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An alcoholic drink typically made from
fermented grape juice. Yeast consumes the
sugar in the grapes and converts it to alcohol
(ethanol), carbon dioxide and heat.
Types of Wines
Red Wine - is a type of wine made from dark-coloured grape varieties. The actual color of the
wine can range from intense violet, typical of young wines, through to brick red for mature wines
and brown for older red wines. Alcohol content 12%-15%.
White Wine - is a wine that is fermented without skin contact. The color can be straw-yellow,
yellow-green, or yellow-gold. It is produced by the alcoholic fermentation of the non-
coloured pulp of grapes, which may have a skin of any colour. Alcohol content 5%-14%.
Rosé Wine- is a type of wine that incorporates some of the color from the grape skins, but not
enough to qualify it as a red wine. Alcohol content 12%.
Sparkling Wine - is a wine with significant levels of carbon dioxide in it, making it fizzy. While the
phrase commonly refers to champagne, EU countries legally reserve that term for products
exclusively produced in the Champagne region of France. Alcohol content 10.5%-11.5%.
Decanted Wines
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Grape Varieties
Red Grapes
Pinot Noir (Pee-no Nwah)– France
Cabernet Sauvignon (kab-er-nay soh-vin-yohn)- France
Merlot (Mer-loh) – France
Shiraz (Australia) Syrah (France)
Cabernet Franc (kab-er-nay fronk) – France
White Grapes
Pinot Gris (Pee-no Gree) – France
Chardonnay (Shar-doh-nae) – France
Riesling – Germany
Gewürztraminer (Guh-voorts-truh-meener) – Italy
Sauvignon Blanc (soh-vin-yohn blahnk) – France
Muscat - Egypt
Other Examples of Wine
Rose Wine Champagne

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