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Research paper
Online Television News viewership pattern among Malaysian youths (A case
study of INTI students)


4. YAP KEN ZHENG (I21020160)

Faculty of Business, Communication and Law

INTI International University
August 2021
Programme Diploma In Mass Communication
Session August 2021
Lecturer Tamil Chellvan

Learning outcomes:

On completion of the course, students will be able to:

LO1 To demonstrate a basic knowledge on various tools of scholarship
LO2 To be capable of dealing with the brass tacks of research
LO3 To be able to decide how to present and evaluate a research argument

% to the course 10%

Coursework Type Research paper
Chapter 1
Hand-out Date  Week 1 Due Friday week 7
Instructions *REQUIRED WORD COUNT:         
900- 1,100 words in total (+/- 10%), excluding references. The number of
words written should be given on the first page.
Student’s declaration

I declare that:

 I understand what is meant by plagiarism.

 This assignment is all my own work and I have acknowledged any use of the published or unpublished works
of other people.

 I hold a copy of this assignment which I can produce if the original is lost or damaged

Name/ID Signature

Group 3  







Rubric for research paper – Chapter 1
    Exceeds Meets Nearly Meets Does Not No
Standard Standard Standard Meet Evidence
5 marks 4 marks 3 marks Standard 1 mark
2 marks
1.1 Introduction 5 4 3 2 1
1.2 Purpose 5 4 3 2 1
1.3 Objective 5 4 3 2 1
1.4 Research 5 4 3 2 1
1.5 Scope and 5 4 3 2 1
1.6 Rationale 5 4 3 2 1
1.7 Key Terms 5 4 3 2 1
1.8 Conclusion 5 4 3 2 1
1.9 Mechanics 5 4 3 2 1

1.10 Citation & 5 4 3 2 1

33/50x10= 6.6

1.1 Introduction (YAP KEN ZHENG, I21020160)

- Online television news is getting news through online, such as social media, website,
online article, and others. Malaysia youths’ preferences using social media as the main
method to get online news. Current generation of Malaysia youths normally view online
television news through YouTube, Facebook, Instagram. As after they found the news
interesting, they can share it with their friends to enjoy the news together. Furthermore,
Malaysia youths like to view news that share from their friends. The reason being is they can
have interaction in the comment section, such as gossip, discuss and study of the online
news. Therefore, the viewership pattern among Malaysia youths used to view online news
through social media. By cause of they can share news online, discuss together and
interaction with friends.
According to (WOK, 2010) “newspaper credibility is negatively discussed with friend,
but internet credibility is positively discussed with friends among youths”. It shows the
internet source credibility is higher than newspaper for Malaysia youths. Furthermore, this
research also shows that youths age below 20 years old. Used to view online television news
every day and discuss with their friends and family.

Reference: (WOK, 2010) - SAODAH WOK, EZHAR TAMAM & SUCI ELSA MARIA, 2010.
YOUTH: A TEST OF AGENDA SETTING THEORY. Available at: [Accessed September 19, 2021].

1.2 Purpose of the research (FAIQ HAZIQ BIN NOZRI, I20019866)

The reason for this review is to investigate how Internet TV has become huge among
youngsters in Malaysia. Web TV can be alluded to advanced dissemination of network shows or
programs over the Internet. It permits the clients to pick the network shows either from a channel
catalog or file. The innovation which incorporates the conveyance of TV shows and accessibility
of video on request proceeds to develop and may change the review designs. Thusly, the target of
this review is to distinguish the new use examples of Internet TV which incorporate time spent,
favored TV shows, and input about the renowned state "whenever and anyplace". Web TV in
Malaysia is still new contrasted with different nations particularly in the United States where this
innovation has been utilized over 18 years prior and became well known in Malaysia in mid-
A Quantitative examination was utilized in this review. By utilizing past investigations on
youngsters as an aide, ages somewhere in the range of 19 and 25 were utilized as the age reached
to portray youngsters for this review. In this way understudies matured 19 to 25 years of age
from Universiti Teknologi MARA, Melaka have been chosen as the respondents. The
investigation discovered that youngsters' use examples and practices on Internet TV are
somewhat unique contrasted with ordinary TV. Also, by realizing the review propensities and
information about Internet TV may urge Internet TV suppliers to examine future media patterns.

Reference: Freeman, K.S. (2013). News Consumption Behavior of Young Adults in Malaysia.
International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, pp.121–124.

Nge, C., Wilson, S. and Leong, P. (2012). The Internet and Online News: A Case Study of Urban
Youths in the Klang Valley. The Journal of the South East Asia Research centre for
Communications and Humanities, [online] 4(2), pp.41–59. Available at:
SEARCH-2012-P3-4-2.pdf [Accessed 29 Sep. 2021].

1.3 Problem Statement: (GUGAAN A/L SARAVANAN, I20019838)

Since the beginning of the 20th century, a steadily expanding assortment of platforms, devices,
and services to choose from new media advances have modified and changed the TV seeing
experience especially among the youths and more precisely their habit of watching the news. The
pattern of news watching among youths in Malaysia drastically decreasing directly proportional
to media development. They are more attracted and pulled apart towards entertainment in media
and they have options to select after the invention of digital online streaming media. Thus, this
will lead to a generation expansion without knowing any current news which going to be history
in future. According to Dzaa Imma et al. (2016), through studies conducted on young people
aged 19 to 25, most of the youths watch less news compared to reality shows, music clips, and
It's known for years that media have to find ways to reach new audiences especially youths,
and better approaches to bundle data about the world openly. Customary methods of burning-
through news are vanishing, which is irrefutable. Mainstream TV news bulletins have never been
intended to attract the concentration of youths to make them watch the news. Thus the media
have to draw out new and innovative ideas to attract youths to gain interest in listening to the
news by sharing the limelight with the entertainment department. A study carried out by Ugalde
et al. (2017) on Adolescents’ TV Viewing Patterns in the Digital Era: a Cross-cultural Study
concluded that ‘viewing pattern of youths is defined by a tendency to watch gossip, talk shows,
humorous cultural programs and cartoons, this pattern pertains to adolescents who view
selectively and actively’.

References: Ugalde, L., Martin-de-Morentin, J., & Medrano, M. C. (2017). Adolescents’ TV

Viewing Patterns in the Digital Era: a Cross-cultural Study. Media Education Research
Journal, vol. XXV, pp. 67 – 75.

Dzaa Imam, A. L., Abdul Rauf, R., Rosilawati, S. M., Nurliyana Kamilah, K, A., & Nur Alyani,
M. S. (2016). Adolescents’ TV Viewing Patterns in the Digital Era: a Cross-cultural
Study. Journal of Education and Social Science, vol. 3, pp. 111 – 117.

1.4 Research Hypothesis: (GUGAAN A/L SARAVANAN, I20019838)

The hypothesis of this study can be expected, where the discovery of online television
news viewership patterns among Malaysian youths might be decreased between the age
group of 18 to 25 who are still pursuing their higher studies in university. According to
Nielsen (2007), college students’ internet usage is significantly increasing due to the
portable capability of internet devices and the inconvenient feel to watch television in
public areas. A study completed in 2007 identified that on average, college students
spend almost 10 hours per week on the Internet more on entertainment-related shows
compared to news (Budden, Anthony, Budden & Jones, 2007).
H0: The age has significant relationship towards online television news viewership
pattern among Malaysian youths.
H1: The age has no significant relationship towards online television news viewership
pattern among Malaysian youths.

The discovery of online television news viewership patterns among Malaysia youths
might decrease between the age group of 18 to 25 who are still pursuing their higher
studies in university.


H0: The gender has a significant relationship towards online television news viewership
pattern among Malaysian youths.
H1: The gender has no significant relationship towards online television news viewership
pattern among Malaysia Youths.

Gender plays a vital role in viewership patterns because different genders have different
common interests in television programs and also interest in news gathering. At the same
time in online television news, there are some programs that depend on gender especially
for women. 


H0: The education background has a significant relationship towards online television
news viewership pattern among Malaysian youths.  
H1: The education background has no significant relationship towards online television
news viewership pattern among Malaysian youths.

Youths with higher education backgrounds or those who are still pursuing their studies or
colleges have more interest in gathering current information via online news compared to
youths with poor educational backgrounds. This is because the students need the
information for their study-related assignment and to share it with their friend circle to
ease their communication.


H0:  The income has a significant relationship towards online television news viewership
patterns among Malaysian youths.  
H1: The income has no significant relationship towards online television news
viewership pattern among Malaysian youths.

Those from higher-income families or in M40 and T20 income groups are more prone to
watch online television news compared to youths from lower-income families or B40.
This is because the higher-income family affords to own digital devices and gadgets to
reach the online streaming network. 

Conventional Television

H0: There is a significant relationship between online television and conventional television
towards online television news viewership pattern among Malaysian youths.  
H1: There is no significant relationship between online television and conventional television
towards online television news viewership pattern among Malaysian youths.

There is more viewership or has more consumers in online television which is compared with
conventional television. This is because too many news sources will be found on online news
platforms at the same time in traditional television which is called conventional audience must be
able to watch only on telecast time. 


core. (2011). An Investigation Into Alternative Television Viewership Habits Of College

Students. An Investigation Into Alternative Television Viewership Habits Of College Students,
Volume 27(Number 1), 2–5.
16(issue 1), 10–14.
. Antropol. (2019). Post-Broadcast TV Content Consumption Patterns - A Research into
Contemporary Croatian Consumers’ Viewing Habits. Post-Broadcast TV Content Consumption
Patterns - A Research into Contemporary Croatian Consumers’ Viewing Habits, 4(1–6), 1–5.

1.5 Scope and Delimitation (YOHENDRAAN A/L CHANDRAN, I21020183)

This review was coordinated by a gathering understudy of INTI International University,

Nilai, Malaysia from August-December 2021. This investigation included respondents who
are nearby 18 and 25 years old and pursuing their training in the first and sixth semesters
which consolidates Pre-U examinations, Degree and Master. This investigation is to perceive
the association between age, area, and sexual orientation distinction and to distinguish the
unfavorable wellbeing impacts among school youths. The focus accumulate for this review
would be school youth and 30 surveys are given to the students who are of different age,
sexual direction, races, and preparing levels to get data and to test whether it is
corresponding to the theory being associated. For abstract examination, a very close
gathering has been done to school youth of different establishments, for instance, race, age,
sex, and informative level. Therefore, this assessment is crucial for researching Online
Television News viewership design among Malaysian adolescents.

1.6 Rationale (YOHENDRAAN A/L CHANDRAN, I21020183)

Research basis is a game plan of reasons offered by a specialist for coordinating more research
into a subject, either library request, clear investigation, or trial inquiry about. For this situation,
we chose Online television viewership pattern on the accompanying gatherings:


As an individual, every day youths are spending less than 5 hours and less than 5 TV shows per
week on Internet TV. Watching Online television is becoming very rare since most youths use
their laptop, smartphones, and tablets. (Journal of Education and Social Sciences, Vol. 3, 2016


The online news audience grew to 450 million in 2020. India has the second-largest digital
population in the world at 468 million and time spent online increased 32% in 2020 (Lata Jha
July 2021)

College students:

College students are very much into watching Internet TV shows in the hostel indicating the
highest percentage (46.7%), followed by at home (33.3%) compared to other locations (Journal
of Education and Social Sciences, Vol. 3, 2016 Feb.)

Reference: i) Lata Jha Article title: News channels hook younger audiences online 28 Jul 2021

ii) Dzaa Imam, A. L., Abdul Rauf, R., Rosilawati, S. M., Nurliyana Kamilah, K, A., & Nur
Alyani,M. S. (2016). Adolescents’ TV Viewing Patterns in the Digital Era: a Cross-cultural
Study. Journal of Education and Social Science, vol. 3, pp. 111 – 117. Vol. 3, (Feb.) 2016
1.7 Key Terms (FAIQ HAZIQ BIN NOZRI I20019866)

1. Internet TV

2. Internet usage

3. Patterns

4. Media Dependency Theory

5. Social Learning Theory

Internet TV

Web TV (ITV) is by and large accessible substance disseminated over the Internet. In contrast
to IPTV (Internet Protocol TV), which is dispersed over exclusive organizations, Internet TV is
accessible any place a broadband association exists. The two terms are regularly befuddled.
Regardless of its name, notwithstanding, IPTV is by and large not accessible over the Internet.
It's more like a supplanting for digital TV with comparative contributions and regularly
presented by similar transporters, for the equivalent sorts of expenses. Web TV, then again, is
accessible on the web and bound to be free. Web TV choices incorporate Web-based shows,
video on request (VOD), web-based video and standard TV programs facilitated on the channel's

Reference: (n.d.). What is Internet TV ? - Definition from [online]

Available at:

Internet Usage:

Internet usage is the estimation (communicated in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes)

of the measure of information coursing through your PC and the Internet network for a
characterized period. This information are moved in the two ways: from the Internet organization
to your PC (download), and from your PC to the Internet organization (transfer). Regardless of
whether it's riding the Web, sending messages, web-based games, different downloads, or
utilizing network gaming consoles, any action on the Internet creates use.
Reference. (n.d.). What is Internet usage? [online] Available at:


Pattern recognition is the capacity to distinguish plans of attributes or information that yield
data about a given framework or informational collection. In a mechanical setting, an example
may be repeating arrangements of information over the long haul that can be utilized to foresee
patterns, specific designs of components in pictures that recognize objects, continuous mixes of
words and expressions for normal language preparing (NLP), or specific bunches of conduct on
an organization that could demonstrate an assault - among practically interminable different
conceivable outcomes. Example acknowledgment is fundamental for some covering spaces of
IT, including enormous information examination, biometric recognizable proof, security and
man-made consciousness (AI).

A few instances of example acknowledgment:

Facial acknowledgment programming takes in information identified with the attributes of an

individual's face and uses a calculation to coordinate with that particular example to a singular
record in a data set. Example acknowledgment calculations in meteorological programming can
distinguish repeating associations among climate information that can be utilized to gauge likely
future climate occasions.


Media Dependency Theory:

A precise way to deal with the investigation of the impacts of broad communications on
crowds and of the collaborations between media, crowds, and social frameworks. It was
presented in diagram by the American interchange’s specialists Sandra Ball-Rokeach and Melvin
DeFleur in 1976. Reliance hypothesis considers reliance as a relationship in which the
satisfaction of one party's requirements and objectives is dependent on the assets of another
party. A fundamental focal point of the hypothesis is the connection among media and crowds.
In industrialized and data based social orders, people will in general foster a reliance on the
media to fulfill an assortment of their necessities, which can go from a requirement for data on a
political competitor's strategy positions (to assist with settling on a democratic choice) to a
requirement for unwinding and amusement.
As a rule, the degree of the media's impact is identified with the level of reliance of people and
social frameworks on the media. Two of the fundamental suggestions set forward by Ball-
Rokeach and DeFleur are: (1) the more noteworthy the quantity of social capacities performed
for a group of people by a medium (e.g., illuminating the electorate, giving diversion), the more
prominent the crowd's reliance on that medium, and (2) the more noteworthy the flimsiness of a
general public (e.g., in circumstances of social change and struggle), the more prominent the
crowd's reliance on the media and, in this manner, the more noteworthy the likely impacts of the
media on the crowd.

Reference: (n.d.). MEDIA DEPENDENCY THEROY- Mass Communications Context.

[online] Available at:

Social Learning Theory:

Social (or Observational) Learning Theory specifies that individuals can learn new practices
by noticing others. Prior learning speculations accentuated how individuals act in light of natural
boosts, like actual prizes or discipline. Interestingly, social learning underlines the proportional
connection between friendly attributes of the climate, how they are seen by people, and how
spurred and capable an individual is to duplicate practices they see occurring around them.
Individuals both impact and are affected by their general surroundings.

As per Social Learning Theory, individuals learn by:

• Observing what others do

• Considering the obvious outcomes experienced by those


• Rehearsing (at first intellectually) what may occur in their own lives

in the event that they followed the other people groups' conduct

• Taking activity by attempting the actual conduct

• Comparing their encounters with what happened to the next


• Confirming their confidence in the new conduct

Reference: Communication Studies. (2011). Social Learning Theory. [online] Available at:

Srambeau (2010). Social Cognitive Theory. [online] Theory of Mass Communication. Available

1.8 Conclusion (YAP KEN ZHENG I21020160)

- Online television news viewership pattern among Malaysian youths is mainly focusing
on social media, website, online articles, and others. There is high amount of Malaysia
youths prefer view online television news through sharing with their friends and family. Or
else, they won’t have interest in viewing news including online television news. Therefore,
through my opinion. Malaysian youths’ viewership pattern is more on sharing online news
and read news from among. For example, a youths won’t read any news including online
television. However, if the youth’s environment such as friends or family of the youths
started to discuss about online news. The youths will start to have interest in online
television news, by the cause of environment. The youths enjoy sharing thought of the
online news with friends and family. Therefore, it become a pattern of Malaysian youths’
pattern of viewing online television news. Rather than the pattern, it is more like a habit of
Malaysian youth’s method view online television news.

1.9 Reference (ALL)

1) Freeman, K.S. (2013). News Consumption Behavior of Young Adults in Malaysia.

International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, pp.121–124.
2) Nge, C., Wilson, S. and Leong, P. (2012). The Internet and Online News: A Case Study
of Urban Youths in the Klang Valley. The Journal of the South East Asia Research
centre for Communications and Humanities, [online] 4(2), pp.41–59. Available at:
SEARCH-2012-P3-4-2.pdf [Accessed 29 Sep. 2021].
3) Ugalde, L., Martin-de-Morentin, J., & Medrano, M. C. (2017). Adolescents’ TV
Viewing Patterns in the Digital Era: a Cross-cultural Study. Media Education
Research Journal, vol. XXV, pp. 67 – 75.
4) Dzaa Imam, A. L., Abdul Rauf, R., Rosilawati, S. M., Nurliyana Kamilah, K, A., & Nur
Alyani,M. S. (2016). Adolescents’ TV Viewing Patterns in the Digital Era: a Cross-
cultural Study. Journal of Education and Social Science, vol. 3, pp. 111 – 117.
5) i) Lata Jha Article title: News channels hook younger audiences online 28 Jul 2021
6) ii) Dzaa Imma Abdul Latiff,Abdul Rauf Ridzuan, Rosilawati Sultan Mohideen, Nurliyana
Kamilah Khairul Anuar,Nur Alyani Mohd Shukri Faculty of Communication and Media
StudiesUniversiti Teknologi MARA, 78000 Alor Gajah, Melaka Journal of Education
and Social Sciences, Vol. 3, (Feb.) 2016
7) Communication Studies. (2011). Social Learning Theory. [online] Available at:
8) Srambeau (2010). Social Cognitive Theory. [online] Theory of Mass Communication.
Available at:

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