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24 DAY S H R E D

JUNE 2022


The Challenge 4
How to Get the Most Out of this Challenge 5
Checklist / Accountability Tracker 7
Equipment Needed 8
Let's Talk Fat Loss 9


Week 1: Home Workout 14

Week 1: Gym Workout 15


Recipes 18


FAQs 26
Support 29

All You Need
To Know

First things first to clear it up once

and for all: You do NOT need to
lose body fat for summer, and
maybe not at all.

If you are aiming for fat loss, it should All workouts will be follow along
be part of a sustainable, long-term style and they will be uploaded to
approach and an overall healthy my YouTube channel (@train with
lifestyle and balanced diet. However, gainsbybrains). This means that we are
we also know that summer is the time training together!
for bikinis (or swim shorts), and less
clothing in general. It is the time for This challenge is going to be 24 days
vacation, the beach and ocean, outside long. You can choose between a weekly
workouts and activities, and workout schedule for at-home or a
a time where we especially love to be weekly workout schedule for the gym.
care-free and happy. Thus, we all want The latter one is meant to include the
to feel comfortable in our skin and workouts as an addition to your weekly
subsequently, there is nothing wrong strength-training program in the gym.
with striving to lose a bit of extra body Thus, the home-schedule will provide
fat at this time of the year. you with a full workout program, while
the gym-schedule consists of additional
We provide you with information workouts that you can do on top of your
about the challenge itself, a checklist normal training routine.
to hold you accountable, some helpful
info about fat loss, 2 fun and sweaty
workout schedules that you can
choose from, 4 fresh, nutritious &
colorful juice recipes as well as some
fitting FAQs at the end of this guide.


For the home-workout schedule, we

recommend you to do all the videos
listed for each day.

For example, if a day includes three walk in nature, getting some sunshine
videos, you should do all three. The or a massage, doing breathwork,
order in which the videos are listed is a following a guided meditation,
recommendation. If you're limited on spending some (extra) time stretching
time, you can break them up and do or foam rolling, or doing any other
them across the day, but it's favorable if of your fav self-care activities. This will
you can get them done in one session. help you with being recharged and
energized for your next workout!
For the gym-workout schedule, we
understand that you may have your EAT ENOUGH QUALITY FOODS

own schedule with a different amount More to nutrition in our below section
of workouts per week, distributed ‘Let’s Talk Fat Loss’. But as a sneak
among different days of the week. peek: Take care of yourself. While it is
Therefore, you can change the days, necessary to be in a calorie deficit in
but we recommend taking rest days order to lose body fat, you still don’t
where you do not train to give your need to 'earn' your food, or restrict
body some time to recover. certain foods or food groups. Try to
focus on eating enough quality foods
MAKE TIME TO RECHARGE to support your training and
To get the results you want, as with to fuel your body, despite being in a
every workout program, make sure caloric deficit.
you take time to recharge and rest.
Pay attention to your stress levels and G E T O N T H AT D A I LY S T E P G R I N D !

your sleep as this is an essential part Keep track of what you are currently
for your overall well-being. Some good averaging at, and if it’s lower than you’d
examples to destress are e.g. taking a like – set a goal to challenge yourself.

Hold yourself accountable and get cell functions, it keeps your joints
walking. It’s a great way to ensure that lubricated (important when training),
you are staying active throughout prevents infections, keeps organs
the day. Next to getting your steps functioning properly, helps you
in, feel free to include additional stay focused by delivering essential
(outdoor) activities that can add to nutrients to the brain and increases
your activity level throughout the your energy. Keep track of how much
day. Hikes, swimming, surfing, inline water you’re drinking – it makes a
skating, riding your bike - these are all huge difference! How much water you
fun ways to move while getting in need varies. If you’re outside when it’s
some fresh air and sunshine. hot, or when you’re following a sweaty
Remember, living a healthy and workout, you’ll need to drink more
active lifestyle is our ultimate goal to stay hydrated. But there are some
here! guidelines: For women, the Institute
or Medicine (IMO) recommends a little
NEXT TO THAT, HYDRATION IS over 2 liters (or 9 cups) of fluid each day.
KEY ! For men, it’s around 3 liters (or 13 cups).
Make sure that you drink enough
water during the day and during your
workouts. Water is vital for all


Here is a little checklist that you can fill out on a day-to-day basis every week
throughout the duration of the challenge. It is aimed at helping you hold
yourself accountable. Try setting yourself goals that suit you and your schedule
best, and then try to stick to them in order to keep working towards them.


*If you successfully completed the daily activity, put a check mark in the right box ( ), if you missed it,
put a ( ) instead, and try again the next day!










All you need is your phone, laptop or

tablet with the guide and your workout
schedules, a mat & something to drink
(let’s stay hydrated) and your beautiful
self- and you’re ready to go!

Most of the workouts consist of If you don’t have dumbbells, you can
bodyweight exercises that don’t also use something else that’s easy to
require additional equipment to be hold and has the right weight. Make
effective. But some workouts might sure to listen to your body and evaluate
include dumbbells or other equipment. your form before adding weight.


The goal of this challenge is healthy

and sustainable fat loss, and you need
to be in a (slight) calorie deficit to
accomplish this.

This is achieved when you burn more protein and are needed in larger
than what you consume, or you quantities compared to micronutrients.
consume less than what you burn One gram of protein is 4 kcal, 1 gram
during the day. Luckily, we live in an of carbs is 4 kcal and 1 gram of fat is 9
era with highly developed technology, kcal. This doesn’t mean that you have
so instead of providing you with the to track macros and count calories.
formula – you can head over to my That is just one nutritional strategy that
website to calculate your TDEE. It’s can help you with working towards
based on the Mifflin – St. Jeor formula. your goals. There are many different
Select the goal ‘lose weight’, and ways you can go about nutrition, and
it provides you with an estimate of you should go with what works best
how many calories you should be for you: what makes you feel best, is
consuming if your goal is to decrease easiest to stick to and what you can
your body fat percentage. If unsure, maintain over time.
always overestimate and correct if
needed. Note: this is an estimate, your As we learned above, you need to
actual calorie requirements might be in a calorie deficit in order for
differ. The calculator also gives a macro you to lose body fat. Restricting your
recommendation. After establishing caloric intake, and movement such as
the amount of calories you should resistance/strength training, cardio or a
consume to help you work towards combination of both will help put you
your goals, it’s time to determine what in the required calorie deficit in order
those calories should be composed of. for you to burn body fat. Here are a
few tips that can help you to stick to a
Almost all foods provide some amount calorie deficit and thus support you on
of both macro- and micronutrients. your fat loss journey:
Macronutrients are fats, carbs and

1. INCLUDE STRENGTH TRAINING regulate your body’s use of sugars, and
IN YOUR WORKOUT ROUTINE it helps you to keep your hunger and
Muscle tissue is more metabolically blood sugar levels in check. It is found
active than other tissues such as fat, in a variety of fresh vegetables, fruits
which means it burns more calories and grains.
at rest. Additionally, research has
shown that you burn more calories 4 . DON’ T CUT OUT FOOD
in the hours post weight lifting. Thus, GROUPS - EAT YOUR CARBS AND

growing your muscles can help with F AT S

increasing your resting metabolic rate Fats tend to get a bad rep, as there
(the amount of calories you burn at is still the myth that fats make you
rest). ‘fat’. That’s not the case. Eating above
your needs means that your body
2 . EAT ENOUGH PROTEIN WITH stores that extra energy as fat, and
EVERY MEAL that comes down to your total calorie
Protein makes up the building blocks intake. Not to your macro ratio. Fats
for our muscles, and it’s needed to are essential for your hormonal levels.
maintain and repair tissue. Consuming Carbs on the other hand are fuel for
an adequate amount of protein your body and will be used as a source
ensures that you are maintaining or of energy, e.g. for your workouts.
building muscle mass – or preventing
it from breaking down. Furthermore, 5 . E A T M I N D F U L LY A N D C H E W
your body expends more energy for Y O U R F O O D P R O P E R LY
you to digest protein than it does for Your digestion starts with chewing
e.g. refined carbohydrates. your food. Properly chewing helps
Additionally, protein keeps you full for with better absorbing the nutrients in
longer by giving your body a feeling of the food that your body needs to stay
satiety. healthy, and it aids with your
digestion. Eating mindfully as a whole
3. EAT AN ADEQUATE AMOUNT (i.e. without scrolling through your
OF FIBER phone or watching TV) helps you with
Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that slowing down and thus paying
your body cannot digest. Unlike other attention to your satiety levels. This will
carbohydrates, fiber cannot be broken help with avoiding overeating, and
down into sugar molecules, and actually stopping to eat when you are
instead passes through your body full.
undigested. This in turn helps to

6 . STAY HYDRATED WITH and that’s exactly what we want. Now,
BEVERAGES LIKE WATER & TEA we all know that we are most likely not
Proper hydration has scientifically been able to avoid stress altogether, but this
proven to contribute to body weight is where regular self-care practices
loss, mainly through a decrease in come in handy. Figure out what it is
feeding and thus calorie intake, and for you that keeps you grounded and
a loss of body fat through increased care-free, be it spending time outside
lipolysis, which is the breakdown of fats in nature, quality time with friends
and other lipids in your body. Staying or family, or just being by yourself
hydrated, especially when you reading a book or taking a bath. Then,
workout, is key and comes with a lot of try incorporating one of these activities
benefits that support not only fat loss, at least once a day.
but your general health and well-
D A I LY E N E R G Y E X P E N D I T U R E )
7. GET ENOUGH SLEEP AND REST There are two main ways to increase
Sleep deprivation decreases your body’s your TDEE – taking in fewer calories by
ability to process insulin - a hormone eating less (calorie-dense) foods, or by
needed to convert sugar, starches and doing more exercise and increasing
other food into energy. When your body your physical activity. Having a higher
doesn't respond properly to insulin, it in weight also increases your TDEE which
turn does not properly process fats includes muscle mass. This in turn
from your bloodstream, and ends up indicates that building muscle leads to
storing them as body fat. In addition, a higher TDEE. We recommend
insufficient sleep enhances your drive to starting small: Set yourself a daily step
consume food and compromises your goal, add an additional 5-10 minutes of
control of appetite and thus the success cardio to your workout routine, walk
of dietary interventions. instead of taking the car for short
distances, take the stairs instead of the
8. MANAGE YOUR STRESS LEVELS elevator, incorporate more fresh
Keeping your everyday stress levels in vegetables and protein into your diet,
check will help you with the adoption of do strength training to build lean
healthier dietary patterns. This is key in muscle mass etc. Small changes will
order for you to create and maintain a yield big results over time!
healthy diet and lifestyle long-term -

10. INCLUDE HIIT, INTERVAL AND levels. Further, high-intensity exercise
CIRCUIT TRAINING OR SUPER has been shown to significantly
AND GIANT SETS: increase both aerobic and anaerobic
fitness, to lower insulin resistance and
Such training can be a time-efficient to result in increases in skeletal muscle
way to burn calories as you are more capacity for fatty acid oxidation -
likely to burn more calories in shorter which both aids in fat loss.
HIIT routines compared to longer
continuous exercise sessions. High- ..but most importantly, find a way of
intensity exercise, like intervals, results exercising and a diet that is enjoyable
in a greater disturbance of your body’s to YOU, so you can stick to it long-
homeostasis which means that your term, and even after you’ve finished
body requires more energy and this challenge!
oxygen to return to its normal basal

The Workout
WEEK 1: 40 MIN Remember, you can click the thumbnails to
be directed to the videos. The new uploads
Home Schedule will be uploaded that week on my channel.

MON New Upload +

Meditation A WATCH VID EO

TUE Step Goal + Wim Hof Method Guided Breathing for Beginners
(3 Rounds Slow Pace)

WED New Upload +

THU Step Goal + Meditation B WATCH VID EO

Guided Wim Hof Method Breathing

FRI New Upload +


SUN Rest Day

WEEK 1: 20 MIN

Gym Schedule

MON Gym Workout +

Meditation A WATCH VI D EO

TUE Step Goal + Wim Hof Method Guided Breathing for Beginners
(3 Rounds Slow Pace)

WED Gym Workout

THU Step Goal + Meditation B WATCH VI D EO

Guided Wim Hof Method Breathing

FRI Gym Workout +

SAT Gym Workout

SUN Rest Day


Recipe on next page 17

Pictured on previous page

Monday Green Juice 4 Servings 10 mins Vegan

M A C R O S (per serving) CAL : 96 FAT: 0g CARBS: 23 g PROTEIN: 1 g


• 4 cups fresh spinach 1. Clean and cut all fruits and vegetables.
• 3 medium green apples
2. Place the apple, cucumber, lemon and baby
• 2.5 cm ginger root
spinach in your juicer or cold press.
• 1 medium cucumber
• 1 small lemon
3. Blend until smooth and strain your juice.
• 1 ½ cups cold water
4. Add the cold water and mix to combine.
• handful ice cubes
(optional) 5. Pour into glasses and optionally serve with ice


Recipe on next page 19

Pictured on previous page

Wednesday ‘Orange’ Juice 4 Servings 10 mins Vegan

M A C R O S (per serving) CAL : 84 FAT: 0g CARBS: 19 g PROTEIN: 2 g


• 4 large carrots 1. Wash and rinse the carrots. Cut into pieces.

• 2.5 cm ginger root

2. Remove the orange peels and cut into slices.
• 2 naval oranges
3. Remove the skin from the ginger.
• handful ice cubes
(optional) 4. Feed the carrots, orange slices, and ginger
through your juicer until smooth.

5. Pour into glasses and optionally serve with

ice cubes.


Recipe on next page 21

Pictured on previous page

Friday Yellow Juice 4 Servings 10 mins Vegan

M A C R O S (per serving) CAL: 96 FAT: 0g CARBS: 23 g PROTEIN: 1 g


• 3 cups ripe pineapple or 1 1. Clean and cut the pineapple and ginger root.
medium pineapple 2. Place all ingredients in your juicer or cold
• 2.5 cm ginger root
3. Blend until smooth and strain your juice.
• 1 cup water
4. Add the cold water and mix to combine.
• juice of 1/2 lemon
5. Pour into glasses and optionally serve with
• handful ice cubes
ice cubes.


Recipe on next page 2 3

Pictured on previous page

Sunday Red Juice 4 Servings 10 mins Vegan

M A C R O S (per serving) CAL : 96 FAT: 1g CARBS: 22 g PROTEIN: 2 g


• 8 cups sweet watermelon 1. Remove the seeds from the watermelon and
cut into cubes.
• 1 tbsp fresh mint leaves

• 2 tsp lime juice 2. Roughly chop the fresh mint leaves.

• pinch of salt
3. Place along with salt and lime juice to a
• handful ice cubes high-speed blender or mixer.
4. Blend until smooth and frothy.

5. Pour into glasses and optionally serve with

ice cubes.

Extra Info

1. Why is weight lifting beneficial for weight loss?

While a weight training session As a general rule of thumb, a more

generally doesn’t burn as many calories intense workout is more likely to
as a cardio workout, it has other key increase the number of calories you
benefits. Building muscle is one of burn afterwards.
them, as muscle is more metabolically
active which means it burns more However, keep in mind that lifting
calories at rest than other tissue such weights isn't a shortcut to weight loss:
as fat does. Thus, growing your muscles In order to lose fat you have to be in a
can help with increasing your resting calorie deficit which means you have to
metabolic rate, which is the amount of burn more calories than you consume.
calories you burn at rest. However, if you spend time building
muscle and consuming a sufficient
Additionally, research has shown that amount of calories to support this
you burn more calories in the hours process, it will help you long-term in
post weight lifting compared to cardio. burning more calories.
Your resting metabolism may stay
elevated for up to 38 hours after your
weight training workout, while no such
effect has been shown for cardio.

Thus, for weight lifting, calories burned

aren’t limited to the time you’re
actively exercising as you may continue
burning calories for hours or days after
your session.

2. Why am I gaining weight while losing body fat?

If you feel like you are getting leaner Strength training combined with an
but maintaining or even increasing adequate caloric intake and a high
your weight and you regularly strength protein diet favors muscle gain and
train, you may actually be losing fat fat loss, which can result in body
and gaining muscle. The process recomposition. The simultaneous
of gaining muscle and losing body muscle gain and fat loss can lead to
fat at the same time is called body either no weight loss, a much slower
recomposition. weight loss over time or even weight
You may be weighing yourself
regularly, but most scales won’t tell you This is one of the reasons why you
how much of your weight stems from shouldn’t solely rely on the scale to
body fat or muscle. For example, two measure your progress when trying
people can weigh the exact same, but to lose weight. Further, your ratio of
have completely different body fat and muscle to fat mass might be a better
muscle proportions. The person with indicator of your health than your body
a higher ratio of muscle mass to body weight is.
fat is more likely to look leaner and has
smaller body measurements as muscle
is denser than body fat.

3. I want to lose weight. What are good ways

without drastically decreasing calories & carbs?

Oftentimes, when we try to lose body weight and muscle mass, and you
fat, we jump into a major calorie deficit are most likely not be able to sustain
and avoid carbs, sugars or fats. This is this drop in calories sustainably. You
what the diet industry tells us to do - may end up giving up, binging or
But we’ve all been there and we know overeating, and ultimately you end
what happens when you do this. Yes, up putting all the weight and body
you may initially drop weight fast, but fat back on. Additionally, you may
next to fat this also includes water end up with hormonal imbalances,

digestive issues, sleep problems and 4 . DO MORE LOW-INTENSITY

more. So, instead of going on the next EXERCISE (LISS).

low calorie, low carb or low fat diet, try Walking is easy on your body and can
working on a sustainable approach. do wonders. It will increase your calorie
expenditure, puts less stress on your
Here are a few helpful tips: body than other forms of exercises and
1. INCREASE YOUR LEAN MASS. is great for recovery.Try setting yourself
Lean muscle mass is more a step target and hit it daily.
metabolically active at rest than fat
tissue and also needs more calories 5. EAT NUTRIENT-DENSE FOODS

to maintain. Thus, try to focus on your T H AT S U P P O R T YO U R H E A LT H

training performance and progressive A N D M E T A B O L I S M . Limit processed

overload in order to build muscle. foods, vegetable oils, additives like

artificial food coloring and high-
2. GET MORE QUALITY SLEEP. fructose corn syrup, and start eating
Sleep is essential for a healthy body more quality proteins, nutrient dense
and mind. It allows us to recover and natural carbohydrates/sugars and
recharge. Not getting enough sleep saturated fats.
can also cause you to overeat the next
day. If you find you wake up in the 6. SWAP OUT VEGETABLE OILS

middle of the night, make sure to have like canola and sunflower oil for quality
nourishing dinner before your body saturated fats. This being said, try to
fasts at night, or try a bedtime snack. minimize the amount of vegetable
oils in your diet as those are prone
3. LOWER YOUR STRESS. to oxidation, can suppress thyroid
Stress is a normal part of life and function and can block cells from
you can cope with stress to a certain utilizing glucose for fuel.
extent, but if you're experiencing
chronic ongoing stress such as due 7. F I N D A M E A L F R E Q U E N CY

to a stressful job you hate or a toxic T H A T W O R K S F O R Y O U , but keep

relationship, this will negatively affect in mind that skipping meals may not
your health and make it hard to stick be the best solution. For most people,
to your nutrition plan. Thus, try to find fueling your body frequently every
ways that work for you in order to lower 3-4 hours with nutrient-dense foods
your stress levels, set boundaries and can help to lower stress hormones
prioritize healthy relationships. and provide your body with adequate
energy throughout the day.


The contents of this document should not be taken as medical advice.

It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health
problem - nor is it intended to replace the advice of a physician.
Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any
matters regarding your health. Use of the information in this program
is strictly at your own risk.

To avoid any injuries or harm, make sure you check your health with
your doctor before exercising. By performing any fitness exercises
without supervision, you are performing them at your own risk. See a
fitness professional to give you advice on your exercise form. Sophie
van Oostenbrugge will not be responsible or liable for any injury or
harm you sustain as a result of the videos.

Sophie van Oostenbrugge and GAINSBYBRAINS B.V. will not assume

any liability for any direct or indirect losses or damages that may result
including, but not limited to, economic loss, injury, illness or death.


For support, please email I love to connect

on social media, but unfortunately I cannot keep up with DM’s or
explain things in detail in the comments. So for any questions or
remarks, please email and we’ll get back to
you as soon as possible!


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