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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Health

February 22, 2023

No. 2023-_ 083




SUBJECT Guidelines for the FHSIS Data Validation and Reconciliation

the deliverables of the FHSIS is to provide data to stakeholders and policymakers that
the decisions to improve the effectiveness of health service delivery. Moreover,
validation of the accuracy of data is an essential process in monitoring and evaluation, and there
are different ways to validate the FHSIS data, from as simple as checking on the totals or sums
of counts to as complex as checking the accuracy of data according to the definition and formula
of each indicator.

Relative to this, below are the guidelines for the FHSIS Data Validation and
Reconciliation based


Number of New Acceptors Must be Zero data under 10-14 years old
1. Bilateral Tubal Ligation (BTL)
2. No-Scalpel Vasectomy (NSV)
Asterisks (*) for No Report
Zero (0) for Zero Report
Number should not
be negative values per FP Methods

Number of Other Acceptors Must be Zero data under 10-14 years old
1. Bilateral Tubal Ligation (BTL)
2. No-Scalpel Vasectomy (NSV)
Asterisks (*) for No Report
Zero (0) for Zero Report
Number should not be negative values per FP Methods

Number of Drop-outs Must be Zero data under 10-14 years old

1. Bilateral Tubal Ligation (BTL)

Building 1, San Lazaro Compound, Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz, 1003 Manila @ Trunk Line 8651-7800 local 1108, 1111, 1112, 1113
Direct Line: 711-9502; 711-9503 Fax: 743-1829 @ URL:; e-mail:

2. No-Scalpel Vasectomy (NSV)

Asterisks (*) for No Report
Zero (0) for Zero Report
Number should not be negative values per FP Methods

Number of Current Users Must be Zero data under 10-14 years old
1. Bilateral Tubal Ligation (BTL)
2. No-Scalpel Vasectomy (NSV)
Asterisks (*) for No Report
Zero (0) for Zero Report
Number should not be negative values per FP Methods

Number of Unmet Needs - Percentage should not exceed 100%

Asterisks (*) for No Report
- Zero (0) for Zero Report

Number and Proportion of Women who gave birth Denominator (total deliveries) should be equal to
with at least 4 or more Prenatal Check-ups Total Deliveries used in SHP, FBD, 2PP, Delivery
Outcome and Delivery Type
Percentage should not exceed 100%.
Deliveries should be reported by place occurrence

Number and Proportion of Pregnant Women seen Percentage should not exceed 100%
according to their Nutritional Status

Number and Proportion of Pregnant Women for Percentage should not exceed 100%
the 1st time given at least 2 doses of Tetanus
Diphtheria (Td) vaccination
Number and Proportion of Pregnant Women for Percentage should not exceed 100%
the 2nd or more times given at least 3 doses of Td
vaccination (Td2 Plus)

Number and Proportion of Pregnant Women who Percentage should not exceed 100%
completed Iron with Folic Acid Supplementation

Numberand Proportion of Pregnant Women who Percentage should not exceed 100%
completed doses of Calcium Carbonate

Number and Proportion of Pregnant Women given Percentage should not exceed 100%
Iodine capsules

Number and Proportion of Pregnant Women given Percentage should not exceed 100%
1 dose of deworming tablet

Number and Proportion of Pregnant Women Percentage should not exceed 100%
screened for Syphilis

Number and Proportion of Pregnant Women tested Percentage should not exceed 100%
positive for Syphilis
Number and Proportion of Pregnant Women Percentage should not exceed 100%
screened for Hepatitis B

Number and Proportion of Pregnant Women tested Percentage should not exceed 100%
positive for Hepatitis B

Number and Proportion of Pregnant Women Percentage should not exceed 100%.
screened for HIV

Number andProportion of Pregnant Women tested Percentage should not exceed 100%
for Complete Blood Count (CBC) or Hemoglobin
(Hgb) & Hematocrit (Hct) Count

Number and Proportion of Pregnant Women tested Percentage should not exceed 100%
for Complete Blood Count or Hgb & Het count
diagnosed with Anemia

Number and Proportion of Pregnant Women Percentage should not exceed 100%
screened for Gestational Diabetes

Number and Proportion of Pregnant Women tested Percentage should not exceed 100%
positive for Gestational Diabetes

Total Number of Deliveries Deliveries should be reported by place occurrence

Proportion of Deliveries Attended by Skilled Denominator (total deliveries) should be equal to

Health Professionals Total Deliveries used in 4ANC, FBD, 2PP, Delivery
Outcome and Delivery Type
Percentage should not exceed 100%.
Deliveries should be reported by place occurrence
Total SHP should be equal to or more than Total FBD

Proportion of Live Births by Birth Weight Denominator (total live births) should be equal to Total live
births used in Natality

Proportion of Facility Based Deliveries Denominator (total deliveries) should be equal to

Total Deliveries used in SHP, 4ANC, 2PP, Delivery
Outcome and Delivery Type
Percentage should not exceed 100%.
Deliveries should be reported by place occurrence
Total FBD should be equal to or less than Total SHP

Number and Proportion of Delivery by Type Denominator (total deliveries) should be equal to
(Vaginal and Cesarean) Total Deliveries used in FBD, SHP, 4ANC, 2PP and
Delivery Outcome
Percentage should not exceed 100%.
Deliveries should be reported by place occurrence
Sum of Vaginal and Cesarean Section Deliveries
should equal to Total Deliveries

Number and Proportion of Pregnancy by Outcome Denominator (total deliveries) should be equal to
(Full Term and Pre-term) Total Deliveries used in FBD, SHP, 4ANC, 2PP and
Delivery Type
Percentage should not exceed 100%.
Deliveries should be reported by place occurrence
Sum of Full Term, Preterm and Fetal deaths should
equal to Total Deliveries

Number and Proportion of Postpartum Women Denominator (total deliveries) should be equal to
together with their Newborn who completed at Total Deliveries used in SHP, FBD, 4ANC, Delivery
least 2 Postpartum Check-ups Outcome and Delivery Type
Percentage should not exceed 100%.
Deliveries should be reported by place occurrence

Number and
Proportion of Postpartum Women Percentage should not exceed 100%
who completed Iron with Folic Acid

Number and
Proportion of Postpartum Women Percentage should not exceed 100%
who completed Vitamin A supplementation


Proportion of Newborn / Infants Vaccinated with Percentage should not exceed 100%
antigen Total BCG should not exceed Total number of

Proportion of Newborn Vaccinated with Hepatitis Percentage should not exceed 100%
B antigen within 24 hours after birth

Proportion of Children Protected at Birth (CPAB) Percentage should not exceed 100%
from neonatal tetanus

Number and Proportion of Infants who completed Percentage should not exceed 100%
3 doses of DPT-HiB-HepB antigen

Number andProportion of Infants who completed Percentage should not exceed 100%
3 doses of Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV)

Number and Proportion of Infants who completed Percentage should not exceed 100%
2 doses of Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV)

Number andProportion of Infants who completed Percentage should not exceed 100%
3 doses of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine

Number andProportion of Children vaccinated Percentage should not exceed 100%

with 2 doses of Measles Containing Vaccine

Number andProportion of Fully Immunized Percentage should not exceed 100%

Children (FIC)

Number and Proportion of Completely Immunized Percentage should not exceed 100%
Children (CIC)

Proportion of Grade and Grade 7 learners given

1 Percentage should not exceed 100%
one dose of Tetanus Diphtheria Toxoid (Td)

Proportion of Grade 1 and Grade 7 learners given Percentage should not exceed 100%
one dose of Measles Rubella (MR) vaccine

Number and Proportion of Newborns who were - Percentage should not exceed 100%
Initiated on Breastfeeding immediately after birth - Denominator (total live births) should be equal to
lasting for at least 90 minutes total live births used in Natality

Number and Proportion of Infants Exclusively Percentage should not exceed 100%
Breastfed until 5th month and 29 days

Number and Proportion of Infants who Continued Percentage should not exceed 100%
Breastfeeding and were Introduced to
Complementary Feeding beginning at 6 months of
Number andProportion of Infants Born Preterm or - Percentage should not exceed 100%
with Low Birth Weight Given Iron Supplements - Low Birth Weight (Denominator) should be equal to
Low Birth Weight on Proportion of Live Births by
Birth Weight (Indicator on Maternal)

Number and Proportion of Infants/Children 6-11 Percentage should not exceed 100%
and 12-59 months old ho completed Vitamin A

Number and Proportion of Infants 6-11 months old Percentage should not exceed 100%
and children 12-23 months old who completed
Micronutrient Powder (MNP) Supplementation

Number and Proportion of Children 0-59 months Percentage should not exceed 100%
old whose Nutritional Status are Normal, Stunted,
Overweight/Obese, Wasted-MAM, Wasted-SAM

Proportion of MAM children age 0-59 months old Percentage should not exceed 100%
(admitted in SFP, cured, defaulted, died)

Proportion of SAM children without complication Percentage should not exceed 100%
age 0-59 months old (admitted in OTC, cured,
defaulted, died)

Number and Proportion of Children/Adolescents Percentage should not exceed 100%

who completed 2 doses of Deworming Tablet

Number and
Proportion of High Risk Infants and Percentage should not exceed 100%
Children with Measles and/or Persistent Diarrhea
who received Vitamin A capsule aside from
routine supplementation

Number and
Proportion of Diarrhea Cases Seen Percentage should not exceed 100%
(0-59 months old) who received Oral Rehydration
Sait Solution (ORS) and ORS with Zinc drops or


Number andProportion of Children 12-59 months Percentage should not exceed 100%
old are orally fit upon oral examination or
after oral rehabilitation

Number and Proportion of Children 5 years old Percentage should not exceed 100%
and above with new cases of Decayed-Missing
Filled Teeth (DMFT)
Number and
Proportion of Infants 0-11 months old Percentage should not exceed 100%
who received BOHC
Number and Proportion of Children 1-4 years old Percentage should not exceed 100%
who received BOHC

Number and
Proportion of Children 5-9 years old Percentage should not exceed 100%
who received BOHC
Number and
Proportion of Adolescents 10-14 Percentage should not exceed 100%
years old who received BOHC
Number and Proportion of Adolescents 15-19 Percentage should not exceed 100%
years old who received BOHC

Number and
Proportion of Adolescents 20-59 Percentage should not exceed 100%
years old who received BOHC
Number and
Proportion of Senior Citizen 60 years Percentage should not exceed 100%
old and above who received BOHC

Number and
Proportion of Pregnant Women (10- Percentage should not exceed 100%
14, 15-19, and 20-49 years old) who received


Case Detection Rate of Lymphatic Filariasis in Percentage should not exceed 100%
Endemic Province Target: Prevalence of lymphatic filariasis - Less than 1

Source of Data: Filariasis Registry

Clinical Rate of Lymphatic Filariasis Percentage should not exceed 100%



Number and Proportion of Suspected Percentage should not exceed 100%
Schistosomiasis Cases Seen Source of Data: Schistosomiasis Registry

Total number of patients seen should be => No. of
Suspected Cases

Number and
Proportion of Acute Clinically Percentage should not exceed 100%
Diagnosed Cases Seen
No. of Suspected Cases seen should be >= No. of Acute
Clinically Diagnosed Cases

Number and Proportion of Acute Confirmed Cases Percentage should not exceed 100%

No. of Acute Clinically Diagnosed Cases should be => No.
of Acute Cases Confirmed Positive by Stool Examination
Number and
Proportion of Chronic Clinically Percentage should not exceed 100%
Diagnosed Cases Seen
No. of Clinically Diagnosed Chronic Cases should be <=
Total number of Suspected Cases seen

Number and Proportion of Confirmed Chronic Percentage should not exceed 100%
No. of chronic clinically diagnoses
cases confirmed by stool
examination (KKT) or rectal biopsy should be <= Total No.
of Clinically Diagnosed Chronic Cases among suspected

Number and
Proportion of Chronic Clinically Percentage should not exceed 100%
Diagnosed Cases Treated Target: 100%
No of Chronic clinically diagnosed cases treated should be
<= No ofconfirmed cases (Acute and Chronic)

Number and Proportion of Confirmed Chronic Percentage should not exceed 100%
Cases referred to a Hospital Facility
No. of Confirmed Chronic Cases referred to Hospital Facility
<= No. of confirmed Chronic Clinically Diagnosed cases
treated in the Health Facility


Number andProportion of PSAC (12-59 months Percentage should not exceed 100%
old) who completed 2 doses of Deworming Target: 85%
Tablets Source of Data: Consolidated STH Registry/ Master List
and TCL for Nutrition and Deworming Services for Children
Age 12-59 Months Old

Number andProportion of SAC (5-9 years old) Percentage should not exceed 100%
who completed 2 doses of Deworming Tablets Target: 85%
Source of Data: Consolidated STH Registry/ Master List
and TCL for Deworming Services for Children Age 5-9
Years Old

Number and Proportion of Adolescents 10-19 Percentage should not exceed 100%
years old who completed 2 doses of Deworming Target: 85%
Tablet Source of Data: Consolidated STH Registry/ Master List
and TCL for Deworming Services for Adolescents Age 10-
19 Years Old

Number andProportion of WRA 20-49 years old Percentage should not exceed 100%
who completed 2 doses of Deworming Tablet Target: 85%
Source of Data: Consolidated STH Registry/ Master List

Number and Proportion of Pregnant Women who Percentage should not exceed 100%
completed 1 dose of Deworming Tablet Target: 85%
Source of Data: Consolidated STH Registry/ Master List
and TCL for Maternal Care and Services


Number and Proportion of Pregnant Women Percentage should not exceed 100%
Screened for Syphilis Target: 95%
Source of Data: TCL for Maternal Care and Services

Number and Proportion of Pregnant Women Percentage should not exceed 100%
Tested Positive for Syphilis Target: No Target
Source of Data: TCL for Maternal Care and Services

Number and Proportion of Pregnant Women Percentage should not exceed 100%
Tested for HIV Target: 95%
Source of Data: TCL for Maternal Care and Services


Leprosy Prevalence Rate Target: Less than one case per 10,000 population
Source of Data: Leprosy Registry (ILIS)
Note: Total number of Leprosy undergoing Treatment from
previous year will be carried over the current year.
(Cumulative Data)

Case Detection Rate Bench mark: Less than 5% from previous year
Source of Data: Leprosy Registry (ILIS)


Number and Proportion of Deaths due to Rabies Target: 0
Source of Data: Regional/ ABTC Reports NaRIS

Number and Proportion of Adults Age 20 years - Percentage should not exceed 100%
old and above who were Risk-assessed using the - The total of adults who were risk assessed should be
PhilPEN Protocol equal tothe total no. of clients > 20 y/o risk-assessed
on 1b Lifestyle related diseases and HPN & DM type
2 excel sheets

Number andProportion of Adults 20 years old and Percentage should not exceed 100%
above who are Current Smokers based on the
PhilPEN Protocol

Number andProportion of Adults 20 years old and Percentage should not exceed 100%
above who are Binge Drinkers based on the
PhilPEN Protocol

Number andProportion of Adults 20 years old and Percentage should not exceed 100%
above who are Overweight/Obese

Proportion of Women 20 years old and above Percentage should not exceed 100%
screened for Cervical Cancer using Visual
Inspection with Acetic Acid (VIA) or Pap Smear

Proportion of Women 20 years old and above Percentage should not exceed 100%
found positive or suspect with cervical cancer
among those screened

Proportion of women 20 years old and above with Percentage should not exceed 100%
suspicious breast mass

Number and Proportion of identified Hypertensive Percentage should not exceed 100%
20 years old and above adults

Number andProportion of identified Type 2 Percentage should not exceed 100%

Diabetes Mellitus among 20 years old and above

Number and Proportion of Senior Citizens 60 Percentage should not exceed 100%
years old and above Screened for Visual Acuity
Number and Proportion of Senior Citizens 60 Percentage should not exceed 100%
years old and above Diagnosed with Eye Disease/s

Number and Proportion of Senior Citizens 60 Percentage should not exceed 100%
years old and above who received 1 dose of
Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine (PPV)

Number and Proportion of Senior Citizens 60 Percentage should not exceed 100%
years old and above who received 1 dose of
Influenza Vaccine

Number andProportion of Households (HH) with - Hb using safely managed drinking water must not
Access to Basic Safe Water Supply (Level J, II, exceed the total HH with access to basic Safe Water
TD (Level 1, 2 and 3)
- Percentage should not exceed 100%

Number andProportion of Households using - HH using Safely Managed Drinking Water must be
Safely Managed Drinking-Water Services located within the premises, at least 12 hours
available and free from E-Coli
- Percentage should not exceed 100%

Number and Proportion of Households with Basic Percentage should not exceed 100%
Sanitation Facility Target : >91%

Number andProportion of Households using - Sanitation Facility/Toilet is not shared with other
Safely Managed Sanitation Service HH
- Percentage should not exceed 100%

Number and Proportion of Industrial

Establishments Issued with Sanitary Permit
- Number of Industrial Establishment
the No. issued Sanitary Permit
should be =>

- Percentage should not exceed 100%

Number and
Proportion of Barangays Certified as - Barangay must be certified ZOD by the LGU’s
Zero Open Defecation (ZOD) Area concern
- Percentage should not exceed 100%


Notifiable Diseases Use the template provided by EB

Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) Number of maternal
mortality over number of live births

Under Five Mortality Rate (UFMR) Number of under-five mortality over number of live births
Multiplier: 1,000

Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) Number of infant mortality over number of live births
Multiplier: 1,000

Neonatal Mortality Rate (NMR) Number of neonatal mortality over number live births
Multiplier: 1,000

Perinatal Mortality Rate (PMR) Number of perinatal mortality over number of live births
Multiplier: 1,000

Number of Live Births Total number of live births in a given year

Adolescent Birth Rate Total number of

live births to women aged 15-19 years old
over total female population aged 15-19 years old times

Crude Birth Rate (CBR) - Total number of live births in a given period over
total population times 1,000
- Birth should be reported by place of occurrence

Number of Barangays Total number of Barangay within the city/municipality

Number of Households (HH) Total number of HH in

the city/municipality

Number of Health Centers (HC) Total number of HC in the city/municipality

Number of Barangay Health Stations (BHS) Total number of BHS in the city/municipality

Ratio of Public Health Worker to Population LGU Ratio of existing health workers to the total population in a
and DOH-hired) given area

Should you have further inquiries or clarifications, you may contact the FHSIS Team at telephone
no. 8651-7800 local 2928/2953 or at email address

For strict compliance and guidance.


Concurrent Undersecre , Public Health Services Team

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