Introduction To Public Bank

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1)A Public Sector bank is one in which, the Government of India holds a majority stake. It is
as good as the government running the bank. Since the public decide on who runs the
government, these banks that are fully/partially owned by the government are called public
sector banks.

2)Public Sector bank means any Government Sector Bank/Institute that goes public. means
that issues it share to general public. It also has a greater share of government (more than
50%) so that the main motto of social welfare other than Maximizing Profit remains.

3) Since public sector banks are owned by the government, the government usually injects
new capital into them, allowing them to grow. People come from all over the country to use
these banks for loans or to store their money in the lockers. Public Sector Banks also
provide a variety of programs to assist their customers, and their fees are typically lower
than those charged by Private Sector Banks.

4) Every public sector bank’s principal job is to mobilise the funds and resources gathered
via numerous plans and deposits over diverse periods and lend them to its clients at
increased interest rates in order to make a profit from the funds.

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