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Building Regulations

Application Form
Building Act 1984 & Building Regulations 2010
City of Harare
Making City of Harare a place to be proud of
Council Office of the Principal Engineer,
Capital Projects, Design and Construction Unit, Department of Works
Office 110, 1 Floor Cleveland House, 92 Leopold Takawira Street, Harare

This application form is a: - (*delete as appropriate)

Full Plans Application / Notice to Council of Intention to Commence Work / Regularisation
This form is to be filled in by the person who intends to carry out building work or their agent. If the form is unfamiliar please read the notes first (cross referenced by
number) and contact us if you need any help. Please help us by writing clearly and completing the form by typing or in black or blue ink in block capitals.

1 Applicant’s Details normally the building owner (see notes)




Mobile Tel: E-mail:

2 Developer’s / Agent’s Details (if applicable)




Mobile Tel: E-mail:

3 Contractors / Builders Details




Mobile Tel: E-mail:

4 Location of the Building to which the work relates

Project No. _______ Address: ______

5 Proposed Work / Work Carried Out (see notes)


If Regularisation, state date works carried out (if not known give approximate date)

6 Details of Building (see notes)

 State current use (e.g. Dwelling / Shop / Offices / Pavement Vendor):

 State proposed use (e.g. Dwelling / Shop / Offices / Pavement Vendor):

 Are there ANY trees within 25 metres of any new foundation Yes □ No □

 Please confirm that you will be using a Part P registered electrician Yes □ No □ N/A □
Please now complete the reverse side of the application form
7 Charge (See separate guidance note for details of charges) (council information 8200/E570/FEE108)

 Where the charge is based on Type of building, please state the number of dwellings

 Where the charge is based on Floor area, please state the total floor area m²

 Where the charge is based on Type of work/services, please state the type of work/services

 ____________________________________________________________________________________

 Where the charge is based on total project cost, please state the total estimated cost $

 Public Land Development Levy (VAT) Total $ _____________

 Public Land Development Levy (Council Fees) Total $____________

Please be advised you can pay by any of the following: Cash, Cheque, Debit Card or Credit Card
[City of Harare Account Details: Account Name – City of Harare. Bank – Cabs. Account Number – 1125288884
(Nostro a/c). Reference – Public Land Development levy 375547 (Statutory Capital Projects)]

Have any part payments been made (e.g. pre-application inspection) if so please state amount $

8 The following documents are required to accompany the submission:

Full Plans App Building Notice Regularisation

Ordnance Survey Map (1250 scale)   
2 Copies of Structural Drawings   (if relevant)  (if relevant)
Existing and Proposed Plans 

By signing the form below you acknowledge and confirm acceptance of the appropriate statement to the
9 application identified at the top of this form.

Full Plans Application Statement

This notice is given in relation to the building work as described, is submitted in accordance with Regulation
12 (2) (b) and is accompanied by the appropriate charge. I understand that a further charge may be payable
following the first inspection by the Local Authority.

a) If you do not consent to a 2 month maximum period for issue of a decision; please tick this box □
b) If you do not consent to the plans being passed subject to conditions where appropriate; please tick this
box □
c) If an inspection charge is payable, the invoice will be sent to the applicant. If the invoice should be sent
to the Agent; please tick this box □

Building Notice Application Statement

This notice is given in relation to the building work described, is submitted in accordance with Regulation 12
(2) (a) and is accompanied by the appropriate charge.

(Note: The submission of a Building Notice Application assumes the person carrying out the works is fully conversant with the appropriate
Building Regulations, if this is not the case we recommend a Full Plans Application is submitted complete with relevant drawings).

Regularisation Application Statement

This notice is given in relation to the building work described, is submitted in accordance with Regulation 18
(2) and is accompanied by the appropriate charge.

I confirm I have read the accompanying notes, and the application form is to the best of my knowledge
completed correctly.

Name: Signature: Date:

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