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My Own Meal Plan (Diet

Exercise No. 8

HE 54.1 – Basic Nutrition(Laboratory)

Mid-Year, S. Y. 2022 - 2023
The Acceptable Macronutrient
Distribution Ranges
Creation of Your Own Meal Plan
• Create a Meal Plan for yourself and one client. Be mindful with the Pinggang Pinoy, MOVABA, and
other principles in planning a healthy and nutritious meal. For sugar exchanges, use a maximum of
3 exchanges per day only.
• Create a distribution of exchanges.
• Make a one-day sample menu.
• Submit Exercise No. 8 on Monday, JULY 17


Note: You can only proceed to Exercise No. 8.2 if your exercise no. 8.1 is already corrected and
• Prepare the one day sample menu of your own meal plan and present in a video.
• The video should be a maximum of 5 minutes only.
 It should include overview on how the food is prepared and measured in order to meet the meal
plan as well as a focus of each meal. The meals includes B’fast, Lunch, Supper and Snacks (if
 You may either do a narration or put appropriate labels in the video. Be sure you are wearing the
appropriate attire in the video.
 Submit online, deadline JULY 21 (Friday)

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