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Operating Instructions

FAMIX TurboDigi Mixer with

Brix and CO2 control
Type BMS7

Contents Update: 26/01/22

S. 1 Contents
S. 2 Erection and assembly
S. 3 Preparation and start-up
S. 5 Cleaning and disinfection
S. 6 Ratio controller
S. 8 CO2 Adjustment
S. 9 Alarms
S. 10 CO2 controller
S. 14 Brix and CO2 control
S. 28 Operation and alarm displays

Erection and assembly

The equipment is supplied internally piped and wired on a common baseplate.

It must be exactly aligned at the installation point by means of the spindles and
floor plates provided, using a spirit level.

The following must be connected:

1.) Treated water direct to the mains, inlet pressure 3 bar minimum.

2.) Syrup, maximum supply pressure 1.5 bar.

3.) CO2, inlet pressure max. 12 - 15 bar.

4.)Air for CO2 controller, inlet pressure 6 bar, operating pressure 2.5 bar, set at
the fitted reducing valve.

5.) Electricity according to information on switch cabinet.

Terminals L1, L2, L3, N and PE are provided in the switch cabinet. Note
correct direction of rotation.


Before connecting to the installation, newly laid pipes must be thoroughly rinsed
or blown through. The installation has undergone a trial run, cleaning and
rinsing at the factory. However, it is absolutely essential to rinse, clean and
disinfect it again before starting production.

Cleaning and disinfection can be performed with appropriate solutions by

immersion or CIP, possibly hot. We particularly recommend disinfection with hot
water; the equipment can also be treated with steam.

Preparation and start-up :

The treated water is connected to the water inlet of the vacuum tank with a
minimum supply pressure of 3 bar. The vacuum tank is under 98 % vacuum.

The air is sucked out of the tank by the vacuum tank and the tank is filled with
deaerated water. The level in the tank is controlled by probes.

In the standard version the machine has a one step deaeration which achieves
a deaeration efficiency of 85 - 90 %.
To reach a greater efficiency we recommend our two step deaeration.

The vacuum tank should be part of the daily cleaning process.

The tank is flooded as follows :

1.) Close valve in the vacuum pipe.

2.) Open flooding valve.
3.) Switch mains switch on.
4.) Switch water inlet in position manual and water will flow into the tank. Wait
until the water flows out of the flooding pipe.
5.) Switch back to production, the water inlet valve closes.
6.) Open the valve in the vacuum pipe and close the flooding valve.

The product tank is flooded as follows:

1.) Open safety valve at the beverage tank.

2.) Switch water pump, in position "On".
3.) Switch main selector switch in position "Cleaning", wait until water flows
out of the flooding pipe.
4.) Switch main selector switch in position "O".
5.) Close safety valve at the beverage tank.
6.) Open CO2 valve, now C02 flows in the beverage tank if a value for the CO2
control has been entered in the CO2 controller.
7.) Open drain valve of the beverage tank or push the water in the tank to the
filler with CO2 gas.
The beverage tank needs to be deaerated as described every day.
8.) When the tank is empty adjust the desired CO2 pressure at the
CO2 controller.

Now also this part of the plant is ready for production and water can be
carbonated. The machine starts if switch is in position 'Production'.

If soft drinks are produced the syrup part has to be supplied with syrup. To do
this first all water has to be drained out of the pipes and the sight glass as far a

Then allow the syrup to flow in. If a syrup supply pump is installed switch
selector switch external syrup pump to position "Hand" to do so.

Anyway a certain amount of water is drained by the syrup first so that the syrup
drain valve needs to be open until pure syrup arrives. Then close the drain
valve and open the vent valve. Wait until the sight glass is filled totally with
syrup and it flows out at the vent valve, then close this valve.

Take care that the syrup contains absolutely no air when it is pumped to the

Caution ! Never supply syrup to the machine if there is no pressure in the

beverage tank.

To start the plant :

Make sure that all manual valves for spray balls are closed and that the valve in
the vacuum pipe is open.

Switch the water inlet valve in position automatic.

Start the vacuum pump.

Switch the water pump and the metering pump on, and switch the external
syrup pump to automatic.

Start a product in the BMS7 TouchPanel and make sure that the correct CO2
pressure and the correct blending ratio are adjusted.

To start the mixer switch the main selector switch to position "Production". The
plant starts.

When you see syrup in the sight glass on top of the syrup pipe switch to
position "O".

Drain the first water and syrup mixture from the beverage tank.

Then switch on again and run the machine for 15 - 30 sec. before you switch

Switch the sample pump on so that you can read the Brix result and take a
sample at the sample valve. The sample pump will only run if there is enough
product in the tank i.e. the minimum probe in the tank is covered.

To push all remaining water out of the pipe between the mixer and the filler the
pipe and the filler should be flooded with product. To do so open the beverage
outlet valve slowly. After the flooding close it again.

If the Brix of the sample is correct the FAMIX is switched on again and runs until
the level control switches off automatically.

Check if the filler is pressurized correctly, the minimum pressure on the filler
should be the beverage pressure on the FAMIX. Then open the beverage outlet
valve slowly and switch on the beverage booster pump.

When the filler vessel is filled and the inlet valve closes bottling can be started.

Check Brix and CO2 regularly.

On low level of water, syrup or CO2 the plant switches off and the alarm is
shown on the TouchPanel.

All motors are protected by overload relays. If one relay is actuated the whole
plant stops and the alarm ís shown on the display.

In case of an alarm find out what the reason for the alarm was and push the
reset button on the overload relay and the "Quit" button on the FAMIX.

Then the plant can be switched on again.

Finish production and empty product tank:

To stop production switch the main selector switch to "0".

To empty the product tank wait until the booster pump stops because the low
level probe is reached. Then raise CO2 pressure 1 - 2 bar above the adjusted
pressure and push beverage tank and filler empty.

Cleaning and disinfection

The FAMIX is suitable for all kinds of cleaning and disinfection processes :

1.) Immersion cleaning and disinfection.

Please observe manufacturer reaction times.
2.) CIP cleaning.
The machine can be part of the whole automatic CIP process.
3.) Hot disinfection with hot water up to 85° C or steam up to 110° C.

For all types of cleaning the cleaning agents are supplied through the syrup
pipe and the swing bend at the water inlet is connected to the CIP inlet.

All tanks are sprayed and flooded so that they are totally filled.

Do this as described before and take care that all switches are in the correct

If CIP cleaning is used the CIP pump should supply minimum 20 - 30 m³/h at a
pressure of 4 bar to ensure a high flowrate. Only the CIP pump pumps the
cleaning agent. All pumps on the FAMIX are switched off but should be run from
time to time.

All sample and vent valves should be slightly open.

The cleaning circuit is completed by the pipe to the filler, the filler and the return
pipe to the CIP plant.

The contact time for disinfection with hot water of 85° C should be at least 30

For disinfection with steam a pressure of 0,5 bar is enough to push through the
whole system. Please make sure that all sample, vent and flooding valves are
slightly open.

After each cleaning process the plant has to be rinsed and flooded with water
as described earlier.

Method of operation of the digital ratio controller

The controller operates as a sequence controller with the water as master flow
W and syrup as the slave flow X.
As the water starts to flow the water flowmeter send pulses to the W input of the
controller. With these pulses the controller forms, together with the set ratio X:W
an output signal of 4 - 20 mA for the frequency inverter of the syrup metering
The syrup flow is also measured with a flowmeter which sends pulses, to the X
input of the controller.
By this means it is possible to control and monitor the adjusted ratio
continuously as the incoming pulses of water flow and syrup flow have always
to be in the adjusted set ratio.

The water and the syrup flow rate can be seen on the Touch Panel display.

To check the correct functioning of the controller you can divide the water
flowrate by the set ratio and the result should be the syrup flowrate shown.

E.g. if the water flowrate shows 300 l/min and the ratio is 1 : 5 (= 20 %) the
syrup flowrate should read 60 l/min.

An increasing water flowrate creates a higher syrup flowrate and a decreasing

water flow results in a smaller syrup flow.

To avoid inaccuracies in stop and go operation the position of speed of the

syrup pump is held during a stoppage so that the plant restarts with the same
speed again. This eleminates any hunting effect of the control function on

Adjustment of the ratio at the controller

The ratio between water and syrup is adjusted in percent with two decimals in
the product memory of the Touch Panel.

When you start a product at the BMS7 TouchPanel as described later on the
ratio is automatically set from the product memory.

A ratio of 1:5 (1 part syrup, 5 parts water) means that 1/5 or 20 % (100/5) of the
water has to be added as syrup. So you have to adjust 20.00 % as the ratio.

The ratio 1:5.5 is adjusted as 100/5.5 = 18.18 %, and the ratio 1:4.4 as 100/4.4
= 22,72 %.

If the Brix in the syrup is correct the Brix in the beverage will be very close to
the standard with these adjustments. To adjust the ratio to the exact Brix
standard only the two decimals should be changed. A higher figure for the ratio
causes a higher Brix in the product and a lower figure a lower Brix.

For a ratio of 20.00 % and a Brix in the product of 10.00 each second decimal
will change the Brix x/- 0.005 and each first decimal +/- 0.05.

Generally any ratio can be adjusted up to a maximum ratio of 1:4 in the

standard version. So even if the Brix in the syrup is not correct the product can
be adjusted to the desired standard.
Of course it is possible that the setting has to be changed at a syrup tank
Before you start up the plant please enter the theoretically calculated value or
an empiric value for the product.

Mixer CO2 Adjustment

The CO2 content in the product is depending on the product temperature and
the carbonation pressure.

To find the correct setting for the carbonation pressure proceed as follows :

Read the product temperature on the CO2 controller display. Find by means of
a CO2 chart or slide rule the necessary CO2 pressure according to the desired
CO2 content. Add 0.5 - 1 bar to this pressure and adjust the result as the
carbonation pressure.

Example : Desired gas volume : 4 vol, product temperature 15°C; the CO2 chart
reads 2.7 bar so a pressure between 3.2 and 3.7 has to be adjusted.
To enter the carbonation pressure set the CO2 value on the display to a figure
that gives the desired pressure.

When the filler has been started, check the CO2 content in the bottle or can and
correct the carbonation pressure if necessary. When the filler is running at the
rated speed another sample has to be taken to check the gas volume. Then you
do the fine adjustment of the carbonation pressure :
CO2 content too low : adjust a higher pressure
CO2 content too high : adjust a lower pressure

The setting for the carbonation pressure is stored in the product memory. So
when you start the product next time the carbonation pressure will be adjusted
correctly. Be aware that the pressures are different if the product temperature
varies. For further details see also the description of the FAMIX CO2 pressure-
temperature ratio controller.

To find the exact CO2 content in the bottle please proceed as follows :
Take a bottle from the conveyor.
Turn over the bottle 2-3 times.
Place the bottle and wait until the product has calmed down again i.e. no
bubbles are moving in the bottle.
Connect the pressure tester.
Push the tester through the capsule and release the head pressure.
Shake the bottle or start an automatic tester until the pressure is not increasing
any more.
Read the pressure and measure the temperature in the bottle.
With temperature and pressure you can read the CO2 gas volume from a chart
or a slide rule.

Only as described above you are able to do an exact measurement of the CO2
volume in the bottle.


Low levels of water, syrup and CO2 will switch off the plant and show a
message on the display.

The alarm message will be on until the "Quit" button is pushed.

In case of an alarm find out first what the reason for the alarm was and repair
the fault. Then push Quit to restart the plant. The machine will never restart

If the same alarm comes up again immediately please do not start the plant
several times but check what the reason for the lack of water, syrup or CO2 is
and make sure that all ingredients are supplied correctly. Otherwise we cannot
quarantee a correct function of the ratio control.

If the ratio controller cannot maintain the adjusted ratio the plant will also switch
off show a corresponding message.

This is possible e.g. if the necessary syrup quantity corresponding to the

adjusted ratio cannot be supplied because of air in the syrup pipe or a water
flow rate higher than 100 %. Also the ratio should not be adjusted higher than
25.00 % (=1:4).

If the controller has switched off the plant first check the syrup supply to the
To restart the metering pump switch can be switched off and on again to reset
the controller. This clears the memory of the controller and resets the alarm.
Then the plant can be started again. If the controller switches off again check
the syrup pump and make sure that there is absolutely no air in the syrup pipe.

For a low level alarm of beverage terminals to connect an alarm signal are

Plants with automatic Brix, CO2, or conductivity control will also give an alarm if
the product is out of the entered standards. This is only done the monitoring is

Together with all alarms a red alarm light is switched on.

With a potential free contact the bottle stopper of the filler can be activated or
the whole plant can be switched off.

General remark

If the plant shows electrical or electronical faults only authorized personel

should look after the plant.

If you are in doubt please contact our service department.

FAMIX CO2 pressure-temperature ratio controller

1. Functional description

For the production of soft drinks the product water or the product is carbonated
with CO2 gas. To maintain a constant CO2 content in the product a precise and
quick control system is required.

The FAMIX BMS7 CO2 control system reads the carbonation pressure and the
temperature of the product and compares it with the setpoint for the CO2
content. Using a high accurate control valve the carbonation pressure is
controlled automatically and the CO2 content in the product is maintained
independent of the product temperature.

Layout drawing :
The following drawing shows the scope of supply of the FAMIX CO2 controller
comprising of the sensors, valves, and electronic control :



4 - 20 mA

CO2 24 V DC

Druck- Überdruckventil
Control valve
behälter Overpressure valve




As variations of the temperature will modify the CO2 content the carbonation
pressure is automatically controlled in relation to the temperature so that the
CO2 content remains constant.

If the carbonation pressure is higher than required because of compression in

the tank or a drop of the temperature an overpressure valve opens to release
the pressure and avoid over carbonation.

So the BMS7 CO2 control system guarantees a constant CO2 carbonation
independent of temperature variations and stops and starts of the plant.

A display shows the actual pressure and temperature and also the setpoint for
the control.
From these readings a theoretical CO2 content is calculated which can be
calibrated to the result in the bottle using a correction factor.

If required a printer can be activated to print all data in a time interval of your
choice. So you will get the necessary recordings for quality control

The FAMIX CO2 control system can be used for every mixer using a pressure-
temperature depending carbonation system. It is easy to install also on older

Using the seriell data interface interface the controller can also be linked to an
operation data processing unit.

2. Installation of the sensors and controls

To read the carbonation pressure and the product temperature a pressure and
a temperature sensor have to be installed in the mixer.
The pressure sensor should be installed in the gas room on top of the
carbonation tank .
The temperature sensor has to be installed into the product tank or a product
The necessary fittings to connect the sensors are supplied with them.
Please take care of the instructions supplied with the sensors and the above
installation drawing.

The CO2 control valve has to be installed into the CO2 supply. It should be as
close as possible to the carbonation point and the CO2 supply pressure to the
valve should be 10 - 15 bar.

To release high pressure from the carbonation tank the overpressure valve
should be installed in the gas head room of the tank using an existing pipe.

3. Wiring of the controller

All signals should be wired with shielded wire. Further details you find in the
enclosed wiring diagramme.

a) 230 V AC supply
This supply is only required if the mixer does not have a 24 V DC supply.
Please use a 3 x 1.5 mm² oilflex cable and make sure that the supply is secured
with a 6 A fuse.
In case the machine has a 24 V DC rectifier the controller can be connected
directly to this.

b) Installation of pressure and temperature sensor

Both sensors are supplied in a 2-wire version. This means that the supply (24 V
DC) and the signal (4 - 20 mA) use the same 2 wires. So you have to use a
shielded oilflex wire (2 x 0.5 mm² or similar) from the sensors to the controller

c) Connection of the CO2 control valve

The electric pneumatic control valve requires a 2.5 bar air supply. In the valve is
installed an I/P converter which changes the 4 - 20 mA signal from the controller
to a pneumatic signal to control the valve.
Use again a shielded oilflex wire (2 x 0.5 mm² or similar).

d) Connection of the overpressure valve

The overpressure valve is controlled by a 24 V DC output signal. Use a 2 x
0.5 mm² oilflex wire for wiring.

e) Connection of external printer or PC

To connect the serial RS 232 interface to a printer or PC use a shielded data
wire (4 x 0.25 mm² or similar) and DSUB plugs.

4. Technical data

Supply voltage : 24 V DC (Optional 220VAC)

Pressure range : 0 to 10 bar

Temperature range : 0 to 100°C
CO2 range : 0 to 10 g/l CO2

Control valve : 4....20 mA

Air supply : 2,5 bar
Pressure signal : 4...20 mA
Temperature signal : 4...20mA
Overpressure valve : On/Off function

5. Trouble shooting

No Temperature signal in the display

 Check if the cable is wired correctly to all terminals
 Check the 24 V DC supply
 Loop in a mA measuring instrument and check whether you get a 4-20 mA
signal or not.

No pressure signal in the display

Same as temperature signal

CO2-control valve stays closed

 Check pressure and temperature signal and the CO2 setting.
 Loop in a mA measuring instrument and check whether you get a 4-20 mA
output signal or not.
 Check if air supply is open and adjusted to 2.5 bar.

CO2-control valve stays open

 Check signals as described above.
 Check if the seat of the valve is tight.

Overpressure valve stays open

 If the LED at the valve is on i.e. it gets 24 V supply the hysteresis is set too
small or the output of the control is defective.
 If the LED at the valve is off the valve has a mechanical defect.

Overpressure valve stays closed

 If the LED at the valve is on i.e. it gets 24 V supply the coil of the valve is
defective or the valve has a mechanical defect.
 If the LED at the valve is off the hysteresis is set too big or the output of the
control is defective.

FAMIX Brix and CO2 control BMS7

Switch mains switch and control voltage on and wait until the Start display is
shown :

This display gives access to the following functions which are described in detail
later on. It shows also the product temperature and the carbonation pressure
and the CO2 setting for the carbonation pressure.

Start : Call the product start

Product memory : Call the product memory

General :
The colour of a display shows its status :
Blue : Monitoring is not active
Green : Monitoring is active - no alarm
Red : Monitoring is active - alarm

Alarms are shown as text messages in the first line. To reset a message press
the Quit button after the alarm has been repaired.

Start Production

Touch the green Start key in the start display. The production start display
appears :

Proceed as follows to start a product :

 Touch the ▼-key next to the data record name line and a window will
open which shows all products stored in the product memory.
 Touch the desired product. The name is shown in the data record name
 Touch the key with the PLC symbol to transfer the data to the PLC.

Leave the display using the door symbol.

Please make sure that you always enter a data record name, even if there is
already one shown in the line.

Production display

After the start the production display is shown allowing the following functions :

CO2 controller: Shows the setting for the CO2 pressure. To change it touch
the figure and a numeric keyboard appears. Enter a new value and touch
To keep this modification in the product memory it has to be downloaded in the
memory as described later.

Syrup cotroll.: Show the setting for the syrup ratio. To change it touch the
figure and a numeric keyboard appears. Enter a new value and touch return.
To keep this modification in the product memory it has to be downloaded in the
memory as described later.

Product memory : Shows the product memory

Also this display shows all information about the product, like Brix, CO2,
temperature and carbonation pressure, and the flow of water and syrup.
You can call the graphs, bar graphs and parameters.

The nominal Brix can be modified temporarily to compensate for inversion of

Cola syrup. This modification is not stored in the product memory so that next
time the product is started the original standard will be used. To modify the
value touch the figure and enter a new value using the numeric keyboard.

To calibrate Brix and CO2 results you have to touch the CO2 or Brix Act. figure
and the correction display will be shown.

The second page allows the following functions :

Alarm Reset: Reset an alarm after it has been repaired.

Control On/Off : This activates the monitoring of Brix and CO2. After the start
the monitoring is off i.e. the measuring results are shown but there is no alarm if
they are out off the limits.
When the values have reached the standard the monitoring can be switched on
by touching the key.
In case of an alarm it has to be switched off before you can quit the alarm.

Meter Zero : This key is used to reset the counters of the flow meters to 0.

Special functions : Shows the special functions

Parameters : Shows the parameters for the control

Graphs : Shows the Brix and CO2 graph

Bars : Shows the Brix and CO2 bar graph

Stop production : Stops the measurement and the start display is shown

To go to the next page use the < - - - key.

Correction display

To calibrate the Brix or CO2 display touch the figure and enter the result you
have measured with your quality control equipment. Then touch the Store
button. The control calculates a correction factor and changes the display
corresponding to the quality control result.

This will not influence the quality of the product but only calibrate the display !

To store this correction in the product memory call the name of the product in
the data record name line, touch the upload symbol and then store it with the
disk symbol.

With the Prod.Display key you return to the production display.


This display shows the general production parameters :

Alarm delay : The time the control waits before it will alarm out.

CO2 Parameter

This display shows the CO2 parameters :

Product temperature
Carbonation pressure
Hysteresis Overpressure : The allowed pressure over the carbonation pressure
before the overpressure valves opens (standard 0.1)
CO2 unit : g/l or vol.

Syrup Parameter

This display shows the syrup controller parameters :

min. flow rate of the water flow
max. flow rate of the water flow
pulse rate of the water flow
min. flow rate of the syrup flow
max. flow rate of the syrup flow
pulse rate of the syrup flow
output signal of the controller
gain, which sets the speed of the control
alarm hysteresis, which is the allowed deviation from the adjusted ratio
alarm delay, which is the time before the system stops with an ratio alarm.
regulator correction to calibrate the ratio adjustment

These settings should not be changed !

Bar graphs

This display can be used to observe easily the status of the measuring results.

The colour of the bar shows the status :

Blue : Monitoring is not active
Green : Monitoring is active - no alarm
Red : Monitoring is active - alarm


This display show a graph of the measuring results over the time.

The colour of the display shows the status :

Blue : Monitoring is not active
Green : Monitoring is active - no alarm
Red : Monitoring is active - alarm

The actual value is the yellow line. The high and low limit are shown as red

With the arrow keys you can select another time period.

Product memory

In the product memory is stored all data of the products. Only if the products are
stored they can be called in the production start display.
To enter a new product or modify an existing one please proceed as follows :

Enter new product

Touch the "new" key and a keyboard appears. Enter the product name and
touch the return key.
Now touch one product parameter after the other and enter the value with the
numeric keyboard.
You have to enter :
CO2 controller setting, CO2 Standard, CO2 Limit.
The CO2 correction is calculated automatically.
Syrup controller setting, Brix Standard, Brix Limit.
The Brix correction is calculated automatically.
Finally you store the recipe with the disk symbol key.

Modify existing product

Touch the ▼-key next to the name line and a window opens showing all
products stored. Touch the selected product.
Now modify the parameters and finally store with the disk key.

Upload a product
If you want to store the product which is running in production in the moment
you can use the upload function.
Call the name of the product in the data record name line, touch the upload
symbol and then store it with the disk symbol.

Special functions

The following special functions are available :

Language : Allows to change between English and German language.

Clean Touch : Touch this key before you clean the display with a moist tissue.
For 30 sec it will not react on touches.

PC Menu : For service purposes only. Give access to the Windows CE level of
the display.

Operation and alarm displays

Message Hints

Please select a product Start a product from the memory

Product started Mixer is running in production

Monitoring not active The Brix and CO2 monitoring is off

Swing bend water at CIP. You want to start production but the swing
bend is not in correct position

Swing bend water not at You want to start CIP but the swing
production bend is not in correct position

Valve vacuum pipe closed The valve in the vacuum pipe is closed for
production. Open the valve

Valve vacuum pipe not closed The valve in the vacuum pipe is not closed
for CIP. Close the valve

Valve sprayball vacuum tank The valve for the sprayball vacuum tank is
closed closed for CIP. Open the valve

Valve sprayball vacuum tank The valve for the sprayball vacuum tank is
not closed not closed for production. Close the valve

Valve sprayball product tank The valve for the sprayball product tank is
closed closed for CIP. Open the valve

Valve sprayball product tank The valve for the sprayball product tank is
not closed not closed for production. Close the valve

Overload vacuum pump Switch on again the overload switch in the

Overload water pump Switch on again the overload switch in the
Overload syrup pump Switch on again the overload switch in the
Overload product pump Switch on again the overload switch in the
Low level water No water in the vacuum tank.

Low level syrup No syrup in the sight glass.

Low level product tank No product in the product tank

Low level air pressure Air supply is switched off.

Low level CO2 pressure CO2 supply is switched off.

Switch control on Switch the control voltage on.

Flow meter water Water flow is too small.

Flow meter syrup Syrup flow is too small

Ratio controller syrup Ratio water/syrup cannot be maintained.

Low level CO2 CO2 is under low limit. Switch monitoring off
raise CO2 setting and quit alarm.
High level CO2 CO2 is over high limit. Switch monitoring off
lower CO2 setting and quit alarm
Low level Brix Brix is under low limit. Switch monitoring off
raise syrup controller setting and quit alarm.
High level Brix Brix over high limit. Switch monitoring off
lower syrup controller setting and quit alarm


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