Year - 7-Summer Pack - 2022-23

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Year: 7

1) Find the missing angles.

2) Simplify the following.

a) 2x + 3y -7x -4y =
b) 5a-3b-2a-5b =
c) 4x+6y-7x+4y =
d) 5x-4y-2x-3y =
3) Expand the brackets and simplify the following.
a) 3 (x+5) =

b) 4 (x – 4) =

c) 4 (y - 5) =

d) 2(y - 3) =

4) Solve the following equations.

a) 5x – 25 = 75
b) 4x + 10 = 74

5) P = 2x + 4y. If x= 3 and y= 6, find the value of P?

6) The sum of three consecutive numbers is 51. Find the numbers.

7) Find the perimeter of the given shape?

8) Find the total area of the following shape.

9) Find the area of the shaded region in the following shape.

10) Find the volume of the given shapes.

11) Work out the following.

12) A restaurant offers a 15% discount on all its food. What is the new total after the discount has
been applied to a bill of £40? Give your answer in pounds and include the £ sign.

13) 20% VAT is added to the cost of every laptop sold. The price of the laptop before VAT is £350. How
much will it cost with VAT added?

14) What is 120 as a percentage of 600?

15) Write in order of size smallest first. 42% 0.45 2/5

16) Consider the given set of numbers.

4, 5, 6, 5, 5

a) Find the mean

b) Find the median

c) Find the mode

d) Find the range

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