazilian and Kenyan artivists who made the animations in
Nairobi and Rio de Janeiro with Prof Paula Callus who conceived and led the workshops. We’ll talk
about scholar-activism and launch the book South-to-South Communication: Media Activism and
Artivism in the Global South by Andrea Medrado and Isabella Rega. Part of this session is on
Portuguese with simultaneous translation into English.

Milena Anjos, Paula Callus, A-zee Cotpel, Marina Lima, Judith Lumumb and Isabella Rega


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 812 3837 2297

Passcode: %XW6+!x%

Workshop 9 – Academic Freedom Under Attack – Cases, Causes and Consequences for the
Community of Critical Scholars
Recent events seem to signal an erosion of academic freedom in contemporary academia. In the
Netherlands, Dr Susanne Täuber was fired for ‘long-term damaged working relationship’, which is
linked to the publication of an essay in the Journal of Management Studies about gender
discrimination at her own institution. At the University of Leicester, critical management scholars were
‘screened’ for which journals they were publishing in and which theories they used to justify their
dismissal. Finally, the attacks on Critical Race Theory, Gender Studies, or Critical Theory in general in
Florida (US) and the governmental attempt to impose the IHRA working definition of antisemitism on
UK universities also show the extent to which academic freedom is in danger. Therefore, we will raise
and debate, among others, the following questions:

• What are the causes of the erosion of Academic Freedom?

• What are the limits of Academic Freedom?
• What is our responsibility, as academics and as community of critical scholars, to defend
academic freedom?


Carlos Azevedo is a precarious academic in the UK. He is a visiting fellow at the Open University
Business School, where he completed a PhD on undergraduate students’ discourses and practices in
a marketised and managerialised higher education system. His research focuses on higher education
management from a critical perspective.

Ronald Hartz is a scholar in organization and management studies and Acting Professor for Work,
HRM and Organisation at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. Between 2018 und 2021 he
worked at the University of Leicester School of Business, where he was fired for doing research in
Critical Management Studies. He is co-author of Shaping for Mediocrity: The Cancellation of Critical
Thinking at Our Universities, forthcoming with Repeater.


David Harvie is a deprofessionalised intellectual based in Leeds. Until 2021 he was an associate
professor of finance and political economy at the University of Leicester, where he was also
communications officer and a negotiator with Leicester UCU. He now works as a casualised teacher at
the University of Leeds and is honorary treasurer of the University and College Union. He is co-founder
of the Institute for Commoning and co-author of Shaping for Mediocrity: The Cancellation of Critical
Thinking at Our Universities, forthcoming with Repeater.

Liz Morrish is an independent scholar and visiting fellow of York St John University. She spent 31 years
at Nottingham Trent University but resigned over an issue of academic freedom. Her most recent book
(co-authored with Helen Sauntson) is Academic Irregularities: Language and Neoliberalism in Higher
Education (Routledge 2020).

Samer Abdelnour is a senior lecturer at the University of Edinburgh Business School, with a research
focus on how enterprise and humanitarian technology interventions influence new forms of actors
and organising in complex institutional settings. Samer also co-founded the transnational think tank
Al-Shabaka and The Palestinian Policy Network.

Susanne Täuber is an expert in gender equality, academic bullying and policy-practice gaps. She was
fired by the University of Groningen on International Women’s Day 2023 for publishing an essay
criticizing how the university’s gender equality policy is undermined by everyday inequality practices.
Her firing has led to protests, outrage about the University's disregard for academic freedom and an
Open Letter demanding her reinstatement signed by almost 4000 academics around the world.

Uzma Jamil holds a Ph.D. in Sociology and completed a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Sociology
and Equity Studies at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. In her
current role as Senior Research Equity Advisor at McGill University in Montreal, Canada, Dr. Jamil
addresses equity in research as part of knowledge production within the university, embedded within
institutional structures, processes, and systems.


Session Time slot: 16.00-17.30

Stream Name: Redefining the Political and Social Responsibility of Business in the Age of
Political Crises, Stream Number: 12

Session Name: Getting Practical with Political CSR in Problematic Political Contexts

Session convenor: Olga Solovyeva, Anna-Lena Maier (online)

Speakers Title

Alicia Henning (online) Opening word: The limits of business ethics

in autocratic regimes

Paul Bedford Political Corporate Social Responsibility in

Small Businesses: A Model of Owner-
Manager Activities.

Sara Persson (online) Negotiating air quality – confessions from a

CSR practitioner

Stream Name: The Open Stream, Stream Number: 13

Chair: Steven Brown

Speakers Title

Camilla Scola (ONLINE) Value conflicts : an affaire for

organizational studies.

Carine Chemin Bouzir and Christophe Vignon Navigating different forms of reflexivity to
better deal with their limitations: a
Lacanian insight

Divya Jyoti and Martin Quinn Governing place with(out) the people, core
with (out) the periphery? : Using

the case of the city of Leicester to evaluate

prospects for leaving no one


Stream Name: Changing the status quo: Multi-perspectival feminist praxis for building
community/ies and socially-just futures of work and employment, Stream Number:10
Session Name: Sustainability
Session Chair: Jenny K Rodriguez


Speakers Title

Sam Dallyn Staying with the trouble of climate

breakdown: Fostering more than human
communities of compost

Sara Farley & Katherine Robitaille Challenging the universal and colonial
epistemic character behind the Sustainable
Development Goals in International

Stream Name: Exploring ‘Risk’ Beyond ‘Risk Management’: Critiquing the Limits and
(Un)Intended Consequences of Managerialism, Stream Number: 8

Session Name: Critical Developments: What is the future of Risk/Risk Management?

Speakers Title

Frederico Dornellas Martins Spectacular Coloniality of Mining Conflicts in the Global

Quintão, Armindo dos Santos South: Existence and resistance in Brumadinho/Brazil
de Sousa Teodósio, and André (Online)
Luis Freitas Dias

Sasha Maher Riskifying Climate Change: Actualism and the Governance

of Vulnerability

Fredrik Weibull, Peter Watt, Organizing Against Risk: Is there an alternative to Risk
Jen Robinson, Huw Fearnall- ‘Beyond’ Risk Management? (Convenors’ Closing Remarks)

Stream Name: Critical Accounting and Business Studies: embracing decolonial and queer
perspectives to (re)imagine identities, alternative forms of entrepreneurship, academia and
social movements, Stream Number: 11

Speakers Title

Andy Silveira LGBTQ Diversity within Management

Education: Diversity in Action and Diversity
Taniya Mondal
through Policies

Ednei Morais Pereira (Universidade Federal de Impact of Neoliberal Governmentality on

Goiás , Brazil) & Fernanda Filgueiras Petrobras' Positioning in Oil & Gas Sector


Sauerbronn (Universidade Federal do Rio de

Janeiro, Brazil)

João Paulo de Brito Nascimento (Universidade Accounting and Political Discourse: a

Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Carla Leila contribution from Brazil
Oliveira Campos (Universidade Federal de
Alfenas, Brazil) & Fernanda Filgueiras
Sauerbronn (Universidade Federal do Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil)

Stream Name: The possibilities and pitfalls of subversive activity through Critical Human
Resource Development, Stream Number: 6
Session Name: Roadmaps for Engaging and Activism in CHRD

Speakers Title

Jonathan Schunnesson "The hyper and hypo of engagement at

work: Exploring the dark(er) sides of
investing our selves at work”

Adelaide Madiesse "Nonviolent political activism for

democratization in Sub-Saharan Africa: A
Narrative Inquiry of leaders and scholar
activists from Cameroon"

Evening Gathering (6pm – 11pm)

Please join us at The Nottingham Playhouse Wellington Circus NG1 5AF for food (provided
by Syrian Vegan) and drinks. The Playhouse are a publicly funded theatre and also have a
charity, and use all of the funds we raise help to ensure we’re reaching as many people as
possible to give them new opportunities and create lasting memories.
If you are still in Nottingham on the Thursday they have Magic Queen

The Playhouse is a 400 meter or 4 minute walk. There will be a walking bus leaving NTU at


Day 3 22/6/23
Session Time slot: 9 30 -11: 00
Stream Name: Critical for being critical, Stream Number 1
Speakers Title

HIMADRI ROY CHAUDHURI An Introduction to the Concept of a Banal


Stream Name: Understanding management and organisational practices in the voluntary and
non-profit sector, Stream Number: 2
Speakers Title

Stephen Allen Understanding and analysing ‘moments’

and ‘circuits’ of (anti)leadership in Quaker
Dermot O’Reiley

Dr Elizabeth Cookingham Bailey Voluntary Sector Organisation continuity

and change: Understanding agency,
Dr Vita Terry
flexibility and mission

Ruth Leonard Exploration of the impact of social action

and community sense developed during
Lila Vialet
the COVID-19 pandemic on volunteer
recruitment and retention processes.

Stream Name: Changing the status quo: Multi-perspectival feminist praxis for building
community/ies and socially-just futures of work and employment, Stream Number:10
Session Name: Perspectives
Session Chair: Elisabeth Anna Guenther
Speakers Title

Work-family conflicting ideals and ‘the

patriarchal triad’: Mobilizing infra-political
Valeria Carrillo, Jose M. Alcaraz, Linh-Chi Vo, resistance for more socially-just futures in
Mary C. Lavissière, Alexandre Lavissière the Global South

Rethinking diversity research in

international contexts: the role of power
Salma Raheem and perceptions of discrimination

The community is political: Some

Jenny K Rodriguez
reflections on the possibility of a cross-


border, anti-capitalist, decolonized feminist


Stream Name: PhD/ECR Stream Café, Stream Number: 14

Speakers Title

All Participants General talk about PhD/ECR challenges,

career in academia and beyond, take-home
points from conference

Stream Name: The Open Stream, Stream Number: 13 (PARALLEL STREAM A)

Session Name: Suffering, Power and Careers
Chair: Simon Parker
Speakers Title

Kamila Moulaï Unwrapping the aesthetics of suffering in

changing workplaces: bodies and ethics of
care in a technology era

Kristina Humonen and Andrea Whittle “She needs a man to relax her tight spots!”
Power relations in mixed-gender workplace
sexual humour

Carlos Azevedo Higher education students as

professionals-in-waiting? A Bourdieusian
analysis of English undergraduates’ career
aspirations and strategies

Stream Name: The Open Stream, Stream Number: 13 (PARALLEL STREAM B)

Session Name: Manipulation and Manufacturing
Chair: Steven Brown
Speakers Title

Hugh Willmott and Dennis Tourish Despotic leadership and ideological

manipulation at Theranos:

Towards a theory of hegemonic totalism in

the workplace

Carine Chemin-Bouzir and Pierre Lescoat A “Factory Resumé” as a flagship element:

(ONLINE) the psychosocial dimension of critical


Fernando Ramalho Martins and Filipe Augusto Workers in times of deindustrialization: the
Freitas Melo (ONLINE) case of Brazilian automotive industry

Session Name: PhD/ECR Stream Café - Day 3

Speakers Title

All Participants General talk about PhD/ECR challenges,

career in academia and beyond, take-home
points from conference


Session Time slot: 11:30-13:00

Stream Name: The Open Stream, Stream Number: 13 (PARALLEL STREAM A)
Session Name: Imaginary futures
Chair: Simon Parker
Speakers Title
Farheen Akhtar, Valentina Carbone, Sanjukta Collective Imaginaries for the Future of
Choudhury, Christine Roussat and Anne Food: Reflections on the Development of a
Touboulic Participatory Approach

Amy Twigger Holroyd Organizing fashion differently: Fashion

Fictions and post-growth systems

Miguel Ángel López-Navarro and Alice Mah How corporate power erodes multi-
(ONLINE) stakeholder governance processes.
Evidence from a case study on air quality

Stream Name: The Open Stream, Stream Number: 13 (PARALLEL STREAM B)

Session Name: Teaching and Place
Chair: Steven Brown
Speakers Title

Runrong Liu and Yidong Tao Career shocks and strategies of female
teachers in China’s vocational and
technical colleges in the post-covid context

Laura McQuade Factors Affecting Secondary Teacher

Wellbeing in England: Self-perceptions,
Policy and Politics


Stream Name: Changing the status quo: Multi-perspectival feminist praxis for building
community/ies and socially-just futures of work and employment, Stream 10 timetable

Session Name: Workshop on Changing the Status Quo

Speakers Title

Jenny K Rodriguez, Elisabeth Anna Guenther & Workshop on Changing the status quo. An
Salma Raheem integrative discussion, with the aim of
exploring collective ways of engagement
that consider the multi-perspective
feminist praxis.

Stream Name: Critical Accounting and Business Studies: embracing decolonial and queer
perspectives to (re)imagine identities, alternative forms of entrepreneurship, academia and
social movements, Stream Number: 11

Speakers Title

Patricia Tiimah Naya, Alessia Contu & Jared M. If not now, when? If not here, where?
Poole (University of Massachusetts Boston, Becoming an Anti-Racist Organization and
US) the Politics of "Being Woke"

Shaila Ahmed (University of Essex, UK) Contested Regimes of Compliance and

Gendered Labour Processes in the Post-
Rana Plaza Globalized Garment Industry: A
Feminist Analysis

Waksh Awais (University of Kent, UK) “I am no longer part of this rat race”:
Student resistance to neoliberal accounting
education in Pakistan

Fernanda Filgueiras Sauerbronn (Universidade Accounting Non-Extractive Studies through

Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) & Cleia Maria Participatory Action Research
da Silva (Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil)

Stream Name: Understanding management and organisational practices in the voluntary and
non-profit sector, Stream Number: 2
Speakers Title

Meta Zimmeck Unregarded subjects, organisational

hybridity and lessons not learned: Findings
from research on voluntary action and the
production of PPE


Jenna Ward Managing Emotions: a toolkit for

supporting manager of volunteers
Anne-marie Greene

Ruth Leonard Moving the agenda forward: Taking the

voluntary sector into Critical Management
Jenna Ward
Studies (closing session)
Anne-marie Greene

Session Time slot: 1:00pm-2:30pm (Lunchtime)

During the lunch break we will have a session discussing the future of ICMS. This is an opportunity to
discuss and shape the future of ICMS, the future conferences, the website and other ways that we as
critical scholars can work together. This will be an open discussion to help collectively shape the way
that the ICMS conference is run.

Session Time slot: 14:30-16:00 (Workshops)

Workshop 8 – Alternative Organisation that fight against Marginalisation in the Global South:
Methodological dialogues between community leaders and scholars-activists
Mobile Methods

In this hybrid roundtable will hear straight from favela leaders from Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and learn
how they are organising alternative community tourism in favela that have grown from a critical
rejection of overly commercial tourism. They will share their experiences, learning and challenges on
working with a research team doing virtual tours. We’ll reflect on fieldwork relationships,
expectations, and roles. This session is on Portuguese with simultaneous translation into English.


Cosme Felippsen (Favela Providência), Dinei Medina (Favela Chapéu Mangueira), Antonio Carlos
Firmino (Favela Rocinha), Marcia Souza (Museum of Favela, Favela Pavão, Pavãozinho & Cantagalo) ,
Camila Moraes (UNIRIO, Brazil), Isabella Rega (Bournemouth University, UK) Fabian Frenzel (Oxford
Brookes University, UK) & Juliana Mainard-Sardon (NTU, UK)



Meeting ID: 837 0054 6912

Passcode: m+#a0Ud2

Workshop 5 – Critical Development Workshop: Nurturing half-baked ideas (SIGNED-UP ONLY)

Nurturing half-baked ideas


The goal of this critical development workshop is to create an open space where presenters can
propose a topic and/or argument for discussion, seek advice and receive feedback, gain support and
direction on a potential and/or emerging project or paper in progress. It is intended to foster
connections and a sense of a caring, helpful CMS community. It will be a non-hierarchical, dialogic
conversation in the spirit of critical friendship. Feedback will be formative and developmental in
response to presenters.

Participants are as follows:

Session 2

The creation of Swedish mineral policy in local interactions between

Sara Persson companies and local communities

Anne Touboulic and Lucy Conceptual musings connecting degrowth/post-growth, doughnut

McCarthy economics and the organizing of our production and consumption

Kanti Pertiwi and Susan “Revolution from within”: a critical analysis of Indonesia’s ‘mental
Ainsworth revolution’ campaign against corruption

Réka Matolay and Andrea

Toarniczky Becoming social entrepreneurs via paradoxical leadership

Convening Team

Dr Victoria Pagan, Newcastle University Business School

Victoria is Senior Lecturer in Strategic Management and Director of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion
at Newcastle University Business School. Her research interests coalesce around knowledge- its
generation, uses, and violations including epistemic violence and epistemic injustice. Her current
work is an exploration of the impacts of the uses of non-disclosure agreements in a range of
workplace contexts.

Professor Ilaria Boncori, University of Essex

Ilaria Boncori is a Professor in Management and Marketing at the University of Essex (UK), where she
also holds the role of Deputy Dean Postgraduate Research Training. As a critical management
scholar, her research interests focus on diversity and equity in organizations and processes of
organising. Her last book is entitled ‘Researching and Writing Differently’ (2022). She serves as co-
Editor in Chief of the journal Culture and Organization.

Dr Carolyn Hunter, University of York

Carolyn is a senior lecturer at the School for Business and Society, University of York. She specialises
in researching affect within the context of the creative industries, gender, culture management and
fun and play at work. Recent publications explore the themes of humour, gender and happiness at
work in journals such as Human Relations, Gender, Work and Organisation and Culture &
Organization, and the book ‘Affect in Organization and Management’ co-edited with Dr Nina Kivinen.

Dr Jenny Davidson, Newcastle University Business School


Jenny is a Senior Lecturer at Newcastle University Business School, Co-Director of the EMBA and
holds a number of external Advisory Board and Non Exec Director roles. Since moving to work in HE
eight years ago Jenny has worked primarily in Corporate and Executive Education and has a
particular interest in education for sustainability. Recent publications include exploring the impact
of a relational approach to launching an executive MBA in the midst of a global pandemic and
partnering with the Women in Sustainability to explore the role of women’s voices in the Climate
Change debate- Why Being Heard isn’t Enough

Workshop 3 - Doing linguistically reflexive research: Interlingual translation of data as a

cultural political process

Sylwia Ciuk (Oxford Brookes Business School, UK)

Doris Schedlitzki (London Metropolitan University, UK)

Gareth Edwards (University of the West of England, UK)

Harriet Shortt (University of the West of England, UK)

Kaisa Koskinen (Tampere University, Finland)


Aim: To stimulate discussion and encourage greater reflexivity and accountability among
organisation and management scholars in relation to our assumptions about translation work, its
processes and representation in academic texts.

Audience: This workshop will be of interest to all early career and experienced researchers (ca. 15-25
attendees expected) who collect and analyse data across multiple cultures and languages and/or are
working in multilingual teams. They will benefit from a greater understanding of the complexities of
translation in organisation and management research. They will also have the opportunity to
connect and exchange their experiences and practices.

This workshop seeks to contribute to the CMS conference attempt to make a difference to the
practice of work – in particular organisation and management scholars’ translatorial assumptions
and practices when mediating between languages and cultures in data collection and
representation. Despite the recognition that interlingual translation underpins much of organisation
studies and management research (e.g. Steyaert, and Janssens, 2013; Xian, 2008), translatorial work
tends to be erased from research accounts (Wilmot and Tietze, 2020). It also remains largely
overlooked in researcher training leaving early career scholars, and more experienced researchers
alike, who work across different linguistic contexts, to rely on their intuition and resourcefulness
while collecting and analysing data in a language different from the language of their representation.
Drawing on insights from Translation Studies, we aim to stimulate discussion and encourage greater
reflexivity and accountability in relation to our assumptions about translation work, its processes
and representation in academic texts.

We start by challenging an instrumental and narrow definition of translation as a text, and instead
view translation as an act – a situated and contextually embedded process (Risku, 2002). We thus


draw attention to the political and ethical dimensions of translatorial agency. In the workshop
participants will be encouraged to consider the different ways in which researchers as
paraprofessional translators can enhance the transparency and accountability of their translatorial
practices and bring their translatorial work out of the shadows. In practical terms, scholars
attending our workshop will have the opportunity to connect and exchange their experiences and

This 2-hour long workshop will be interactive with elements of presentations by the organising team
and opportunities for participants to discuss their own experiences and practices. We will run this
workshop in a hybrid format.

1.) Introduction, workshop aims and structure

2.) Exploring complexities of translation in doing multi-lingual research work

3.) Reflecting on and challenging common assumptions about academic paraprofessional translation

4.) Considering political and ethical dimensions of academic translatorial agency

5.) Discussing practical possibilities of increasing the transparency and accountability of our
translatorial work


Risku, H. (2002). Situatedness in translation studies. Cognitive Systems Research, 3(3), 523-533.

Steyaert, C., and Janssens, M. (2013). Multilingual scholarship and the paradox of translation and
language in management and organization studies. Organization, 20(1), 131-142.

Wilmot, N. V., & Tietze, S. (2020). Englishization and the politics of translation. Critical Perspectives
on International Business,

Convenor biographies

Sylwia Ciuk ( is a Senior Lecturer in Organization Studies at Oxford Brookes

Business School, UK where she also serves as the Deputy Head of the Doctoral Programmes. She is a
sociologist and linguist by background. Sylwia’s work focuses on two broad themes: organisational
change, especially the translation of practices (e.g. values, leadership) across languages and cultures
as well as language diversity and interlingual translation in multinational organisations. Sylwia is
currently working on two research projects: ‘The translation of inclusive leadership practices’
(funded by the British Academy of Management and the Society for the Advancement of
Management Studies) as well as ‘The pathways to organisational inclusion among recent home and
international graduates: a multisensory mapping perspective’ funded by the British Academy.

Doris Schedlitzki ( is Professor in Organisational Leadership at

London Metropolitan University. Doris’ main research focus is on leadership and explores the areas
of cultural studies of leadership, discourse and leadership, leadership as identity, psychoanalytic


approaches to leadership and the role of national language within cultural leadership studies. Recent
publications include articles and Special Issues in Leadership, Scandinavian Journal of Management,
Management Learning, International Journal of Management Reviews, Human Relations,
International Journal of Management Education, as well as a textbook on Leadership entitled
'Studying Leadership: Traditional and Critical Approaches' (Sage) - currently in its second edition -
and an edited book on Worldly Leadership (Palgrave).

Gareth Edwards ( is Professor of Leadership and Community Studies in

the College of Business and Law, University of the West of England, UK. His current interests are in
the application of ideas on aesthetics and leadership, community, and dispersed theories of
leadership. He also researches and writes on issues relating to leadership learning and development.
He has published work in the journals Leadership, Human Relations, Management Learning,
International Journal of Management Reviews, Leadership and Organization Development Journal
and Advances in Developing Human Resources. He is Deputy Director of Bristol Leadership and
Change Centre at the Bristol Business School, Co-Editor-in-Chief of the journal Leadership and
Associate Editor for the Journal of Change Management.

Harriet Shortt ( is Associate Professor in Organisation Studies at Bristol

Business School, University of the West of England. Her research and KE work focuses on
organisational space, artefacts, the materiality of work, and visual methodologies. She has led
research and consultancy projects with industry, including the RFU, Argent, Stride Treglown, ISG, the
Environment Agency, and a wide variety of Hair and Beauty Salons across the UK. Harriet is widely
published and is the co-author of the edited volume Using Arts-based Research Methods: Creative
Approaches for Researching Business, Organisation and Humanities (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020) and
has published in leading international scholarly journals such as Human Relations, Organizational
Research Methods, and Management Learning. Harriet is College Lead for Apprenticeships, Interim
Doctoral Research Lead, and works part-time outside the University as Head of Visual Engagement at
the placemaking consultancy and architectural studio, Bibo.

Kaisa Koskinen ( is full professor of Translation Studies and head of

Languages at Tampere University, Finland. Her current research interests include translatoriality and
paraprofessional translation practices, ethics of translation, as well as translation, user experience
and affect, and her recent publications include Translation and Affect (Benjamins, 2020) as well as
edited volumes Translating in Town (with Lieven d’Hulst, Bloomsbury, 2020) and the Routledge
Handbook of Translation and Ethics (with Nike Pokorn, 2020). Kaisa is actively involved in PhD
training. She serves in the steering committee of the DOTTSS Translation Studies Doctoral and
Teacher Training Summer School (2012-) and is the director of DOTTSS Tampere in June 2018 and
June2023. She was the first secretary of the new international doctorate in translation studies
network ID-TS (2017-2022). She serves in several advisory boards of TS journals and is a member of
the Martha Cheung award board. In 2021 she was awarded the national Pearl of Wisdom prize for
bold and innovative research.


Conference Close:
Walking Tour
The tours will leave from outside Trent Building at 4.30pm.

They will be walking tours between 1.5 and 2 hours. The focus will be
on the history of Nottingham in the late 18th and early 19th century,
when the town went through a trade boom built upon lace and hosiery
manufacturing. We will consider working conditions, slum housing and
public health legislation, labour relations, industrial action and the
Luddites, whilst also celebrating the monumentalism of Nottingham’s
Victorian industrial architecture


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