X Literature in English REVISION 2

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New Angel Public School


(Attempt all questions from this Section.)
Question 1.
Read the following questions and choose the most appropriate response from the choices given
(Please do not copy the question - simply write out in correct serial order the appropriate word or
(i) What amazing thing happened in the poem, ‘Nine Gold Medals’?

(a) One runner was awarded nine gold medals.

(b) Each of the nine runners was awarded gold medals.
(c) All the gold medals were awarded to the nine runners.
(d) All the runners gave their gold medals to the fallen athlete.
(ii) What does Bassanio beg the court to do for Antonio's sake?

(a) Bend the rules.

(b) Throw Shylock out of the court.
(c) Ask for Bellario’s opinion.
(d) Offer Shylock twice the money.

(iii) Which Greek musician had the power to move trees, stones and streams
withthe power of his music?
(a) Aeneas
(b) Orpheus
(c) Diomedes
(d) Pyramus

(iv) Who was assigned the task of handing over Bassanio’s ring to Portia?

(a) Lorenzo
(b) Antonio
(c) Gratiano
(d) Launcelot
(v) What information does Stephano bring to Lorenzo and Jessica?

(a) The return of Antonio’s ships.

(b) Arrival of Bassanio and Antonio.
(c) Arrival of the musicians.
(d) Arrival of Portia and Nerissa.

(vi) Why did Jesse Owens kick disgustedly in the dirt?

(a) He was not allowed to take part in the event.

(b) He was displeased with Hitler’s Aryan-superiority theory.
(c) He was not able to qualify for his event.
(d) He did not like seeing Luz Long at the event.

(vii) The narrative ‘My Greatest Olympic Prize’ is set in the summer of _.
a) 1932
b) 1934
c) 1936
d) 1946

(viii) Which of the following descriptions of the sun was not given by Margot?

(a) A flower that blooms only for an hour.

(b) A yellow crayon.
(c) A penny.
(d) A fire in the stove.

(ix) Abou requests the angel to write his name as one who _ .
(a) loves the Lord.
(b) loves his fellowmen.
(c) loves his tribe.
(d) loves doing righteous things.

(x) Why did the youngest athlete give out a cry of frustration and anguish?

(a) All the other athletes had completed their race.

(b) He did not hear the sound of the pistol.
(c) He was not awarded a gold medal.
(d) His dreams and efforts were dashed to the dirt.

(xi) Which premise is proven by the poem ‘Abou Ben Adhem’?

(a) Love thy God and pray daily

(b) Sacrifice and fasting is the need of the hour
(c) To be virtuous and think of oneself
(d) Love thy neighbour as thyself
(xii) Who among Antonio's friends speaks harshest words for Shylock in the court

(a) Salarino
(b) Gratiano
(c) Bassanio
(d) None of these
(xiii) What does Antonio want Bassanio to do after his death ?
a) He wants him to write a suitable epitaph for his tomb.
b) He wants him to take revenge on Shylock.
c) He wants him to be loyal to all his friends.
d) He wants him to forget him.

(xiv) The phrase 'bars of rage' refers to the.... of / on the black Americans.
(a) oppression
(b) suppression
(c) exploitation
(d) limitations and restrictions

(xv) The theme of the story 'An Angel in Disguise' is :

a) God loves those who love and care for others
b) love is essential for human survival and happiness
c) do good and have good
d) love begets love

(xvi) “.. her naked feet, which were red and blue with the cold'. Which literary device is used
in this line ?

a) Auditory imagery
b) Olfactory imagery
c) Visual imagery
d) Tactile imagery

(The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare -)
Question 2
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:

Portia : The quality of mercy is not strain'd,

It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath: it is twice blest;
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes:
'Tis mightiest in the mightiest: it becomes
The throned monarch better than his crown;
His sceptre shows the force of temporal power,
The attribute to awe and majesty,
Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings. (Act IV - Sc. I)

1. On what occasion does Portia utter these words ? What makes her beg for mercy from Shylock?
2. 'It is twice blest'. What does Portia mean to say?
3. In what sense is mercy a divine quality?
4. How does Shylock turn down Portia's plea for mercy ? What does he insist on?
5. How does he later turn down three times the amount of loan offered by Bassanio?

Question 3
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow :
Lorenzo : therefore the poet
Did feign that Orpheus drew trees, stones and floods;
Since nought so stockish, hard and full of rage,
But music for the time doth change his nature.
The man that hath no music in himself,
Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds,
Is fit for treasons, stratagems and spoils;
The motions of his spirit are dull as night
And his affections dark as Erebus:
Let no such man be trusted. Mark the music.
1.Who is being addressed to by Lorenzo ? What has prompted him to dwell on the power of
2.What has the speaker told about the effect of music on wild horses?
3.Who is the poet referred to here ? What did he imagine?
4.What does the speaker think of a man who has no love for music? [3]
5.Who enter immediately after this speech ? From where have they come ?

(Treasure Trove – A Collection of ICSE Poems and Short Stories)
Question 4
Read the extract f r o m Christian Andersen's story 'The Little Match Girl' given below and
answer the questions that follow:

She huddled down in a heap in a corner formed by two houses, one of which projected further out
into the street than en the other, but though she tucked her little legs up under her she felt colder and
colder. She did not dare to go home, for she had sold no matches and earned not a single penny.
Her father would be sure to beat her, and besides it was of so cold at home, for they had nothing but
the roof above them and the wind whistled through that, even though the largest cracks were stuffed
with straw and rags. Her thin hands were almost numb with cold.

1.What did the little girl do to escape the cold ?

2.Why was she scared of her father ? When would her father beat her ?
3.What were the largest cracks in the roof of the little girl's house stuffed with ?
4.What did the little girl do to warm her fingers?
5.What did the fire produced by lighting a match give out ?

Question 5
Read the following extract from Norah Burke story '' and answer the questions given below:
But the children must not left to starve. After considering the matter,and talking it over with his wife,
farmer Jones said that he would take John,and do well by him, now that his mother was out of way;
and Mrs. Ellis, who had been looking out for a bound girl. Concluded that it would be charitable in her
to make choice of Katya, even though she was too young to be of much use for several years.

1. Which children are not to be left starved?

2. Who considers the matter and for what purpose?
3. What is the reason behind this consideration?
4. What is the real intention behind Jones’ and Mrs.Ellis’ decision to adopt John and Katy
5. What happens to the third child? Why?
(Treasure Trove – A Collection of ICSE Poems and Short Stories)
Question 6
Read the extract from the poem 'Abou Ben Adhem' by Leigh Hunt and answer the questions
that follow :
"And is mine one?" said Abou. "Nay, not so,"
Replied the angel. Abou spoke more low,
But cheerly still; and said, "I pray thee, then,
Write me as one that loves his fellow men."

1. What did Abou find the angel doing in his room one night ?
2. What was the angel writing ?
3. What did Abou ask the angel ? How did he react to the angel's answer ?
4. What request did Abou make to the angel ?
5. What surprises Abou the next night ? What did it reveal ?

Question 7
Read the extract from the poem 'The Patriot' by Robert Browning and answer the questions
that follow:

It was roses, roses, all the way,

With myrtle mixed in my path like mad:
The house-roofs seemed to heave and sway,
The church-spires flamed, such flags they had,
A year ago on this very day.
1. Who is the speaker here ? Where is he, and in what condition?
2. What happened a year ago ?
3. How was he welcomed ?
4. What brought about the change in his life?
5. 'The house-roofs seemed to heave and sway'. Explain.

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